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Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela Foundation "Calling to care", 2002, East London: [Compile]

Video on “A calling to care” a campaign started by Nelson Mandela to respond and act to the HIV/AIDS threat that is facing the country. Nelson Mandela travels through South Africa mobilising South Africa’s traditional community leaders to Care for the people who are affected or infected with HIV/AIDS. Nelson Mandela cautions that people should not discriminate or stigmatise people that are living with the disease and people must talk about sex with the children to make them aware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The campaign focuses on traditional leaders and the role they can play to make the difference.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton. Last part of Assessing new network of institutions and structures designed to deliver a transformed national archival system. Continuation of a presentation by Prof Sekgothe Mokgoatsana

Sessions 3
Exploring the distinction between “national interest” and “public interest” and understanding the role of archive in relation to both. Input from Ellen Namila.
Questions, comments and inputs

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Dialogue on National strategic plan Tape 1: [Recorded Event]

Nelson Mandela Foundation dialogue on strategic plan of an HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The dialogue was held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation with minister Nosizwe Madlala Routlege. The dialogue was part of the process of reviewing the South Africa's national strategic plan on HIV/AIDS. Inputs from the participants were then submitted to the national department of health for review.

HIV/AIDS Coca Cola summit message, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

Nelson Mandela message to the of HIV/AIDS Coca cola summit. Informs the summit that South Africa has started with the roll out of treatment and care for HIV/AIDS. Advises that treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS needs to be a combined effort from all concerned.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: HIV/AIDS Programme - Mobilising United Action on HIV/AIDS Media highlights,]

Media highlights of Nelson Mandela visiting different places in South Africa informing people about the Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV/AIDS programme - Mobilising United Action on HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS calling to care for four key components. 1. Research 2. Treatment and Care 3. Reviews Education 4. Strong Integrated leadership. Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV programme, with Medisin Sans’ Frontier. The program focuses on ongoing counselling, testing and support in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton.

End of session 2
Assessing the new network of institutions and structures designed to deliver a transformed national archival system. Presentation by the national archivist Graham Dominy - National systems, public interest and access. Presentation by Nkhumvhuzeni Tshirado- Who are we, who is being transformed, by whom what terrain is involved and for how long. Presentation by Brad Abbott-Time to address real issues in records management. Presentation by Prof. Sekgothe Mokgoatsana- Remembering our historical pasts the national archives and records service in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela's funeral, 2013.12, South Africa: [Compile]

Nelson Mandela's funeral: Security force convoy accompanied by an aircraft to the Union building where Nelson Mandela's coffin lies in state, where his family and members of the public pay last respect. Nelson Mandela memorial service was held at the Johannesburg Soccer City stadium and proceedings of his funeral were in Qunu where he was laid to rest.

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton.

End of session 1
Assessing the process of opening the archive and understanding their continuing role in constituting a post-apartheid. Continuation of the presentation delivered by Sandra Prosalendis. Ouestions comments and inputs from the attendees.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Official opening of the Nelson Mandela Centre of memory, 2013.11.18, Houghton:[Recorded Event]

Video on proceedings of opening Nelson Mandela Centre of memory. Proceedings of the opening of the refurbished Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory building. People Gareth Cliffe, Sello Hatang CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Tokyo Sexwale – trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Greg Maloka Kaya FM MD, Jurgen Screiber, Mokgethi Tshabala Thebe investment, Graca Machel, Margaret Byrne Sunderland AFC, Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, Alfred Nevhutula National lotteries board, Professor Njabulo Ndebele and President Jacob Zuma.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton.

Session 1 (Continuation)
Assessing the process of opening the archive and understanding their continuing role in constituting a post-apartheid. Presentation by Noel Solani- Archive and human relations in the digital word. Presentation by Verne Harris Memory systems in trouble at archivists have stopped being activists. Presentation by Sandra Prosalendis- Getting our acts together in order to perform that archive

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

FIFA 90 minutes for Mandela match press conference, 2007.07.17, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

Proceedings of the FIFA press conference held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation with Tim Modise, Tokyo Sexwale, Danny Jordaan, and Jomo Sono. The press conference announces the FIFA campaign against racism such as Say No to racism and to celebrate Nelson Mandela's forthcoming 90th birthday in 2018. The game is to be held at New lands stadium in Cape Town. The match is going to be played by World 11 versus Africa 11.

International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela 1918-2013, 2013: [Promo]

Promotional video of Nelson Mandela focusing on the life changing milestones in his life. The quotes being the getting education, involvement in politics, imprisonment in Robben Island, release from prison, inauguration and oath of office and post presidency.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton.

Session 2 (Continuation) of Keynote address
Assessing the new network of institutions and structures designed to deliver a transformed national archival system.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads, 2007.04.23, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

The National Public Systems Archives at Crossroads Place Nelson Mandela Centre of memory 107 Central street Houghton.

Session 1
Assessing the process of opening the archive and understanding their continuing role in constituting a post-apartheid. Paper by Sello Hatang- PAIA and the archive act breaking the barrier to access to information. Paper by Ciraj Rasool - Heritge archives museums, heritage practice and museum practice.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Legacy dialogues: Legacy leaders and movements, 2014.04.14, Houghton: [Dialogue]

Legacy dialogues: Legacy leaders and movements. People Verne Harris director of Archives and Memory, Interlocutor- Mac Maharaj, Panellists Hugh Macmillan and Dr Adeke Adebajo. Comments/Inputs /Questions Frene Ginwala, Zolile Mvunelo, George Bizos, Sophie Mokoena, Amukelani Hlavhano, Sipho Mkhwanazi.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Mandela Prison memoirs, 2004.09.21, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

Footage on the proceedings of the launch of the exhibition and book Reflections in prison. In the same event Nelson Mandela receives the notebooks that mysteriously went missing after a raid in prison. Donald Card an official in prison returns them to Nelson Mandela at the Nelson Mandela Foundation offices in Houghton, Johannesburg.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela Day, 2013: [Promo]

Recorded Nelson Mandela day messages from the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Former US former President Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, international space station people and Kaya FM MD Greg Maloka. The messages encourage people to participate in the international Nelson Mandela day.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Promotion for the Clinton Foundation, 2009.06.30, South Africa: [Promo]

Promotion for the Clinton Foundation. The promotion has images of Nelson Mandela in Robben Island in the garden, Nelson Mandela’s prison cell, Nelson Mandela letters in Robben Island, images of Nelson Mandela with Morgan Freeman, Nelson Mandela with Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela voting, Nelson Mandela with HIV positive Children in Khayelitsha clinic and Zola clinic, with Nelson Mandela with Winnie Mandela and Zoleka as a baby, Nelson Mandela with FW De Klerk both receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Nelson Mandela with Albertina Sisulu, Nelson Mandela with the Soweto gospel choir in different uniforms, several photos with Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela with her daughter Makaziwe (Maki) in a boat.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Celebrations after one year of the Nelson Mandela Foundation on the roll out of ARV, Lusikisiki, 2004, Eastern Cape: [Recorded Event]

Celebrations after one year Nelson Mandela Foundation on the rollout of Antiretroviral (ARV) as part of the Nelson Mandela Foundation's intervention in Lusikisiki, in the Eastern Cape. This includes interviews of the Lusikisiki community members who have received Antiretroviral (ARV)s after one year of the rollout in Lusikisiki, in the Eastern Cape.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Mandela the Authorised Portrait: Book launch [Footage]

The authorised portrait book launch includes footage of Nelson Mandela in conversation with Mac Maharaj, Ahmed Kathy Kathrada, Ruth Hobday, and Geoff Blackwell of PQ Blackwell interviewing the three stalwarts. (PQ Blackwell are the publishers from New Zealand). Professor Jakes Gerwel welcomes all visitors, with President Thabo Mbeki in attendance.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Mandela Day message from Professor Jakes Gerwel chair of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2011, Cape Town: [Recorded Event]

Video on Prof Jakes Gerwel message on making everyday a Mandela day, explains the Mandela day campaign and requests the people of the world to allow Nelson Mandela to truly retire by working with the three charities that were founded by Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela 10th annual lecture speaker Mrs Mary Robinson taking part in International Mandela Day activity. 2012.07.18, Meadowlands, Soweto: [Recorded Event]

After delivering the lecture in Cape Town the Nelson Mandela 10th annual lecture speaker, Mrs. Mary Robinson participated in the International Mandela Day activity and donated a container library for a school in Meadowlands, Soweto.

Blue Media

Malibongwe Dialogue :2007, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

Proceedings of the first Malibongwe Dialogue held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation features Rica Hodgson, Brigalia Bam, Bertha Gxowa, Sibongile Mkhabela, Amina Cachalia, Sophie de Bruyn, Vesta Smith and Graca Machel.

Nelson Mandela comes in to meet and greet the participants of the dialogue. He then shares a joke or two before leaving.
The Malibongwe forum was used to deal with women’s stalwarts sharing their experiences and transferring their wisdom the young women of South Africa.

The Malibongwe dialogues series started in 2007 and was discontinued in 2009.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Twinkle – twinkle little star, 2010: [Documentary]

Video on an exhibition using the footage based on the popular nursery rhyme twinkle- twinkle little star. This is an online exhibition curated by the Nelson Mandela Foundation documenting Nelson Mandela singing the poem together with the children from different nursery schools that he visited. Date People: Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela bodyguards, Rochel Mtirara, Nursery school teachers from all provinces in South Africa, and nursery school children from several provinces in South Africa including the nursery school of his grandson Mbuso Mandela, Western Cape Premiere Ibrahim Rasool.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Nelson Mandela Foundation community conversations, 2010, South Africa: [Promo]

Video on Nelson Mandela Foundation documentary on Community conversations programme focusing on HIV/AIDS and other problems facing communities such as poverty, patriarchy lack of education, xenophobia, crime and unemployment and how through community conversations communities can be empowered to find solutions themselves addressing these social ills.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela and Family members having lunch in Qunu, 2007-2008, Qunu: [Recorded Event]

Video on the Members of the family visit the family graves, later the Mandela and family members celebrate a joint birthday party for Zindzi Mandela born on the 23rd of December and Ndaba Mandela born on the 19th of December. The party is held in Qunu with Nelson Mandela, Mrs Graca Machel, Winnie Madikizela- Mandela, Makaziwe Mandela, Ndileleka Mandela, Nandi Mandela, Mandla Mandela,Mbuso Mandela, Zondwa Mandela Tukwini Mandela, later on Nelson Mandela goes to inspect the cattle. .

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela and Family members having lunch in Qunu, 2007-2008, Qunu: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela and Family members having lunch in Qunu- Nelson Mandela his brother Morris Mandela, Mrs Graca Machel, Mandla Mandela, Makaziwe Mandela, Ndileleka Mandela, Mbuso Mandela, Zondwa Mandela Tukwini Mandela, Nandi Mandela, Zelda La Grange. On the luch tabel there is a discussion that Ndaba and Zindzi will be having a a joint birthday celebration for their birthdays that are on the 19th and the 23rd of December.

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela leaving London and going to Heathrow airport, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on cars driving on the London hi-way approaching Heathrow airport and stopping at Heathrow tarmac, security guards on two sections of the airport Nelson Mandela Graca Machel, Zelda La Grange and security guards board the plane. Ground crew looks on.

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela at London Airport, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela body guards driving back to the airport and talking about the trip likely being the last of Nelson Mandela, and talking about crime in London preparing and checking seating on the plane and being joined by another group of body guards and Nelson Mandela, Graca Machel and Zelda La Grange.

Giant Media

Press Conference on Goal for Africa held at the Metropolitan London 27 June 2008: [Recorded event]

Video on press conference annoucingthe gloabl kick off the Goal for Africa, the event was held at the Metropolitan, London. Goal for africa campaign is a global scoring goals for educating social development in Africa. Chris Vermeeren the creator of Goal for Africa Achmat Dangor CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation with Ali Campell and, Clarence Seedorf calling for support and to raise funds for Goal for Africa. Achmat presented with the Goal for Africa t.shirt for Madiba.

Giant Media

Press Conference on Goal for Africa held at the Metropolitan, London on the 27th June 2008. Recorded event]

Video on Press conference on the Goal 4 Africa global campaign on scoring goals for education and social development. The press conference was held at the Metropolitan in London. Achmat Dangor chatting to Ali Campbell prior the press conference.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Achmat still organising, interview explaining the 46664 programme and the organisations that will benefit from the proceeds of the concerts. Artists/ Musicians introduced to Achmat Dangor and Shaun Johnson. Nelson Mandela arrives with Zelda La Grange to meet and greet the artists. Nelson Mandela and the artists group photo opportunity. Photo with individual artists. Nelson Mandela leaves with Zelda and Sean the security guard.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on focusing on behind scenes work for the London concert, team of Nelson Mandela body guards waiting at the hotel, Achmat Dangor securing of tickets for the Nelson Mandela Foundation board members. Ticket collection by the prospective attendees of the conference.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on 46664 London Concert- Achmat Dangor in London working on finding accommodation for the Mandela grandchildren who will be attending the concert. Securing tickets for dignitaries the Mayor of London including the Kinnocks. Behind the scenes work with Tim Massey and artists who will be performing, planning and organising for the London concert

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel visit President Sarkorzy, 2007-2008, France: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel visit President Sarkorzy addresses Nelson Mandela in French and Madiba has an interpreter. Achmat Dangor gives the president a gift who thanks both Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel. CEO’s and other Captains of industries who inform Nelson Mandela about their work. Interviews.

Giant Media

46664 Dinner, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on 46664 Dinner in a marquee, Champaign served and music entertains the guests arrival Nelson Mandela arrives with Graca Machel, crowd standing up clapping of hands and cheering. Gordon Brown speech, then welcomes Bill Clinton. Clinton Speech, Nelson Mandela speech thanks the people for the continued support on the fight against AIDS, poverty and’s in your hands…

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela meeting with 46664 team in London, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Holding tent- preparations of and serving of drinks, VIP guests Guest arrive and walk on the red carpet. Exhibition of paintings. Nelson Mandela arrives with Graca Machel and is met by Zelda and VIP guests. Denzel Wasington shares his views on Nelson Mandela. The who’s who of the world bill Clinton and family, Gordon Brown and family, Forrest Whittacker and family Prof Jakes Gerwel, Tim Massey, Sol Kerzner , Oprah Winfrey chatting

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Aerial view of the 46664 London concert venue. Crowd waits outside, barriers removed crowd starts moving inside the venue. Crowd moving in and being scanned. Inside the venue crowd running towards the stage. Cops around installations. Press room with journalists reporting on the concert, signed messages for Nelson Mandela, VIP’s coming in. Nelson Mandela’s car coming in.

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel meeting with French President Nickolas Sarkorzy, 2007-2008, France: [Recorded Event]

Video on French Palais exterior, inside Nelson Mandela Graca Machel and the French presidential guests looking at a photo album with French President Nickolas Sarkorzy. Nelson Mandela telling the people who is in the photos, later Nickolas Sarkorzi and Nelson Mandela both signing a portrait of Nelson Mandela looking out of his prison cell n on a re-visit to Robben Island outside Palais security guards.

Giant Media

Unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela arriving at Parliament square in London for the unveiling of the statue crowds cheering. Speech by Richard Attenborough, speech by Wendy Woods remembers his late husband Donald Woods. Speech by Gordon Brown, Speech by Nelson Mandela informing the people about the 46664 concert in Hyde Park, dancing singing and applause when the statue is unveiled, Nelson Mandela departs.

Giant Media

Results 601 to 700 of 77684