National Archives United Kingdom
- Collection
- 1962
Part of Mandela Materials
Report from the British embassy, Pretoria to the Foreign office, London.
British Embassy, Pretoria
1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
British Embassy, Pretoria
African National Congress records in Tanzania
Part of Mandela Materials
African Liberation Committee
Nelson Mandela Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Part of Mandela Materials
World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoner
Part of Mandela Materials
United Nations
Part of Mandela Materials
Episcopal Church People for Southern Africa
Part of Mandela Materials
Episcopal Church People for Southern Africa
Launch of the Children's Version of Long Walk to Freedom, 2009-09-10
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Struggle Veterans Luncheon, 2003.05.16, Sandton: [Set of 374 Still Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Fish, Trevor
Nelson Mandela photos by Benny Gool, 1989-1995, South Africa: [Set of 146 Images]
Part of 1.10 Nelson Mandela > ANC
Gool, Benny
Mandela with Algerian Freedom Fighters, Morocco, 1962
Mandela receiving the Order of Mapungubwe, Tshwane, 2002.02.10: [Set of 10 photographic prints]
Part of 1.13.1 Gifts & Tributes
Mandela receiving a Jenna Clifford glass piece, Johannesburg, [Set of 2 photographic prints]
Part of 1.13.1 Gifts & Tributes
Ahmed Kathrada and Nelson Mandela, Undate; [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela in front of a painting, South Africa, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Atlantic Philantropies donation, 2017; [set of 4 photographic prints]
Part of Gifted photos
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Opening Emdibanisweni Community Centre, 2001.03.23, Emdibanisweni, [set of 3 photographic prints]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela in front of the Houghton House, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
The Elders, C2007, South Africa, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela and singer Bono, 2003, Cape Town, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Outdoor event with children, Johannesburg, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela attending a wedding, South Africa [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela with Algerian Freedom Fighters, 1962, Morocco, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela with Nat Brendan and Phillip Tobias, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela at the ICC Conference, 2000.11.01, Durban, [1 potographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Singh family, South Africa: [Set of 2 photographic prints]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela receives a gold dagger from Saudi Arabia: [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela jiving in front of a group of students, South Africa: [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
South African Airways congratules Madiba, 2003.07.18, Johannesburg, [Set of 12 photographic prints]
Part of Gifted photos
Morey, Peter
Mandela receives the 'Freedom of the City of Tshwane' award, 2008: [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Isithwalandwe Award Ceremony, 2004.09.30, South Africa, [1 photographic print)
Part of Gifted photos
Morey, Peter
Mandela on Robben Island, 1990s, Robben Island, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Corman, Richard
Nelson Mandela and Muhammed Ali spar, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Hansie Cronje presents Mandela with a cricket bat, 1997.014, Cape Town; [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela's and Graca Machel's visit to Libya, 1999.03.18;[ set of 54 photographic prints]
Part of Gifted photos
Opening Paul Roos Centre, 2002.03.20, Stellenbosch; [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk, South Africa, 1994.05.10 [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela with sports people, South Africa, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Mandela and others in front of an aeroplane, South Africa, [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Part of Gifted photos
Part of Gifted photos
Veterans Luncheon, 2003.05.16, Sandton; [set of 74 photographic prints]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Nelson Mandela's 89th birthday, Johannesburg, 2007.07: [Set of Six Images]
Mandela's birthday at the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, [Set of 3 Photographic Prints]
Mandela attending an event by the NMCF; [set of 2 photographic prints]
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Nelson Mandela endorsement message on the sale of the 46664 CD, 2004.03.11: [Recorded Event]
Part of 46664 [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of NMF > Events [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Compilation of clips on the life of Nelson Mandela 1-7,7b Gala, End Credits: [Compile]
Part of 46664 [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Frank discussion with Thabo Mbeki, 1999, South Africa: [Dialogue]
Part of Dialogue Programme [sound/video]
Singh, Anant
Round Square
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: Mandela Prison memoirs, 2004.09.21, Houghton: [Recorded Event]
Part of Memory Programme > Research > Publications [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Ground force: Landscaping for Nelson Mandela Qunu's home, 1999.12.14, Qunu: [Recorded Event]
Part of Groundforce [sound/video]
Promotion of Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2002, South Africa: [Promo]
Part of Promos [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela speeches 46664 a human perspectives: [Compile]
Part of Promos [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
Part of Prison Collection
The Tanganyika Standard (Daily Newspaper in Tanzania )
Part of Mandela Materials
Tanganyika Standard
The Nationalist (Tanzania newspaper) 1967
Part of Mandela Materials
Smith, William & Pretorius, Fanie : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Pretoria : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Masekela, Barbara : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Cape Town : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Moosa, Valli : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Cape Town : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Symphonic Soweto:A tribute to Nelson Mandela featuring KwaZuluNatal Philharmonic and Anjelique Kidjo
Part of Autographed Audiovisual Material
Part of Autograph books
From the back cover of the book:
This is the second collection of poetry from Akol Meyan Kuol. This work was written between 2000-2002.Akol's style has developed to suite the more direct and powerful nature of this new collection. The depth of feeling that he has for his homeland, Sudan, is clear from the passion with which he writes. These poems represent a cry from the heart for peace and freedom for the people of Sudan and the whole of Africa.
Les lettres qui ont changé le monde
Part of Foreign language books
Montefiore, Simon Sebag
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium; Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Greenpoint stadium, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2003.11.28, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
46664 The Concert, 2005.03.19, Fancourt, South Africa: [Recorded event]
Part of 46664 Collection
Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela Foundation "Calling to care", 2002, East London: [Compile]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: 46664 World AIDS day campaign, 2001.12.01, South Africa: [Promo]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Zola clinic message, 2002.03, Soweto: [Recorded Event]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation: Mandela AIDS Foundation, 2002, South Africa: [Recorded Event]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Media highlights of Nelson Mandela visiting different places in South Africa informing people about the Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV/AIDS programme - Mobilising United Action on HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS calling to care for four key components. 1. Research 2. Treatment and Care 3. Reviews Education 4. Strong Integrated leadership. Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV programme, with Medisin Sans’ Frontier. The program focuses on ongoing counselling, testing and support in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: HIV/ AIDS intervention programme, 2003, Lusikisiki: [Documentary]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: HIV/ AIDS intervention programme, 2003, Lusikisiki: [Documentary]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela Foundation "Calling to care", 2002, East London: [Compile]
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of HIV/AIDS [sound/video]
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)