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Various Madikizela-Mandela, Winifred Nomzamo Zanyiwe
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Assorted sources, 1950s-1990s, South Africa: [Set of 39 Images]
Assorted sources, 1950s-1990s, South Africa: [Set of 39 Images]
Part 2 of the Authorised Portrait, 1964-1990, South Africa; [Set of 65 Images]
Part 2 of the Authorised Portrait, 1964-1990, South Africa; [Set of 65 Images]
Researched photographs for the exhibition "Mandela-Character, Comrade, Leader, Prisoner, Negotiator", 1950s-1990s
Researched photographs for the exhibition "Mandela-Character, Comrade, Leader, Prisoner, Negotiator", 1950s-1990s
Part 1 of the Authorised Portrait, 1918-1964;, South Africa; [Set of 105 Images]
Part 1 of the Authorised Portrait, 1918-1964;, South Africa; [Set of 105 Images]
Gallo- Getty,1950s-2013, South Africa and the USA: [Set of 16 Still Images]
Gallo- Getty,1950s-2013, South Africa and the USA: [Set of 16 Still Images]
Part 3 of the Authorised Portrait 1990-2013, South Africa; [Set of 74 Images]
Part 3 of the Authorised Portrait 1990-2013, South Africa; [Set of 74 Images]