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Cape Town
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Proceedings of the launch of the exhibition Reflections on prison life and Nelson Mandela receiving his two personal Notebooks from an ex prison official Donald Card.

Proceedings of the launch of the exhibition Reflections in prison include Nelson Mandela receiving his two personal Notebooks that mysteriously went missing after a raid in Robben Island prison. Donald Card an ex-prison official in Robben Island at the time of the notebooks going missing returns them to Nelson Mandela at the Nelson Mandela Foundation offices in Johannesburg in 2004. Video recording of the proceedings of the launch of the exhibition Reflections in prison together with the return of the two of personal notebooks of that belonged to Nelson Mandela while he was serving a prison sentence in Robben Island. The two Notebooks mysteriously went missing after a raid at the prison.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Mandela’s unpublished autobiographical manuscript written on Robben Island

Electronic files (MS Word - converted to PDF and jpeg) of Nelson Mandela's original autobiography written on Robben Island. It covers his life story from birth to about 1976. It was intended that the manuscript be published to mark Mr Mandela's 60th birthday in 1978 and help draw attention to the freedom struggle. The ANC leadership decided not to publish it. It later formed the basis for Mr Mandela's autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom".

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Prison Desk Calendars

The subseries consists of 12 printed desk calendars with handwritten notes covering the period between 1976 and 1989. The years 1978 and 1985 are missing from the collection. The calendars were used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contain entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Prison Collection

  • Series
  • 1962-1990

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Attention: Col. van Aarde

  • ZA COM NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/6-NMF_Dcard_V1_035
  • Item
  • 1969-07-22
  • Part of Prison Collection

This item consists of a letter of 1 page written by Mandela to the Commanding officer of Robben Island, Colonel van Aarde requesting permission to attend the funeral of his son, Thembekile.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

George Hallett Collection – Mandela Photos

  • ZA COM NMAP 2013/21
  • Series
  • 1994 - 2000
Three prints by and from George Hallett:
(a) Mandela on the Election Trail, Athlone Stadium, April 1994
(b) Madiba at his Houghton Residence, April 1994
(c) Nelson Mandela, Cape Town 2000.

Hallett, George

Jacques Moreillon Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/57
  • Series
  • ca. 2004-2009
The collection consists of a report of 3 visits by Dr Jacques Moreillon as ICRC Delegate General for Africa to Robben Island (1973, 1974 and 1975) and his meetings with Nelson Mandela during and after his incarceration. It also includes a manuscript, “Moments with Madiba”; a letter to Mandela dated 25 April 2005; and a brief resume of Moreillon, dated 2009. The report and manuscript cover the period 1963-2004, focusing on 1973 onwards.

Moreillon, Jacques

Judge Thumba Pillay Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/9
  • Series
  • 1959-01-01 - 1979-12-31
This series consists of two letters smuggled out of Robben Island in 1977. Mac Maharaj gave them to Judge Thumba Pillay of legal firm of Pillay Seedat & Co. The letters are written by Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada, both of them wishing to appoint the firm to act on their behalf in legal proceedings against the Department of Prisons. Since the authorities refused contact with their attorneys, they had to use this "illegal" method to seek legal representation. The collection includes an envelope that Judge Pillay had posted addressed to his law firm. He did this in the event that the Security Police questioned him about how he received the letters, he would be able to prove that they were posted anonymously to him.
A second donation of Judge Thumba Pillay contains correspondence and documents (mainly copies) pertaining to the case of Mandela vs Minister of Prisons.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Sahm Venter Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/14
  • Series
  • 1984 to 2000
Documents accumulated by Sahm Venter from ca. 1984-2002 as part of her work as a journalist as well as a dedicated political activist during the struggle for liberation in South Africa. The documents have been categorised and arranged by the following subjects or formats:
Personal papers
Organisations / Community based organisations
Court cases, Petitions and Appeals
Speeches and writings

Venter, Sahm

Himan Bernadt Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/13
  • Series
  • 1966 to 1990
Files of the legal firm Frank, Bernadt & Joffe concerning certain legal matters pertaining to its client, Mr. Nelson Mandela, between 1966 and 1990. These papers detail examples of his endeavours to secure rights for prisoners through challenging the legality of acts carried out by prison officers, his opposing of the state's attempt to have him struck off the role of attorneys, family-related matters, etc.

Bernadt, Himan

Nelson Mandela Foundation: HIV/AIDS Programme - Mobilising United Action on HIV/AIDS Media highlights,]

Media highlights of Nelson Mandela visiting different places in South Africa informing people about the Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV/AIDS programme - Mobilising United Action on HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS calling to care for four key components. 1. Research 2. Treatment and Care 3. Reviews Education 4. Strong Integrated leadership. Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV programme, with Medisin Sans’ Frontier. The program focuses on ongoing counselling, testing and support in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

FIFA 90 minutes for Mandela match press conference, 2007.07.17, Houghton: [Recorded Event]

Proceedings of the FIFA press conference held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation with Tim Modise, Tokyo Sexwale, Danny Jordaan, and Jomo Sono. The press conference announces the FIFA campaign against racism such as Say No to racism and to celebrate Nelson Mandela's forthcoming 90th birthday in 2018. The game is to be held at New lands stadium in Cape Town. The match is going to be played by World 11 versus Africa 11.

International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Mandela Day message from Professor Jakes Gerwel chair of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2011, Cape Town: [Recorded Event]

Video on Prof Jakes Gerwel message on making everyday a Mandela day, explains the Mandela day campaign and requests the people of the world to allow Nelson Mandela to truly retire by working with the three charities that were founded by Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela lunch with the Mandela Rhodes class of 2007 group, 2007-2008, Cape Town: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela lunch with the Mandela Rhodes class of 2007, the lunch is held at the home Shaun Johnson. Welcome speech by Jakes Gerwel, other speeches by Tom Hunter from the Tom Hunter Foundation and Ibrahim Rasool the premier of the Western Cape .

Giant Media

Lecture, 2014.08.09, Cape Town: [Set of 80 Still Images]

President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, presenting the 12th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on 9 August 2014. This event marks the 52nd anniversary of Mr Mandela’s capture on 5 August 1962.
The lecture was held at the historic City Hall in the City of Cape Town, a significant and poignant venue, as it is from this location that Mr Mandela gave his inaugural address to the people of South Africa after being released from prison in 1990. The theme of the 2014 lecture is "Building social cohesion through active citizenship".
The reception was held immediately after the lecture.

Kritzinger, Jac

Flow, 2012.08.05, Cape Town: [Set of 173 Images]

Mary Robinson, keynote speaker at the Tenth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture with Patricia de Lille, Mayor of Cape Town, Graça Machel and Professor Jakes Gerwel, chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Foundation arriving before the start of the lecture and photos of the social event after the lecture.

Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd

Dialogue "Suspect Reconciliation", 2010.07.23, Cape Town: [Set of 93 Images]

Professor Ariel Dorfman in Cape Town leading a panel discussion hosted by Professor Njabulo Ndebele and featuring BooK SA members Victor Dlamini, Thando Mgqolozana, Kevin Bloom, Henrietta Rose-Innes and Niq Mhlongo. The discusion was based on exploring the subject of reconciliation.

van Zyl, Anita

Mandela Rhodes Banquet, 2003

  • ZA COM MR-S-993
  • Item
  • 2003-02-01
  • Part of Speeches

Banquet for Rhode Scholars - Rhodes Scholarship Centenary Celebration ; This is the prepared speech. It seems Mandela ad-libbed - see press report below:

Mandela adopts a softer approach on Iraq

Former foreign minister Pik Botha's intended role as a broker in Iraq gave Nelson Mandela the pretext he sorely needed at the week

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Youth Rally

  • ZA COM MR-S-980
  • Item
  • 2008-06-01 - 2008-06-30
  • Part of Speeches

National Youth Festival 2008 ; Video recorded message

46664 CD/DVD Launch April 2004

  • ZA COM MR-S-930
  • Item
  • 2004-04-01
  • Part of Speeches

Johannesburg launch 46664 CD/DVD - It seems Mandela differed from the written script. We will include the speech as he delivered it once we secure the recording of the event.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

1986 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1986. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • ZA COM NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-11-9
  • page
  • 1988-02-08 - 1988-02-14
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1988. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-5-9
  • page
  • 1981-02-01 - 1981-02-07
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1981. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-9-9
  • page
  • 1986-02-10 - 1986-02-16
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1986. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-10-9
  • page
  • 1987-02-09 - 1987-02-15
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1987. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-4-9
  • page
  • 1980-02-03 - 1980-02-09
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1980. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-1-9
  • page
  • 1976-02-09 - 1976-02-15
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1976. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-2-9
  • page
  • 1977-02-07 - 1977-02-13
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1977. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-6-9
  • page
  • 1982-02-07 - 1982-02-13
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1982. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-8-9
  • page
  • 1984-02-12 - 1984-02-18
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1984. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-7-9
  • page
  • 1983-02-06 - 1983-02-12
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1983. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-3-9
  • page
  • 1979-02-04 - 1979-02-10
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1979. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

1984 Desk Calendar

The item consists of 1 printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1984. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-9-8
  • page
  • 1986-02-03 - 1986-02-09
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1986. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-3-8
  • page
  • 1979-01-28 - 1979-02-03
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1979. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Results 1 to 100 of 1379