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Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela as prokureur in Johannesburg= Nelson Mandela as a lawyer in Johannesburg.
12cm X 17 cm

Herbert Shore Collection

Collection of colour photographs of the African National Congress / Congress Alliance leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Ahmed Kathrada, Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo and Dan Tloome, gathered on the roof of Kathrada's flat at Kholvad House in Johannesburg during the 1950s.

Shore, Herbert

Nelson Mandela

Kop en skouers foto van gllimlaggende Nelson Mandela, hoogaangeskrewe leier van die ANC ( African National Congress) en stigterlid van Umkhonto we Sizwe= Head and shoulders photo of smiling Nelson Mandela, acclaimed leader of the ANC (African National Congress) and founder member of Umkhonto we Sizwe.
12cmX17 cm

ANC Photographic Collection

Photographs of Nelson Mandela in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia prior to his arrest and imprisonment.

African National Congress (ANC)

Eli Weinberg Collection

Collection of photographs covering Nelson Mandela's role in some of the major political events of the 1950s and early 1960s period. The collection has documents on Anti-pass law demonstrations and the Defiance Campaign. The collection also includes a series of photographs of the wedding of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and various portraits of Nelson Mandela.

Weinberg, Eli

Masemola, Japhta

Statement to police by former Robben Island political prisoner, Japhta Masemola dated 22-04-1963
and photographs.

Masemola, Japhta

Records of the Rivonia Trial

Incomplete set of records of the state vs. Nelson Mandela and nine others. The collection includes the indictment, opening address, statements, evidence, evaluation of evidence and exhibits including photographs. An important section of the collection relates to preparations of the defence. As well as Nelson Mandela, the accused include Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Andrew Mlangeni, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor and Elias Motsoaledi.

Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (State Versus N Mandela and Others)

Records of the Rivonia trial, State versus Nelson Mandela and nine others. The accused are Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni.
The collection includes the indictment, opening address, statements and evidence by witnesses for the State and for the accused. Evaluation of evidence, exhibits including photographs. An important component of the collection includes material confiscated at Lilliesleaf farm in Rivonia, such as Mandela's 1962 diary and other documents in his handwriting, most of them relating to armed struggle. It also includes Mandela's statement from the dock, and the State's concluding address.
A significant part of the collection includes materials used to build up the State's case against the Rivonia Trialists.

History Workshop

Collection of social history in South Africa includes photos of ANC funeral and Nelson Mandela's photos and the wedding photo with Winnie.

Callinicos, Luli

African National Congress Papers

The collection of the African National Congress includes the Defiance Campaign, the Treason trial. ANC leaders in exile and in prison.

African National Congress (ANC)

Helen Joseph

Collection of papers built by Helen Joseph during her lifetime, these relate to her personal fight against
apartheid. The collection has papers on her involvement in politics, the Human rights Welfare Committee, the 1956 Treason trial, banning banishment, house arrests relationship with Nelson Mandela and his family - Nelson and Winnie Mandela - Release Mandela Campaign

Joseph, Helen

Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk

Mr F. W. de Klerk and Mr Nelson Mandela shake hands after their negotiations at Groote Schuur in Cape Town. 13 x 17 cm colour photograph


Episcopal Church People for a Free South Africa (USA)

Episcopal churchmen for South Africa: various issues 1956-1987
Episcopal church people for a free South Africa: various issues 1986- 1989
Special report: The church makes a decision on South Africa/ Banks, Episcopal churchmen for
South Africa, 1 September 1987
Namibia- Formula for independence? Episcopal church people for a free Southern Africa,
January 1989
Episcopal churchmen for South Africa, brochure 1958
St Christopher's school Usuthu Mission,1989
Your witness, July 1969
I am a loyal Namibian 1973
Namibia 1978
Elizabeth Schmidt : One step in the wrong direction, revised edition January 1985
Various handouts and leaflets

Episcopal Church People for a Free South Africa (USA)

Wolfie Kodesh Personal Papers

Collection of documents and photographs, including a photocopy of a biographical profile of Nelson Mandela written by Wolfie Kodesh.
Other subjects include:
The meeting between Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo's in Stockholm, Sweden (1990). The full text of Nelson Mandela's response to the conditional offer of freedom made in parliament by the State President PW Botha. Statement issued by Ismail Ayob, on behalf of Nelson Mandela, on the protection of Nelson Mandela's name from being abused, Nelson Mandela Freedom at 70 campaign. The full text of Nelson Mandela's speech at the Grand Parade in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison in 1990

Kodesh, Wolfie

African National Congress Senegal Mission

Records of the African National Congress Senegal Mission.
The records includes documentation concerning the Nelson Mandela International Reception Committee, and an original invitation to Nelson Mandela from the president-elect of Mali. Correspondence with Dakar president Holding Kebe. Full text of Nelson Mandela address to the people on the day of his release from prison 11th February 1990
Document de Mandela

African National Congress (ANC) Senegal Mission

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika Photograph Collection

Collection of photographs documenting Nelson Mandela's release from prison, and his visit to the Netherlands in June 1990. Includes images of celebrations in honour of Nelson Mandela's release from prison in February 1990 attended by Dennis Goldberg, as well as Nelson Mandela addressing meetings and greeting supporters in Amsterdam (June 1990).

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

NIZA Photograph Collection

"Solidarity with South Africa" demonstration held in Amsterdam in 1976, with demonstrators carrying placards of Nelson Mandela. Nelson and Winnie Mandela being greeted by thousands of supporters in Leidseplein, Amsterdam in June 1990. Nelson Mandela addressing the crowd at Leidseplein, Amsterdam as well as other images of Nelson Mandela's visit to Amsterdam in 1990.
Photographers include Hans van der Bogaard, Roel Rozenburg and Marja Sonneveld.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

Umkhonto we Sizwe

Collection of photographs of Nelson Mandela meeting Umkhonto we Sizwe cadres in African National Congress (ANC) camps, after his release from prison. Nelson and Winnie Mandela are featured in the photographs, and are wearing military uniforms.

Umkhonto weSizwe (MK)

Nelson Mandela Portrait Collection

Individual and group portraits of South African activist, leader and former political prisoner, Nelson Mandela, taken in 1990 during his visits to New York City and Stockholm, Sweden. The collection consists of: Close-up portraits of Nelson Mandela with New York City Mayor, David Dinkins, at Gracie Mansion and at a Harlem rally. Mandela meeting with African National Congress leader, Oliver Tambo, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson in Stockholm. Mandela sparring with South African boxing champion, Jerry Moloi, during the Treason Trial in 1957.
Photographers include Chester Higgins and Bob Gosani.

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (Photographs and Prints Division)

Jesse Jackson Portrait Collection

Photographs taken during Nelson Mandela's visit to New York in 1990. The photos depict scenes of Reverend Jesse Jackson, New Jersey Governor Jim Florio and Congressman Charles Rangel during Mandela's arrival in New York City. Manhattan Boro President Ruth Messenger, New York Governor Mario Cuomo, Reverend Jesse Jackson and Congressman Charles Rangel.
Randall Robinson of Tran Africa together with Reverend Jackson.

Higgins, Chester

Govan Mbeki Papers

A collection consisting primarily of 35mm colour transparencies, covering:
International and South African campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela. Celebrations of Mandela's release from prison. Photographs taken immediately after Mandela's release from prison. Mandela's re-union with Oliver Tambo during his visit to Sweden (1991). Mandela's family home in Qunu. Photographs with Winnie Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Adelaide Tambo, Archbishop Trevor Huddleston and Douglas Hurd. Performers (Johnny Clegg, David Serame, The Manhattans, Jonas Gwangwa and Hugh Masekela) at the Free Mandela / 70th birthday celebration concert, held at Wembley Stadium (1988).
Mandela at the Wembley concert that celebrated his release from prison (1990). Portraits of Mandela.
Photographers include Paul Weinberg, Gordon Metz, Order Elias on and Anna Zieminski.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Office of International Academic Affairs (University of Michigan)

Photographs and video footage of a twelve-day visit to South Africa by a University of Michigan delegation in September 1991. Includes photographs of Nelson Mandela being presented with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by the Michigan delegation.
The degree was originally awarded in absentia in 1987.

University of Michigan, Office of International Academic Affairs

Centre for Democratic Communication Photos

Centre for Democratic Communication Photos (CDC) List of ANC photos from the Centre for Democratic Communication (CDC)
Nelson Mandela birthday rally Morogoro, Release of Mandela, Celebration of Mandela 's release, Nelson Mandela in Marimba, Nelson Mandela in Dar es Salaam, Nelson Mandela in State house, Release Mandela rally in Dodoma, Nelson Mandela arrives in Dar es Salaam, Nelson Mandela and O.R Tambo

African National Congress (ANC)

Oliver Tambo Papers

The collection includes correspondence, addresses/ statements, Appeal for Action Against Apartheid, Arrest of Nelson Mandela, Mandela -Wembley Concert, Nelson Mandela - Freedom at Seventy, Nelson Mandela 70thth Birthday Tribute to Nelson Mandela, Release of Nelson Mandela and the unbanning of the ANC, Nelson and Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s visits, tributes, prizes and awards to Nelson Mandela.
Winnie Mandela footage and interviews,
Winnie Mandela, Footage, interview s for BBC TV News affair

Tambo, Oliver Reginald

Grassroots Community Newspaper Collection

Collection of photographs covering:
Nelson Mandela birthday tributes; Campaigns for Nelson Mandela's release from prison; The Cape Town celebration rally after Nelson Mandela's release from prison.
Photographers include Benny Gool, Rashid Lombard and Murray Michel.

Grassroots Community Newspaper

African National Congress India Mission Records

Records of the African National Congress Indian Mission.
The collection includes:
Personal letters of support for Nelson Mandela from Indian schoolchildren, diplomats, clubs and organizations. Conference proceedings and resolutions relating to Mandela’s imprisonment and release, and the full text of Mandela’s address in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison. Correspondence, addresses and proceedings concerning awards conferred on Mandela. These include lists of awards, declarations and medals conferred on Mandela by organisations in India and elsewhere. Correspondence, texts of speeches, poetry and photographs concerning Mandela’s visit to India in October 1990.
Photographic albums created as tributes to Mandela by the Bluebells School in New Delhi, by the government of West Bengal to commemorate Mandela’s visit in 1990, and photographs of news clippings of the Treason and Rivonia Trials.
- Letters written to Nelson Mandela
- Awards presented to Nelson Mandela

African National Congress (ANC) India Mission

Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Photographic Collection

Collection of photographs of Nelson Mandela's visits to Norway. Includes images of Nelson Mandela inside the Norwegian parliament, street scenes, and the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mandela and De Klerk. There are images of both Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk addressing the audience, as well as photographs of family members and close friends in attendance, including Zenani Mandela and Pik Botha. There are also images of anti-De Klerk protesters outside.
Photographs are by Terje Akerhaug, Stein Marienborg and Arne Ove Bergo.

Norwegian Labour Movement

African National Congress U.S. Repatriation

The ANC- U.S. Repatriation was responsible for the repatriation of ANC comrades. Records from the U.S. repatriation office. Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia trial " a radio drama by Mary Benson two parts. Nthabiseg Mabuza talks about Nelson Mandela, Levine and Vilakazi talks about Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela at the twelfth Baptist church 1990

African National Congress (ANC)

African National Congress Norway Mission

Records of the African National Congress Norway mission.
The records include correspondence, news clippings, statements and photographs concerning:
The Nelson Mandela 70th birthday concert; Congratulatory messages on Mandela’s release from prison; Nelson Mandela’s visits to Norway, and the work of the Mandela Reception Committee (1990 - 1992). The Nelson Mandela Memorial Coin (1991). The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela (1993).
Speeches delivered by Nelson Mandela during his visits to Scandinavian countries
Mandela Nelson -visit to Norway 1992
Athens Medical Centre: Correspondence - Invitation to Mandela to visit Greece

African National Congress (ANC) Norway Mission

African National Congress Washington Mission Records

Records of the African National Congress Washington Mission. The records include:
Campaign materials, leaflets and news clippings produced by the United States-based Lawyers Campaign to Free Nelson Mandela (1986 - 1989). Correspondence concerning the Nelson Mandela Scholarship initiative at Brockport State University. The list of correspondents include Lindiwe Mabuza and Vernon Molefe (1989). Various international tributes to Mandela after his release from prison in 1990. Media requests from various United States media organisations to interview Mandela during his visit to the United States (1990). Correspondence and memoranda between Mandela and FW De Klerk. Subjects covered include violence, negotiations, the security forces, Koevoet and Battalion 32, the Goldstone Commission of Enquiry, regional government and the influence of Marxism/Leninism within the ANC (1992). Correspondence between Mandela and Jimmy Carter, Stevie Wonder and Bill Cosby (1990). Correspondence concerning Mandela from different regions of the United States, most were written during his tenure as president of the ANC (1988 - 1993). Statements, speeches and articles delivered by Mandela, including the Heinz Foundation lecture delivered at the University of Pittsburgh, statements delivered to the United Nations, an address to the US Congress in June 1990, and the announcement of his separation from Winnie Mandela (1990 - 1993). Correspondence between Mandela and De Klerk concerning the South African situation (1992). Correspondence, programmes, notes, briefing documents, financial reports, itineraries and speeches concerning Mandela’s 1990 and 1993 tours to the United States, in which the Mandela Reception Committee played a central role. The tours included visits to Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Oakland, Washington, D.C., Chicago and Philadelphia (1990 - 1993).
Photographs of Nelson Mandela together with Jesse Jackson (1990).
The lyrics of songs composed in honour of Mandela, during his 1990 United States visit.
News clippings, correspondence and entries for a Nelson Mandela Essay Contest in New Haven (1990).
Biographical material.
Miscellaneous correspondence and news clippings.
Mandela to Stevie Wonder and Bill Cosby
Office of the president
Mandela Tours:- Atlanta, Boston , Los Angele, Miami Oakland, Chicago
Trip projects; Mandela welcoming committee; Mandela freedom fund
Luthuli: Mandela lecture series

African National Congress (ANC) Washington Mission

African National Congress Australasia and Pacific Mission

The records of the ANC Australia Mission have also material from New Zealand and the surrounding Islands the mission office was known as the Australasia and the Pacific Mission.
The records of the office consists of correspondence on
ANC mission material, activities of the ANC in the region. Free Nelson Mandela. Mandela Nelson Messages of support upon release. Mandela Nelson birthday messages 1989. Release Mandela (Memorabilia). Mandela Nelson (audiocassette)
Photographs of the ANC community and on the visit of Mr. Nelson Mandela to Australia

African National Congress (ANC)

African National Congress Canada Mission

Records of the African National Congress Canada mission. The records include correspondence, memoranda, minutes, briefing notes, financial statements, discussion papers, photographs and video material. The subjects covered:
Calls for Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, including the Freedom at 70 campaign (1988).
Mandela’s release from prison, the first anniversary of his release, and documentation on the significance of his release from prison (1990 - 1991). Mandela birthday celebrations in Canada, and messages of goodwill sent to him (1990). Mandela’s visits to Canada and the USA (1990). The Nelson Mandela Reception Committee, the Nelson Mandela Fundraising Committee and the International Mandela Reception Committee (1990). Awards and honours conferred on Mandela, and various letters of tribute sent to him (1990 - 1993). The ANC-Mandela Support Coalition (1990 - 1991). The Nelson Mandela Fund (1990 - 1991). Speeches delivered by and on behalf of Mandela, including addresses during his 1990 visits to Canada and the United States, and during his visit to Zambia (1979 - 1990). The South African negotiation process, including memoranda between Mandela and FW De Klerk.

African National Congress (ANC) Canada Mission

African National Congress New York Mission

Records of the African National Congress (ANC) New York Mission.
The collection includes
Correspondence to and from Nelson Mandela. Portraits of ANC leaders, including Mandela. Biographical material. Schedules and itineraries concerning Mandela’s visit to New York. Tributes to Mandela. Speeches delivered by Mandela, including his speech at the funeral of Oliver Tambo.
Nelson Mandela speeches
The size of the whole collection is 44 boxes and approximately 9 folders have material on Nelson Mandela.

African National Congress (ANC)

Oliver Tambo Papers

The personal papers of Oliver Tambo. The collection includes:
News clippings from South African and international newspapers concerning the arrest of Nelson Mandela in 1962, his court appearances, and calls for his release from prison (1962 -1988). Correspondence concerning the PAFMECSA conference held in Ethiopia addressed to all member governments, a letter from the ANC London office concerning the arrests of Mandela and Walter Sisulu, and a cable from the Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs to Tambo re: Mandela’s arrest (1962). News clippings in the build up to and aftermath of Mandela’s release from prison (1990 - 1991). News clippings, programmes and itineraries concerning Mandela’s visits to the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Geneva, Botswana and other countries (1990 - 1991).
Reports on campaigns for the release of political prisoners, including reports from Robben Island, and on Lord Nicholas Bethel's meeting with Mandela. Also includes a 1970 report by Mandela about prison conditions on Robben Island (1970 - 1989). Correspondence from Mandela, written from Pollsmoor Prison, to Oliver Tambo and a number of other individuals. Original letters to Tambo, as well as transcripts of letters written to Nthato Motlana, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Sheila Weinberg and Desmond Tutu, amongst others. Also included is a letter of thanks to Mrs. Bhalla of the Indian Council for the 1979 Jawaharlal Nehru Award and a letter of sympathy on the death of Seretse Khama (1978 - 1989). Media reports concerning Mandela, including cables. Includes reports by Radio RSA, internal media monitoring, an African National Congress (ANC) statement on Mandela’s health, and of a visit to Mandela by Robert Brown (1985 - 1990). Correspondence, reports and messages concerning international support for Mandela’s release from prison. Subjects covered include tributes on his 60th and 70th birthdays, and awards and honours conferred on Mandela, particularly through the work of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement (1984).
Statements and correspondence concerning the assassination of Chris Hani (1993). Video recordings of various events before and after Mandela’s release from prison. These include the 1990 Free Mandela Concert at Wembley Stadium and Mandela’s 1990 visit to Lusaka (1988 - 1990).
Correspondence, lists and statements by Oliver Tambo concerning awards and honours conferred on Mandela. These include honorary degrees, Freedom of the City awards, artistic attributes and facilities named after Mandela. The correspondence is primarily between Oliver Tambo and heads of / representatives of awarding countries and institutions. The awards include the Simon Bolivar Prize, the naming of a road in Mandela’s honour in Botswana, and awards conferred by the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua, the Jamaican Human Rights Organisation, the University of Carabobo of Venezuela, and the Karl Marx University of the German Democratic Republic (1983 - 1990). Correspondence and statements concerning international calls for, and, Mandela’s release from prison. These include correspondence about a resolution passed by the African Symposium on African Orality in Nigeria, and a statement by the president of the Republic of Senegal after Mandela’s release. Other correspondents include Senator Michael J Williams of Trinidad and Tobago, OJ Masire of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), and the Communist Party of Sweden (1989 - 1990). Correspondence from Tambo to Mandela and to the Mandela family (1991 - 1992).

Speeches delivered in Mandela’s honour.
Drafts of plays and books written about Nelson Mandela, the drafts include No Easy Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia Trial and What is to be done’.
Published and unpublished statements and speeches of Mandela, 1962 - 1991.
Correspondence and memoranda relating to the Nelson Mandela National Reception Committee (1989 - 1990).

Tambo, Oliver Reginald

African National Congress Lusaka/ Zambia Mission

African National Congress Lusaka Mission
Collection of all records of the ANC in its Zambia Mission including all the parts processed. ANC Lusaka / Zambia mission office the material has Speeches by Nelson Mandela. Congratulatory messages when he was released, drawn card of Nelson Mandela with a message written " We are with you ! Free South Africa! Free all political prisoners. Speech delivered by Nelson Mandela at Soccer city. ANC mission records and on its activities in Zambia

African National Congress (ANC)

Oath of office

Mr. N. R. Mandela signs oath of office after his swearing in as the President of the new democratic South Africa.

Drum Magazine Photographic Archive

Collection of photographs covering major political events, including:
The 1952 Defiance Campaign. The Bantu Education Boycott of 1955. Organising for the 1956 Women's March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Treason Trial 1956 - 1961, and photographs taken during this period such as Nelson Mandela at Jerry Moloi’s boxing gym in Orlando. Photographs of Nelson Mandela and fellow comrades at meetings. The All in Africa Conference held in Pietermaritzburg in December 1961. Photographs of family and friends at the funeral of Thembekile Mandela, July 1969. Scenes of Nelson Mandela’s visit to Ghana in November 1994. Also featured in the photographs are: Jerry Moloi, a professional featherweight boxer; James Phillips; Ahmed Kathrada; Barney Desai; Ruth First; Joe Slovo; Sonia Bunting; Evelyn Mandela; Winnie Mandela; Aziz Pahad; Helen Joseph; Moses Kotane; Peter Nthite; Walter Sisulu; Harrison Motlana; Ghanaian Head of State, John Jerry Rawlings; and Togolese Prime Minister, Joseph Kokou Koffigoh. Photographers include: Gopal Naransamy, Bob Gosani, Peter Magubane and Jurgen Schadeberg.

Drum Magazine

Jurgen Schadeberg Photographic Archive

Collection of photographs of Nelson Mandela, including: An early photograph of Mandela in his law office that he shared with Oliver Tambo. Nelson Mandela at the Defiance Campaign Trial 1952.
Photographs taken during the Treason Trial 1956 -1961. Mandela’s return visit to his cell on Robben Island (1994).
Portraits of Mandela.
Featured alongside Mandela in the photographs are Moses Kotane, James Moroka, Yusuf Dadoo and Ruth First.

Schadeberg, Jürgen

NIZA Photograph Collection

Photographs of a young ANC supporter wearing a "Welcome Home Nelson Mandela" t-shirt, and of an ANC election billboard with Nelson Mandela's image. Photographers are Joost Hartog and Jan Stegeman.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

NIZA Photograph Collection

Collection of photographs, including the following:
ANC election gathering with Nelson Mandela, held in the Northern Transvaal in 1994. Preparations for an ANC election gathering in the Eastern Transvaal in 1994, with a supporter mounting "Mandela for President" posters. Nelson Mandela flanked by supporters on the day of his inauguration as President of South Africa in May 1994. Placard-carrying supporters of Nelson Mandela and the ANC.
Photographs are by Kadir van Lohuizen.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

African National Congress London Mission

Records of the African National Congress London mission.
The records include correspondence, news clippings, speeches, statements and photographs concerning:
Nelson Mandela-visits to the United Kingdom (1990 - 1993). The life of Zindzi Mandela.
Talks between Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi (1993). Mandela’s visits to the United Nations. Mandela’s inauguration as President of South Africa (1994).

African National Congress (ANC) London Mission

African National Congress (ANC) Collection

Mandela for President- ANC election poster; and other ANC posters; 40th Anniversary of 1956 Women's March: includes Winnie Mandela poster.

African National Congress (ANC)

NIZA Photograph Collection

An album of photographs of Nelson Mandela, including:
Portrait photographs of Nelson Mandela, many of which were taken by Eli Weinberg. There are photographs with Kaiser Matanzima, and of Nelson Mandela together with his son, Thembekile, as well as Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day. Includes photographs of Nelson Mandela wearing traditional beads, Mandela in boxing gear, at his law office, burning his pass, and in disguise while in hiding from the police as the "Black Pimpernel." (1950s - 1960s). Nelson Mandela after his acquittal at the treason trial, with Essop Pahad in the background. Nelson Mandela addressing the All-in-Africa Conference in Pietermaritzburg in 1961. Photographs are by Joe Gqabi. Photographs of Nelson Mandela with military officers in Algiers, and with Oliver Tambo in Addis Ababa, during his secret Africa trip in 1962. Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square, London, 1962. Photographs by Mary Benson. Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu on Robben Island in 1966.The concert in celebration of Mandela's 70th birthday. The 1988 artist's impression of Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela's release from prison, including a scene of him addressing a mass gathering in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Cyril Ramaphosa. Photographers include Yunus Mohamed. Post-release portraits, some that originates from the International Defence and Aid Fund. Photographers include Pieter Boersma and Piet den Blanken. Nelson Mandela addressing meetings on his visit to the Netherlands in June 1990. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela and Thabo Mbeki. Photographers include Jan Stegeman, Pieter Boersma and Kadir van Lohuizen. Nelson Mandela being awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of the Western Cape. Featured in the photographs are Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Professor Jaap Durand and Professor Stanley Ridge. Photographs are by Rashid Lombard. Nelson Mandela alongside a mural in Cape Town. Photograph by the Cape Argus. Nelson Mandela on the platform with Tokyo Sexwale and others at an ANC election mass meeting held at the Kwamazizi Stadium, 12 March 1994. Photographs are by B. Bohler. Photographs of Winnie and Zindzi Mandela, including Winnie in traditional dress, her attendance of political funerals in South Africa in 1985, and Zindzi addressing the crowd at a mass gathering at Jabulani Stadium in 1985. Photographers include Alf Kumalo and Gideon Mendell.

Anti-Apartheid Beweging Nederland

Elections 1994 Records and Posters

Posters with Nelson Mandela images
1. Mandela for President
2.. Now is the Time, Ke Nako, Sekujalo
3. Mandela for President : The People's Choice
4. Message from Mandela
5. Happy Birthday (Nelson Mandela)
Bagde with image of Nelson Mandela: Mandela for President

African National Congress (ANC) elections unit

African National Congress Zimbabwe

Records of the African National Congress mission in Zimbabwe
The records include correspondence and photographs on:
The Nelson Mandela Freedom at 70 campaign; The conferment of the Freedom of the City of Kabwe on Mandela; Nelson Mandela's visit to Zimbabwe; Correspondence from President Mugabe, after Nelson Mandela's release from prison.
Free Mandela campaign (photographs)
Mandela N.R - Interview

African National Congress (ANC) Zimbabwe Mission

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Demond Tutu Papers from Archbishop's media secretary. The collection has memorabilia, correspondence, statements, notes, lectures and speeches

Tutu, Desmond Mpilo

Cry the Beloved Country

Photograph of President Nelson Mandela with Richard Harris and James Earl Jones, from Darrell James Roodt's, Cry the Beloved Country.

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (Photographs and Prints Division)

Nelson Mandela

Collection consisting mainly of Nelson Mandela’s student records, including:
Correspondence between Nelson Mandela and the University of the Witwatersrand registrar’s Office, as well as correspondence between the registrar’s office and the Secretary for Bantu Education concerning Mandela’s registration. Includes the 1952 suspension of Mandela’s registration as an LLB student (1952 - 1980).
News clippings from various South African newspapers, covering subjects such as Mandela’s class of 1946 re-union at Wits University, a suspected bid to kill Mandela on Robben Island in 1969 and Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom.
Correspondence programmes, speeches, invitations and photographs concerning the special graduation ceremony in which Mandela was awarded an honorary doctorate in law at the University of the Witwatersrand, September 1991. Also featured in the collection are photographs of Winnie Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Alfred Nzo, Jacob Zuma, Frene Ginwala, Mongane Wally Serote, Gertrude Shope, Peter Mokaba, Yusuf and Amina Cachalia.
Correspondence, extracts of speeches, news clippings and photographs concerning the special re-union of Mandela’s class of 1946, held in his honour.
A speech delivered by Mandela on the installation of Professor Colin Bundy as Vice Chancellor of the university.

University of the Witwatersrand

Mandela Nelson - African National Congress Presidents' Office Collection

African National Congress Presidents' Office Collection
Consists of records from the office of Nelson Mandela, generated during the period when Mr. Nelson Mandela was the deputy president and then the president of the ANC.
The material dates from 1990 -1999. Few documents dating from 1998 -1999.
The material has been divided and sub divided into various categories as follows:-
Correspondence in boxes 1 – 123; Discussion documents 124 -146;
Minutes of meetings in boxes 147 -152; Reports in boxes 153 -198. Mandela Nelson Statements in boxes 225- 237; ANC departments
Mission offices ; ANC structures; Correspondence with different countries and embassies
Negotiations and Elections; Correspondence with Organisations
Notebooks - office of the president; Publications, Manuscripts of books sent to Mr. Mandela and incomplete typed manuscript of Long Walk to Freedom
Memorabilia; Braille material sent to Nelson Mandela and Audiovisual material

African National Congress (ANC) President's Office

Michael D. Harris photograph binders

Included are photographs of Mike Harris and Nelson Mandela, President, Republic of South Africa, Isabel Bassett, Mike Harris Jr., and others during Mr. Mandela's visit to Toronto.

Office of Mike Harris

Yousuf Karsh fonds

The file consists of portraits of Mr. Nelson Mandela, South African political leader.
One photograph, entitled Nelson Mandela, photographed in Ottawa, appeared in Karsh exhibition in London entitled, Faces of the 20th Century, exhibition was held at Canada House from the 13 May 1998 to the 28 August 28 1998. Statements made by Nelson Mandela and other ANC prominent people and ANC departments.

Karsh, Yousuf

Archbishop Trevor Huddleston

Trevor Huddleston collection includes correspondence on Nelson Mandela, speeches, addresses, newspaper cuttings , Free Mandela Campaigns and 1990 concert . Celebration of the Nelson Mandela's 70th birthday held at Wembley Stadium. Includes correspondence and papers relating to a service celebrating the release of Nelson Mandela (broadcast February 1990).
Audio visual collection, metering on the inauguration of Nelson Mandela. BBC program on Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa.

Huddleston, Trevor

President Nelson Mandela Photographs

President Nelson Mandela Photographs List of photographs donated by individuals to Nelson
Mandela while he was the president of the ANC . Photos, albums and some loose photographs.
The photographs consist of photos of unidentified individuals, some have been taken with Nelson Mandela in the picture, while some are pictures have Nelson Mandela with famous people and some were with ordinary people.
The occasions vary from rallies, weddings and just photo opportunities with Madiba.


Nelson Mandela Presidential Gifts

Collection of gifts and awards presented to Nelson Mandela during his tenure as the first democratically elected President of South Africa. The collection includes gifts from Heads of State, well-known personalities, and ordinary citizens from across the world.
There are gifts from former US President Bill Clinton, current US President George W. Bush, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and the late Yasser Arafat. There are gifts from children ranging between the ages of 3 and 18 from across the world, as well from former anti-apartheid activists. The awards include honorary fellowships, Freedom of the City awards, honorary citizenships, honorary degrees, peace and human rights awards, literary awards, media awards and orders of merit from more than 50 countries around the world. Amongst these are the Nobel Peace Prize, one of thirteen existing facsimiles of the Salisbury Magna Carta, and the Official Presidential Medallion commemorating President Nelson Mandela’s inauguration in 1994.

South African Government Presidency

World Bank Group Archives Photographic Collection

A collection of images of Nelson Mandela's visit to the World Bank and his meeting with World Bank President Lewis T. Preston and other officials in 1991, as well as an image of Nelson Mandela with World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn during a visit in 1999/2000.

World Bank

United Nations Photographic Library

Collection of photographs taken during Nelson Mandela's visits to the United Nations. Scenes covered include:
Nelson Mandela arriving at the United Nations (UN) to address the Special Committee Against Apartheid in the General Assembly (1990). Addresses to the UN General Assembly. Meetings with Secretary-General Javier Perez De Cuellar (1990 - 1991). Meetings with Secretary-General Boutros-Boutros Ghali (1992 - 1994). Nelson Mandela addressing press conferences at the UN Headquarters (1993 - 1994). Nelson Mandela addressing Heads of State attending the 49th session of the UN General Assembly (1994). Mandela's attendance of the 50th anniversary of the UN (1995. Nelson Mandela's attendance of the 53rd session of the General Assembly (1998). Nelson Mandela, as facilitator of the Burundi Peace Process, visiting the UN to brief the Security Council on the situation in Burundi.
Featured together with Nelson Mandela are:
Security Council President Mortar Ouane (Mali) and General Assembly President Harri Holkeri (Finland). Dumisani Khumalo, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the UN; Mayor David Dinkins of New York City. US boxers and boxing officials Mike Tyson, Jose Suleiman, Sugar Ray Leonard and Joe Frazier; Samir Sanbar, Assistant Secretary-General and Lakhdar Brahimi, formerly the Secretary-General's Special Representative for South Africa; Ibrahim Gambari, chairman of the Special Committee Against Apartheid; and Winnie Mandela.

United Nations

Bernstein Hilda and Rusty Papers 1931-2006

Rusty Bernstein's Papers includes personal correspondence to family and comrades, professional documentation relating to his career as an architect and inventor, and a large collection of writing, including drafts and material for his political biography Memory Against Forgetting as well as articles, essays and literature relating to prominent events in the liberation struggle (The 1946 Mine Workers Strike, The Freedom Charter and the Rivonia Trial). The collection also includes written material relating to his political career in the Communist Party and involvement with the ANC and as editor/contributor to journals like Fighting Talk and The African Communist and a lecture series given in Moscow to young militants of the ANC.
Hilda Bernstein's papers include a series of journals dating from 1967 to 2001 and personal diaries written whilst in prison, and on travels throughout South Africa and Europe. A large part of the collection marks her involvement with women's rights and work for the ANC Women's League. There is also a considerable collection of art records documenting her career in London and Europe. The bulk of the collection is comprised of records relating to Hilda's extensive writings - books, articles and political literature. Of particular prominence is material collected for her most recent book The Rift, which captures the experiences of South African exiles. There is also a large collection of correspondence both personal and professional and political brochures relating to her position as City Councillor for the Communist Party in Johannesburg from 1943 to 1946.

The records kept by Hilda (viewed as 'evidence' of Hilda's activities) far outnumber those kept by Rusty. It would be misleading to presume that this is in any way a complete archive of the Bernstein's activities.
On the contrary, there are large gaps. For example, there is very little in the collection relating directly to the Freedom Charter, in which Rusty played a major part in the organizing committee and was responsible for drafting the country-wide submissions that would become the Charter. Consideration should also be made for the possibility that Hilda is a more conscientious record keeper than Rusty was, or that due to persistent banning and arrest Rusty was forced to destroy evidence of his activities or resist the documentation of these activities. In truth, the reasons for the shape of this collection are too numerous and extensive to state. As it stands, the researcher can at best make this deduction - that Hilda's work and influence in the liberation struggle, particularly in the role assigned to woman, is vast and unique, and deserves attention beyond the shadow cast by Rusty's political career. In Hilda's case it is a matter of the biography that has yet to be written.

Hilda and Rusty Bernstein Papers

Celebrating the life of Nelson Mandela

Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation
A Captivating view of the indomitable spirit of one of the world's most fascinating figures.
Directed by Jo Menell and Angus Gibson and produced by Jonathan Demme, Edward Saxon and Jo Menell.
Total Running time: 118 minutes

Offering an intimate look at one of the world's most revered human rights figures from his childhood to his election as South Africa's first black president, the feature-length film produced by Jonathan Demme was nominated for the 1997 Academy Award® for Best Documentary.

A 26-track CD soundtrack includes South African legends Hugh Masekela, Johnny Clegg & Saluki, Vusi Mahlasela, The Manhattan Brothers, Brenda Fassie and many more. The 48-page book and National Geographic Map chronicle the political and cultural history of South Africa

Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation Original Soundtrack
Evoking the rich and vibrant musical legacy of South Africa, with traditional Xhosa and Zulu folk songs, '50s township swing and jump blues, harmony trios and powerful protest songs of freedom.

Track List:
1 Robben Island Ambiance
2 Father of Our Nation - Jennifer Jones and Hugh Masekela
3 Childhood - Original Score
4 Sip N’ Fly - The African Jazz Pioneers
5 In The Queue - Original Cast Of The All African Jazz Opera “King Kong”
6 Yiyole The - Havana Swingsters
7 Pula Kgosi Seretse - The Skylarks
8 Ndenzeni Na? (What Have I Done?) - The Father Huddleston Band
9 Vuka Vuka (Get Up, Get Up) - The Manhattan Brothers
10 De Makeba - The Jazz Dazzlers
11 Lalelani - The Skylarks
12 Mandela-Madiba Original Score
13 Toyi Toyi Mix - The African National Congress Choir
14 Heavyweight - The Kalahari Surfers With Lesego Rampolokeng
15 Wars Of Old - Original Score
16 Asimbonanga (Mandela) (We Have Not Seen Him) -Johnny Clegg And Saluki
17 Family Theme - Original Score
18 Nelson Mandela - The Specials
19 Rest In Peace - Original Score
20 When You Come Back - Vusi Mahlasela
21 Transkei - Original Score
22 Guns And Pangas - The Kalahari Surfers With Shaun Naidoo
23 Sad Song - Original Score
24 Phansi Ngodlame - Babsy Mlangeni
25 Mmalo-We - Bayete And Jab Khanyile
26 Black President - Brenda Fassie

48-page Book
Telling the compelling story of the extraordinary life of Nelson Mandela is a beautiful, 48-page book filled with dozens of photos and art images, and an essay by acclaimed British journalist Robin Denselow.

20” X 30” Poster Map exclusively created by the National Geographic Society

Menell, Jo

In celebration of Madiba

Mail and Guardian tribute site in celebration of Madiba. The 20 year archive includes speeches, statements, newspaper articles, photographs, video clips, cartoons and ANC related articles.

Palm World: Voices of Mandela

Offering an intimate look at one of the world’s most revered human rights figures from his childhood to his election as South Africa’s first black president, the feature-length film produced by Jonathan Demme was nominated for the 1997 Academy Award for Best Documentary. A 26-track CD soundtrack includes South African legends Hugh Masekela, Johnny Clegg & Saluki, Vusi Mahlasela, The Manhattan Brothers, Brenda Fassie and many more. The 48-page book and National Geographic Map chronicle the political and cultural history of South Africa.

Palm World Voices: Mandela includes:

48-page Book
Telling the compelling story of the extraordinary life of Nelson Mandela is a beautiful, 48-page book filled with dozens of photos and art images, and an essay by acclaimed British journalist Robin Denselow.

20” X 30” Poster Map exclusively created by the National Geographic Society

About Palm World Voices
Exploring contemporary music and culture from musically rich areas of the globe, each release in the Palm World Voices series features a 60 minute DVD of music and beautiful contextual footage, a full-length CD, an essay booklet filled with history and information on each region, and an exclusively-designed 20” x 30” poster map created by The National Geographic Society to enhance the visual knowledge of the region.
Palm World Voices: Mandela

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DVD: Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation

A Captivating view of the indomitable spirit if one of the world’s most fascinating figures, this full-length documentary follows Nelson Mandela from his early days and tribal education to his election as South Africa’s first black president. Providing insights into his early life, the film takes us through Mandela’s childhood, adolescence, career in law and first marriage. Mandela is an absorbing look at the courageous life, tribulations and fortitude of Mandela the leader, while never forgetting the engaging and charismatic spirit of Mandela the man. Film features exclusive interviews and narration from Mandela himself.

Directed by Jo Menell and Angus Gibson and produced by Jonathan Demme, Edward Saxon and Jo Menell.

Total Run Time: 118 minutes

Menell, Jo

London Photographs

London Photographs- photographs from the ANC London Mission Office
Photographs of Mandela after release when visiting the ANC missions.

African National Congress (ANC)

Jesse Jackson Portrait Collection

Collection consisting primarily of 35mm colour transparencies, of posters protesting against the continued imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, and calling for his release from prison.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

African National Congress Mozambique Mission

ANC Mission office in Maputo the records consists of correspondence speeches and memorabilia. Mandela, Nelson 70th birthday celebration. Nelson Mandela’s letter to Chief Buthelezi Mangosuthu 1988.

African National Congress (ANC)

Govan Mbeki Release

Mrs Winnie Mandela supports Govan Mbeki, one of the leaders of Umkhonto we Sizwe leaders arrested in Rivonia on 11 June 1963, after his release by the government.