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51 Archival description results for Elections

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Mandela- Elections

The African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela has alleged that widespread sabotage is taking place in the current election. Polling stations in areas predominated by black voters have run out of ballot papers and voting has been extended for an extra day.

Nelson Mandela Campaign

African National Congress leader has gone on a campaign trial in Natal ahead of the elections that begins on the 26-04-1994.

Radio Freedom Broadcast

Welcome Mandela activities includes Broadcast on Radio Freedom of Nelson Mandela campaign to fundraise for elections and voted education in South Africa.

Len Sak Cartoons

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/13
  • Series
  • 1991 to 1994
Copies of Len Sak Cartoons in the Sowetan newspaper during the 3 years leading up to the elections in April 1994. Some of the cartoons were used for a virtual exhibition "The Cartoons of Len Sak 1990 to 1994".

Sak, Len

George Hallett Collection – Mandela Photos

  • ZA COM NMAP 2013/21
  • Series
  • 1994 - 2000
Three prints by and from George Hallett:
(a) Mandela on the Election Trail, Athlone Stadium, April 1994
(b) Madiba at his Houghton Residence, April 1994
(c) Nelson Mandela, Cape Town 2000.

Hallett, George

Ilan Ossendryver Collection: [Set of 254 Still Images]

Three (3) sub-series of photographs by Ilan Ossendryver.
1. Photos of Nelson Mandela and family took after the press conference in Soweto, probably on 13 or 14 February 1990, just after his release. Photos are taken in the front of his house with nurses greeting him, schoolgirls at the fence. Portraits and full photos of Mandela standing with a raised fist. Close-ups of Mandela with Zindzi Mandela and baby and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. Murphy Morobe and Zwelakwe Sisulu are also in the photos.

2. Photos of Nelson Mandela casting his vote at the voting station in Houghton, Johannesburg. Zindziswa Mandela is in the photos.

3. Photos of Nelson Mandela attending Arbor day in Soweto holding a spade and planting a tree. Machel, Graça both seated greeting children dressed in green Arbor week T-shirts and yellow hats. Ahmed Kathrada is also in the photos.

Ossendryver, Ilan

Luke Dollimore Collection, 1994.04.27, Durban: [Set of Three Still Images]

Nelson Mandela casting his vote for the first time at Ohlange High School near Durban. Next to him is Gay McDougall, an America Human Rights lawyer who served on the Independent Electoral Commission. The photos are taken inside the voting station whilst most photos of Mandela casting his 'first vote' are taken outside the voting station and are actually of him casting his second vote.

Dollimore, Luke

ANC election poster: A better life for all

Colourful 1994 ANC elections poster with the title A better life for All signed by Nelson Mandela for Dota of Limkokwing University. The poster the depicts Nelson Mandela with children has handwritten message and inscription by Nelson Mandela: To Dato Limkokwing, compliments and best wishes to an impressive friend. Signed by Nelson Mandela 5. 9.94

Dimensions: 115cmx 76 cm.

ANC Elections

Elections 1994 Records and Posters

Posters with Nelson Mandela images
1. Mandela for President
2.. Now is the Time, Ke Nako, Sekujalo
3. Mandela for President : The People's Choice
4. Message from Mandela
5. Happy Birthday (Nelson Mandela)
Bagde with image of Nelson Mandela: Mandela for President

African National Congress (ANC) elections unit

Ecumenical Monitoring

The Ecumenical Monitoring programme was established to monitor South African events up to the National elections in 1994. In the collection there is a Joint Statement by Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi at the Royal Hotel in March 1 1994.

Ecumenical monitoring