- Series
- 2018-05-25
Yazbek, Debbie
Yazbek, Debbie
"Racism in a digital age" dialogue, 2018.05.02, Houghton: [Set of 83 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Yazbek, Debbie
Media under Fire: but who is making the threats?, 2018.03.27, Houghton: [Set of 111 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Yazbek, Debbie
Debbie Yazbek, 2016.10, Houghton
Yazbek, Debbie
Opening the My Constitution Exhibition, 2016.03.17, Houghton: [Set of 96 Still Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
SAHRC 20th Anniversary Conference on Racism, 2016.03.15, Midrand: [Set of 112 Still Images]
Part of 5.12 NMF > Other events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Xoliswa Ndoyiya at home in the Transkei, 2010.03.26, Transkei: [Set of 41 Still Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Yazbek, Debbie
Debbie Yazbek, 2011.11.03, Houghton: [Set of 195 Still Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.2 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > Elsewhere
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Mandela receives Bafana Bafana and the USA National Soccer team at the NMF
Part of TESTS_ For deletion
Yazbek, Debbie
Nelson Mandela meets Ariel Dorfman at the NMF, 2010.07.28, Houghton: [Set of 80 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Yazbek, Debbie
Nelson Mandela meets Adidas representatives,2010.07.08, Houghton: [Set of 87 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.2 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > Elsewhere
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
The series begins with the visit of Auma Obama (half-sister of US President Barack Obama), US Ambassador Donald Gips, his wife and sons to the gifts room and the archives.
Followed by photographs of Bill Clinton making a speech, Achmat Dangor (Nelson Mandela Foundation CEO of the time), Cyril Ramaphosa, Ahmed Kathrada, Leslie Maasdorp (vice-Chairman ABSA Capital), Audience in the auditorium,
Yazbek, Debbie
Bikers for Mandela Day, 2010.07.13-18, South Africa: [Set of 1 075 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Yazbek, Debbie
Memorial service for Zenani Mandela, 2010.06.17, Johannesburg: [Set of 574 Still Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Nelson Mandela meets the SAMA 2010 Award Winners, 2010.04.22, Houghton: [Set of 91 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Jesse Jackson and Big Nuz visit Nelson Mandela, 2010.04.22, Houghton: [Set of 34 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Nelson Mandela and Xoliswa Ndoyiya, 2010.03.26, Houghton: [Set of Nine Still Images ]
Part of 1.6.2 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > Elsewhere
Yazbek, Debbie
Launch of the Children's Version of Long Walk to Freedom, 2009-09-10
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Great-Grandson Ziyanda Manaway (Mandela) 03 [CLWTF3 v2.JPG ]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Yazbek, Debbie
Great-Grandson Ziyanda Manaway (Mandela) 01 [CLWTF1.JPG]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Great-Grandson Ziyanda Manaway (Mandela) 02 [CLWTF2.JPG]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.2 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > Elsewhere
Yazbek, Debbie
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Manchester City Football Club visits Nelson Mandela, 2009.07.23, Houghton: [Set of 192 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.12 Nelson Mandela > Birthdays
Yazbek, Debbie
Bulgarian Order of the Starra Planini, 2009.07.07, Houghton: [Set of 26 Still Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
International Agency Task Team (IATT) Launch, 2006.07.19: [Set of 25 Still Images]
Part of 9 Nelson Mandela Institute for Education and Rural Development
Yazbek, Debbie
Debbie Yazbek, 2009.08.17, Houghton: [Set of 22 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
photos of the exhibition "Poisoned Pasts", 2016.10.12, Houghton: [Set of 25 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
“Kathy Remembered”, memorial gathering for Ahmed Kathrada, 2017.03.28, Houghton: [Set of 283 Images]
Part of 5.5 NMF > Board of Trustees
Yazbek, Debbie
Commemoration event ''Remembering Madiba'' at the NMF, 2016.12.05, Houghton: [Set of 264 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Visit by Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi, 2016.07.08, Houghton: [Set of 238 Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Yazbek, Debbie
Mandela viewing the eclipse of the sun, Johannesburg, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Yazbek, Debbie
Neo Matsunyane visit to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2016.09.09, Houghton: [Set of 46 Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Yazbek, Debbie
'Conversations with Myself' publicity photos with Nelson Mandela, 2010.08.25, Houghton: [Set of 105]
Yazbek, Debbie
Michelle Obama and family visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Yazbek, Debbie
Opening of the exhibition "Poinoned Pasts", 2016.10.06, Houghton: [Set of 112 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Retreat of the Board of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2016.11.21, Houghton: [Set of 45 Images]
Part of 5.5 NMF > Board of Trustees
Yazbek, Debbie
Remembering Madiba evening, 2017.12.05, Houghton: [Set of 97 Still Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Yazbek, Debbie
Conversations with Myself Team, 2010.08.25, Houghton: [Set of 21 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Launch of the book "Dare Not Linger", 2017.10.17, Houghton: [Set of 145 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Event with AirBnB, 2017.10.16, Houghton: [Set of 104 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
10 year service celebration of NMF staff, 2009.11.24, Houghton: [Set of 172 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 1.12 Nelson Mandela > Birthdays
Yazbek, Debbie
Indian Prime-Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the NMF, 2016.07.08, Houghton: [Set of 237 Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Yazbek, Debbie
FIFA Deligation visit, 2017.02, Houghton: [Set of 214 Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Yazbek, Debbie
Rivonia Trial play performance at the NMF, 2009.07.29, Houghton: [Set of 99 Images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Yazbek, Debbie
Publicity photographs, 2010.08.25, Houghton: [Set of 126 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Yazbek, Debbie
Opening of the exhibition “Africa Salutes You”, 2010.06.09, Houghton: [Set of 187 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie