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Ahmed Kathrada Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP-2009/3
  • Series
  • 1963 to 1964
Consists of an annotated and signed copy of Mandela’s speech from the dock and carbon copy of the charge sheet from the Rivonia Trial, The State vs Mandela and others.

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

Peter Magubane Collection I

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/23
  • Series
  • 2009-07-20
Photographic slide shows produced by Peter Magubane, covering the 1970s - ca. 2000:
A. Madiba: apartheid and resistance; with Nelson Mandela since his release with Winnie, Graca, the Sisulus, Oliver Tambo, inauguration, Tutu, rallies
B. June 16th: Soweto uprising; with Brenda Fassie’s song Memesa
C. 8115 Orlando West: mainly in and around the house; Winnie and the children

Magubane, Peter

IDAF Poster Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/35
  • Series
  • Unknown
A collection of posters from the IDAF (International Defence and Aid Fund).

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Len Sak Cartoons

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/13
  • Series
  • 1991 to 1994
Copies of Len Sak Cartoons in the Sowetan newspaper during the 3 years leading up to the elections in April 1994. Some of the cartoons were used for a virtual exhibition "The Cartoons of Len Sak 1990 to 1994".

Sak, Len

Resolution of Oakland City Council, 1990

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/37
  • Series
  • 1990-02-20
Resolution of Oakland City Council reaffirming support for comprehensive sanctions against apartheid and declaring End Apartheid Week March 5-11, 1990.

Oakland City Council

Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives

  • Record Group

The international movement of solidarity with the struggle for freedom in South Africa was arguably the biggest social movement the world has seen. Virtually every country in the world has a history of anti-apartheid activity, in diverse forms. In many countries, anti-apartheid activities were linked (formally or informally) with local struggles against oppression of many kinds. Most anti-apartheid movements (AAMs) did not restrict their activities to South Africa, but supported liberation movements in Southern Africa more broadly. Besides individual countries, a range of regional and international organisations added their voices to the struggles against apartheid.

What follows is an overview of some of the extant archival records of this extraordinary history. It is a first step towards a more comprehensive picture; it is at this point but a marker.

Anthony Sampson

  • ZA COM ASColl
  • Collection

Sampson, Anthony

Hunger for Freedom: Anna Trapido

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/15
  • Series
  • 2007 to 2008
23 interviews conducted by Anna Trapido in the making of her cookbook "Hunger for Freedom" a gastro-political biography of Mr. Mandela's journey from his boyhood through his life before and after his imprisonment, to the presidential banquets. It includes some personal and political anecdotes of people who were involved in one way or the other with Mr. Nelson Mandela.
Transcripts of most interviews are available as printouts and electronic copies on CD.

Trapido, Anna

Eric Bennet visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2019.04.04, Houghton: [Set of 60 Still images]

  • 0594
  • Series
  • 2019-04-04
Eric bennet visiting the Nelson Mandela Foundation, given a guided tour by Sello Hatang inside the archive, in the temporary and permanent exhibition, inside Nelson Mandela office, and handover of Nelson Mandela Prison Letters book by Sello Hatang. A group photograph was taken next to the Mandela statue, and Eric Bennet in iMadiba site.

Arends, Ethel

Mandela: The Authorised Portrait

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/10
  • Series
  • 2005
Material collected in the course of preparing the book “Mandela: The Authorised Portrait”: 54 typed interview transcripts; 55 cassette tapes; 9 digital audio mini disks (with interviews); 7 3.5" floppy disks (transcripts), with data transferred to 1 CD. The interviews were carried out by Tim Couzens and Amina Frense in 2005.


Bob Hepple Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP-2013/1
  • Series
  • 1964
Includes 4 textual items: copy of article "Rivonia: The Story of Accused no. 11 by Bob Hepple, reprinted from Social Dynamics 30:1 (2004); Note by Hepple (papers listed in the note were not received); Document Rivonia Trial - Mandela's comment on evidence of Walter Sisulu and copy of letter by Sisulu to Hepple; Programme of ANC 70th anniversary concert, London. Includes Cantata in homage of Mandela.

Hepple, Bob

Mells Park Talks - ANC Notes

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/21-1
  • Series
  • 1987 to 1990
Copies of notes taken by Tony Trew of the secret meetings which took place between the ANC and the apartheid government at Mells Park, United Kingdom.

Trew, Tony


  • Record Group
Hundreds of books have been written about the late Nelson Mandela in many countries and in many languages. Even more books have covered topics with him as a reference. Still more books, in virtually every genre and about most subjects, refer to him, his experiences and his leadership.

International Solidarity - London 1988

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/52
  • Series
  • 1988
Pamphlet of a protest by the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group and a pamphlet from Embargo/AAM 'Stop Apartheid - Boycott Shell'.

Thurley, Keith

Apartheid: Slide show by Peter Magubane

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/4
  • Series
  • 2010-11-15
Photo slide show covering the 1950s-1990s with: conditions under apartheid (living, mines, agriculture, pass laws, Bantustans, trains, signage, children, elderly); protest and challenge; trials; vigilantes; train killings; release related; people.

Magubane, Peter

Jack Swart Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/32
  • Series
  • 1988 to 2012
Jack Swart was Mr Mandela's warder and chef from 7 Dec 1988 to 11 Feb 1990 at Victor Verster Prison. This collection includes notes by Mandela to Swart, correspondence, photographs, recipes and menus of the food Swart cooked for Mandela, and a manuscript of Swart's life story in Afrikaans. It includes a video clip of the drive from the Victor Verster House to the prison gates that Mandela would have taken on 11 Feb 1990 when he was released.

Swart, Jack

Ahmed Kathrada Collection II

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/7
  • Series
  • Unknown
Copies of document in Mandela's hand which serves as a covering note for the document in AM Kathrada's hand and in another hand which follows.

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

South African Youth Day Declaration Resolution of 1993

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/36
  • Series
  • 1993-06-16
Resolution of the Council of the District of Columbia declaring Wednesday, June 16, 1993 "South African Youth Day" in the District of Columbia, accompanied by proclamation of South African Youth Day in the city of Washington, D.C. by the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

District of Columbia

Rivonia Trial

  • MR-RT
  • Record Group
The Rivonia Trial, arguably the most significant political trial in South African history, generated a vast archive, ranging from the official court records to media coverage of the trial. This database, and the records audit on which it is built, constitutes a first step towards documenting the archive. The need for the database was determined by the fragmentary and scattered nature of the archive.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Assorted Papers

  • NMPP-PC-2009/5.2
  • Subseries
  • 1980 - 1990
The subseries consists of a 1990 diary given to him by JN and Radhi Singh, Methodist Church Sunday Service booklet and a file of assorted papers.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Mandela notes during CODESA

  • ZA COM NMPP-2009/84
  • Series
  • 1992
Two notes by Mandela: one to Winnie on CODESA notebook page; one with notes on back of ‘while you were out’ slip.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Nelson Mandela Tributes

  • Record Group
The Nelson Mandela Tributes Database consists of tributes, and awards bestowed on Nelson Mandela. It includes tributes, awards and honours he received while in prison, after his release, while he was President of South Africa, during his retirement and posthumously.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

George Bizos Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/01
  • Series
  • 1962 - 2010
Manuscript of the book 'Apartheid's Justice' by George Bizos, including correspondence and research materials. A draft of Joel Joffe's book 'The Rivonia Story' is included.

Bizos, George Interview of Achmat Dangor

  • Series
  • 2010
Interview of Achmat Dangor, the CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, for the e.TV program Inside Out on
1. The work of the Foundation
2. The Centre of Memory and Dialogue
3. The 7th Nelson Mandela Annual lecture
4. Nelson Mandela Day
5. 46664
6. Achmat Dangor's work as a writer.


Trek4Mandela Exhibits a painting by Sarah Gusten-Marr at Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2022.03.01, Houghton: [Set of 5 Still images]

  • ZA COM 0819
  • Series
  • 2020-03-01
An international artist Ms Sarah Gusten-Marr donates a painting to the Imbumba Foundation in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Trek4Mandela expedition. The Imbumba Foundation exhibits the painting at the Nelson Mandela Foundation for a short term as part of the build up to Trek4Mandela Expedition launch and send-off 2022.

Arends, Ethel

Each One Feed One food distribution by the Nelson Mandela Foundation in partnership with Hulamin at Khazimula children’s home, 2020.12.08, Howick: [Set of 140 Still images]

  • ZA COM 0821
  • Series
  • 2020-12-08
The Nelson Mandela Foundation and Hulamin team distributing food parcels to the Khazimula children’s home. The Nelson Mandela Foundation Executive Officer addressed children and staff of Khazimula children’s home, and the children entertained their guest by playing musical instruments.

Dakada, Mandlenkosi

The Nelson Mandela Foundation commemorates the 9th Anniversary of Madiba’s Passing through its One Million Tree Campaign, 2022.012.05, Riverlea: [Set of 47 Still images]

  • ZA COM 0906
  • Series
  • 2022-12-05
The Nelson Mandela Foundation and Joburg City Parks & Zoo have collaborated to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the passing of Madiba. Over the years, the Foundation has marked the event through dialogue on critical social issues. This year the celebration was marked by a special Nelson Mandela Day convening, opening a park in the Riverlea community. The park will stand in honour of Madiba's legacy, and the values that he espoused. It will be the tangible site for our One Million Tree Campaign, which aims to promote environmental justice, and food security and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Abrahams, Earl

Labuschagne Family Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2023/01
  • Series
  • 1993
Lappies Labuschagne gave his life while assisting civilians to evacuate and inspect the premises where a bomb had been planted. The old apartheid flag which had covered the coffin of Lappies at his funeral was given to the family. On the 23rd of June 2022, the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory hosted a handover ceremony and a dialogue Oppressive Pasts & Healing: From Othering to Belonging. During this ceremony, Lourens and Lorato Labuschagne donated the flag to the Nelson Mandela Foundation in exchange for the new South African flag. This was handed to them by the minister of justice and correctional services, Ronald Lamola at the event. Included with the apartheid flag were three honorary medals bestowed on Lappies. Subsequentlye, digital copies of newspaper clippings and condolence letters were also donated mostly written in Afrikaans and a few in English.

Labuschagne, Lourens

Vhukoni Education Initiative Johannesburg Tour, 2019.07.06, Johannesburg: [Set of 140 still Images]

  • ZA COM 0625
  • Series
  • 2019-07-06

The Nelson Mandela Foundation invited Chief Khosi Vho Ravele R.R., five learners and five coordinators from Maulume Village to visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation and other legacy sites within Johannesburg. The trip was to give the learners an opportunity to learn about the history of their country as future leaders.

Tour of the NMF Centre of Memory, Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill, Liliesleaf Farm, Hector Pieterson Museum & Vilakazi Street.
Insightful engagements in the Centre of Memory about societal issues.
Presentation of a vegetable and macadamia oil farming proposal.
Exchange of gifts between the Chief and Nelson Mandela Foundation Chief Executive.

Wahome, Noreen

Mandela Day Habitat for Humanity South Africa, 2018.07.18, South Africa: [80 Still Images]

  • ZA COM 0639
  • Series
  • 2018-07-18
Nelson Mandela Foundation in partnership with Habitat for Humanity and the Department of Human Settlements honouring Nelson Mandela legacy by building 100 homes for 100 families across three regions; Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal. The photographs show the Nelson Mandela Foundation Board of Trustees and Staff member helping with building the house.

Sishuba, Buyi

Himan Bernadt Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/13
  • Series
  • 1966 to 1990
Files of the legal firm Frank, Bernadt & Joffe concerning certain legal matters pertaining to its client, Mr. Nelson Mandela, between 1966 and 1990. These papers detail examples of his endeavours to secure rights for prisoners through challenging the legality of acts carried out by prison officers, his opposing of the state's attempt to have him struck off the role of attorneys, family-related matters, etc.

Bernadt, Himan

Jonas Gwangwa Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP-2011/52
  • Series
  • 2010-10 - 2011-07
Digitised copies of audio interviews conducted by Sam Shakong with Jonas Gwangwa, family, friends, and colleagues for the biography Sam Shakong and Elinor Sisulu are preparing. The draft introduction to the book and several transcripts are included.

Shakong, Sam

Good Cheer Mandela (Jindabad Mandela)

  • ZA COM NMAP-2013/2
  • Series
  • 1990
Song written in Bengali for Mandela's visit to Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 1990. Includes English translation by Dr. Nripen Dutta Baruah.

Hazarika, Bhupen

Abdul Bham Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2014/7
  • Series
  • c1954-1980s
The collections consists of documents, memorial booklets, pamphlets, photographs and musical sheets of struggle songs. It includes a letter signed by Walter Sisulu and appendices, from the National Action Council of the Congress of the People; several photographs taken during Nelson Mandela's trip through Africa in 1962, in Morroco.

African National Congress (ANC)

Hassen Ebrahim Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2015/51
  • Series
  • 1991-01-01 - 1998-12-31
Digital and textual records of the Transitional Executive Council (TEC), the Conference for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) and the Constitutional Assembly collected by Ebrahim

Ebrahim, Hassen

Mozambican order of arrest

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/11
  • Series
  • 1961-10-27
Copies of documents of the Governor of Lourenço Marques, Mozambique, and one photo of Mandela, stuck on black cardboard.
In Portuguese. English translation available.



  • Record Group
  • 1951-2011
The transcriptions contained within this collection encompass all of the roles that Mr Mandela filled both before and during his retirement. This is an ongoing exercise as we continually identify additional speeches made by Mr Mandela. Every speech is verified prior to accessioning.


Anthony Sampson Audio Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/60
  • Series
  • 1990s[?]
Copies of 2 interviews of Nelson Mandela by Anthony Sampson.

Sampson, Anthony

Anti-Apartheid Movements, The Netherlands

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/68
  • Series
  • 1960s-1990s
Mandela- and ANC-related materials from the former Anti-Apartheid Movements in the Netherlands. Included is a large collection of digital photos from the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (ANC) in Tanzania, as well as some other ‘ANC in exile’ photos, documents, t-shirts, and other memorabilia. The materials were created by the ANC, IDAF, and others.

Anti-Apartheid Movement, Netherlands

Goldstone Commission of Inquiry Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2015/52
  • Series
  • 1991-1994
Judge Richard Goldstone was appointed as chair of the Commission of Inquiry Regarding the Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation in Ocotber 1991 by President F W de Klerk, to investigate political violence and intimidation that occurred between July 1991 and the 1994 general election that ended apartheid in South Africa. It became known as the Goldstone Commission.

Goldstone, Richard Joseph

Rica Hodgson Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/90
  • Series
  • ca. 2010
Manuscripts and transcripts of interviews of Rica Hodgson in the making of her autobiography, Foot Soldier for Freedom. Also includes copies of newsclippings and messages of condolence received by the Hodgson family on the death of Jack Hodgson.

Hodgson, Rica

Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital site dedication

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/83
  • Series
  • 2009-07-31
Photos of the preferred site dedication ceremony for the establishment of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital on the occasion of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (NMCF) Annual Children’s Celebration.



  • Record Group
Nelson Mandela has been the subject of numerous documentaries, feature films and news specials. This list is not exhaustive. Any additions or comments would be gratefully received, please reach us via To see whether the NMF has copies of these films please check the NMF Film & Sound Collection.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Notebooks and Notes

  • ZA COM NMPP 2009/8
  • Series
  • 1990 - 2001
This series consists of 28 notebooks, 11 folders of notes written on a variety of sheets of paper, in notebooks and diaries by Nelson Mandela. It also includes 2 diaries kept by his secretaries.
It contains Nelson Mandela’s handwritten notes from the time of his release until his retirement from politics. There are also desk diaries from the Presidential period. It documents deliberations, personal thoughts, important meetings with heads of state, ANC meetings and communication with comrades, formal and informal discussion with people from all walks of life. Also included are notes received from other people by Mr Mandela.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Jacques Moreillon Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/57
  • Series
  • ca. 2004-2009
The collection consists of a report of 3 visits by Dr Jacques Moreillon as ICRC Delegate General for Africa to Robben Island (1973, 1974 and 1975) and his meetings with Nelson Mandela during and after his incarceration. It also includes a manuscript, “Moments with Madiba”; a letter to Mandela dated 25 April 2005; and a brief resume of Moreillon, dated 2009. The report and manuscript cover the period 1963-2004, focusing on 1973 onwards.

Moreillon, Jacques

Nelson Mandela’s state visit to Thailand

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/33
  • Series
  • 1997-07
Two duplicate photos of Mandela meeting King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the occasion of Mandela's state visit to Thailand.

Government of Thailand

Statement issued by the Honorary Secretary of the All-in-African National Action Council, 1961.06.05: [Set of 4 Images]

  • ZA COM NMPP 2010/51
  • page
  • 1961-06-05
Typed statement issued and signed by Nelson Mandela in his capacity as Secretary of the All-in-African National Action Council. The statement expresses disgust at the action of the authorities in closing the Fort Hare and Healdtown educational institutions, thereby victimising students for participating in a peaceful nation-wide protest (being a stay-away which was organised by the Council to coincide with South Africa's becoming a Republic on 31 May 1961).
Includes covering note and envelope.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Prison Collection

  • Series
  • 1962-1990

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture [sound/video]

  • Taxonomy
The Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture series invites is considered as the flagship of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The Nelson Mandela Foundation through its annual lectures seeks to promote debate debate and discussions on significant social issues. The lecture series is an important event on the Foundation's calendar, and encourages people to enter into dialogue – often about difficult subjects – in order to address the challenges we face today.

Mandela Materials

  • MR-MM
  • Record Group
  • 1940s-2013

The archival record relating to the late Mr Nelson Mandela is infinite, fragmentary and scattered, both geographically and institutionally, throughout the world, making it almost impossible to physically locate. The imperative, therefore, is to document this vast resource, facilitate access to it, and promote its preservation and use.

The Mandela Materials Database is a guide to the Mandela archive elsewhere, other than the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Both local and international repositories have been surveyed for any material on Mr Mandela to include in the database. The purpose of this database is to point researchers to the relevant repositories holding the actual archival material.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Barbara Masekela Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2022/03
  • Collection
  • 1991
1 folder of textual documents consisting of faxes; invitations; lists of things to do; artwork catalogue; correspondence; draft agenda for NEC of 2 June 1992 and NWC of 10 June 1992 and handwritten notes, some in Mandela's handwriting, and some relating to Mandela's 13th Avenue, Houghton home.

Masekela, Barbara

Nelson Mandela Foundation in partnership with Thesele to assist with the food distribution network Each One Feed One, 2020.10.28, Mamelodi: [Set of 304 Still images]

  • ZA COM 0792
  • Series
  • 2020-10-28
Nelson Mandela Foundation partnered with Thesele to assist with the food distribution network Each One Feed One. The organisations visited two beneficiaries. Nelson Mandela Foundation Executive Officer Sello Hatang and Mandela day and Special Projects Director Yase Godlo and Thesele Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Thabo Leeuw addressed the crowd. Distribution was done in Mamelodi for two beneficiaries.

Dakada, Mandlenkosi

Mandela Day: The Next Chapter

  • ZA COM 0616
  • Series
  • 2019-05-15
The Nelson Mandela Foundation launched a new strategy for International Nelson Mandela Day, titled Mandela Day: The Next Chapter, at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in May 2019. The new strategy charts a new path for the ten-year-old initiative significantly changing the manner in which it will impact on people’s lives. The launch was attended by stakeholders from global organisations, corporate South Africa and civil society organisations - among them, the United Nations, Habitat for Humanity, Vodacom, early childhood development practitioners and national celebrities.

Distilled Photography

Jakes Gerwel Collection

  • Record Group
  • 1968-2013
This collection of materials was undertaken by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation as part of its mandate to preserve the memory and legacy of Prof. Gert (Jakes) Gerwel. The material thus incorporates materials created and collected by Prof. Gerwel himself as well as donations by others (each donation described in a separate subfonds). The material ranges from Gerwel's student days in the 1960s to shortly before his death in 2012 (and in some donations beyond that date).

Gerwel, Gert Johannes (Jakes)

The Presidential Years

  • ZA COM 2018/89
  • Series
  • 2014-2016
A series of transcripts of interviews and research documents compiled by Tony Trew in preparation for the Dare Not Linger publication.

Trew, Tony

Maniben Sita Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP-2009/1
  • Series
  • 1957-1964

Sita’s 1963 diary, with additional entries from 1962. Also includes leaflets: “The Group Areas Act & Mr. Nana Sita” (1964?), SA Indian Congress, London; and pamphlets: “I Accuse!” Speeches to court by Nelson Mandela, 1962-1963 trial (origin unknown); “South Africa’s Treason Trial” (1957), “Afrika!” Publications, Johannesburg.

Sita had concealed these documents in a cushion to avoid them being confiscate during raids by the security police at her family home. In 2008, Sita gifted the cushion to Mandela for his 90th birthday stating on an accompanying note that he will find the contents of the cushion interesting. When the gift was received, the cushioned was unstitched revealing the documents.

Sita, Maniben

Sahm Venter Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/14
  • Series
  • 1984 to 2000
Documents accumulated by Sahm Venter from ca. 1984-2002 as part of her work as a journalist as well as a dedicated political activist during the struggle for liberation in South Africa. The documents have been categorised and arranged by the following subjects or formats:
Personal papers
Organisations / Community based organisations
Court cases, Petitions and Appeals
Speeches and writings

Venter, Sahm

Anonymous Photo Donation

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/75
  • Series
  • 1960s-1990s
This collection consists of 12 photographs taken over a period of time, created by several photographers and used by The Sowetan newspaper in South Africa.


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