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Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
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Nelson Mandela school year book 2013/2014:Nelson Mandela school on Berli" It always seems impossible until its done"

Nelson Mandela yearbook first published for the 13th year of the schools existance. The school has partnership with the Mvezo school of science and technology in the Mvezo. Mvezo Nelson Mandela.s birthplace and the school was built with Nelson Mandela sharing his dream that Mvezo needs to have a secondary to encourage the children in the area to study beyond grade 7 within the Mvezo area.

Mandela, H

Mandela, H Headman, location No 15, called Mvezo successor, Ntabezulu Mtirara

Luyolo Stengile Collection, 1938, Healdtown: [8 Photographic Prints]

Photos of Healdtown College. In the Class photograph are, among others: Nelson Mandela (back row, fifth from the right), Myrtle Workman (white woman), Rev. Arthur Wellington (next to Myrtle), Rev. S. M. Mokitimi (next to Wellington), Jane Methola (next to Mokitimi) and Gilbert Nzimani (behind Mokitimi).

Stengile, Luyolo

Presidential Address at the Annual Conference of the African National Congress Youth League

  • ZA COM MR-S-001
  • Item
  • December 1951
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Annual conference of the African National Congress Youth League
Summary - This address outlines the main threats in the world (imperialism, capitalism), in Africa (colonialism), and in South Africa (fascism). African Nationalism is seen as the response to these threats and the Youth League is seen as the guardian of this ideology. The Youth League should not continue to debate African Nationalism as an ideology but rather focus on how to mobilise the masses in a national struggle, how to respond to the Suppression of Communism Act and how to organise and discipline its members.

Mandela First Television Interview

Nelson Mandela's first television interview on the 21- 6- 1961. Footage on some black workers defying stay away strike call by Nelson Mandela and going to work.

Naidoo, Neville

Nelson Mandela

Kop en skouers foto van gllimlaggende Nelson Mandela, hoogaangeskrewe leier van die ANC ( African National Congress) en stigterlid van Umkhonto we Sizwe= Head and shoulders photo of smiling Nelson Mandela, acclaimed leader of the ANC (African National Congress) and founder member of Umkhonto we Sizwe.
12cmX17 cm


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Magistrate's Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Magistrate's Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Magistrate's Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Magistrate's Court of South Africa

Arrivals for the Mandela Trial

Mr. Nelson Mandela former Transvaal president of the banned African National Congress, appeared in court on charges of incitement and leaving South Africa illegally. The trial transferred from Johannesburg to Pretoria on security grounds. The trial was adjourned for a week to give Mr. Mandela time to appoint defense counsel. Mr Mandela was remanded in custody. Mr Mandela was dressed in tribal dress. Attending the trial was his wife, Mrs. Winnie Mandela and his sister, Ms Leabi Mandela. The courtroom packed with supporters of Mr. Mandela, Mr Mandela that his counsel was unable to appear for him because he was confined to Johannesburg under the suppression of Communism act. Mr. Mandela said the sudden transfer of the trial to Pretoria had deprived him of his attorney services. 17 October 1962

National Archives United Kingdom

Closing case against Nelson Mandela (includes information that Mr. L.J. Blom-Cooper from Amnesty saw the magistrate leaving for lunch with the Security Branch in their car. This led to Nelson Mandela to call the magistrate to recuse himself from the trial but he refused. Confidential report from the British embassy. ( 26 October1962). Nelson Mandela's trial. Report from British embassy. Arrest of Nelson Mandela (including biographical details)
Report from the British embassy, Pretoria to the Foreign office, London.

British Embassy, Pretoria

The Tanganyika Standard (Daily Newspaper in Tanzania )

Newspaper articles on South Africa 1963
Hard bargaining between western powers and South African States: Arms embargo on South Africa. Liberation a burden for all Africa, More arms support arms embargo to South Africa, End trading with South Africa Nyerere, South Africa urged to heed U.N. and strive for racial harmony: Uthant attacks apartheid, S.A. on brink of disaster, Four escape S.A. police, Escape trio on way, Cell guards coshed in escape - police: SA. Exits watched, Expel S. Africa call to U.N.: Arms blockade suggested, Mystery fire at airport delays Goldreich's arrival in Dar, Escapers due in second freedom flight, Airline doubts over safety: EAA recalls rescue plane: flight To Mbeya, Goldreich and Wolpe fly out: Stops in Federal territory avoided, ANC fearful of another kidnap plot, Beware of the avalanche South Africa told. The Hodgsons in Tanganyika and fighting on, Goldreich and Wolpe "evil traitors, Scandinavians give Verwoed a chance: Find alternative to apartheid. Daily Newspaper in Tanzania on South Africa.

Tanganyika Standard

PACSA Collection

PC 11/1/7/1
Rivonia Treason Trial 1963 - Biographies of the accused including Nelson R. Mandela


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Supreme Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Supreme Court of South Africa

Warrants of Committal - Nelson Mandela

  • NMAP 2010/07
  • Series
  • 1962-11-07 - 1964-06-12
Following Nelson Mandela’s sentencing on 7 November 1962, the Pretoria Magistrates Court issued a warrant committing him to prison for five years.
He had been convicted and sentenced that day to three years for on charges of “inciting to trespass laws” (to strike) and two for leaving South Africa without a passport. It was stipulated that the two sentences were to run consecutively.
The second Warrant of Committal was issued by the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa on June 12, 1964, the same day the judge handed down a sentence of life imprisonment for Mr Mandela and his colleagues, who was convicted on four counts of sabotage in the Rivonia Trial.
The first two counts were for contravening Section 21(1) of the General Laws Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76 of 1962; the third in contravention of Section 11(a), read with Sections 1 and 12 of Act No. 44 of 1950; and the fourth was for contravening Section 3(1) (6), read with Section 2 of Act No. 8 of 1953 (as amended).

Supreme Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Supreme Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Supreme Court of South Africa

Lionel Shapiro Collection, 1964, Pretoria: [Set of 7 still images]

The photos are taken on 12 June 1964, the day of the verdict in the Rivonia Trial. Lionel Shapiro took the photos whilst studying at Wits and taking pictures once a week for the student paper. Nelson Mandela leaving court in a prison van, protestors, Winnie Mandela and Mandela's mother.

The collection consists of 4 photographs - LS001: Winnie Mandela and Mandela's mother, Nosekeni leaving court; LS002: June Mlangeni leaving the court; LS003: The trialists leaving court after the sentencing in a prison van. Mandela is the first person on the left in the van; and LS004: A supporter outside the court with placard "We are proud of our leaders".

Shapiro, Lionel

Mandela Trials Papers

Photocopies of papers collected by Joel Joffe, lawyer acting for Nelson Mandela, relating to Nelson Mandela's trial in Pretoria 1962 and the Rivonia Trial (1963-1964) The collection includes Nelson Mandela's application to have the Pretoria trial postponed, October 1962; Nelson Mandela's address to the court in mitigation of the sentence of five years imprisonment detailing his political commitment and activities in the African National Congress (ANC), November1962; copy of the indictment in the Rivonia trial, initial statement made by Nelson Mandela to his lawyers, giving details of his early life, notes by Nelson Mandela on his life and his association; copy of Nelson Mandela's statement from the dock, signed by Nelson Mandela referring to an Imbizo.

Joffe, Joel

Mrs. Mandela Winnie Mandela on husbands 'sentence

British members of Parliament taking part in the campaign to mobilise world opinion over the sentence of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Petition with 91000 signatures from groups representing 258 million people in 29 countries calling for the release of all South African political prisoners. In South Africa Mrs. Mandela spoke about her husband, Nelson Mandela, the leader of the banned African National Congress who is imprisoned for life with seven others. 15 June 1964

Palace of Justice as verdict on Mandela and others is given

All eight men found guilty in South Africa's sabotage trial were sentenced to life imprisonment. Nelson Mandela the 46 year old former chief of banned African National Congress and the other seven were found guilty of sabotage and plotting to overthrow the government. Mr. Justice Quartus De Wet pronounced the guilt of eight men. A crowd of some 500 people stood silently outside the court as police stood ready to quell disturbances. In the crowd were Nelson Mandela 's wife Winnie and Mrs. Sisulu. Mrs. Mandela was allowed into the court after an argument with a police officer. When she came outside she explained to the Africans waiting outside, that the sentences would be announced on that day. When the crowd heard the verdict they raised their fists. The sign of Amandla the African National Congress party and chanted- 12 June 1962

South African Institute of Race Relations

SAIRR correspondence and memorabilia to and from the South African Institute of Race relations.. Correspondence includes New Age article of the letter by Ntsu Mokhehle to Nelson Mandela on the Attack 28 August 1961. Nelson Mandela correspondencewith Si De Villiers Graaf on the inauguration of the Republic

South African Institute of Race Relations

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper articles from The Irish Times, The Guardian, New York Herald Tribune reporting on the Rivonia or sabotage trial of 1962-1964. Includes newspaper clippings on the raids, the death and burial of Albert Luthuli in 1967.

The Nationalist (Tanzania newspaper) 1967

ANC gives its backing to UAR South African freedom day June 26; mentions defiance campaign - Nelson Mandela . South Africa expels Anglican priest , June 26, Millions mourn Luthuli , July 3. Luthuli's final failure is a tragedy of South Africa July 31. Freedom fighters, July 31. Luthuli funeral, July 31. Campaign against apartheid August 9 celebration. Albert Luthuli 's death a big blow, August 9.


South African Institute of Race Relations

Archives of the South African Institute of Race Relations the collection has a folder on the correspondence between Bantu Welfare Trust and Nelson Mandela 1946-1958 digitised

South African Institute of Race Relations

Mac Maharaj Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2015/14
  • Collection
  • 1964 - 1976
1. 2 sheets of manuscript (written on both sides) consisting of Mandela's Robben Island autobiography and essays on Black Consciousness transcribed by Maharaj in minute handwriting.
2. 3 sheets and 2 backing boards with notes (written on one side only) by Ahmed Kathrada for secret communication between the ANC and Robben Island.
3. 1 sheet of manuscript (written on one side only) consisting of one paragraph, content and author unknown.
4. 1 photograph of Irene Mkwayi stuck onto a backing board
5. 1 photograph of woman from the Andaman Islands.
6. 2 pages of digital copy of letter by Joey to her father Maharaj, undated.

Maharaj, Mac


This item consists of an envelope addressed to the legal firm of Pillay Seedat & Co. For security reasons, Judge Pillay had a family member mail an empty envelope to the firm. This precaution was taken to protect Mac Maharaj and Judge Pillay in the event of an interrogation by Security Police. The Judge could then say that he had received the documents from an unknown source through the post.

Pillay, Thumba


This item consists of an envelope addressed to the legal firm of Pillay Seedat & Co. For security reasons, Judge Pillay had a family member mail an empty envelope to the firm. This precaution was taken to protect Mac Maharaj and Judge Pillay in the event of an interrogation by Security Police. The Judge could then say that he had received the documents from an unknown source through the post.

Pillay, Thumba


This item consists of an envelope addressed to the legal firm of Pillay Seedat & Co. For security reasons, Judge Pillay had a family member mail an empty envelope to the firm. This precaution was taken to protect Mac Maharaj and Judge Pillay in the event of an interrogation by Security Police. The Judge could then say that he had received the documents from an unknown source through the post.

Pillay, Thumba


Documents and correspondence relating to the case of Nelson Mandela vs Minister of Prisons.

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

1979 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1979. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Nelson Mandela Campaign

African National Congress leader has gone on a campaign trial in Natal ahead of the elections that begins on the 26-04-1994.

1980 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1980. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

1981 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1981. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

1982 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1982. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

1983 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1983. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Nelson Mandela

Television pictures of Nelson Mandela, the jailed South African nationalist leader, taken on the 13 February 1986.These were taken by an American camera crew at Medipark Clinic in Cape Town where Mandela was being taken for a medical check up.

Winnie Mandela

Winnie Mandela, wife of the jailed ANC leader and comments on what she stands for - Interview

1987 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1987. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

1988 Desk Calendar

  • ZA COM NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-11
  • Item
  • 1988-01-01 - 1988-12-31
  • Part of Prison Collection

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1988. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Jeremy Baskin

Jeremy Baskin collection is made up of workers related issues has material on speech by Nelson Mandela on the release and ado0cument presented by Mandela on violence and the armed struggle. Address to COSATU workshop. Records of the summit convened by President Nelson Mandela on Job creation.

Baskin, Jeremy

Nelson Mandela and P.W. Botha's secret meeting, South Africa: [Still image]

Nelson Mandela's secret meeting with President P.W. Botha. From l to r: General Williamsen, Nelson Mandela, Neil Barnard, Pres. Botha and Kobie Coetsee. Only photograph of the meeting that took place on 5 July 1989. Other people in the photo are General Johan Willemse (Commissioner of Prisons), Niel Barnard (Head of National Intelligence), and Hendrik "Kobie" Coetsee (Minister of Justice).

Ehlers, Ters

1989 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1989. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela -196+

Class actuality- Release of Nelson Mandela. Concept actuality supplied by the parliamentary team of the State president, Mr. P.W. Botha speaking in the house of assembly about the possible release of
Nelson Mandela.

RECORDBC 19850201

SABC Sound Archives

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