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Amnesty International

A photocopy of a letter by Nelson Mandela to Amnesty International.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Comite' Zuid-Afrika

Correspondence, memoranda, campaign materials and lists. The collection includes:
Correspondence between the Comite Zuid-Afrika and the African National Congress (ANC) London office concerning the Rivonia Trial and pressure being placed on the Dutch government to condemn the trial. Campaigns for the release of the Rivonia Trialists, and about 5000 political prisoners in South Africa. Open letter by the Anti-apartheid Movement, soliciting support from abroad for those under house arrest in South Africa, and encouraging that letters of support is sent to Nelson Mandela and Robert Sobukwe at Pretoria Central Prison (1962).
The collection also includes:
References to the Freedom Charter and the Congress of the People. List of South Africans under house arrest, together with the conditions of their five-year banning orders. They include Helen Joseph, Ahmed Kathrada, Walter Sisulu, Jack and Rica Hodgson, Jack Tarshish, Brian and Sonia Bunting, Roley Arenstein, Michael Harmel, Moses Kotane, Lionel Bernstein, Alfred Nzo, Thomas Nkobi, MacDonald Maseko, Duma Nokwe, Cecil Williams and Alex La Guma. Correspondence from Karel Roskam to Christian Action concerning the raising of funds in the Netherlands for the Defence and Aid Fund set up by Canon Collins (1959 - 1960).

Comite Zuid-Afrika

Anti-Apartheid Bewegung Nederland

Memoranda, correspondence, reports, messages of support, newsletters, news clippings, minutes of meetings, financial reports, statements, project evaluations, budgets and campaign materials of the AABN, include:
Activities of the AABN in their calls for the release of Nelson Mandela (1981 - 1982). Action by 1400 mayors from across the world, petitioning the release of Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners (1982). Campaigns for Nelson Mandela's release from prison (1985 - 1990). Nelson Mandela's visits to the Netherlands in March and June 1990. This includes notes on the policies of the Dutch government towards South Africa, as well as lists of delegates, the list of South Africans to meet Nelson Mandela at Schipol airport, itineraries and programmes. The Welcome Mandela Committee including its contacts and details of activities. These include both local and international activities in which the Committee was involved including a Welcome Mandela Festival (1989 - 1990). The 1989 political prisoner hunger strike on Robben Island, and a memorandum issued by prisoners. The full text of Nelson Mandela's speech on the Grand Parade in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison (1990). The Mandela International Reception Committee.
Reactions to the news of Nelson Mandela's release from prison.

Anti-Apartheid Beweging Nederland

NIZA Photograph Collection

An album of photographs of Nelson Mandela, including:
Portrait photographs of Nelson Mandela, many of which were taken by Eli Weinberg. There are photographs with Kaiser Matanzima, and of Nelson Mandela together with his son, Thembekile, as well as Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day. Includes photographs of Nelson Mandela wearing traditional beads, Mandela in boxing gear, at his law office, burning his pass, and in disguise while in hiding from the police as the "Black Pimpernel." (1950s - 1960s). Nelson Mandela after his acquittal at the treason trial, with Essop Pahad in the background. Nelson Mandela addressing the All-in-Africa Conference in Pietermaritzburg in 1961. Photographs are by Joe Gqabi. Photographs of Nelson Mandela with military officers in Algiers, and with Oliver Tambo in Addis Ababa, during his secret Africa trip in 1962. Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square, London, 1962. Photographs by Mary Benson. Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu on Robben Island in 1966.The concert in celebration of Mandela's 70th birthday. The 1988 artist's impression of Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela's release from prison, including a scene of him addressing a mass gathering in Cape Town on the day of his release from prison. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Cyril Ramaphosa. Photographers include Yunus Mohamed. Post-release portraits, some that originates from the International Defence and Aid Fund. Photographers include Pieter Boersma and Piet den Blanken. Nelson Mandela addressing meetings on his visit to the Netherlands in June 1990. Also featured in these photographs are Winnie Mandela and Thabo Mbeki. Photographers include Jan Stegeman, Pieter Boersma and Kadir van Lohuizen. Nelson Mandela being awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of the Western Cape. Featured in the photographs are Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Professor Jaap Durand and Professor Stanley Ridge. Photographs are by Rashid Lombard. Nelson Mandela alongside a mural in Cape Town. Photograph by the Cape Argus. Nelson Mandela on the platform with Tokyo Sexwale and others at an ANC election mass meeting held at the Kwamazizi Stadium, 12 March 1994. Photographs are by B. Bohler. Photographs of Winnie and Zindzi Mandela, including Winnie in traditional dress, her attendance of political funerals in South Africa in 1985, and Zindzi addressing the crowd at a mass gathering at Jabulani Stadium in 1985. Photographers include Alf Kumalo and Gideon Mendell.

Anti-Apartheid Beweging Nederland

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika Photograph Collection

Collection of photographs documenting Nelson Mandela's release from prison, and his visit to the Netherlands in June 1990. Includes images of celebrations in honour of Nelson Mandela's release from prison in February 1990 attended by Dennis Goldberg, as well as Nelson Mandela addressing meetings and greeting supporters in Amsterdam (June 1990).

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, speeches, news clippings, financial reports and other documentation concerning the KZAs support to the ANC's 1994 election campaign. Documentation on, and correspondence with, the ANC president Nelson Mandela.
Subjects covered include:
Nelson Mandela's visit to the Netherlands as part of an ANC fund-raising campaign (1994). Nelson Mandela's address at a forum organised by World Com, the Netherlands (1994). The campaign entitled 'Geef Zuid-Afrika Een Eerlike Kans' which raised more than R5.9 million for the ANC within the first few hours of the campaign (1993 - 1994).The itinerary of Nelson Mandela's visit to the Netherlands on the 17th and 18th February 1994.

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

NIZA Photograph Collection

"Solidarity with South Africa" demonstration held in Amsterdam in 1976, with demonstrators carrying placards of Nelson Mandela. Nelson and Winnie Mandela being greeted by thousands of supporters in Leidseplein, Amsterdam in June 1990. Nelson Mandela addressing the crowd at Leidseplein, Amsterdam as well as other images of Nelson Mandela's visit to Amsterdam in 1990.
Photographers include Hans van der Bogaard, Roel Rozenburg and Marja Sonneveld.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

NIZA Memorabilia Collection

Collection of anti-apartheid memorabilia produced by, amongst other organisations, the ANC, International Defence and Aid Fund, Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa and the Anti-Apartheid Movement. Includes t-shirts and wall hangings.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

NIZA Photograph Collection

Photographs of a young ANC supporter wearing a "Welcome Home Nelson Mandela" t-shirt, and of an ANC election billboard with Nelson Mandela's image. Photographers are Joost Hartog and Jan Stegeman.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

NIZA Photograph Collection

Collection of photographs, including the following:
ANC election gathering with Nelson Mandela, held in the Northern Transvaal in 1994. Preparations for an ANC election gathering in the Eastern Transvaal in 1994, with a supporter mounting "Mandela for President" posters. Nelson Mandela flanked by supporters on the day of his inauguration as President of South Africa in May 1994. Placard-carrying supporters of Nelson Mandela and the ANC.
Photographs are by Kadir van Lohuizen.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA)

Collectie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

Correspondence, memoranda, campaign materials and lists. The collection includes:
-Correspondence between the Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika and the African National Congress (ANC) London office concerning the Rivonia Trial and pressure being placed on the Dutch government to condemn the trial.
-Campaigns for the release of the Rivonia Trialists, and about 5000 political prisoners in South Africa.

Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika

ICFTU Archives

Working papers of The International Confederation of Trade Unions. Rivonia Trial related records:
4873 Correspondence concerning the Rivonia trial. 1963-1965. 1 folder.
4874-4875 Correspondence concerning the Treason Trials. Including correspondence with the South Africa Defence and Aid Fund. 1956-1969. 2 folders.
48741956-1962. 48751963-1969.

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)

Interview with Nelson Mandela

Part of Kairos collection.
Sound for film. Interview with Nelson Mandela re Rivonia trial (amongst other topics) in Dutch (?)


Warrants of Committal - Nelson Mandela

  • NMAP 2010/07
  • Series
  • 1962-11-07 - 1964-06-12
Following Nelson Mandela’s sentencing on 7 November 1962, the Pretoria Magistrates Court issued a warrant committing him to prison for five years.
He had been convicted and sentenced that day to three years for on charges of “inciting to trespass laws” (to strike) and two for leaving South Africa without a passport. It was stipulated that the two sentences were to run consecutively.
The second Warrant of Committal was issued by the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa on June 12, 1964, the same day the judge handed down a sentence of life imprisonment for Mr Mandela and his colleagues, who was convicted on four counts of sabotage in the Rivonia Trial.
The first two counts were for contravening Section 21(1) of the General Laws Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76 of 1962; the third in contravention of Section 11(a), read with Sections 1 and 12 of Act No. 44 of 1950; and the fourth was for contravening Section 3(1) (6), read with Section 2 of Act No. 8 of 1953 (as amended).

Supreme Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Magistrate's Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Magistrate's Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Magistrate's Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Magistrate's Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Supreme Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Supreme Court of South Africa


This item consists of 1 Warrant of Committal issued to Nelson Mandela by the Supreme Court of South Africa. The warrant contains Nelson Mandela's fingerprints.

Supreme Court of South Africa

Launch of the Civics Academy, 2016.05.09, Houghton: [Set of 21 Still Images]

The Civics Academy is an online learning platform to inform and strengthen democratic values and responsible citizenship among young people. It is an initiative between the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation. Launch of the new Civic Academy held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the main speaker was Thuli Madonsela, then Public Protector.

Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd

Re-opening refurbished building and welcome and farewell of CEOs, 2013.05.27. Houghton: [Set of 106 Images]

Photographs of re-opening refurbished building of Nelson Mandela Foundation and a handover ceremony of material to the National Archives of South Africa. The occasion also marked the introduction of Sello Hatang as Chief Executive Officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation as of 1st June 2013 and bidding farewell to the foundations retiring CEO Achmat Dangor. Jack Devnarain welcomed guests including Professor Njabulo Simakahle Ndebele, acting chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Foundation at the time and chairperson of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation.

Lerole, Tumelo

Meeting of French President and First Lady with Mrs Machel at the NMF, 2013.10.15, Houghton: [Set of 52 Images]

President of France, François Hollande and First Lady, Valerie Trierweiler meeting with Mrs Graça Machel and Minister Jeff Radebe, welcomed by Chief Executive Officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Sello Hatang. In their discussion, First Lady, Ms Trierweiler, supported the Stand Up for African Mothers Campaign, which Mrs Machel promotes in her capacity as patron.
After the discussion, Mrs Machel accompanied President Hollande and Ms Trierweiler on a guided tour of the Foundation including a visit to the archive of Mr Mandela’s private papers.

Yazbek, Debbie

Launch of the exhibition In Pursuit of Liberty: Legality vs Jusitice, 2011.06.15, Houghton: [Set of 47 Images]

The opening of a new exhibition to mark 50 years since the formation of the Umkhonto weSizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress. In Pursuit of Liberty: Legality vs. Justice exhibition was launched at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in association with Pambili Productions and South African History Online (SAHO).

Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd

Ardon Bar-Hama visits to Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2011.05.04-06, Houghton: [Set of 26 Images]

Ardon Bar-Hama is a digital photographer specialising on archival materials. Google supports a project to digitise the journals and archival documents of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. The project helps to preserve thousands of documents, photographs, and audio-visual materials chronicling the life and times of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Recommended by Google, the two institutions commissioned Ardon Bar-Hama to undertake the digitisation.


First visit of Ardon Bar-Hama, 2011.05.04-06, Houghton: [Set of Seven Images]

Photographs of Ardon Bar-Hama with Richard McKibbon, Canadian intern.
Ardon Bar-Hama is a digital photographer, specializing in high quality digital capture of Special Collections in libraries, museums, institutions and private collections. Google supports a project to digitize the journals and archival documents of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. The project helps to preserve thousands of documents, photographs, and audio-visual materials chronicling the life and times of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Recommended by Google, the two institutions commissioned Ardon Bar-Hama to undertake the digitization.

McKibbon, Richard

Ardon Bar Hama, 2011.11.03, Houghton: [Set of 14 Images]

Prince of Wales, Charles together with Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla Rosemary's visit to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Verne Harris, head of Memory Programme at the Nelson Mandela Foundation shows Duchess of Cornwall and Prince of Wales early photos of Nelson Mandela and other items from the archive.

Bar-Hama, Ardon

Research trip by Sahm Venter to Addis Ababa, 2009.06.08-13, Ethiopia: [Set of 71 Images]

Sahm Venter's research trip to Addis Ababa, tracing back Nelson Mandela’s journey when he secretly left South Africa to undergo military training in Ethiopia. Includes interviews with Ethiopian generals who helped Nelson Mandela in 1962.
Included are Colonel Fekadu Wakeni, Tefers Melesse, Co. Mengesh Zedwu at the Police Rapid Deployment Force base.

Venter, Sahm

Struggle Veterans Luncheon, 2003.05.16, Sandton: [Set of 374 Still Images]

Nelson Mandela Foundation and representatives from various political parties paying tribute to veterans of the liberation struggle at a special luncheon in Sandton, Johannesburg. In celebration of South Africa's struggle for liberation and democracy and to remind South Africans once in a while to stop, pause and give thanks to veterans of our struggle.

Fish, Trevor

Deacidification of the NMF Archive, 2014, Houghton: [Set of 49 Still Images]

Photos of the deacidification of the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) Archive in four folders taken by Lucia Raadschelders and Razia Saleh. The first folder contains photos of the training staff members by Chief Librarian Isaac Nkadimeng, Christian Legodi and Magretia Masebe of the South African Library, Tshwane.
The second folder shows loaded crates ready to be transported to the National Library. The third folder shows photos of Canadian interns, Jamila Ghaddar and Katrina Cohen-Palacios dusting and returning materials to their boxes after being treated at the National Library. The fourth folder contains photos taken by Razia Saleh at the NMF reception with Zunelle Breytenbach, Zanele Riba, Ethel Arends, as well as Florence Garishe.

Saleh, Razia

Interview with Agelinah Hlope in her home, 2010.08.01, Nkowankowa: [Set of Seven Images]

Visit by the Archives team to Mrs Angelinah Hlope, one of the women who participated in the Women’s march to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956. Mrs Angelina Hlope is also a member of the ‘Gogos for Mandela’ soccer team. The official name of the soccer team is Vakhegula Vakhegula Football Club.

Raadschelders, Lucia

Signing MOU for Schools for Africa Phase III with UNICEF, 2005.07, Houghton: [Set of 10 Images]

Schools for Africa (SFA) initiative: inception in 2005. Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society (HS) are initiators together with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Started with the participation of 8 NatComs and Country offices and has increased to 26 in 11 countries.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Launch of the limited edition 'Life of a Legend' coin set dedicated to Nelson Mandela, 2014.03.04, Houghton: [Set of Six Images]

The commemorative Life of a Legend series is part of the Protea coin series and over the next 12 years a series of coins will be released depicting important scenes from Mandela's life journey. These are complemented by quotes taken from his speeches and autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom.

South African Mint

Results 401 to 500 of 77684