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Action Committee on Southern Africa [Actie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika] : [Part 1]

AKZA was a national organisation based in the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium. It operated from 1972-1991 and developed out of progressive student organisations. It started as the Flemish Angola Committee and supported the liberation movements directly. They organised numerous boycott campaigns and was instrumental in the formation of the largest social action coalition in Flanders, the Flemish Anti-Apartheid Coalition (Vlaamse Anti-Apartheid Koalitie - VAAK). It also collaborated with other AAMs and was part of the Liaison Group of Anti-Apartheid Movements within the European Community (known as the Liaison Group).

HW van der Merwe Papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, news clippings and reports.
The collection includes:
Personal letters that were written to and received from, Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment at Pollsmoor and Victor Verster prisons. Correspondence between HW van der Merwe and certain government departments (including the prison service) on visits to Mandela in prison. Reports on meetings with government officials, including the Minister of Law and Order, Louis Le Grange.
News clippings on Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Correspondents include Louis Le Grange, Kobie Coetzee and PW Botha.

van der Merwe, Hendrik W.

Africa, colonialism and war

  • ZA COM MR-S-002
  • Item
  • 1953-08-23
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Natal Peace Conference
Summary - Imperial powers exploit Africa for its raw materials, its strategic value as military bases and its cheap labour. Africa is used as an instrument of war and the first casualties are its people. There is a link between the struggle for peace and the struggle against colonialism in Africa.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

Rivonia Trial

Partial record of the State versus Nelson Mandela and nine others. Bound volumes. Provenance unknown. Contains: State's Concluding Address (volumes 1-4): vol.1: A factual analysis of the documentary exhibits handed in and of the oral testimony given, by the state witnesses, vol.2: The persons who were parties to the conspiracy and the implementation thereof, vol.3: n Kritiese ontleding van sekere dokumentere bewysstukke, vol.4: A factual analysis of the defence case and of the further documentary exhibits produced in the course thereof; and Judgement and Sentence (1 volume).

Department of Justice

Club of Madrid presented Nelson Mandela with the Club de Madrid Democratic Leadership Award, 2008.12.15, Houghton: [Set of 56 Still Images]

The Club of Madrid is presenting Mandela with the Club de Madrid Democratic Leadership Award. Award number: A0550
The Club de Madrid is an independent non-profit organization composed of over 90 democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from more than 60 different countries, constituting the world´s largest forum of former Heads of State and Government, who have come together to respond to a growing demand for support among leaders in two key areas: democratic leadership and governance; and response to crisis and post-crisis situations.

Yazbek, Debbie

Installation of Mandla Mandela as Chief, 2007.04.16, Mvezo: [Set of 378 Still Images]

The series consists of 378 photographs taken on 16 April 2007 in Mvezo, South Africa, of Mandla’s installation as Chief, with Mandla Mandela, members of the family, the ceremony where he was inducted, friends and dignitaries. Included are photographs of the landscape and the surroundings around Mvezo.

Willman, Matthew

No Easy Walk to Freedom

  • ZA COM MR-S-003
  • Item
  • 1953-09-21
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Presidential address to the ANC (Transvaal) Congress
Summary - The political climate has changed from the successes of the Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust Laws of 1952 and the ANC must be prepared with a new approach and with a strong and disciplined membership. The new approach is called the "M" Plan and calls for active recruitment and action at the grassroots level. This will enable the ANC to function without calling attention to itself. There is no place in the ANC for those opposed to the "M" Plan.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Film Archive

  • Collection
  • 1955 - 1995
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

In the mid-1970s, an appeal by IDAF to the exiled community in the United Kingdom led to the gradual retrieval of outstanding amateur film footage - largely unedited 8mm and 16mm material of key events of South African political history. Most of these films and videos were banned in South Africa before 1990. A few relate to the Rivonia Trialists, after their release from prison:
-Generations of resistance I: 1980, produced by United Nations, directed by Peter Davis, 56 min 16mm film. Contains section on the armed struggle and the Rivonia Trial (000766)
-Mandela 70th birthday event, London: 1991, produced by IDAF, 20 min, 13/5 Betacam, 13/8 umatic low band time coded. Contains O R Tambo thanking Anti-Apartheid Movement on behalf of Rivonia prisoners. (000758)
-Free Mandela: produced by IDAF, directed by Barry Feinberg, 20 min, 7/34 umatic BVU. Contains section on adoption of armed struggle and the Rivonia Trial. (000218).

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

H. K. Zulfikar

Records of the State vs. Nelson Mandela and nine others namely (Walter Sisulu, Denis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni).

Zulfikar, H.K.

Action Committee on Southern Africa [Actie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika] : [Part 2]

AKZA was a national organisation based in the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium. It operated from 1972-1991 and developed out of progressive student organisations. It started as the Flemish Angola Committee and supported the liberation movements directly. They organised numerous boycott campaigns and was instrumental in the formation of the largest social action coalition in Flanders, the Flemish Anti-Apartheid Coalition (Vlaamse Anti-Apartheid Koalitie - VAAK). It also collaborated with other AAMs and was part of the Liaison Group of Anti-Apartheid Movements within the European Community (known as the Liaison Group).

Opening Centre of Memory, 2004.09.21, Houghton: [Set of 65 Still Images]

An opening of the Centre of Memory. Featuring Brad Pitt looking at the exhibition, Nelson Mandela arriving with Zelda la Grange, Nelson Mandela looking at the exhibition, Nelson Mandela and Nelson Mandela Foundation staff group photos, Ahmed Kathrada and Mac Maharaj looking at the exhibition ’Prisoner in the Garden’; Shots of archival materials, Donald Card and his wife.

Willman, Matthew

46664 The Concert, 2003.11.29, Cape Town, South Africa: [Recorded event]

46664 concert held in Green Point Stadium, Cape Town on the 29th of November 2003. Beyonce Knowles in collaboration with the edge and Bono, Nelson Mandela addressing the audience, and many more performances by a variety of artists, including Yvonne Chakachaka, Bongo Maffin, Johnny Clegg, among athers.


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