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Supreme chief of the Tembu Jongintaba Dalindyebo with his wife, 1929.10.11, Eastern Cape: [Still Image]

Supreme chief of the Tembu Jongintaba Dalindyebo with his wife. He became Nelson Mandela’s guardian after the death of Mandela’s father. Nelson Mandela lived at the homestead of Jongintaba from the age of 9 until 16 and was raised together with Jongintaba's children.

Moravian Archives

Luyolo Stengile Collection, 1938, Healdtown: [8 Photographic Prints]

Photos of Healdtown College. In the Class photograph are, among others: Nelson Mandela (back row, fifth from the right), Myrtle Workman (white woman), Rev. Arthur Wellington (next to Myrtle), Rev. S. M. Mokitimi (next to Wellington), Jane Methola (next to Mokitimi) and Gilbert Nzimani (behind Mokitimi).

Stengile, Luyolo

Mandela and Tambo

Photograph of a document from the company Mandela and Tambo attorneys at law requesting the lifting of restriction on Nelson Mandela to enable him to appear on behalf of a client in Hammanskraal Native Commissioner's court. 9 x 12cm


Warrants of Committal - Nelson Mandela

  • NMAP 2010/07
  • Series
  • 1962-11-07 - 1964-06-12
Following Nelson Mandela’s sentencing on 7 November 1962, the Pretoria Magistrates Court issued a warrant committing him to prison for five years.
He had been convicted and sentenced that day to three years for on charges of “inciting to trespass laws” (to strike) and two for leaving South Africa without a passport. It was stipulated that the two sentences were to run consecutively.
The second Warrant of Committal was issued by the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa on June 12, 1964, the same day the judge handed down a sentence of life imprisonment for Mr Mandela and his colleagues, who was convicted on four counts of sabotage in the Rivonia Trial.
The first two counts were for contravening Section 21(1) of the General Laws Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76 of 1962; the third in contravention of Section 11(a), read with Sections 1 and 12 of Act No. 44 of 1950; and the fourth was for contravening Section 3(1) (6), read with Section 2 of Act No. 8 of 1953 (as amended).

Supreme Court of South Africa

Helen Joseph

Collection of papers built by Helen Joseph during her lifetime, these relate to her personal fight against
apartheid. The collection has papers on her involvement in politics, the Human rights Welfare Committee, the 1956 Treason trial, banning banishment, house arrests relationship with Nelson Mandela and his family - Nelson and Winnie Mandela - Release Mandela Campaign

Joseph, Helen

Nelson Mandela and P.W. Botha's secret meeting, South Africa: [Still image]

Nelson Mandela's secret meeting with President P.W. Botha. From l to r: General Williamsen, Nelson Mandela, Neil Barnard, Pres. Botha and Kobie Coetsee. Only photograph of the meeting that took place on 5 July 1989. Other people in the photo are General Johan Willemse (Commissioner of Prisons), Niel Barnard (Head of National Intelligence), and Hendrik "Kobie" Coetsee (Minister of Justice).

Ehlers, Ters

Afrapix Collective, 1980s, South Africa: [Set of 23 Still Images]

Afrapix was a documentary photographers' collective established by a small group of black and white photographers and political activists in 1982. It played a seminal role in the development of a socially informed school of documentary photography in apartheid South Africa. The group produced some of the most compelling photographic statements on apartheid and the popular uprising in the 1980s.Some nine photographers are represented in this small collection.

Cobbins, Julian

Peter Magubane Collection II

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/18
  • Series
  • 1990-03-02
Photo slide show produced by Peter Magubane: Madiba – 20 days after release.

Magubane, Peter

Pieter Boersma Collection: [Set of 41 Still Images]

Three sub-series of photographs by Pieter Boersma.
1. Nelson Mandela's visits to the Netherlands and France in 1990.; meeting with the Dutch Labour party (PvdA), the Association of West-European Parliamentarians against Apartheid (AWEPA) in Strasbourg and the Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement.
2.Nelson Mandela's visits to Belgium in 1993 meeting the Belgian Parliament
3. Nelson Mandela at the ANC Rally in Soweto addressing the crowd in a stadium with Chris Hani standing next to him and Walter Sisulu on stage.

Boersma, Pieter

Luke Dollimore Collection, 1994.04.27, Durban: [Set of Three Still Images]

Nelson Mandela casting his vote for the first time at Ohlange High School near Durban. Next to him is Gay McDougall, an America Human Rights lawyer who served on the Independent Electoral Commission. The photos are taken inside the voting station whilst most photos of Mandela casting his 'first vote' are taken outside the voting station and are actually of him casting his second vote.

Dollimore, Luke

Oath of office

Mr. N. R. Mandela signs oath of office after his swearing in as the President of the new democratic South Africa.

Mandela Nelson - African National Congress Presidents' Office Collection

African National Congress Presidents' Office Collection
Consists of records from the office of Nelson Mandela, generated during the period when Mr. Nelson Mandela was the deputy president and then the president of the ANC.
The material dates from 1990 -1999. Few documents dating from 1998 -1999.
The material has been divided and sub divided into various categories as follows:-
Correspondence in boxes 1 – 123; Discussion documents 124 -146;
Minutes of meetings in boxes 147 -152; Reports in boxes 153 -198. Mandela Nelson Statements in boxes 225- 237; ANC departments
Mission offices ; ANC structures; Correspondence with different countries and embassies
Negotiations and Elections; Correspondence with Organisations
Notebooks - office of the president; Publications, Manuscripts of books sent to Mr. Mandela and incomplete typed manuscript of Long Walk to Freedom
Memorabilia; Braille material sent to Nelson Mandela and Audiovisual material

African National Congress (ANC) President's Office

George Hallett Collection – Mandela Photos

  • ZA COM NMAP 2013/21
  • Series
  • 1994 - 2000
Three prints by and from George Hallett:
(a) Mandela on the Election Trail, Athlone Stadium, April 1994
(b) Madiba at his Houghton Residence, April 1994
(c) Nelson Mandela, Cape Town 2000.

Hallett, George

Nelson Mandela receives the Gandhi Peace Prize, c2001, New Delhi: [Set of Seven Still Images]

Nelson Mandela receives the Gandhi Peace Prize 2000 in New Delhi. President of India Mr Kocheril Raman Narayanan (then president of India) conferred the honour. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, (then) Vice-President Krishan Kant and (then High Commissioner of South Africa) Ms Maite Mashabane were also present.

Consulate General of India

Worlds Aids Day: Nelson Mandela and Premier Winkie Direko, 2002.12.01, Bloemfontein: [Set of 60 Still Images]

Nelson Mandela attending the World Aids Day event with Premier Winkie Direko at Bloemfontein (South Africa). The images show: the building wrapped in aids ribbons, Opening ceremony, Mandela lighting candle, Mandela holding speech – huge ribbons as background and ‘good leaders lead’ banner, and Mandela greeting children.

Gool, Benny

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