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Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory
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Club of Madrid presented Nelson Mandela with the Club de Madrid Democratic Leadership Award, 2008.12.15, Houghton: [Set of 56 Still Images]

The Club of Madrid is presenting Mandela with the Club de Madrid Democratic Leadership Award. Award number: A0550
The Club de Madrid is an independent non-profit organization composed of over 90 democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from more than 60 different countries, constituting the world´s largest forum of former Heads of State and Government, who have come together to respond to a growing demand for support among leaders in two key areas: democratic leadership and governance; and response to crisis and post-crisis situations.

Yazbek, Debbie

Installation of Mandla Mandela as Chief, 2007.04.16, Mvezo: [Set of 378 Still Images]

The series consists of 378 photographs taken on 16 April 2007 in Mvezo, South Africa, of Mandla’s installation as Chief, with Mandla Mandela, members of the family, the ceremony where he was inducted, friends and dignitaries. Included are photographs of the landscape and the surroundings around Mvezo.

Willman, Matthew

No Easy Walk to Freedom

  • ZA COM MR-S-003
  • Item
  • 1953-09-21
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Presidential address to the ANC (Transvaal) Congress
Summary - The political climate has changed from the successes of the Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust Laws of 1952 and the ANC must be prepared with a new approach and with a strong and disciplined membership. The new approach is called the "M" Plan and calls for active recruitment and action at the grassroots level. This will enable the ANC to function without calling attention to itself. There is no place in the ANC for those opposed to the "M" Plan.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

Opening Centre of Memory, 2004.09.21, Houghton: [Set of 65 Still Images]

An opening of the Centre of Memory. Featuring Brad Pitt looking at the exhibition, Nelson Mandela arriving with Zelda la Grange, Nelson Mandela looking at the exhibition, Nelson Mandela and Nelson Mandela Foundation staff group photos, Ahmed Kathrada and Mac Maharaj looking at the exhibition ’Prisoner in the Garden’; Shots of archival materials, Donald Card and his wife.

Willman, Matthew

46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]

46664 concert held in Green Point Stadium, Cape Town on the 29th of November 2003. Beyonce Knowles in collaboration with the edge and Bono, Nelson Mandela addressing the audience, and many more performances by a variety of artists, including Yvonne Chakachaka, Bongo Maffin, Johnny Clegg, among athers.


Oryx Media

Ceremony at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in which Nelson Mandela and Gatsha Buthelezi are presented with the Alumni ring and blazer from the University of Fort Hare.

Oryx Media Production

Address by Nelson Mandela on Behalf of the ANC delegation to the conference of the Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa : A land ruled by the gun

  • ZA COM MR-S-004
  • Item
  • 1962-02-03
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Address to the Conference of the Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa
Summary - This address summaries the assistance that the international community, especially African states, has given to the freedom fighters in South Africa. It outlines the political and social situation in South Africa and the ANC's responses and move from policies of non-violence to the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe. The people's resolve to fight is steadfast but the continued support of PAFMECA is crucial.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

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