page 536 - Long Walk Original Manuscript [LWOM_536.jpg]

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NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2012/14-chapter 14-536


Long Walk Original Manuscript [LWOM_536.jpg]


  • 1976 - (Creation)

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1 page

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(18 July 1918-5 December 2013)

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counsel's argument on the first indictment the judge seemed well disposed to the defence line and even embarres the prosecution by asking: "Dr. Yutar, are you making a political speech?" We felt that after the quashing of the first indictment considerable pressure had been exerted on the judge and he now appeared to be a changed man. He was markedly hostile to our line and favourable disposed to the State.

Nevertheless we continued with our offensive. When we were called upon to tender our pleas we took the State team unawares and one man caused them embarrassment. (Insert here what each accused said. It was only a line each).

Just before this Yutar informed the court that the State was withdrawing charges against our fellow accused advocate Bob Hepple.

In the early stages of the trial the press attitude towards us was decidedly hostile and several uncomplimentary comments were made. On the day the indictment was quashed this is what the "Star" said: (insert).

But now, from our pleas it became clear that we were going to put up a fight and that the State was by no means going to have it easy. The prospect immediately loomed that whatever might be the outcome of the trial we were determined to retain the initiative and continue to uphold our beliefs in a bold and dignified manner. This time the press reaction was warm and they looked forward

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