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Understanding human rights : Manual on human rights education

This third edition of Understanding Human Rights has been elaborated by the European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC) in Graz, originally for the Human Security Network (HSN) at the initiative of the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The objective is to assist human rights education efforts worldwide. The book's thematic modules on selected human rights issues cover topics such as: the prohibition of torture, freedom from poverty, human rights of women and children, human rights in armed conflict, freedom of expression, and democracy. New to this updated edition are chapters reflecting current trends in human rights, including new modules on privacy (such as challenges posed by Internet use), minority rights, and the right to asylum. Translations of the earlier editions already exist in 15 languages, among them all the official United Nations languages. Understanding Human Rights has become a basic text for human rights education and training in different countries, on different levels, and for different audiences, from university lectures in China to NGO training in Mali to police training in Kosovo.

Benedek, Wolfgang

46664 BANGLE

Publication on the making of the 46664 Bangle.

46664 bangle

The Nation's Gift in Nelson Mandela

The book looks into the strategies and tactics used by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela when leading his South African contemporaries into the liberation struggle against the evil system of apartheid from 1941 until his arrest near Howick in the Kwa-Zulu Natal province, on 5th August 1962.

Motsepe, Hlabirwa Japhet

Lie on your Wounds: The prison correspondence of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe

This book of approximately 300 letters provide access to the voice of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe via the single most poignant resource that exists: his prison letters. Not only do the lettera evince Sobukwe's storytelling abilities, they convey the complexity of a man who defied easy categorisation. More than this: they are testimony to both the desolate conditions of his imprisonment and to Sobukwe's unbending commitment to the cause of African liberation.

Hook, Derek

A Plan for the People: Nelson Mandela's Hope for his Nation

As Nelson Mandela lived and worked under the unjust system of apartheid, his desire for freedom grew. South Africa separated people by races, oppressing the country's non-white citizens with abusive laws and cruel restrictions. Every day filled Mandela with grief and anger. But he also had hope--hope for a nation that belonged to everyone who lived in it.

From his work with the African National Congress, to his imprisonment on Robben Island, to his extraordinary rise to the presidency, Nelson Mandela was a rallying force against injustice. This stirring biography explores Mandela's long fight for equality and the courage that propelled him through decades of struggle. Illustrated in the bold, bright colors of South Africa, A Plan for the People captures the spirit of a leader beloved around the world.

McDivitt, Lindsey

A Lawyer's Odyssey: Apartheid, Mandela and Beyond

Henry brown tells his story. His early law experience in Cape Town cast him into the eye of the Struggle when he represented key anti-apartheid activists, including Nelson Mandela on Robben Island, Winnie Mandela, Albie Sachs, and many others.

Brown, Henry

Prisoner 913: The Release of Nelson Mandela

Stemmet and co-author Riaan de Villiers bring some of the most compelling secrets to light. Among others, it reveals that the covert collaboration between Mandela and the last NP government went way further than is generally known, and included an attempt by Mandela to broker a deal between the apartheid regime and the ANC in exile prior to his release. It also reveals that F.W. de Klerk made Mandela an offer that, if accepted, would have fundamentally changed the latter's role in the South African transition. Prisoner 913 casts new - often startling - light on the hidden dynamics behind one of the most important events in South Africa's political history."

de Villers, Riaan

Reassessing Mandela

The book reconsiders aspects of Mandela's life and makes an important contribution to the historiography of the anti-apartheid political struggle.
This book provides a scholarly counter weight both to uncritical celebration of Mandela and also to a simplistic attribution of post-apartheid shortcoming to the person of Mandela.

Bundy, Colin

In Pursuit of a Responsible World

Presents a history of the InterAction Council and the process leading to the drafting of the Council's Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities.

InterAction Council

Breakthrough: The Struggles and Secret Talks that Brought Apartheid South Africa to the Negotiating Table

Breakthrough sheds new light on the process that led to the formal negotiations. Focusing on the years before 1990, the book reveals the skirmishes that took place away from the public glare, as the principal adversaries engaged in a battle of positions that carved a pathway to the negotiating table. Drawing from material in the prison files of Nelson Mandela, minutes of the meetings of the ANC Constitutional Committee, the NWC and the NEC, notes about the Mells Park talks led by Professor Willie Esterhuyse and Thabo Mbeki, communications between Oliver Tambo and Operation Vula, the Kobie Coetsee Papers, the Broederbond archives and numerous other sources, the authors have pieced together a definitive account of these historic developments. While most accounts of South Africa's transition deal with what happened during the formal negotiations, Breakthrough demonstrates that an account of how the opposing parties reached the negotiating table in the first place is indispensable for an understanding of how South Africa broke free from a spiralling war and began the journey to democracy.

Maharaj, Mac

Robben Island Rainbow Dreams: The making of Democratic South Africa's First National Heritage Institution

The book offers the first intimate, behind-the-scenes account of the ongoing saga of the making of democratic South Africa's first national heritage institution. In doing so, it draws on the perspectives of historians, architects, visiting artists, ex-political prisoners, residents of the island and a host of heritage professionals, including debates on Mandelarisation and commemorating Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe.

Lekgotla laga Ramoupi, Neo

I know this to be true about Nelson Mandela

In this book, two former colleagues of Nelson Mandela, Sello Hatang and Verne Harris, share little-known stories from his life as they explore the qualities and disciplines that enable him to lead a country through seemingly insurmountable challenges. With excerpts from Mandela's own reflections, this book is a moving reminder of his legacy and encourages every reader to find and nurture the leader within.

Hatang, Sello Koos

Diplomacy of Change from Apartheid to Democracy

The author's memoir reflects the journey of a fellow traveller through a certain period of time - it is not about an individual but about the journey. Jacobs Dawie's journey will resonate with some, and perhaps not with others. The memoir connects with the fields of history that he ended up traversing. There is both humour and pain, two vital ingredients of life. An honest memoir should draw a smile as well as a tear.

Jacobs, Dawie

Nelson Mandela 100 Centenary 2018

This book is a tribute to the thousands of people around the world who marked the 2018 centenary of Nelson Mandela's birth. They did do in a great range of ways, modes and idioms - from community-based projects to celebrity events, from innovative new initiatives to the deepening of well-established programmes.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

I am A Man: A Memoir

Dr Jerry Mofokeng wa Makhetha always felt like an outsider in his family. At the age of 58 he discovers who his real father is. Suddenly his search for identity makes sense. He gives us a glimpse into his family life; his love for his wife and kids, as well as tracing the highlights and disappointments in his career. Along the way he learns some very important lessons on manhood. This is a memoir, but also a challenge to South African men to live out their masculinity in a responsible way.

Mofokeng wa Makhetha, Jerry

Amakomiti: Grassroots Democracy in South African Shack Settlements

Can people who live in shantytowns, shacks and favelas teach us anything about democracy? About how to govern society in a way that is inclusive, participatory and addresses popular needs? This book argues that they can. In a study conducted in dozens of South Africa's shack settlements, where more than 9 million people live, Trevor Ngwane finds thriving shack dwellers' committees that govern local life, are responsive to popular needs and provide a voice for the community. These committees, called 'amakomiti' in the Zulu language, organise the provision of basic services such as water, sanitation, public works and crime prevention especially during settlement establishment. Amakomiti argues that, contrary to common perception, slum dwellers are in fact an essential part of the urban population, whose political agency must be recognised and respected. In a world searching for democratic alternatives that serve the many and not the few, it is to the shantytowns, rather than the seats of political power, that we should turn.

Ngwane, Trevor

In Black and White: A Memoir

This extraordinary memoir is a story of professional relationships - with Hollywood moguls and of friendships - with mentors including Ahmed Kathrada, Fatima and Ismail Meer and Nelson Mandela, as well as with superstars such as Quincy Jones, Sidney Poitier, Whoopi Goldberg, Amitabh Bachchan, Denzel Washington and Idris Elba. And it is a testament to determination, courage and perseverance- to speak up and speak out through the powerful medium of film.

Singh, Anant

Nelson Mandela Memorial Amsterdam: Gedenkteken

The Nelson Mandela Memorial Amsterdamm was unveiled on Sunday the 5th September 2021. The bronze statue was created by South African Artist Mohau Modisakeng. The process of realizing the Nelson Mandela Memorial Amsterdam is explained in this book through photographs and texts.

CBK Zuidoost

Poli Poli

Poli Poli is a remarkable history that speaks to African identity, close family bonds, belonging, struggle and sacrifice, women's rights and femininity, and is written with the lyricism and transporting detail of one of the country's greatest wordsmiths.
Barbara Masekela powerfully conveys the realities of life under apartheid and illustrates the features and characteristics of life in a coal mining community like KwaGuqa in the 1940s, Alexandra township in the 1950s, and one of the oldest girls-only schools in KwaZulu-Natal, Inanda Seminary. The memoir follows her grandmother, a beer brewer and seller who lived through the aftermath of the South African War; her professional parents' determination to secure opportunities and safety for their children at a time when the state was shutting doors on the black people; and her university stint in Lesotho and departure into exile to Ghana in 1963.

Masekela, Barbara

Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future

In this uplifting and practical book, written in collaboration with his biographer, Austen Ivereigh, the preeminent spiritual leader explains why we must—and how we can—make the world safer, fairer, and healthier for all people now.

In the COVID crisis, the beloved shepherd of over one billion Catholics saw the cruelty and inequity of our society exposed more vividly than ever before. He also saw, in the resilience, generosity, and creativity of so many people, the means to rescue our society, our economy, and our planet. In direct, powerful prose, Pope Francis urges us not to let the pain be in vain.

He begins Let Us Dream by exploring what this crisis can teach us about how to handle upheaval of any kind in our own lives and the world at large. With unprecedented candor, he reveals how three crises in his own life changed him dramatically for the better. By its very nature, he shows, crisis presents us with a choice: we make a grievous error if we try to return to some pre-crisis state. But if we have the courage to change, we can emerge from the crisis better than before.

Francis then offers a brilliant, scathing critique of the systems and ideologies that conspired to produce the current crisis, from a global economy obsessed with profit and heedless of the people and environment it harms, to politicians who foment their people’s fear and use it to increase their own power at their people’s expense. He reminds us that Christians’ first duty is to serve others, especially the poor and the marginalized, just as Jesus did.

Finally, the Pope offers an inspiring and actionable blueprint for building a better world for all humanity by putting the poor and the planet at the heart of new thinking. For this plan, he draws not only on sacred sources, but on the latest findings from renowned scientists, economists, activists, and other thinkers. Yet rather than simply offer prescriptions, he shows how ordinary people acting together despite their differences can discover unforeseen possibilities.

Along the way, he offers dozens of wise and surprising observations on the value of unconventional thinking, on why we must dramatically increase women’s leadership in the Church and throughout society, on what he learned while scouring the streets of Buenos Aires with garbage-pickers, and much more.

Let Us Dream is an epiphany, a call to arms, and a pleasure to read. It is Pope Francis at his most personal, profound and passionate. With this book and with open hearts, we can change the world.

Francis, Pope

Know Your Nation: South African History, Culture and Geography in an easy-to-read format; vol 1

Know Your Nation, is the first of several volumes that explore South Africa’s history, culture and geography, in an easy-to-read format. Know Your Nation is the brainchild of Tim Mostert, the Speedy cartoonist from the Daily Sun newspaper. Know Your Nation approaches learning from a different paradigm, from the mind of a cartoonist. That means it’s short and to the point, with a bit of levity and comic strips thrown in, and it never gets boring. Each article is one page long with strong visuals.

Mostert, Tim

Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, capitalism was stuck. It had no answers to a host of problems, including disease, inequality, the digital divide and, perhaps most blatantly, the environmental crisis. Taking her inspiration from the 'moonshot' programmes which successfully co-ordinated public and private sectors on a massive scale, Mariana Mazzucato calls for the same level of boldness and experimentation to be applied to the biggest problems of our time. We must, she argues, rethink the capacities and role of government within the economy and society, and above all recover a sense of public purpose. Mission Economy, whose ideas are already being adopted around the world, offers a way out of our impasse to a more optimistic future.

Mazzucato, Mariana

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