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Unknown Nelson Mandela International Day
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Mandela Day activation in Eastern Cape at Cala.


Cleaning up Robben Island for International Costal Clean-up Day, 2016.09.17, Robben Island: [Set of 12 Still Images]

* The week of 12- 17 September 2016 was marked Clean-up & Recycle SA week, the aim of the week is to increase awareness in South Africans of the many benefits of recycling (socially, environmentally and economically) and the importance of a litter-free environment. As part of International Coastal Clean-up Day on Saturday 17th of September, PETCO partnered with Plastics
* SA and 140 enthusiastic volunteers to clean up Robben Island in memory of Nelson Mandela.


Caring4Girls campaign, 2016, Houghton: [Set of 14 Images]

The Caring4Girls programme driven by the Imbumba Foundation tackles the plight of impoverished girls who often miss school during their menstrual cycles due to the lack of sanitary pads.

The aim of the Caring4Girls programme, which is a Mandela Day project, is to ensure access to much-needed sanitary towels so girls may stay in school, and ensure the development and growth of young South African women with dignity.


Tshifudi Primary School Library Handover, 2015.04.22, Phaswana: [Set of 216 Still Images]

Happy Science, a Tokyo-based international religious organisation, handed over a Mandela Day Container Library to Tshifudi Primary School in Tshifudi Village, Vhembe Municipality, Limpopo, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF).
After the passing of Mr. Nelson Mandela, Happy Science established HS Nelson Mandela Fund as its internal fund in order to advance in the will of Mr. Mandela; aiming to nurture future leaders of the world and support people who cannot receive education due to poverty, or racial, gender and caste discrimination, people who are opposed by their government and people who cannot receive medical treatment.


Jamaica, 2013: [Set of Three Still Images]

First picture is an activity for Mandela Day organized by Scotia Bank, “Take a child to work” where students were addressed by Mrs. Shirley Hoyana on Mr Mandela’s work ethics.
The last two pictures are kids at the Middleton Primary school where the Mission celebrated the Nelson Mandela Day.


Japan, 2013: [Set of Two Still Images]

In celebration of ‘Mandela Day’ the Mission identified the disabled as a sector of the Japanese society that is disadvantaged. It learned about the concept of Swan bakeries and recognised the values as similar to those of the spirit of Nelson Mandela emphasising ‘social cohesion’. In this regard, embassy staff spent the morning of Saturday 18 July at the Swan bakery in Akasaka teaching the staff to cook famous South African dishes such as Bobotie, magwenya and milk tart. At the end of the cooking session, the embassy staff and their family members sat down with the employees of the bakery and had a marvellous lunch that had been jointly prepared.
