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United States Collection Release
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G. Robert Vincent Voice Library

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on ABC, CBS, CNN, C-Span and PBS. Includes:
FW De Klerk's announcement of the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Reactions by US political leaders to the news of Nelson Mandela's release from prison. Interviews with Makaziwe Mandela, Sydney Mufamadi, Patrick Lekota and the others, at the time when journalists await the release of Mandela from Victor Verster Prison.
Speeches delivered by Nelson Mandela to supporters in Cape Town and Soweto, after his release.
The conferment of the Freedom of the City of New York to Nelson Mandela by Mayor David Dinkins.
Mandela's speeches to joint sessions of the US Congress, and to the United Nations Security Council.
Mandela's visit to the White House after his election as the first democratically elected President of South Africa.
An interview with Nelson Mandela conducted prior to his arrest and imprisonment. Mandela talking about his 27 years of imprisonment.


Association of Western European parliamentarians Against Apartheid (AWEPAA after 1993 AWEPA and African Europen Institute)

Materials documenting the work of the Washington Office on Africa, founded in 1972 to support freedom struggles in Southern Africa. Included in the collection are:
Tributes to Nelson Mandela, some of which commemorate his 65th birthday. US House Resolution 430 entitled the Mandela Freedom Resolution, calling for Mandela's release from prison, and the lifting of state imposed banning orders on Winnie Mandela.
Nelson Mandela's visit to the United States after his release from prison, the establishment of International Reception Committee to promote and co-ordinate activities during his visit to the United States.

Washington Office on Africa

National Public Broadcasting Archives

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on National Public Radio. Includes reports on the following:
Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, and his first public speech to a mass gathering on the Grand Parade in Cape Town. Comments by Nelson Mandela and Harold Wolpe on the importance of continued economic sanctions against South Africa. Comments by Randall Robinson of Transafrica who believes that Nelson Mandela’s release should not be seen as the ultimate solution to all of South Africa’s problems. The reaction of the African National Congress (ANC) to Nelson Mandela’s release, and reports on the future of South Africa in light of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. Report on race relations in South Africa since 1962, in which Nelson Mandela is mentioned. Nelson Mandela’s role in political negotiations and in shaping the new South African government, including reports on various meetings with FW De Klerk. Nelson Mandela’s role in seeking a solution to political violence in South Africa, particularly in the KwaZulu-Natal region. Profiles of Nelson Mandela, including reports about his birthplace in the Transkei. The London rock concert held in honour of Nelson Mandela after his release from prison. Report that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was instrumental in the arrest of Nelson Mandela in 1962.
Nelson Mandela’s tour of the United States after his release from prison. Speeches delivered at the United Nations. Nelson Mandela’s meetings with Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader, Yasser Arafat, and Libyan leader, Muammar Gadhafi. ANC’s use of armed struggle as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Meetings between President Bush and Nelson Mandela, and Nelson Mandela addresses the US Congress. Nelson Mandela’s views on the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Meetings between President Margaret Thatcher and Nelson Mandela. Political violence in South African townships during the South African transition process. The suspension of armed struggle by the ANC. The first ANC conference held inside South Africa’s borders in thirty years. Nelson Mandela’s election as president of the ANC. The marital separation of Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Re-writing of South Africa’s constitution. The ANC’s suspension of talks with the South African government because of the Boipatong massacre. Comments by Nelson Mandela on the Bisho Massacre. The resumption of talks between the ANC and the South African government on South Africa’s political future. Reaction to the news of Chris Hani’s assassination. The awarding of the Liberty Medal to Nelson Mandela and De Klerk by President Bill Clinton. Nelson Mandela calling for the lifting of sanctions. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk. The ANC’s campaign for South Africa’s first democratic elections. Reports of voting in the historic 1994 elections. A chronology of South African history with Mandela mentioned. The election victory of the ANC and Nelson Mandela’s victory speech. Inauguration ceremony in which Nelson Mandela was sworn in as the first democratically elected President of South Africa. Nelson Mandela’s first State of the Nation address, and his first 100 days as President Nelson Mandela’s visit to the US as President of South Africa, encouraging investment. Reports on Nelson Mandela's biography, ‘Long Walk to Freedom.' The death of Joe Slovo and memorial tributes by Nelson Mandela.

National Public Radio

Dennis Brutus Papers

Collection of documents including correspondence, newsletters, pamphlets, press clippings, memoranda and media releases. The subjects covered include:
Biographical material on Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Robben Island. Nelson Mandela's health during his imprisonment, and calls for independent medical treatment.
Petitions and campaigns for Nelson Mandela's release from prison. US House Resolution 430 entitled, "The Mandela Freedom Resolution," submitted by Geo W. Crockett Jr., Hamilton Fish Jr., Claude Pepper and Jim Leach, calling for Nelson Mandela's release from prison.
Prison conditions.
The work of the International Anti-apartheid Movement, particularly the Free South Africa Movement (USA). International tributes, such as the Nelson Mandela bust on Trafalgar Square (London) and the statue at Merrion Square (Dublin). Honorary degrees conferred on Mandela. Seventieth birthday tributes. Nelson Mandela's release from prison in February 1990, and his visit to the US later that year. The International Reception Committee, established to welcome Nelson Mandela after his release from prison. Marches and rallies held in the US celebrating his release from prison. Nelson Mandela's address to the US Congress, and remarks made to newspaper editors and writers in the US on the new South Africa. Political negotiations, the future of sanctions, the reasons for his release from prison and the armed struggle.
Speeches, statements and articles by Mandela.
The list of correspondents includes Dennis Brutus, John Fiordelisi, Randall Robinson, Archbishop Trevor Huddleston and Geo W. Crockett Jr.
News clippings are from the Boston Sunday Globe, Chicago Sunday Times, Chicago Tribune, Ebony Magazine, New York Post, New York Times, State News and USA Today.

Brutus, Dennis

Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as CBS, CNN, ABC and NBC. Includes footage and reports of honours conferred on Nelson Mandela:
Celebrations in South Africa of the tenth anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from prison. The awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to Nelson Mandela by US President Bill Clinton. The conferment of an honorary degree on Nelson Mandela by Harvard University. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela and F W De Klerk. A referendum in Boston calling for a separate city encompassing black neighbourhoods. Stevie Wonder’s acceptance of an Oscar award in honour of Nelson Mandela.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, NBC and Nightline. Includes footage and reports on the following:
The possibility of Nelson Mandela's release from prison. Calls for Mandela's release from prison, including calls made by the US Secretary of State George Shultz, the US National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, and white South African business leaders. PW Botha’s insistence on conditions for Mandela's release. Commentary by Allan Boesak on the "political necessity" of Nelson Mandela's release. Nelson Mandela’s refusal of the offer of conditional release, and his response read on his behalf by his daughter, Zindzi, to a mass gathering in Soweto. The possibility of Nelson Mandela being freed for exile in Zambia. Possible conditions of Nelson Mandela’s release, said to include a prisoner exchange with Angola for South African commando Wynand Du Toit, and freedom for Russian prisoners Andrei Sakharov and Anatoly Shcharansky. The release of Govan Mbeki, Zephania Mothopeng and Harry Gwala and possible implications for Nelson Mandela’s release. The release of Walter Sisulu and six other anti-apartheid leaders, and the implications of this for Nelson Mandela’s release.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on news channels such as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and Nightline. Includes footage and reports on South Africa's transition to democracy:
Talks between Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk about the terms for a democratic election in South Africa, both prior to and after Mandela’s release from prison. De Klerk’s offer to negotiate with the African National Congress (ANC) if it would renounce violence. The statement by Nelson Mandela in 1989, urging the government to negotiate with the ANC Reactions inside South Africa to the 1989 meeting between Nelson Mandela and PW Botha, with commentary from Helen Suzman, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ismail Ayob and Reverend Frank Chikane. Talks about power sharing between the ANC and the apartheid government. The ANC's suspension of armed struggle, following talks with the South African government. Nelson Mandela being urged by De Klerk to drop the South African Communist Party (SACP) leader Joe Slovo, from the ANC negotiating team. A statement from De Klerk that he will reject ANC demands for outright majority rule. The possibility of peace talks between Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi, and Buthelezi’s reactions to agreements made between Nelson Mandela and De Klerk. Strains in the relationship between the ANC and the South African government because of continuing political violence. Scenes of political violence such as the Boipatong Massacre (1992) and conflict between Inkatha and the ANC. The ANC’s announcement to withdraw from negotiations, and the resumption of talks. The broader political situation in South Africa.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, NBC and Nightline. Includes footage and reports covering the impending and actual release of Nelson Mandela from prison:
Winnie Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Dullah Omar, Allan Boesak and Archbishop Desmond Tutu talking about the impending release of Nelson Mandela. Comments from Pik Botha, Foreign Affairs Minister. Pressure being placed on the South African government by anti-apartheid lobby groups for Nelson Mandela’s release. Meetings between Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk in which the issue of Nelson Mandela’s possible release was discussed. F W De Klerk’s announcement in Parliament of Nelson Mandela's release from prison. Nelson Mandela’s first moments of freedom after spending 27 years in prison, and his speech at a welcome home rally held on the Grand Parade in Cape Town. Celebrations across South Africa. The reactions of South African and international leaders, across the political spectrum, to the news of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. Celebrations on subsequent anniversaries of Nelson Mandela’s release.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, NBC and Nightline. Includes footage and reports on:
Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu’s long-term political imprisonment. The possibility of the release of Govan Mbeki, Nelson Mandela’s fellow comrade, Rivonia Trials and political prisoner. Moving of Nelson Mandela to Victor Verster Prison. Visits to Nelson Mandela by Winnie Mandela and other family members. The possible role played by the CIA in Nelson Mandela’s 1962 arrest. Nelson Mandela talking to television reporters about his prison years. A recording of Nelson Mandela’s Statement from the Dock at the Rivonia Trial.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, NBC and Nightline. Includes footage and reports on the following:
Reports of the Reagan Administration’s support of the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. President Reagan’s attitude towards Nelson Mandela and his views on negotiations with the African National Congress (ANC). Senator Edward Kennedy’s tour of South Africa, which included a meeting with Winnie Mandela. A report that the CIA was instrumental in Nelson Mandela’s arrest. Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela as leaders of the ANC. US Congress delegation visit to South Africa, and meeting with Foreign Minister Pik Botha, and their request to visit Nelson Mandela not permitted. The impact of economic sanctions against South Africa, with Nelson Mandela mentioned. US Secretary of State George Shultz’s visit to South Africa, and an explanation by him on US policy towards South Africa, including a demand for the release of Nelson Mandela. Anti-apartheid demonstrations in New York, with calls for the release of Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela’s visit to the US after his release from prison. Nelson Mandela reported as being inspired by the American ideal.
The amount of money raised for the ANC during Mandela’s US visit. Visits by Nelson Mandela to Oakland, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, Boston and New York City. Nelson Mandela addressing the US Congress. The meeting of Nelson Mandela with President Bush at the White House, and reportedly urging President Bush to maintain economic sanctions against South Africa. Remarks by Nelson Mandela about Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi, Palestinian Liberation Organisation Leader Yasser Arafat and Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Senator Edward Kennedy with Nelson Mandela. People commenting on what Nelson Mandela symbolises. The meeting of Nelson Mandela with Secretary of State James Baker and other national leaders.
Comments by George Bush on Nelson Mandela's release from prison. A celebration of Independence Day in the US, where President Bill Clinton awards medals to Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk. Nelson Mandela speaking about the challenge in Africa for the US. Statements by President Mandela and President Clinton during Nelson Mandela’s first official visit to the US and the welcoming ceremony at the White House. President Nelson Mandela’s address to a joint session of Congress. Mandela’s meeting with Louis Farrakhan US Vice President Al Gore’s visit to South Africa, and his meeting with Nelson Mandela. Hillary Clinton’s visit to South Africa with scenes shown from Robben Island. Bill Clinton’s visit to South Africa, and his meetings with Nelson Mandela. The White House reception held for Nelson Mandela in the latter part of his Presidency. The awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to Nelson Mandela by Clinton. A statement by Mandela that Muammar el-Kadhafi has promised to turn over the suspects in the bombing of Pan AM Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Nelson Mandela commenting on the relationship between the US and Iraq, saying that no country should be allowed to take the law into their own hands. Statements by Nelson Mandela that President Bush is undermining the United Nations.