Records of the Rivonia trial, State versus Nelson Mandela and nine others. The accused are Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni. The collection includes the indictment, opening address, statements and evidence by witnesses for the State and for the accused. Evaluation of evidence, exhibits including photographs. An important component of the collection includes material confiscated at Lilliesleaf farm in Rivonia, such as Mandela's 1962 diary and other documents in his handwriting, most of them relating to armed struggle. It also includes Mandela's statement from the dock, and the State's concluding address. A significant part of the collection includes materials used to build up the State's case against the Rivonia Trialists.
Correspondence on the opposed bail application Lionel Forman, Dorothy Stanley, Reginald September, Nelson Mandela, G.M Naicker and Lawrence Nkosi versus the Attorney General.
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Photograph of a document from the company Mandela and Tambo attorneys at law requesting the lifting of restriction on Nelson Mandela to enable him to appear on behalf of a client in Hammanskraal Native Commissioner's court. 9 x 12cm
Service Radio RSA general- Class actuality- meeting between the SA government and ANC. Concept news conference in Pretoria after a meeting between the SA government. The ANC- concept news - conference in Pretoria after meeting between the South African Government and the African National Congress.
Radio South Africa actuality on violence in Worcester, deputy President of the ANC Mr Nelson Mandela spoke about the violence throughout the country during a rally in Worcester.
Refused bail application after arrests for high treason. Lionel Forman, Dorothy Stanley, Reginald September, Nelson Mandela, GM Naicker and Lawrence Nkosi versus the Attorney General of the Transvaal.
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Documentary describing the milestones in the life of Nelson Mandela- from his younger days through his political activities for the ANC, his long imprisonment up to the achievement of the Nobel Peace Prize and his nomination to be the first black president of South Africa.
Kop en skouers foto van gllimlaggende Nelson Mandela, hoogaangeskrewe leier van die ANC ( African National Congress) en stigterlid van Umkhonto we Sizwe= Head and shoulders photo of smiling Nelson Mandela, acclaimed leader of the ANC (African National Congress) and founder member of Umkhonto we Sizwe. 12cmX17 cm
Opposed bail application of Lionel Forman, Dorothy Stanley, Reginald September, Nelson Mandela, GM Naicker and Lawrence Nkosi versus the Attorney-General of the Transvaal.
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Records of the State vs. Nelson Mandela and nine others (Walter Sisulu, Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni).
16 mm Film with separated sound, unedited footage of interviews with former Robben Island prisoners. The footage used in the making of the documentary, "Voices from Robben Island." Interviewees include Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Andrew Mlangeni, Govan Mbeki, Mac Maharaj, Neville Alexander, Eddie Daniels Kwedie Mkallipi, Jacob Zuma, Seth Mazibuko, Terror Lekota, James Gregory, Mike Green, Sisulu's and Mlangenis visiting the island,Wild Sounds buzz, Wedding cake, Maqoma burial, and Steve Tshwete. Also includes scenes of prison life on Robben Island, and interviews with warders.
Mrs Winnie Mandela supports Govan Mbeki, one of the leaders of Umkhonto we Sizwe leaders arrested in Rivonia on 11 June 1963, after his release by the government.
Ex parte application by Nelson Mandela for admission as an attorney in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division. The application includes: A transcript from the University of South Africa (UNISA) confirming Mandela's completion of requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree. An affidavit by Lazar Sidelsky declaring Mandela fully qualified to act as an attorney. Confirmation of Mandela's completion of the Attorneys Admission examinations. Character references; Affidavits by Mandela confirming his date and place of birth and academic qualifications. Certificates The attorney's oath signed by Mandela. A declaration by Justice Steyn of the Transvaal Provincial Division that Mandela is qualified to practice as an attorney.
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Ex parte application of the Incorporated Law Society of the Transvaal versus Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, for the removal of Mandela's name from the list of attorneys, based on his involvement in the Defiance Campaign and other political activities.
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
The Treason Trial. The State versus F Adams and others. In Special Criminal Court constituted in terms of government no. 1701 of 1958. The collection includes the Proceedings 1959 - 1961 (sixty-one volumes) Exhibits 1960 (three volumes)Reasons for Judgment 1961 (four volumes).
Rivonia Trial. The State versus Nelson Mandela and nine others, in the Supreme Court of South Africa Transvaal Provincial Division. The collection includes the Indictment; Annexure and Opening address; State's Concluding Address (part 1 to 4); and Judgment and Sentence.