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Activities for Mandela Day elsewhere, 2013, South Africa: [Set of 39 Still Images]

The Great Park Synagoge hosted a 67 minutes drive to collect blankets, clothes and non-perishable foods.
The Friends of the Inner City spent 67 minutes cleaning Lorna Court in Johannesburg's CBD as part of their ‘ Build your Neighbourhood’ initiative.
The Conference Connection donated food and gifts to St Martins’ Children’s home and blankets to Reservoir Hills residents in Durban
The DEC planted trees.
Scorpion Legal Protection provided lunch to the Durban Children’s Home
Free State Treasury planted trees
A baby named after Mandela
Moyo restaurant took party packs, face painters and drummers to the Umthombo Street Children in Durban and the Charlotte Maxeke hospital in Johannesburg. They also provided entertainment at a care centre for disabled children in Khayelitsha.
Roedean School collected blankets and food for organisations which care for orphans and vulnerable children.


Jamaica, 2013: [Set of Three Still Images]

First picture is an activity for Mandela Day organized by Scotia Bank, “Take a child to work” where students were addressed by Mrs. Shirley Hoyana on Mr Mandela’s work ethics.
The last two pictures are kids at the Middleton Primary school where the Mission celebrated the Nelson Mandela Day.


Japan, 2013: [Set of Two Still Images]

In celebration of ‘Mandela Day’ the Mission identified the disabled as a sector of the Japanese society that is disadvantaged. It learned about the concept of Swan bakeries and recognised the values as similar to those of the spirit of Nelson Mandela emphasising ‘social cohesion’. In this regard, embassy staff spent the morning of Saturday 18 July at the Swan bakery in Akasaka teaching the staff to cook famous South African dishes such as Bobotie, magwenya and milk tart. At the end of the cooking session, the embassy staff and their family members sat down with the employees of the bakery and had a marvellous lunch that had been jointly prepared.


Nelson Mandela receives birthday cakes from Bafana Bafana and the Springbok Team, 2008.08.04, Houghton: [Set of 193 Still Images]

Nelson Mandela receiving cakes from both teams, Mandela with both cakes in front of him, players congratulating Mandela, and with Zelda la Grange. The files numbered in the 5000s are the Bafana images and those numbered in the 18000s are Springboks.

Ngwenya, Juda

Mandela delivers his Bafana Bafana and Springbok cakes to Banakekeleni Haven, 2008.08.04, Johannesburg: [Set of 222 Still Images]

Photos of Nelson Mandela arriving at the Banakekeleni Haven (hospice) in Kew, Johannesburg with the birthday cakes he received from Bafana Bafana and from the Springboks. Nelson Mandela is surrounded by children, cutting the cake, children clapping, congratulating and greeting him. Photos of the cakes and of children eating the cake are taken. Zelda la Grange is accompanying him.

Ngwenya, Juda

Africa Fund : [Part 3]

The Africa Fund was founded in 1966 by the American Committee on Africa (ACOA). They shared offices and staff but had separate boards and budgets. It supported health and educational projects of the liberations movements. It also supported the South African Council of Churches to aid political prisoners and their families. It researched American corporations and their ties with South Africa. It merged in 2001 with the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) and ACOA to form Africa Action.

Govan Mbeki Papers

Include his songs and music from Robben Island, artefacts such as his beloved guitar with its Island-built case. The collection holds his correspondence, manuscripts of his books, some of which was written on toilet paper and smuggled out of prisons, and a record of his life on the Island and after his release. 'Oom Gov' also gave to the University his own library in a ceremony at his house weeks before he died. Many of the books are those given to him by the authors.

Although most the material does not relate to the Rivonia Trial, this collection has been included as it speaks to the character of one of the Trial's main accused. Rivonia Trial material is: Part One of the State’s Concluding Address at the Rivonia Trial.

Mbeki, Govan Archibald Mvuyelwa

I am prepared to die : Nelson Mandela's statement from the dock at the opening of the defence case in the Rivonia Trial

  • ZA COM MR-S-010
  • Item
  • 20 April 1964
  • Part of Speeches

In this, the opening of the Defence case, Mandela states that his experiences in South Africa and his pride as an African underlie his actions. He details how and why Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed and what its strategies were. He also responds to the allegations of the State one by one and includes an explanation of both his ideological influences and his ideals.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Hero For All

The DVD consists of a documentary on Nelson Mandela, the majority of which concerns his latter years as President and his retirement.

Singh, Anant

Mandela -196+

Service Sound Archives
Class Aktualiteit
Program South African Freedom Songs: The documentary concept John Matshikiza
(Actor, writer/ producer) with narrators Lucie Page and Shado Twala presenting a documentary on the
South African Freedom fighters with interviews from prominent role players including Nelson Mandela.

RECORD BC 19780000- 19920000

Matshikiza, John

Dialogue: Archives at the Crossroads, 2007.04.23-24, Houghton: [Set of 543 Images]

Dialogue on 'Archives at Crossroads' which was organised by the Nelson Mandela Foundation and co-convened with the National Archives and the Constitution of Public Intellectual Life Research Project. Participants in the auditorium, NMF building and photos of the ‘Malibongwe’ exhibition. The dialogue was held over two days on 23 and 24 April.

Oryx Media Production

Mandela : [Filmography]

Danny Glover was nominated for an Emmy for his role as Mandela. Alfre Woodard played Winnie Mandela. With little real biographical notes, the script covers from 1948 to 1987, and shows the young Mandela as lawyer and fervent anti-apartheid activist, Mandela is jailed in 1962 and passes the cudgels of activism to his wife Winnie, who despite persecution from apartheid authorities perseveres in her cause.

Filmed on location in Zimbabwe and released the same year as Cry Freedom, (the Biko story) the film was criticized as one dimensional and over simplified but certainly moving

Saville, Phillip

Mandela: An Audio History

  • ZA SABC SA MR-RT-011
  • Collection
  • 1964 - 2004
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

SAFM documentary in two parts for The Inner Ear Programme. Details the role played by Nelson Mandela and the ANC in the struggle for freedom in South Africa. Compiled by Joe Richardson and Sue Johnson and presented by Will Bernard. Dated 9 May 2004.

Part 1 deals with the call for armed struggle, the creation of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the arrests at Rivonia. Mandela as the first witness in the Trial, four hour statement from the dock made at the Trial, sentencing to life imprisonment, meaning of Rivonia Trial.

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

Africa Groups of Sweden [Afrikagrupperna] : [Part 1]

The AGS was formed in 1974 by several local Africa groups, some of them already active in the early 1960s. It gave unconditional support to the liberation struggle. It began its work by supporting the struggles in the Portuguese colonies and continued to work on Southern Africa lobbying the Swedish government to institute sanctions. It initiated the establishment of the Isolate South Africa Committee (ISAK). In 1992 the AGS merged with the Africa Groups Recruitment Organisation / Afrikagruppernas Rekryteringsorganisation, and continues to operate as Afrikagrupperna.

Mandela -196+

English Service
Class Actuality
Program Radio release of Nelson Mandela- Actuality supplied by the Parliamentary team of the state president, Mr. P.W. Botha, speaking in the house of assembly about the possible release of Nelson Mandela.

RECORD BC 1985 0201

Parliamentary team of the State President

Justin Hines : 4 CDs

Four CDs by Justin Hines:
G2149.1 : Sides (14 musical tracks)

G2149.2 : Season's greetings (11 musical tracks)

G2149.3 : Chasing silver (14 musical tracks)

G2149.4 : Unlabelled CD inscribed "Much love" (1 musical track)

Hines, Justin

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