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African National Congress Video Unit

African National Congress
Footage on Nelson Mandela, s travels throughout the world after his release from prison -dates from 1990- 1997.

African National Congress (ANC) Video Unit

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CREST

Congressional record house CREST General CIA records on Nelson Mandela : What if alive in free Some Sections Omitted
South Africa politics of racial reform.
South Africa: Dynamics of black politics
African National Congress of South Africa Organisation, Communist, Ties and short term prospects
Prospects for South Africa; Stability reform and violence
South Africa profile of an angry black ( Sections Omitted)
Prospects for South Africa stability reform and violence
Africa review
Terrorism review
Africa review
South Africa: The Boipatong massacre and the reigning of the security forces
South Africa weathering the storm
National daily intelligence
South Africa: Inkatha scandal may accelerate police restructuring
South Africa's brokers ballots and bullets
South Africa chronology
Africa review: special issue: South Africa entering the 1990's

Central Intelligence Agency

NIZA Photograph Collection

An album of photographs of Nelson Mandela, including:
Portrait photographs of Nelson Mandela, many of which were taken by Eli Weinberg. There are photographs with Kaiser Matanzima, and of Nelson Mandela together with his son, Thembekile, as well as Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day. Includes photographs of Nelson Mandela wearing traditional beads, Mandela in boxing gear, at his law office, burning his pass, and in disguise while in hiding from the police as the "Black Pimpernel." (1950s - 1960s). Nelson Mandela after his acquittal at the treason trial, with Essop Pahad in the background. Nelson Mandela addressing the All-in-Africa Conference in Pietermaritzburg in 1961. Photographs are by Joe Gqabi. Photographs of Nelson Mandela with military officers in Algiers, and with Oliver Tambo in Addis Ababa, during his secret Africa trip in 1962. Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square, London, 1962. Photographs by Mary Benson. Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu on Robben Island in 1966.The concert in celebration of Mandela's 70th birthday. The 1988 artist's impression of Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela's release from prison, including a scene of him addressing a mass gathering in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Cyril Ramaphosa. Photographers include Yunus Mohamed. Post-release portraits, some that originates from the International Defence and Aid Fund. Photographers include Pieter Boersma and Piet den Blanken. Nelson Mandela addressing meetings on his visit to the Netherlands in June 1990. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela and Thabo Mbeki. Photographers include Jan Stegeman, Pieter Boersma and Kadir van Lohuizen. Nelson Mandela being awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of the Western Cape. Featured in the photographs are Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Professor Jaap Durand and Professor Stanley Ridge. Photographs are by Rashid Lombard. Nelson Mandela alongside a mural in Cape Town. Photograph by the Cape Argus. Nelson Mandela on the platform with Tokyo Sexwale and others at an ANC election mass meeting held at the Kwamazizi Stadium, 12 March 1994. Photographs are by B. Bohler. Photographs of Winnie and Zindzi Mandela, including Winnie in traditional dress, her attendance of political funerals in South Africa in 1985, and Zindzi addressing the crowd at a mass gathering at Jabulani Stadium in 1985. Photographers include Alf Kumalo and Gideon Mendell.

Anti-Apartheid Beweging Nederland

International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, conference resolutions, reports, press statements, pamphlets and news clippings, concerning Zenani Mandela's visit to Oslo in 1985, and the continued imprisonment of Nelson Mandela and other South African political leaders.

International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement

Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Press Clippings Collection

Collection of news clippings, mostly in Norwegian, that covers the following:
Arrests in South Africa during the 1952 Defiance Campaign. The 1956 treason trial. Nelson Mandela in hiding as the "Black Pimpernel" (1964). Historical profiles of Nelson Mandela. The Rivonia Trial, with references to Nelson Mandela and Percy Yutar (1964), and reports on Nelson Mandela and others found guilty on charges of sabotage. A telegram sent to Verwoerd by 21 Norwegian youth organisations, in protest against the life sentences imposed on Nelson Mandela and other prisoners. Reactions to the Rivonia Trial verdict by the Foreign Minister of Great Britain, Richard Butler, as well as a statement by Verwoerd that Nelson Mandela and his men are in the category of spies, and that they have a communist plan to take over the world. The arrest of Nelson Mandela's advocate, Bram Fischer.
Zenani Mandela's visit to Oslo in 1985, with biographical profiles of Nelson Mandela.

Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library

Files of United Nations Secretary-General, U Thant

Files of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, U Thant, including:
The charter of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), with a resolution on apartheid and racial discrimination, calling for the immediate release of Nelson Mandela, Robert Sobukwe and all other South African political prisoners, 1963. News clippings from the New York Times, with reports on the torture of South African detainees, including reports on the detention of Winnie Mandela and an application to protect her from threats by the South African police, 1970. UN Security Council and OAU resolutions and declarations on decolonisation and apartheid, many of which call for the release of all South African political prisoners, 1964 - 1971. Correspondence between the UN and OAU.

U Thant

Files of United Nations Secretary-General, Kurt Waldheim

Files of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Kurt Waldheim, including:
Documents issued by the UN unit on Apartheid concerning campaigns for the release of all political prisoners. The text of a statement by the chairperson of the UN Centre Against Apartheid regarding the imprisonment of both Nelson and Winnie Mandela, with extracts of a telegram received from Zenani and Zindzi Mandela on the continued imprisonment of their parents. Correspondence concerning the 1976 Day of Solidarity with South African political prisoners, and a statement by the Secretary-General to the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid. Documents relating to the 1977, 1979 and 1981 commemorations of South African political prisoners, with references made to long-serving prisoners such as Nelson Mandela and Zephania Mothopeng.
A press release in which the chairperson of the South Africa Trust Fund, Anders I. Thunborg, calls for the release of Nelson Mandela. A press release in which the chairperson of the Special Committee Against Apartheid, ES Reddy, expresses his satisfaction with the campaign to free South African political prisoners, in which he quotes from the speech delivered by Zindzi Mandela at Wits University in 1980.
Correspondents include ES Reddy, Leslie O. Harriman and Kurt Waldheim

Waldheim, Kurt

National Public Broadcasting Archives

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on National Public Radio. Includes reports on:
Speculation on the possible release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Nelson Mandela’s views on the South African apartheid government. PW Botha’s offer to Nelson Mandela of conditional release, and Nelson Mandela’s rejection of the offer, communicated to the outside world by his daughter, Zindzi, at a mass gathering in Soweto. The firebombing of the Nelson Mandela home in Soweto. Meeting between Steven Solarz and PW Botha. The arrest of United Democratic Front (UDF) leader, Allan Boesak, ahead of a planned march to Pollsmoor Prison calling for the release of Nelson Mandela. Reports on the Pollsmoor March. Profiles of Nelson Mandela and the Mandela family. Profiles of the African National Congress (ANC), in which Mandela is mentioned. Scrapping of the pass laws in South Africa. Release Mandela Campaign, in which Aubrey Mokena, one of the campaign’s key organizers, is mentioned. Nelson Mandela’s calls for South African government negotiations with the ANC. UK Foreign Minister, Geoffrey Howe’s visit to South Africa and meeting with PW Botha. Zenani Mandela’s visit to the United States for a birthday commemoration in honour of Martin Luther King Jr. Twenty- fifth anniversary of Mandela’s imprisonment. Reports of a 1960 speech by Nelson Mandela on the reasons for the armed struggle. Free Mandela concert held at Wembley Stadium, London, in commemoration of his 70th birthday, and other commemorative events. Nelson Mandela’s hospitalisation because of tuberculosis. Reports on meetings between Nelson Mandela and PW Botha, and of his ‘secret’ negotiations with the South African government.
Freeing of Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada and other long-serving political prisoners. Reports on the imminent closure of Kapitan, one of Nelson Mandela’s favourite restaurants since the 1950s. Legalisation of the ANC, and announcement of other reforms by FW De Klerk.

National Public Radio

National Public Broadcasting Archives

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on National Public Radio. Includes reports on the following:
Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, and his first public speech to a mass gathering on the Grand Parade in Cape Town. Comments by Nelson Mandela and Harold Wolpe on the importance of continued economic sanctions against South Africa. Comments by Randall Robinson of Transafrica who believes that Nelson Mandela’s release should not be seen as the ultimate solution to all of South Africa’s problems. The reaction of the African National Congress (ANC) to Nelson Mandela’s release, and reports on the future of South Africa in light of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. Report on race relations in South Africa since 1962, in which Nelson Mandela is mentioned. Nelson Mandela’s role in political negotiations and in shaping the new South African government, including reports on various meetings with FW De Klerk. Nelson Mandela’s role in seeking a solution to political violence in South Africa, particularly in the KwaZulu-Natal region. Profiles of Nelson Mandela, including reports about his birthplace in the Transkei. The London rock concert held in honour of Nelson Mandela after his release from prison. Report that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was instrumental in the arrest of Nelson Mandela in 1962.
Nelson Mandela’s tour of the United States after his release from prison. Speeches delivered at the United Nations. Nelson Mandela’s meetings with Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader, Yasser Arafat, and Libyan leader, Muammar Gadhafi. ANC’s use of armed struggle as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Meetings between President Bush and Nelson Mandela, and Nelson Mandela addresses the US Congress. Nelson Mandela’s views on the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Meetings between President Margaret Thatcher and Nelson Mandela. Political violence in South African townships during the South African transition process. The suspension of armed struggle by the ANC. The first ANC conference held inside South Africa’s borders in thirty years. Nelson Mandela’s election as president of the ANC. The marital separation of Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Re-writing of South Africa’s constitution. The ANC’s suspension of talks with the South African government because of the Boipatong massacre. Comments by Nelson Mandela on the Bisho Massacre. The resumption of talks between the ANC and the South African government on South Africa’s political future. Reaction to the news of Chris Hani’s assassination. The awarding of the Liberty Medal to Nelson Mandela and De Klerk by President Bill Clinton. Nelson Mandela calling for the lifting of sanctions. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk. The ANC’s campaign for South Africa’s first democratic elections. Reports of voting in the historic 1994 elections. A chronology of South African history with Mandela mentioned. The election victory of the ANC and Nelson Mandela’s victory speech. Inauguration ceremony in which Nelson Mandela was sworn in as the first democratically elected President of South Africa. Nelson Mandela’s first State of the Nation address, and his first 100 days as President Nelson Mandela’s visit to the US as President of South Africa, encouraging investment. Reports on Nelson Mandela's biography, ‘Long Walk to Freedom.' The death of Joe Slovo and memorial tributes by Nelson Mandela.

National Public Radio

National Public Broadcasting Archives

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on National Public Radio. Includes reports on the following:
Disagreement in South Africa over apartheid crimes. Judges at South Africa’s new Constitutional Court being sworn in by Nelson Mandela. Winnie Mandela being fired from the cabinet of the South African government. Local government elections in South Africa. Nelson Mandela calling for sanctions against Nigeria, in the light of political executions. Openings of the South African parliament. The marital divorce of Nelson and Winnie Mandela. South Africa’s adoption of a new constitution and Nelson Mandela signing of the new constitution into law. Nelson Mandela’s involvement in the Zairian peace talks. FW De Klerk’s resignation from the National Party. Nelson Mandela stepping down as the president of the African National Congress (ANC). President Bill Clinton’s visit to South Africa, and his visit with Nelson Mandela to Robben Island. Reports that Mandela was the target of a poison plot. Nelson Mandela’s 80th birthday celebrations and his marriage to Graca Machel. The awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to Nelson Mandela. Addresses by Nelson Mandela to the United Nations. The final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Preparations for the 1999 South African general elections. Nelson Mandela’s final speech to the South African Parliament, before his retirement from politics. Political profiles of Nelson Mandela. The inauguration of Thabo Mbeki as the new President of South Africa.

National Public Radio

Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, and NBC. Includes footage and reports on the following:
The South African government ban on birthday celebrations honouring Nelson Mandela. Senator Edward Kennedy’s meeting with Winnie Mandela. Nelson Mandela observing his birthday in prison. Riot police breaking up birthday gatherings. Scenes of a celebratory march in London in honour of Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday. Nelson Mandela's 80th birthday celebrations in South Africa, and the announcement of his marriage to Graca Machel. Birthday tributes to Nelson Mandela on his 85th birthday.


Vanderbilt University Archive

Programmes and programme segments broadcast on channels such as ABC, CBC, CNN, NBC and Nightline. Includes footage and reports on the following:
The Mandela family. The arrest of Winnie Mandela for contravening her banning orders by returning to her house in Soweto. Visits by Winnie Mandela to Nelson Mandela in prison. The funeral of one of Nelson Mandela’s cousins in the Transkei. Winnie Mandela reported to have won the legal battle to have government bans on her lifted. The attack on the Mandela house in Soweto, with comments from Reverend Frank Chikane. The Mandela United Football Club, acting as bodyguards for Winnie Mandela. Nelson Mandela’s advice to Winnie Mandela about the kidnapping charges against her. Rumours of a rift between Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Nelson Mandela shown accompanying Winnie Mandela to court. A guilty verdict against Winnie Mandela and her sentencing. The announcement that Nelson and Winnie Mandela are separating. The reaction of Nelson and Winnie Mandela to the reduction of her prison sentence by the appeal court. Nelson Mandela moving out of Soweto into a Johannesburg suburb. A raid on the home of Winnie Mandela as part of a campaign against government corruption, and Nelson Mandela reportedly firing Winnie Mandela from the cabinet. The marital divorce of Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Scenes of Nelson Mandela’s sister-in-law tending her cornfields. Nelson Mandela’s relationship with Graca Machel. The wedding of Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel. The death of Nelson Mandela’s son, Makgatho Mandela, because of AIDS.


Drum Magazine Photographic Archive

Collection of photographs covering major political events, including:
The 1952 Defiance Campaign. The Bantu Education Boycott of 1955. Organising for the 1956 Women's March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Treason Trial 1956 - 1961, and photographs taken during this period such as Nelson Mandela at Jerry Moloi’s boxing gym in Orlando. Photographs of Nelson Mandela and fellow comrades at meetings. The All in Africa Conference held in Pietermaritzburg in December 1961. Photographs of family and friends at the funeral of Thembekile Mandela, July 1969. Scenes of Nelson Mandela’s visit to Ghana in November 1994. Also featured in the photographs are: Jerry Moloi, a professional featherweight boxer; James Phillips; Ahmed Kathrada; Barney Desai; Ruth First; Joe Slovo; Sonia Bunting; Evelyn Mandela; Winnie Mandela; Aziz Pahad; Helen Joseph; Moses Kotane; Peter Nthite; Walter Sisulu; Harrison Motlana; Ghanaian Head of State, John Jerry Rawlings; and Togolese Prime Minister, Joseph Kokou Koffigoh. Photographers include: Gopal Naransamy, Bob Gosani, Peter Magubane and Jurgen Schadeberg.

Drum Magazine

HW van der Merwe Papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, news clippings and reports.
The collection includes:
Personal letters that were written to and received from, Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment at Pollsmoor and Victor Verster prisons. Correspondence between HW van der Merwe and certain government departments (including the prison service) on visits to Mandela in prison. Reports on meetings with government officials, including the Minister of Law and Order, Louis Le Grange.
News clippings on Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Correspondents include Louis Le Grange, Kobie Coetzee and PW Botha.

van der Merwe, Hendrik W.


Programmes and programme segments broadcast on the radio programme, Letiphuma Embiteni. Includes reports and interviews on:
Nelson Mandela's family life and his imprisonment on Robben Island. The USAID donation of R35 million to the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, for its HIV/AIDS programme. The World Aids Conference held in Durban, South Africa, 2000. The Middle East peace talks, 2000. The politics of George W. Bush.
Languages: Swazi and English

South African Broadcasting Corporation [DO NOT USE]

African National Congress German Mission Records

Records of the African National Congress German Mission. The collection has
An interview with Winnie Mandela by Africa Now concerning Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment, December 1982. Correspondence, memoranda, resolutions and working principles of the Release Mandela Campaign (RMC) (1980 - 1988). Letters to Mandela from children in Germany (1988). News clippings concerning Mandela (1985 -1990). Correspondence, memoranda and statements of the Mandela International Release Committee. Correspondence and programmes in relation to Mandela’s visits to Germany (1990 - 1993). Miscellaneous materials concerning international awards conferred on Mandela such as the Nehru Award, published speeches, statements and tributes (including 70th birthday tributes) and a statement by Oliver Tambo on the conferment of the Nehru Award on Mandela.
- News clippings, including reports of CIA involvement in Mandela’s arrest in 1962.
- Nelson Mandela concert in Hamburg
- Nelson Mandela exhibition on the struggle
- Speeches 1961- 1964

African National Congress (ANC) German Mission

African National Congress London Mission

Records of the African National Congress London mission.
The records include correspondence, news clippings, speeches, statements and photographs concerning:
Nelson Mandela-visits to the United Kingdom (1990 - 1993). The life of Zindzi Mandela.
Talks between Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi (1993). Mandela’s visits to the United Nations. Mandela’s inauguration as President of South Africa (1994).

African National Congress (ANC) London Mission

African National Congress Washington Mission Records

Records of the African National Congress Washington Mission. The records include:
Campaign materials, leaflets and news clippings produced by the United States-based Lawyers Campaign to Free Nelson Mandela (1986 - 1989). Correspondence concerning the Nelson Mandela Scholarship initiative at Brockport State University. The list of correspondents include Lindiwe Mabuza and Vernon Molefe (1989). Various international tributes to Mandela after his release from prison in 1990. Media requests from various United States media organisations to interview Mandela during his visit to the United States (1990). Correspondence and memoranda between Mandela and FW De Klerk. Subjects covered include violence, negotiations, the security forces, Koevoet and Battalion 32, the Goldstone Commission of Enquiry, regional government and the influence of Marxism/Leninism within the ANC (1992). Correspondence between Mandela and Jimmy Carter, Stevie Wonder and Bill Cosby (1990). Correspondence concerning Mandela from different regions of the United States, most were written during his tenure as president of the ANC (1988 - 1993). Statements, speeches and articles delivered by Mandela, including the Heinz Foundation lecture delivered at the University of Pittsburgh, statements delivered to the United Nations, an address to the US Congress in June 1990, and the announcement of his separation from Winnie Mandela (1990 - 1993). Correspondence between Mandela and De Klerk concerning the South African situation (1992). Correspondence, programmes, notes, briefing documents, financial reports, itineraries and speeches concerning Mandela’s 1990 and 1993 tours to the United States, in which the Mandela Reception Committee played a central role. The tours included visits to Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Oakland, Washington, D.C., Chicago and Philadelphia (1990 - 1993).
Photographs of Nelson Mandela together with Jesse Jackson (1990).
The lyrics of songs composed in honour of Mandela, during his 1990 United States visit.
News clippings, correspondence and entries for a Nelson Mandela Essay Contest in New Haven (1990).
Biographical material.
Miscellaneous correspondence and news clippings.
Mandela to Stevie Wonder and Bill Cosby
Office of the president
Mandela Tours:- Atlanta, Boston , Los Angele, Miami Oakland, Chicago
Trip projects; Mandela welcoming committee; Mandela freedom fund
Luthuli: Mandela lecture series

African National Congress (ANC) Washington Mission

South African Pressclips Collection

Collection of news clippings concerning the following:
Campaigns for Nelson Mandela’s release from prison (1980- 1989). Nelson Mandela and Robert J. Brown, Nelson Mandela being diagnosed with tuberculosis, his 70th birthday, and the Free Mandela Concert held at Wembley Stadium (1988). The Mandela family (1988- 1989). Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, and worldwide reaction to his release (1990). Speeches and statements by Nelson Mandela (1990-1991). Tours undertaken by Nelson Mandela, including visits to the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, South America (Brazil, Spain, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), the Far East and Australia (1990 - 1991). Victor Verster prison, visits to Nelson Mandela at Victor Verster, and his meeting with PW Botha (1989).
Biographical profiles Nelson of Mandela.

Abe Berry Cartoon Collection

Collection of political cartoons produced by Abe Berry, former cartoonist for the Star Newspaper. Most of the cartoons were produced for the Star Newspaper and some for City Press. The cartoons cover Nelson Mandela in relation to subjects such as:
The South African 'Bantustan' system. Speculation about his release from prison. The Organisation of African Unity and the International Anti-Apartheid Movement. Free Mandela campaigns. The unbanning of the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party. Nelson Mandela's release from prison. Awards and honours conferred on Nelson Mandela including the naming of streets, schools and other public spaces in his honour.
The South African negotiation process.

Berry, Abe

Grassroots Community Newspaper Collection

Collection of photographs covering:
Nelson Mandela birthday tributes; Campaigns for Nelson Mandela's release from prison; The Cape Town celebration rally after Nelson Mandela's release from prison.
Photographers include Benny Gool, Rashid Lombard and Murray Michel.

Grassroots Community Newspaper

Zwelakhe Simon Xamlashe

Collection of film and video recordings consisting of distribution prints and master materials (negatives, rushes, sound tracks and trims). The subjects covered include:
Nelson Mandela's early views on the objectives of the ANC and the liberation struggle. The reception given to Mandela's rejection of the regime's offer of conditional release, read by his daughter Zindzi to a vast gathering in Soweto on 10 February 1985. Commentary from activists and family members, including Winnie Mandela. Prison conditions on Robben Island including Mandela's cell, the daily routine of hard labour, diet in prison, isolation and Mandela's transfer to Pollsmoor Prison in 1985. The impact of international campaigns for the release of Mandela, including footage of the Free Mandela Campaign Concert held at Wembley Stadium in celebration of his 70th birthday.
The collection also includes interviews with Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, Andrew Masondo, Jacob Zuma, Indres Naidoo, Philip Mathews, Mary Benson, Barbara Harmel and Barry Feinberg.
It consists of both completed productions and raw footage.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Govan Mbeki Papers

A collection consisting primarily of 35mm colour transparencies, covering:
International and South African campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela. Celebrations of Mandela's release from prison. Photographs taken immediately after Mandela's release from prison. Mandela's re-union with Oliver Tambo during his visit to Sweden (1991). Mandela's family home in Qunu. Photographs with Winnie Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Adelaide Tambo, Archbishop Trevor Huddleston and Douglas Hurd. Performers (Johnny Clegg, David Serame, The Manhattans, Jonas Gwangwa and Hugh Masekela) at the Free Mandela / 70th birthday celebration concert, held at Wembley Stadium (1988).
Mandela at the Wembley concert that celebrated his release from prison (1990). Portraits of Mandela.
Photographers include Paul Weinberg, Gordon Metz, Order Elias on and Anna Zieminski.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, media strategies, pamphlets, newsletters, statements and news-clippings concerning: Nelson Mandela’s 60th birthday, The Nelson Mandela International Reception committee convened by Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, Political imprisonment in South Africa, Helen Suzman’s visit to Mandela (1983) Legal action by Mandela against the Minister of Prisons (1981) Legal work undertaken on behalf of the Mandela family. The Rivonia Trial. Honours conferred on Nelson Mandela. Correspondents include Ismail Ayob, Helen Suzman, and the law firm Frank, Bernadt and Joffe.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Desmond Tutu Personal Papers

Incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning Nelson Mandela. Includes:
Letter from Archbishop Trevor Huddleston requesting that Archbishop Tutu serve as a patron of the Nelson Mandela International Reception Committee (1990). Response from Archbishop Tutu’s office to Saka Acquaye (Ghana) about the separation of President Mandela and Mrs. Winnie Mandela’s (1994). Letter from A .Boraine about the possibility of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison (1985). Letter from the State President’s office concerning the Nobel Committee’s decision to award the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize to Mandela (1993). Correspondence from Archbishop Tutu to the Minister of Justice requesting permission to visit Robben Island and Pollsmoor prisoners (1987), and a request to visit Nelson Mandela at the Constantia berg Clinic (1988). Letter from Archbishop Tutu to the State President, in appreciation of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison (1990). Invitation to a United Nations Human Rights Day in honour of Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk (1993).

Tutu, Desmond Mpilo

Eli Weinberg Collection

Collection of photographs covering Nelson Mandela's role in some of the major political events of the 1950s and early 1960s period. The collection has documents on Anti-pass law demonstrations and the Defiance Campaign. The collection also includes a series of photographs of the wedding of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and various portraits of Nelson Mandela.

Weinberg, Eli