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McManus, Jason

Africa Fund : [Part 1]

The Africa Fund was founded in 1966 by the American Committee on Africa (ACOA). They shared offices and staff but had separate boards and budgets. It supported health and educational projects of the liberations movements. It also supported the South African Council of Churches to aid political prisoners and their families. It researched American corporations and their ties with South Africa. It merged in 2001 with the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) and ACOA to form Africa Action.

Oliver Tambo Papers

The collection has been arranged in four series: A. Personal Documents, B. Office of the President, C. Special Topics, and D. Press Cuttings (not microfilmed).

Only a few records relate indirectly to the Rivonia Trial:
- News clippings from South African and international newspapers concerning the arrest of Nelson Mandela in 1962, his court appearances, and calls for his release from prison (1962 - 1988)
- A letter from the ANC London office concerning the arrests of Mandela and Walter Sisulu
- Reports on campaigns for the release of political prisones
- Correspondence from Mandela, written from Pollsmoor Prison, to Oliver Tambo and a number of other individuals
- Correspondence, reports and messages concerning international support for Mandela’s release from prison. Subjects covered include tributes on his 60th and 70th birthdays, and awards and honours conferred on Mandela, particularly through the work of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement (1984)
- Correspondence and statementsre international calls for Mandela’s release from prison. These include correspondence about a resolution passed by the African Symposium on African Orality in Nigeria and a statement by the President of the Republic of Senegal after Mandela's release.
- Drafts of plays and books on Mandela, including" No Easy Walk to Freedom", "Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia Trial" and "What Is To Be Done"
- Published and unpublished statements and speeches of Mandela, 1962 - 1991
- Biographical notes onMandela

Tambo, Oliver Reginald

General Strike : Statement by Nelson Mandela on behalf of the National Action Council following the stay-at-home in May 1961

  • ZA COM MR-S-008
  • Item
  • May 1961
  • Part of Speeches

The statement reviewed the successes and weaknesses of the three day stay-at-home in May 1961, as well as the responses to it from journalists, students, trade unions, and from opposing groups like the Pan-Africanist Congress. It also announced the policy of non-collaboration with the government and renewed the call for an intensified international boycott and the complete isolation of South Africa.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

Mandela -196+

President P. W. Botha's speech concerning black people: In the speech, he mentions the possibility of Nelson Mandela's conditional release from prison- SA ambassador in London Dennis Worrall.

Report by Benson Terry

RECORD BC 19860131

Benson, Terry

Spear of the Nation : The Story of the African National Congress : [Filmography]

The history of the ANC is told, using historical film, recent news film and interviews with such people as Selby Msimang, Trevor Huddleston, Pallo Jordan, Oliver Tambo, Joe Slovo, Albertina Sisulu, Thabo Mbeki and Murphy Morobe. It includes archival film of the defiance campaign, the Congress of the People, the Treason Trial, Nelson Mandela as archive footage in an interview with ITN

Tereschuke, David

Youth Dialogue with Tshwane School of Music and Mafikizolo, 2015.03.12, Tshwane: [Set of 76 Still Images]

Youth dialogue focusing on the issues of violence and substance abuse. It included the popular South African group Mafikizolo, Sello Hatang (CEO NMF), Hayden Wright, Jijbez Vosloo, Naidoo, Sade Maokwena, Justine Arendse, Born Free (Band), Freddy Arendse (Founder School of Music) and the Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture Rejoice Mabudafhasi.

van der Stoep, Yolanda

Launch of the Comic Book series, 2008.07.17, Houghton: [Set of 77 Images]

Launch of the Comic Book series at the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF): Nelson Mandela meeting with Vincent Maphai of BHP Billiton and with the Umlando group of graphic artists. Also features some school children with Nelson Mandela showing him the 'Black Pimpernel' comic book. Nelson Mandela giving speech in the NMF auditorium and greeted by Anglo American executives.


Africa Fund : [Part 2]

The Africa Fund was founded in 1966 by the American Committee on Africa (ACOA). They shared offices and staff but had separate boards and budgets. It supported health and educational projects of the liberations movements. It also supported the South African Council of Churches to aid political prisoners and their families. It researched American corporations and their ties with South Africa. It merged in 2001 with the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) and ACOA to form Africa Action.

The struggle is my life : Press statement issued on 26 June 1961

  • ZA COM MR-S-009
  • Item
  • 26 June 1961
  • Part of Speeches

This statement, issued after the positive response to a three day strike, announces a second phase in the fight against Verwoerd, a country-wide campaign of non-cooperation, and announces a National Convention. It also explains his decision, in accordance with the advice of the National Action Council, to carry on his political work underground rather than leaving the country or giving himself up for arrest to a government he did not recognise.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla [use]

Winnie Mandela : [Filmography]

During the more than a quarter of a century that her husband spent in jail, Winnie Mandela was persecuted by the white authorities, first to put pressure on her husband, and then because she developed as a leader in her own right. Under enormous constraints, Winnie Mandela slowly developed a heroic public relations campaign that kept Nelson’s image alive, and the attention of the world on South Africa.

There are 4 parts in this series: 1. White Laager 2. Generations of Resistance 3. Winnie Mandela 4. Remember Mandela! Available from Villon Films

Davis, Peter

Mandela -196+

Radio South Africa interview by Lily Anne Stroobach with the director of the Institute for Strategic studies at the University of Pretoria Prof. Michael Hough, about a statement issued by the political
prisoner Mr Nelson Mandela after his meeting with the State President Mr P.W. Botha. Mr Mandela refers to the issue of negotiations in South Africa.

RECORDBC 19890713

Hough, Michael

Mary Benson Papers

Mainly correspondence between Benson and fellow South African activists and large amounts of newspaper cuttings collected by Benson relating to South Africa and the struggle against Apartheid.

Records related to the Rivonia Trial:
-Nelson Mandela’s statement from the dock at the Rivonia Trial (ICS6/5/3)
-Elias Motsoaledi's statement (ICS6/5/7)
- Correspondence, reports and statements about the treatment of political prisoners in South Africa, including reports by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and Amnesty International
- Papers related to Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment, collected by Benson when writing her biography of Mandela, "Nelson Mandela: the Man and the Movement."
- Correspondence between Mandela and Mary Benson. There is also correspondence between Benson and others, mainly related to Mandela and campaigns for his release from prison. Correspondents include Helen Suzman, Elinor Birley, Hilda Bernstein, Oliver Tambo, Winnie Mandela, Denis Healey and Ismail Ayob.
- Typed notes on Mandela and other prisoner
-News clippings concerning Mandela, mainly from British newspapers. Subjects covered in particular detail include the Rivonia Trial and campaigns for Mandela's release (ICS6/8)

Benson, Mary

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