Eric Bennet visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2019.04.04, Houghton: [Set of 60 Still images]
- 0594
- Series
- 2019-04-04
Arends, Ethel
Eric Bennet visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2019.04.04, Houghton: [Set of 60 Still images]
Arends, Ethel
Launch of the Civics Academy, 2016.05.09, Houghton: [Set of 21 Still Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Archival documents, 2009, Houghton: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Willman, Matthew
Freedom of Expession Institute (FXI) Event, 2009.08.11, Houghton: [Set of 22 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Lerole, Tumelo
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Conversations on Peace, 2015.10.28, Houghton [Set of Two Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day Launch, 2004.07.04, Johanneburg : [Set of 128 Still Image]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Lerole, Tumelo
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Andrew Young Tribute, 2016.04.06, Houghton [set of 72 images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
US Embassy Pretoria
The movie 'Long Walk to Freedom', 2013
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Nelson Mandela Foundation Research and Archive Team, 2014.12.15, Houghton: [Set of 13 Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Cube Strategic Design
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Clifford Netshievho visits the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2011.08, Houghton: [Set of 25 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Technical Committee of the TRC Burundi visit, 2011.09.08, Houghton: [Set of 28 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Luyolo Stengile visiting the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2007, Houghton: [Set of Eight Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Ardon Bar-Hama visits to Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2011.05.04-06, Houghton: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
MKMVA honours Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada, 2011.11.15, Houghton: [Set of 62 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Japanese Hotel Group visits the NMF, 2011.11, Houghton: [Set of 66 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Handover of archives by Judge Thumba Pillay, 2010.10.27, Houghton: [Set of Five Still Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
10 year service celebration of NMF staff, 2009.11.24, Houghton: [Set of 172 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Global Watch launch, 2011.07.21, Houghton: [Set of 6 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Deacidification of the NMF Archive, 2014, Houghton: [Set of 49 Still Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Saleh, Razia
Google team visit, 2011.03, Houghton: [Set of Nine Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Kings Report Story, 2010.04.15, Houghton: [Set of three Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
South African Mint
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Nxumalo, Lucky
Cell C "Take a girl child to work", 2017.05.25, Houghton: [Set of 56 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Arends, Ethel
Event with AirBnB, 2017.10.16, Houghton: [Set of 104 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Yazbek, Debbie
Launch multi-year partnership NMF and PepsiCo, 2018.02.20, Houghton: [Set of 343 Still Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Johnosea Media
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Arends, Ethel
NMF staff group photo, NMF Office, 2002; [1 photographic print]
Part of Gifted photos
Opening of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2003.05.6, Houghton; [set of 21 photographic prints]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Distilled Photography
The Launch of Making Peace Exhibition, 2007.07.19, Houghton: [Set of 142 Still Images]
Willman, Matthew
Nelson Mandela Foundation building, 2007.07.19, Houghton: [Set of 32 Images]
Part of 5.7 NMF > NMF Office building
Willman, Matthew
Opening of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2003.05.06, Houghton: [Set of 43 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Nelson Mandela Foundation Annual Report 2015/16 staff photos, 2016.04.11, Houghton: [Set of 116]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Sibanyoni, Sifiso
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Lottery Grant Handover, 2012.07.31, Houghton: [Set of 43 Images]
Thekiso, Paballo
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Nelson Mandela Foundation staff photos, 2005.07.07, Houghton: [Set of 870 Still Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Stead, Garth
Nelson Mandela Foundation staff photos, 2007.11.07, Houghton: [Set of 47 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Re-Opening of the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, 2013.11.18, Houghton: [Set of 805 Still Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Prince Henry visit to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2015.12.03, Houghton: [Set of 72 Still Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Lerole, Tumelo
Exhibition “Parenting a Nation”, 2008.03.11, Houghton: [Set of 1101 Still Images]
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Consultative Forum at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2008.11.28, Houghton: [Set of 15 Still Images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Willman, Matthew
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Willman, Matthew
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Nelson Mandela Portraits, 2004.08.13, Houghton: [Set of 267 Still Images]
Willman, Matthew
Nelson Mandela Foundation Annual Report Photographss, 2012.07.30, Johannesburg [Set of 2Albums]
Part of 5.7 NMF > NMF Office building
Opening Centre of Memory, 2004.09.21, Houghton: [Set of 65 Still Images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Willman, Matthew
Opening of the exhibition "The Meaning of Mandela", 2006.07.12, Houghton: [Set of 243 Images]
Oryx Media Production
Life Ball visits the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2015.11.27, Houghton: [Set of 22 Still Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
University of South Africa (UNISA) visits the NMF, 2015.12.04, Houghton: [Set of 14 Still Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Nelson Mandela meets Adidas representatives,2010.07.08, Houghton: [Set of 87 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Davies, Lee
Lerole, Tumelo
Willman, Matthew
Nelson Mandela's Izipho exhibition, 2005.07.14, Houghton: [Set of 31 Still Images]
Bussab, Gutto
South African Ambassador to Australia visits the NMF, 2015.07.10, Houghton: [Set of Three Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
van der Stoep, Yolanda
Courtesy Call of Ambassador Hiroki, 2015.09.15, Houghton: [Set of Seven Images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Davies, Lee
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Willman, Matthew
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Willman, Matthew
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Sonia Gandhi visiting Nelson Mandela, 2007.08.22, Houghton: [Set of 63 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Part of 1.13.1 Gifts & Tributes
Willman, Matthew
Embassy of the State of Qatar Gift, 2006.09.22, Houghton: [Set of Four Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Yazbek, Debbie
Princess Haya Bint Al Hus visit Nelson Mandela, 2008.04.22, Houghton: [Set of 38 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
van Huyssteen, Alet
Renovations NMF Building, 2012, Houghton
Part of 5.7 NMF > NMF Office building
Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) meeting, Houghton: [Set of 15 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
First Malibongwe Dialogue with struggle veterans, 2007.05.30, Houghton: [Set of 319 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of 1.12 Nelson Mandela > Birthdays
van Huyssteen, Alet
Nelson Mandela Foundation staff photos for the Annual Report, 2013.03: [Set of 43 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Lerole, Tumelo
Andrew Zuckerman photo opportunity, 2008.01, Houghton: [Set of Seven Still Images]
Zuckerman, Andrew
Launch of the book ‘Icon of Freedom', 2005.07, Houghton: [Set of Four Images]
Willman, Matthew
Launch of the Comic Book series, 2008.07.17, Houghton: [Set of 77 Images]
Opening of the exhibition "Drawing on Madiba", 2008.11.18, Houghton: [Set of 107 Still Images]
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
The Cohen Family visiting Nelson Mandela, 2007.04.03, Houghton: [Set of 18 Still Images]
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Activity Launch of the Nelson Mandela Day, 2013.06.19, Houghton: [Set of 72 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Ngwenya, Juda
Nelson Mandela 90th birthday with staff , 2008.08.05, NMF office: [Set of 347 Still Images]
Part of 1.12 Nelson Mandela > Birthdays
Ngwenya, Juda
Part of 1.6.1 Nelson Mandela > Receiving visitors > At the NMF
Oryx Media Production