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South Africa
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Madiba -1990

RSN Actuality - News conference by the deputy president of the ANC Mr Nelson Mandela at the Carlton Hotel in Johannesburg Discussions on negotiations, violence, ANC meetings with the government- the circulation of a racist pamphlet circulated in the townships.

RECORDBC 1990404

SABC Sound Archives

South African Newspaper Collection

Collection of South African newspapers. Focus is newspapers from Johannesburg, Pretoria and surrounds. Collection includes coverage of the transfer of Mandela to Pretoria before the Trail, the arrests, Rivonia Trial, sentencing etc. Request relevant dates or publications. Newspapers which covered the trial extensively include Sunday Times, Pretoria News, Rand Daily Mail, Die Vaderland etc.

National Library of South Africa

South African Newspaper Collection

Collection of South African newspapers. More comprehensive than collection in Pretoria branch. Request relevant dates or publications to find coverage on Rivonia Trail.

National Library of South Africa

History Workshop

Collection of social history in South Africa includes photos of ANC funeral and Nelson Mandela's photos and the wedding photo with Winnie.

Callinicos, Luli

Sunday Times Heritage Project

Online selection of images and caption stories from the pages of the Sunday Times including the following from Rivonia Trial:
-ANC, POQO, Spear, smashed says Col. V.d, Bergh (14 July 1963) re arrests at Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia
-Rivonia: The Inside Story (14 June 1964) re outcome of the Trial
Sunday Times newspapers can also be accessed at the National Library in Pretoria and Cape Town.

Sunday Times

Jack and Ray Simons

Communist party of South Africa, SACP, Young Communist League of South Africa,, Herenigde
National Party van SA, Liberal party of SA, National party of SA, Progressive party of SA,
United party of SA, Labour party of SA, labour extra parliamentary organisations. Simons, Jack and Ray Microfilm

Simons, Jack

Records of the Garment Workers Union

Minutes, correspondence, memoranda, printed items (including the Garment Worker), press clippings and photographs relating to the Garment Workers Union and its predecessor, the Witwatersrand Tailors Association. One paragraph in one item mentions the Rivonia Trial in Bba2.2.11 General correspondence 1951-1973. It is contained in a letter written by Violet Weinberg to Anna Scheepers re Weinberg's dismissal from the Industrial Council for the Clothing Industry (August 1964). Weinberg voices disagreement with Scheepers on a number of political and union-related points. It is in this context that political developments like the Trial are mentioned.

Garment Workers Union (GWU)

Cape Argus/Cape Times Clippings Collection

Newspaper clippings in subject files were created by Cape Times and Cape Argus newspapers and transferred to the National Library.

Subject entries under 53138 Treason Trials 1961-1970 for Cape Argus and Treason 1963 may have items relating to the Rivonia Trial.

Cape Times

African National Congress Lusaka/ Zambia Mission

African National Congress Lusaka Mission
Collection of all records of the ANC in its Zambia Mission including all the parts processed. ANC Lusaka / Zambia mission office the material has Speeches by Nelson Mandela. Congratulatory messages when he was released, drawn card of Nelson Mandela with a message written " We are with you ! Free South Africa! Free all political prisoners. Speech delivered by Nelson Mandela at Soccer city. ANC mission records and on its activities in Zambia

African National Congress (ANC)

Israel (Isie) Maisels

Family records, correspondence and letters relating to Isie Maisels work as an advocate ( Maisels led the defence at the Treason trial) correspondence includes letters from Albert Luthuli, Mandela and others thanking him for his defence.

Maisels, Israel

Mandela, H

Mandela, H Headman, location No 15, called Mvezo successor, Ntabezulu Mtirara

Ruth First Papers

The personal papers of Ruth First
The collection is made up of background material, correspondence and reviews concerning "No Easy Walk to Freedom" edited by Ruth First. Printed copies of Nelson Mandela’s speech at the Rivonia Trial. Drafts of sections of the book, and a typescript of Mary Benson’s statement before the UN Special Committee on Apartheid in 1964, with handwritten alterations. Correspondence, mainly between Ruth First and Heinemann Publishers, as well as clippings of newspaper reviews.
Material on political detention between 1963 and 1970, including a copy of the 1963 Detention Act, a radio script by Mary Benson entitled "Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia Trial," and notes produced by Ruth First. Press releases and conference papers concerning the Symposium on the exploitation of Blacks in South Africa and Namibia, organized by the United Nations in 1978, with observances of the 60th birthday of Nelson Mandela.
Transcripts of interviews with Robben Island political prisoners. Correspondence from friends and acquaintances, and materials from South African newspapers concerning the Rivonia Trial.

First, Ruth

African National Congress (ANC) Collection 1928-1975

African National Congress papers 1928-1975. The collection correspondence from Organising Secretary, ANC Klerksdorp to Messrs. Mandela and Tambo, 9 November 1955, National Action Council: a review of the stay-at-home demonstration May 29th, 30th, 31st, 1961, travel expenses of officials and delegates and legal expenses due to Mandela and Tambo, attorneys and speech by Nelson Mandela Nelson cautions that the Youth League must not use schools as a platform for political organisation. Speech at the conclusion of his trial in Pretoria, 7 November 1962.

African National Congress (ANC)

South African Institute of Race Relations Press Clippings

The clippings relate to a great variety of subjects. Rivonia Trial material is under Political Trials 197.3 and 197.4. 197.3 has clippings from the Star and Rand Daily Mail Newspapers and subjects include: Harold Wolpe, details of the evidence being presented in the trial, Denis Goldberg and his alleged involvement in training camps, the independence of the judiciary, details of the case and the indictments. 197.4 has clippings mainly from the Star. Subjects include: sabotage and justifications for it, Joel Joffe leaving South Africa after the trial, the fact that the trialists would not appeal sentences, prison conditions, indemnity of Rivonia Trial witnesses, Bernstein leaving South Africa.

Institute of Race Relations (IRR)

South African Institute of Race Relations

South African Institute of race Relations press clippings 1928 (1940-1970)-1985 the collection has material on the ANC, treason trial, and Rivonia trial. Correspondence with Mandela Family between 1954- 1962; 1964- 1984

South African Institute of Race Relations

South African Institute of Race Relations

Archives of the South African Institute of Race Relations the collection has a folder on the correspondence between Bantu Welfare Trust and Nelson Mandela 1946-1958 digitised

South African Institute of Race Relations

Supreme chief of the Tembu Jongintaba Dalindyebo with his wife, 1929.10.11, Eastern Cape: [Still Image]

Supreme chief of the Tembu Jongintaba Dalindyebo with his wife. He became Nelson Mandela’s guardian after the death of Mandela’s father. Nelson Mandela lived at the homestead of Jongintaba from the age of 9 until 16 and was raised together with Jongintaba's children.

Moravian Archives

Ballinger Family Papers

Ballinger papers focussing on Anti- Apartheid and trade union struggles, in the collection there is correspondents Department of native Affairs Messrs Mandela and Tambo (Attorneys and the Native Commissioner (Zeerust) disputes between of the Bahurutse. Correspondence requesting help for Nelson Mandela Studying LLB at the University of the Witwatersrand.


South African History Archive Photograph Collection

Forms part of Struggles for Justice Archival Collection at SAHA. This collection was opened by Julie Frederikse whilst researching her book The Unbreakable Thread. The 1210 photographs she collected, form the bulk of this collection. SAHA photographs are incorporated into the broader Historical Papers photograph collection stored in the Ephemera room. A few individual photographs relating to the Rivonia Trial are in this collection under 21A including the front page of "The Argus" newspaper with a report on the verdict (21A.10).

South African History Archive (SAHA)

Oral History Project

The man who drove Mandela: 1 copy of the documentary 12 Audio cassettes of the soundtrack of the film.

Jack and Ray Simons Papers

This extensive collection reflects the immense contribution made by the Simons' to the political, trade union and intellectual life of South Africa. F9.3 Trials: Treason and terrorism, 1957-1989 has one item related to the Rivonia: an ANC booklet entitled "South Africa on Trial: Behind the Rivonia Case." It outlines the trial, the history of the case, defendants' biographies. The aim was to encourage pressure not to impose the death penalty. It was printed in the UK. A further item may be related to the Rivonia Trial or to previous trials (it is undated): Typed notes (with manuscript additions) on High Treason and the South African Law.

Simons, Jack

Brian Bunting

Brian Bunting Papers 1930's -1980's. SACP and ANC history. Includes correspondence, news cuttings, papers, bound volumes of the Guardian (1937-1948), New Age (1956-1957) pamphlets. Material collected for the Moses Kotane biography.

Bunting, Brian Percy

Dr Yusuf Mohammed Dadoo

Dr Yusuf Mohammed Dadoo Papers donated by Brian Bunting. Papers from years in exile in London. Papers reflect activity in the South African national liberation movement. Strong with regards to the SACP and ANC and also cover the World Peace Council, SACTU and the Anti- Apartheid movement, as well as Indians in South Africa. Correspondence (handwritten and typed) Minutes of meetings, printed material, financial documents literary works including manuscripts and speeches.

Dadoo, Yusuf Mohamed

E - Madiba-1993

Radio South Africa report by Alet Joubert on the Soweto Day Rally held at Orlando stadium. ANC president Nelson Mandela refers to the anger of the Youth and Cosas Groups.

RECORD BC 19930617

SABC Sound Archives

Brian Bunting Papers

  • Collection
  • 1930 - 1980
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

SACP and ANC history. Includes correspondence, newspaper cuttings, papers, bound volumes of the Guardian (1937-1948), New Age (1957). Subject file on: "Rivonia and other political trials". 2.39.1 on Rivonia contains biographies of nine accused, press clippings from The Economist and Statist (June 1964), The AA Movement: Nelson Mandela, Focus on Resistance, Southern Africa Feature Service: The Rivonia trial, UN Unit on Apartheid notes and documents: The Rivonia Trial - ten years after, World Campaign for the release of South African political prisoners: The Men of Rivonia (press statement 12 June 1964).

Also newspaper clippings (1.38 box 88) on Rivonia and Fischer Trials; Government publications 5.2.2 has a copy of Nelson Mandela's speech at the Trial with notes and marking; Correspondence 11.4.2 includes letters by Govan Mbeki from 1970s to his family (not directly related to Rivonia) and 11.5 includes letters re Robben Island and former prisoners ((not directly related to Rivonia).

Bunting, Brian Percy

Benjamin Pogrund Papers

Benjamin Pogrund was a journalist. The collection includes correspondence, telexes, memoranda, press cuttings, printed items re the Rand Daily Mail, black rights and attitudes, riots, political prisoners, apartheid, the homelands, labour legislation, race relations, the Schlebusch Commission, treason trials, detentions, bannings, forced removals, labour, education and trade unions. See I3.1 for 2 files related to the Rivonia Trial: Index to witnesses and The State vs. Abram Fischer and Others.

Pogrund, Benjamin

Bernstein Hilda and Rusty Papers 1931-2006

Rusty Bernstein's Papers includes personal correspondence to family and comrades, professional documentation relating to his career as an architect and inventor, and a large collection of writing, including drafts and material for his political biography Memory Against Forgetting as well as articles, essays and literature relating to prominent events in the liberation struggle (The 1946 Mine Workers Strike, The Freedom Charter and the Rivonia Trial). The collection also includes written material relating to his political career in the Communist Party and involvement with the ANC and as editor/contributor to journals like Fighting Talk and The African Communist and a lecture series given in Moscow to young militants of the ANC.
Hilda Bernstein's papers include a series of journals dating from 1967 to 2001 and personal diaries written whilst in prison, and on travels throughout South Africa and Europe. A large part of the collection marks her involvement with women's rights and work for the ANC Women's League. There is also a considerable collection of art records documenting her career in London and Europe. The bulk of the collection is comprised of records relating to Hilda's extensive writings - books, articles and political literature. Of particular prominence is material collected for her most recent book The Rift, which captures the experiences of South African exiles. There is also a large collection of correspondence both personal and professional and political brochures relating to her position as City Councillor for the Communist Party in Johannesburg from 1943 to 1946.

The records kept by Hilda (viewed as 'evidence' of Hilda's activities) far outnumber those kept by Rusty. It would be misleading to presume that this is in any way a complete archive of the Bernstein's activities.
On the contrary, there are large gaps. For example, there is very little in the collection relating directly to the Freedom Charter, in which Rusty played a major part in the organizing committee and was responsible for drafting the country-wide submissions that would become the Charter. Consideration should also be made for the possibility that Hilda is a more conscientious record keeper than Rusty was, or that due to persistent banning and arrest Rusty was forced to destroy evidence of his activities or resist the documentation of these activities. In truth, the reasons for the shape of this collection are too numerous and extensive to state. As it stands, the researcher can at best make this deduction - that Hilda's work and influence in the liberation struggle, particularly in the role assigned to woman, is vast and unique, and deserves attention beyond the shadow cast by Rusty's political career. In Hilda's case it is a matter of the biography that has yet to be written.

Hilda and Rusty Bernstein Papers

South African Institute of Race Relations Photograph Collection

Forms part of archives of South African Institute of Race Relations. Photographs mainly from Drum Magazine relating to politics and political figures. Photographs related to Rivonia Trial are under 15 personalities: 2. Arthur Goldreich (bearded), 3. Goldreich with Abdulhay Jassat (29/9/63), 4. Goldreich with ? (possibly Harold Wolpe) as refugees in Francistown? 1963, 5a Arthur Goldreich, 5b-d Contact prints of Goldreich and others; 26. Trials: 6-7 Women demonstrating during the Rivonia Trial 1964.

South African Institute of Race Relations

Sylvia Neame Papers

Sylvia Neame papers, in the collection there are three items on Nelson Mandela these include the letter Nelson Mandela wrote on the ICU, Release Mandela call, a copy of the letter from Nelson Mandela from prison during the Rivonia trial on the expulsion of Communists from the ICU.

Hilda and Rusty Bernstein Papers

Rusty (Lionel) Bernstein's Papers include personal correspondence to family and comrades, professional documentation relating to his career as an architect and inventor, and a large collection of writing, including drafts and material for his political biography "Memory Against Forgetting" as well as articles, essays and literature relating to prominent events in the liberation struggle (the 1946 Mine Workers Strike, The Freedom Charter and the Rivonia Trial). The collection also includes written material relating to his political career in the Communist Party and involvement with the ANC and as editor/contributor to journals like Fighting Talk and The African Communist and a lecture series given in Moscow to young militants of the ANC. Hilda Bernstein's papers include a series of journals dating from 1967 to 2001 and personal diaries written whilst in prison, and on travels throughout South Africa and Europe. A large part of the collection marks her involvement with women's rights and work for the ANC Women's League. There is also a considerable collection of art records documenting her career in London and Europe. The bulk of the collection is comprised of records relating to Hilda's extensive writings - books, articles and political literature. Of particular prominence is material collected for her most recent book "The Rift", which captures the experiences of South African exiles. There is also a large collection of correspondence both personal and professional and political brochures relating to her position as City Councillor for the Communist Party in Johannesburg from 1943 to 1946. The records kept by Hilda (viewed as 'evidence' of Hilda's activities) far outnumber those kept by Rusty. It would be misleading to presume that this is in any way a complete archive of the Bernstein's activities.

Records directly related to the Rivonia Trial are:
D1.2 Sketches, Rivonia Trial done by Hilda on scraps of paper in black pen during the trial. There are drawings of the judge, Special Branch policemen, court scenes and the back of the heads of the accused.
F2.18 Article by Hilda: "The Rivonia Trial" (1 December 1963), 4 pages of a reflection on the trial
F2.23 Article by Hilda: "The Men Who Many Die" (8 March 1964)
F2.25 Article by Hilda: "Rivonia" Landmark in SA Liberation Struggle" (24 June 1964) detailing what happened at Rivonia
F3.36 Article by Hilda: "The Trials of Nelson Mandela" (undated)
R3.1 Article in Sechaba 1989: "Rivonia: Telling it as it was"
V2.1 Transcript of Judge's remarks when passing sentence in the trial (photocopy)
V2.2 "Rivonia: The Story of Accused No. 11" by Bob Hepple. Memoirs (manuscript) with letters from Sisulu and Joffe as appendix.

Minor references to the Rivonia Trial are:
B2.1 Diary notes where Hilda refers visiting Rusty in jail, going to court and consulting with lawyers amongst other things
I11.1.2 Letter addressed to Rusty from Hilda in Pretoria Jail. Aside from address, not reference to trial or Rivonia events.
N4 Correspondence re his inventions and other business between Rusty and Hilda while he was in prison during the Rivonia Trial
Q1 Draft Novel by Rusty written in Pretoria Local Prison during the trial in 1963/4. Content not related to Trial in any way.

Bernstein, Robert L

Luyolo Stengile Collection, 1938, Healdtown: [8 Photographic Prints]

Photos of Healdtown College. In the Class photograph are, among others: Nelson Mandela (back row, fifth from the right), Myrtle Workman (white woman), Rev. Arthur Wellington (next to Myrtle), Rev. S. M. Mokitimi (next to Wellington), Jane Methola (next to Mokitimi) and Gilbert Nzimani (behind Mokitimi).

Stengile, Luyolo

A. B. Xuma

A.B. Xuma Papers amoung the papers there is a list of ANC list of youth league office bearers. Correspondence form the Youth League.

Xuma, A.B.

Times Media Collection

Black and white negatives from Rand Daily Mail and Sunday Times newspapers. Selected prints also available. Rivonia Trial photographs consists of: police roadblocks stopping people on their way to hear judgement (11 June 1964); crowds outside the court awaiting judgement; Winnie Mandela, Albertina Sisulu, Mandela's mother, Leslie Minford, Annie Goldberg, Hilda Bernstein arriving to hear judgement (11 June 1964); police and Winnie Mandela outside the courtroom, pictures of the accused (Mandela, Sisulu, Mhlaba, Mlangeni, Motsoaledi, Bernstein, Hepple, Kathrada, Mbeki, Goldberg) and others (Ben Turok, Moses Kotane, J B Marks, Tennyson Makiwane, Dr Arthur Letele, Joe Slovo). Also one picture of police at Liliesleaf Farm (PH2003-773).

Rand Daily Mail

GALA Oral History Project

GALA's Oral History Project was launched in co-operation with journalist Mark Gevisser to provide background material for Gevisser's film biography of Cecil Williams (The Man who Drove with Mandela). Williams was a well-known theatre director in South Africa in the 1950s. He was also a communist, underground activist and gay. These interviews form the bulk of the collection (Series A). It consists of more than 60 interviews on audio cassette with lesbians and gay men older than 60 at the time of the interview. Some of the interviews have been transcribed, and include some photographs and memorabilia. The interviews keyworded "Rivonia treason trial" are A1.12, A1.18, A1.32 and A1.49. A.1. are all interviews with gay men and lesbians about their lives in South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s. Restrictions apply.

Gay and Lesbian Archive (GALA)

Records of the Archibishops of Cape Town Part II

This large collection of records of the Anglican Church contains, amongst other things, much about the Church’s confrontation with the State over the issue of apartheid, notably the effects of the Group Areas Act on black churches in white areas and the admission or all races to church schools. Other topics are conscientious objection and the refusal of young Anglicans, both lay and clerical, to serve in the South African Defence Force and the question of Namibia’s independence and the expulsion of Bishops Mize and Winter for promoting it. C85 Current legislation (1957 - 1978) includes: 1964 correspondence re death sentence and long imprisonment for those convicted in the Rivonia Trial.

Anglican Church

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Photographic Collection

  • Collection
  • 1940 - 1990
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

This collection was built up by the London-based IDAF, which was the nerve centre of the international anti-apartheid information campaign from the 1960s, and its photographs have been used in countless publications and productions over the past three decades.

The photographs related to the Rivonia Trial are all black and white photographs. The photographers are largely unknown. Subjects include:
-Scenes at the Rivonia Trial (LA55-33; LA271-2-4; LA272-2-1 and LA272-2-2: protestors with police; A42-6-1: protests on hearing verdict; A21-1-3: Winnie Mandela outside court; A14-4-1; A14-4-5; H10-2-1: Ruth First addressing post Rivonia rally; A1-3-1: Mandela's mother and Zinzi Mandela with Sheila Weinberg outside court; LA793-2-1: Joe Slovo and Yusuf Dadoo with placards during Trial; LA856-3-3: June Mlangeni wife of Andrew Mlangeni)
-Photographs of all the Trialists (LA242-6-4; LA271-2-5)
-Media reports (LA56-1, LA56-2)
-Photographs of the accused (LA26-3 and LA271-4-5: Denis Goldberg in disguise; LA26-5 and LA271-4-2: Rusty Bernstein; LA26-6: Ahmed Kathrada in disguise; LA26-9 and LA271-5-3: James Kantor; LA271-2-1: Walter Sisulu in disguise; LA271-2-2: Nelson Mandela; LA271-3-2: Bob Hepple; LA271-3-3: Arthur Goldreich; LA271-4-1: Raymond Mhlaba; LA271-4-3: police photo of Ahmed Kathrada; LA271-4-4: police photo of Govan Mbeki; LA271-5-4: Elias Motsoaledi; LA271-5-5: Andrew Mlangeni; EW21-1-2 and EW21-2-1: portrait of Ahmed Kathrada)
-Others involved or present (LA271-1-1: T B Vorster; LA271-1-2: Luit. Van Wyk; LA271-1-3: Dirker; LA271-1-4: Judge De Wet; LA271-1-5: Percy Yutar; LA271-3-1: Joe Slovo; LA271-7-5: security forces inspect Liliesleaf)
-Rivonia/Liliesleaf Farm (LA271-5-2: map of Rivonia area; LA271-6-2: interior of Liliesleaf House; LA271-6-3: plan of Liliesleaf Farm; LA271-7-4: Radio transmitter found by security forces)
-Miscellaneous (LA271-7-2: Mountainview house; LA271-7-3: Cover of 'Rivonia Masker AF!' book; LA272-1-1: petrol bomb; LA272-1-5: outline of Operation Mayibuye; LA272-1-2: diagram of weapon; LA272-1-3: weapons; LA272-1-4: diagram of hand grenade; LA272-2-3: letter of support to Sisulu from Canon Collins; LA272-2-4: house damaged by bomb blast; LA272-2-5: electricity pylons damaged by bomb blast)

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Mandela Materials Database

The Mandela Materials Database is a guide to the Mandela archive located with the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialogue and elsewhere. Both local and international repositories have been surveyed for any material on Mr Mandela to include in the database. The purpose of this database is to point researchers to the relevant repositories holding the actual archival material. Although much of the material identified in the database does not relate directly to the Rivonia Trial, it has been referenced here as Mandela was one of the main protagonists in the Rivonia Trial. Any material directly related to the Rivonia Trial as been cross-referenced in this database.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

David Everatt

Collection of David Everatt papered has documents, transcripts of interviews, publications and correspondence. Amoung the collection the are Nelson speeches.

Everatt, David

Helen Suzman Papers

Correspondence, diaries, articles, speeches, photographs, notes, press clippings and printed items relating to her years in parliament as an opposition MP. Subjects are detentions, bannings, restrictions, political prisoners, removals, homelands, urbanisation, labour, women, education, health and social welfare, politics, economics and Namibia. There is no direct reference to the Rivonia Trial but there are records related to prison conditions at Robben Island and Pretoria Central (where the trialists were incarcerated) in 1960s, 70s and 80s (Aa1.2.1, Aa4.1, Ab5). Records include correspondence with relevant authorities and Suzman's own personal notes from visits. Also newspaper report ten years since Rivonia Trial (Aa4.1), and other press cuttings re prison conditions (Aa9). Also correspondence with indirect references to Denis Goldberg (Ab1.1, Ab1.2).

Suzman, Helen

South African Institute of Race Relations

SAIRR correspondence and memorabilia to and from the South African Institute of Race relations.. Correspondence includes New Age article of the letter by Ntsu Mokhehle to Nelson Mandela on the Attack 28 August 1961. Nelson Mandela correspondencewith Si De Villiers Graaf on the inauguration of the Republic

South African Institute of Race Relations

Records of the ANC French Mission

Video on the history of the ANC, 1949-1960s, entitled Viva Mandela that refers to Rivonia Trial.

African National Congress (ANC) French Mission

Brian Bunting Collection

Correspondence, pamphlets, newsletters, publications and press statements concerning the following:
The Rivonia Trial, including a summarized version of Nelson Mandela’s defence statement at the trial and the script of a radio broadcast on the Rivonia Trial (36 min.) (1964 - 1975). The World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners, and a summary of support for the campaign (1964). The persecution of Winnie Mandela (1971). Political prisoners in South Africa (1975). The Treason Trial, including schedules C and D of the indictment, a list of the accused and their association with certain speeches, gatherings and publications (1956 - 1961). Biographical profiles of Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki, Andrew Mlangeni, Raymond Mhlaba, Dennis Goldberg, Walter Sisulu, Lionel Bernstein, Elias Motsoaledi and Ahmed Kathrada. Appeals for the release of Nelson Mandela including an appeal to the people of South Africa smuggled out from Robben Island, with an introduction from Oliver Tambo (1980). A copy of the international declaration for the release of Nelson Mandela, initiated by Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, as well as a list of signatories to the declaration (1981). The Sunday Post campaign for Nelson Mandela’s release(1980 - 1981). United Nations notes on the Release Mandela Campaign, a statement by Chief Albert Luthuli on the sentencing of the Rivonia Trialists (1964), extracts from an address by H.E. Mr. B Akporode Clark to non-governmental organisations at UN headquarters (1980), biographical profiles on Nelson Mandela, and the Free South African Political Prisoners Campaign (1980). A survey of events and actions in honour of and for the release of Nelson Mandela, prepared by the British Anti-Apartheid Movement, October 1984. Observances of Nelson Mandela’s 60th birthday (1978).
The collection also consists of bound volumes of Spark, Guardian and New Age newspapers, for which Brian Bunting served as editor. They include newspaper reports on Nelson Mandela’s 1962 Africa trip showing photographs of Nelson Mandela together with Oliver Tambo in Algeria, Nelson Mandela’s tour of Algerian army camps and headquarters together with Robert Resha, Nelson Mandela meeting with Tunisian government representatives, and Nelson Mandela together with Colonel Tadenesse Biru in Ethiopia.

Bunting, Brian Percy

Vasson Mukesh

Documents and press cuttings relating to student struggles in the early 1980's. Focuses strongly
on the Azanian Students Organisation. The news cuttings also report on the student struggles in
the Bantustans. They also refer to the differences between AZASO and AZAPO and the
cooperation between AZASO and COSAS. Newscuttings on the Mpondo revolt of 1960. A draft thesis and related research material exploring the power relations in Pondoland during the revolt. This collection gives a focused analysis of the changing face role of the chieftaincy & tribal
authoritarianism in the former Transkei. The focus is on Flagstaff & Lusikisiki. Two unrelated items in the collection are i) Mass Democratic movement statement on Winnie Mandela and ANC 1949 Programme of action.

Vasson, Mukesh

University of Witwatersrand Student Representative Council, Resource Centre

Records belonging to the National Union of South African Students 1933 -1992. Includes document sent to the university from Nelson Mandela, 9 December 1949- Crisis at Wits, M.D.M. Statement on Winnie Mandela 1989, Release Mandela Campaign, Free-NUSAS welcomes Nelson Mandela home pamphlets, Speeches delivered by Nelson Mandela, including the Rivonia Treason trial

University of the Witwatersrand

Toni Strassburg Papers

  • Collection
  • 1950 - 1960
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

One folder of press cuttings on Treason Trial, bannings and arrests, and Rivonia Trial. Rivonia Trial reports in New York Times and South African newspapers. Also article on Bernstein escape after rearrest after acquittal and escape of Wolpe and Goldreich.

Strassburg, Toni

Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)

DISA is a freely accessible online scholarly resource focusing on the socio-political history of South Africa, particularly the struggle for freedom during the period from 1950 to the first democratic elections in 1994.

A search for 'The State versus Nelson Mandela' yields the following scanned documents:
Bruno Mtolo's extract of evidence (vol. 15 and vol. 16), Walter Sisulu's extract of evidence (vol. 20), Ahmed Kathrada's extract of evidence (vol. 24), Raymond Mhlaba's extract of evidence (vol. 25), Lionel Bernstein's extract of evidence (vol. 26), Govan Mbeki's extract of evidence (vol. 28), judgement, judge's remarks when passing sentence. These documents were selected and scanned from the collection at Historical Papers, University of Witwatersrand (AD1844).

A search for 'Rivonia Trial' yields a poster (linked from SAHA Poster Collection entry) and an extract from the Rivonia Trial Statement made by Nelson Mandela which appeared in the journal Dawn (Volume 7 Number 6 June 1983 page 20). There are other articles too which make mention of the significance of the Trial in passing, mostly from the African Communist magazine.

Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)

South African Institute of Race Relations

SAIRR petitions, protests statements letters and condemnations regarding riots. The collection includes correspondence by Winnie Mandela as well correspondence with banned people and SAIRR participation in a petition by the Personal Liberties Defence Committee.

South African Broadcasting Corporation [DO NOT USE]

Roskam Karel

Roskam Karel Papers. Articles, radio texts, books journals etc.

Roskam, Karel

Reg September

Correspondence, treason trial, discussion papers, ANC, UDF, Five Freedoms forum, Broederbond, Black Sash.

September, Reg

Benjamin Pogrund

Benjamin Pogrund Material on banning orders; civil rights campaigns rule by police, social change.; repression in South Africa; telegrams sent to Winnie Mandela 1987; the message of Rivonia

Pogrund, Benjamin

Toni Strassburg

Press cuttings- 1960 State of emergency, Treason trail, Rivonia trial press cuttings re banning and house arrests: Hilda an Lionel Bernstein; Helen Joseph; Barbara Harmel; Michael Harmel;
Rica Hodgson; Jack Hodgson; Ann Nicholson; Brian Bunting; Roley Arenstein; Cecil Williams
Scrapbook containing miscellaneous news clippings mainly during the 1950's/ 60's period and
relating primarily to detentions
Toni Strassburg Papers, 1950-1960

Strassburg, Toni

Bailey's African History Archive

The entire collection at Bailey's emanates from Drum Magazine. It includes a full set of South African Drum (1951-1984), issues of its sister publications, Drum from other African countries, and an extensive archive of Drum photographers.

A number of articles in various issues of South African Drum relate to the Rivonia Trial:
-August 1963 "The Raid" accompanied by artist Lennie Saks' drawings, re the arrests at Liliesleaf.
-December 1963 "South Africa goes on Trial" with photos and text about main protagonists (Vorster, Mandela)
-January 1964 entitled "They made the news in 1963" and "While the world watches 40 fight for their lives" about the three sabotage trials (Rivonia Trial in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg) with photographs and captions about each person (available online).
-June 1964 "The Rivonia men" with a profile of Mandela, Kathrada, Bernstein, Goldberg, Sisulu, Mbeki and "Rivonia - the three mystery men" profiling Mhlaba, Mlangeni, Motsoaledi.
-July 1964 "After the Trial - Sabotage!" and "I'll never forget Rivonia" by Aggrey Klaaste
-August 1964 "The strange world after Rivonia"

An article in the Post related to Rivonia:
-September 1963 "Kill Goldreich Plot - The one who got away" (available online)

Photographs are arranged under subject headings and are by Drum photographers:
Envelope under subject of "Rivonia Trial/Winnie Mandela/Liliesleaf Farm, Drum December 1963-January 1964":
-Includes photos of family members outside the court in 1963, mostly Winnie Mandela, Mrs Mandela (Mandela's mother), contact sheets, various shots of the crowd and police cordoning off crowd with dogs, policemen at Liliesleaf Farm entrance.

Two envelopes under subject " Winnie Mandela"
-Various pictures of Winnie Mandela and children at different times, these include some from the outside the court during Rivonia Trial (mostly same as in Rivonia Trial envelope)

No Rivonia Trial photos were found under other trialists' names in subject folders. The photographs that exist of them come mostly from the Treason Trial.

Photographs online include ones mentioned above and photo of Lionel Bernstein and photographs of Liliesleaf Farm (search "Rivonia" in online search).

Drum Magazine

Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)

Ex parte application by Nelson Mandela for admission as an attorney in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division. The application includes:
A transcript from the University of South Africa (UNISA) confirming Mandela's completion of requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree. An affidavit by Lazar Sidelsky declaring Mandela fully qualified to act as an attorney. Confirmation of Mandela's completion of the Attorneys Admission examinations.
Character references; Affidavits by Mandela confirming his date and place of birth and academic qualifications.
The attorney's oath signed by Mandela.
A declaration by Justice Steyn of the Transvaal Provincial Division that Mandela is qualified to practice as an attorney.

Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)

Presidential Address at the Annual Conference of the African National Congress Youth League

  • ZA COM MR-S-001
  • Item
  • December 1951
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Annual conference of the African National Congress Youth League
Summary - This address outlines the main threats in the world (imperialism, capitalism), in Africa (colonialism), and in South Africa (fascism). African Nationalism is seen as the response to these threats and the Youth League is seen as the guardian of this ideology. The Youth League should not continue to debate African Nationalism as an ideology but rather focus on how to mobilise the masses in a national struggle, how to respond to the Suppression of Communism Act and how to organise and discipline its members.

Denis Kuny Papers

Court records and other documents relating to trials in which Kuny (an advocate) was involved, including the Rivonia Trial where Denis Kuny was junior counsel. One box of Rivonia Trial material contains: A1.1 Indictments 1963 ; A1.2 Motion to quash the indictment 1963 ; A1.3 Defence requests for further particulars and the State's reply thereto; A1.4 Documents relating to Accused no 8 (James Kantor) including affidavit, request for particulars, petition, notes and a press cutting.

Records still in process.

Kuny, Denis

Helen Joseph

Collection of papers built by Helen Joseph during her lifetime, these relate to her personal fight against
apartheid. The collection has papers on her involvement in politics, the Human rights Welfare Committee, the 1956 Treason trial, banning banishment, house arrests relationship with Nelson Mandela and his family - Nelson and Winnie Mandela - Release Mandela Campaign

Joseph, Helen

Mandela and Tambo

Photograph of a document from the company Mandela and Tambo attorneys at law requesting the lifting of restriction on Nelson Mandela to enable him to appear on behalf of a client in Hammanskraal Native Commissioner's court. 9 x 12cm


Drum Magazine Photographic Archive

Collection of photographs covering major political events, including:
The 1952 Defiance Campaign. The Bantu Education Boycott of 1955. Organising for the 1956 Women's March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Treason Trial 1956 - 1961, and photographs taken during this period such as Nelson Mandela at Jerry Moloi’s boxing gym in Orlando. Photographs of Nelson Mandela and fellow comrades at meetings. The All in Africa Conference held in Pietermaritzburg in December 1961. Photographs of family and friends at the funeral of Thembekile Mandela, July 1969. Scenes of Nelson Mandela’s visit to Ghana in November 1994. Also featured in the photographs are: Jerry Moloi, a professional featherweight boxer; James Phillips; Ahmed Kathrada; Barney Desai; Ruth First; Joe Slovo; Sonia Bunting; Evelyn Mandela; Winnie Mandela; Aziz Pahad; Helen Joseph; Moses Kotane; Peter Nthite; Walter Sisulu; Harrison Motlana; Ghanaian Head of State, John Jerry Rawlings; and Togolese Prime Minister, Joseph Kokou Koffigoh. Photographers include: Gopal Naransamy, Bob Gosani, Peter Magubane and Jurgen Schadeberg.

Drum Magazine

Jurgen Schadeberg Photographic Archive

Collection of photographs of Nelson Mandela, including: An early photograph of Mandela in his law office that he shared with Oliver Tambo. Nelson Mandela at the Defiance Campaign Trial 1952.
Photographs taken during the Treason Trial 1956 -1961. Mandela’s return visit to his cell on Robben Island (1994).
Portraits of Mandela.
Featured alongside Mandela in the photographs are Moses Kotane, James Moroka, Yusuf Dadoo and Ruth First.

Schadeberg, Jürgen

Liberal Party Archives

National Office correspondence 1952-1959: Correspondence on Elections, funding, overseas press liaison, LPSA policies, meeting plus Nelson Mandela's article in Liberation criticising LPSA.

PC 2/4/6/4
Signed letter from Nelson Mandela as Hon. Secretary of the All in Africa National Council, 22.05.1961

PC 2/4/16/2
Rivonia trial June 1964. State vs. Nelson Mandela and others. Section SV6 of the trial. Evidence and
address in Mitigation of sentence by Alan Paton

Description of Alan Paton 's evidence and address( seems to be a typed chapter from a book)

Paton, Alan

Records of the American Committee on Africa (ACOA)

35mm. Originals at the Amistad Research Centre, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Documents the pioneering anti-apartheid group in the US from its establishment in the 1950s. Reels related to Rivonia Trial are:
4:0827: Campaign against South African Apartheid: Memos, draft letters to and lists of sponsors, resolutions and declarations, flyers, clippings and notes 1963 (1960-1964). 87 frames. Major topics: Appeal for action against Apartheid, Rivonia arrests and trials, international boycott of South African goods etc.
15:1071: 108/5: African National Congress Pamphlets. 27 frame. Includes 1072: South African on Trial: Behind the Rivonia Case (no date). 13 frames.
22:1205: 111/12. Mandela, Nelson (ca. 1964). 31 frames. Major topic: Rivonia trial.
41:0798: 118/35. World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners: Rivonia Trial: Newsletters, statements, press releases, brochure (1963-1964). 31 frames.
42:0784: 119/23. Writings: Chief Albert Luthuli (1957 and 1964). 9 frames. Major topics: Racial situation, Rivonia trial, ANC.
42:0841: 119/26. Writings: Nelson Mandela (1961 and 1964). 70 frames. Major topics: 1961 Stay-at-home demonstration, Rivonia trial.

American Committee on Africa

Nelson Mandela Speeches and writings

Articles by Nelson Mandela on the defiance campaign 1952 - 1956. Leaflets issued by the National Action Council calling for a nationwide stay away. April - May 1961. Letter by Nelson Mandela to Sir De Villiers Graaf leader of the white opposition - United party. 23 may 1961 Message from Nelson Mandela to the second national conference 16 June 1985

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Eli Weinberg Collection

Collection of photographs covering Nelson Mandela's role in some of the major political events of the 1950s and early 1960s period. The collection has documents on Anti-pass law demonstrations and the Defiance Campaign. The collection also includes a series of photographs of the wedding of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and various portraits of Nelson Mandela.

Weinberg, Eli

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela as prokureur in Johannesburg= Nelson Mandela as a lawyer in Johannesburg.
12cm X 17 cm

Walter Sisulu Papers

These papers are from Walter Sisulu's office when he was the Deputy President of the ANC. Includes: memorandum from CODESA negotiations, ANC address by Nelson Mandela, correspondence. Although this collection contains material from after Sisulu was released, it has been included as it speaks to the post-prison involvement of one of the Trial's main accused.

Sisulu, Walter Max Ulyate

Denis Kuny Papers

Court records judgement in a matter Regina vs. N Mandela where Mandela was accused of promoting the aims of the defiance campaign and given a suspended sentence.

Kuny, Denis

Nelson Mandela

Collection consisting mainly of Nelson Mandela’s student records, including:
Correspondence between Nelson Mandela and the University of the Witwatersrand registrar’s Office, as well as correspondence between the registrar’s office and the Secretary for Bantu Education concerning Mandela’s registration. Includes the 1952 suspension of Mandela’s registration as an LLB student (1952 - 1980).
News clippings from various South African newspapers, covering subjects such as Mandela’s class of 1946 re-union at Wits University, a suspected bid to kill Mandela on Robben Island in 1969 and Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom.
Correspondence programmes, speeches, invitations and photographs concerning the special graduation ceremony in which Mandela was awarded an honorary doctorate in law at the University of the Witwatersrand, September 1991. Also featured in the collection are photographs of Winnie Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Alfred Nzo, Jacob Zuma, Frene Ginwala, Mongane Wally Serote, Gertrude Shope, Peter Mokaba, Yusuf and Amina Cachalia.
Correspondence, extracts of speeches, news clippings and photographs concerning the special re-union of Mandela’s class of 1946, held in his honour.
A speech delivered by Mandela on the installation of Professor Colin Bundy as Vice Chancellor of the university.

University of the Witwatersrand

We Defy : 10,000 volunteers protest against 'unjust laws'

  • ZA COM MR-S-005
  • Item
  • Aug-52
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion -Statement of the Campaign's aims
Summary - This statement focuses on the support by masses of volunteers from all races for the first stages of the Defiance of Unjust Laws Campaign. It also reiterates the main aims of the Campaign: to oppose an unjust system and struggle for freedom for non-Europeans.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Gordimer Nadine

Collection of letters,events, and book chapters by Nadine Gordimer. The collection includes the White house dinner event attended by Nelson Mandela in October 1994 , correspondence on the chapter Beyond the Myth Mandela's mettle 1993, preparations for attendance to public events etc.

Africa, colonialism and war

  • ZA COM MR-S-002
  • Item
  • 1953-08-23
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Natal Peace Conference
Summary - Imperial powers exploit Africa for its raw materials, its strategic value as military bases and its cheap labour. Africa is used as an instrument of war and the first casualties are its people. There is a link between the struggle for peace and the struggle against colonialism in Africa.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

No Easy Walk to Freedom

  • ZA COM MR-S-003
  • Item
  • 1953-09-21
  • Part of Speeches

Occasion - Presidential address to the ANC (Transvaal) Congress
Summary - The political climate has changed from the successes of the Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust Laws of 1952 and the ANC must be prepared with a new approach and with a strong and disciplined membership. The new approach is called the "M" Plan and calls for active recruitment and action at the grassroots level. This will enable the ANC to function without calling attention to itself. There is no place in the ANC for those opposed to the "M" Plan.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Robert Sobukwe

Robert Sobukwe papers, in the collection there is a copy of the correspondence to the Commanding Officer Robben Island enclosing R100 books for Nelson Mandela and a publication with the title The South Africa Mandela - ANC dialogue euphoria.

Sobukwe, Robert Mangaliso

South African Institute of Race Relations

SAIRR memoranda, circulars. Letters minutes addresses and printed items relating to subject of Apartheid, Race relations, socialism and communism, includes a file on correspondence with Allan Paton, Nelson Mandela, Dr Essellen, Patric Duncan, Prof Jabavu, Prof Du Plessies, Naidoo etc.

South African Institute of Race Relations

Mandela Tambo

Illiquid case payment: Mandela Tambo versus Lucretia.

Ahmed Kathrada Collection

  • Collection
  • 1954 - 2002
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

This collection is in two accessions. The first accession contains mainly prison correspondence, study materials from jail, other manuscripts and documents from Kathrada’s prison years, a large number of ANC and other documents from the years following his release, as well as a number of books and artefacts. There are microfilm copies of the prison letters. The only material related directly to the Rivonia Trial in this section is 11. 5, a copy of part of the Rivonia Trial record signed by Mandela, Sisulu, Kathrada and Motsoaledi given to them after their move to Pollsmoor Prison.

The second accession consists of prison artefacts, correspondence, documents and study materials from imprisonment (1964- 1989), as well as records from his release reflecting a number of the positions he held in public office and his various interests (1989-2002). There are only a few items from the period prior to his imprisonment. Records related to the Rivonia Trial are: A2.8: part of Rivonia Trial record (unsigned and unbound) with Robben Island Prison stamp on it (Judgement); A1.6.3.10: Letter to The Head of Prisons Pollsmoor Maximum Prison requesting permission to spend his 60th birthday with Rivonia Trial colleagues (4 August 1989) and follow-up letter (20 August 1989); and B3.6.3: Information re documentary called "Rivonia" from 1990s.

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers

Treason Trial and other cases
Notes on legislation involved in the trial.
Fund-raising campaigns by the South African Legal Defence Committee under the auspices of
Christian Action
Correspondence include Canon Collins, Solly Sachs, Dr Guy Rout
Defence Aid Fund summaries of income and expenditure
Biographical information about judges in the trial, including Justice Rump, Justice Luxor, Justice
Lists of 61 released
Detailed summaries of preparatory examinations
Brief biographies of some of the accused including: Oliver Tambo, Z.K. Matthews, James Calata,
Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela, W Conco, Leslie Masina, Chief Luthuli, Kesval Moonsamy, Dickson
Fuyani, Billy Nair, Duma (Philemon) Nokwe, Wilton Mkwayi, Elloitt Mfaxa, Len Lee- Warden, Helen Joseph Florence Matomela
"Difficulties and hardships as results of the arrests and the trial" - document
Full list of accused persons
Professions and status of the accused
Statement by Canon Collins concerning the arrests of the Treason Trialists
Excerpts from speeches made at an ANC meeting held on 7/4/1954, as reported for the
prosecution by Detective Sergeant Mistake Mesilla
Condition of the above: very fragile

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers

Correspondence, notes, campaign materials, legal accounts and other documentation concerning the Treason Trial in which 156 members of the Congress Alliance were charged. These include a statement by Canon Collins concerning arrests of the treason Trialists, a document on the difficulties and hardships encountered as a result of arrests and the trial, notes on the legislation involved in the trial, detailed summaries of the preparatory examination, the full list of the 61 accused who were
acquitted after preparatory examination, the professions and status of the accused, Defence and
Aid Fund summaries of income and expenditure, and documentation concerning fund- raising
campaigns by the South African legal Defence Committee under the auspices of Christian Action.
There is also biographical information about the judges in the trial including justice Rumpff, Justice Ludorf and Justice Kennedy, as well as biographies of some of the accused, including Oliver Tambo,
Z.K. Matthews, James Calata, Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela, William Conco, Leslie Masina, Chief Albert Luthuli, Billy Nair, Duma Nokwe, Wilton Mkwayi, Helen Joseph and Florence Matomela.
Also included are excerpts from speeches made at an ANC meeting held on 7 April 1954, as reported for the prosecution by Detective Sergeant Matseke Malesela, Correspondents include
Canon John Collins, E S ( Solly ) Sachs and Dr Guy Ruth.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Ahmed Kathrada

Collection of prison artefacts, correspondence, documents and study materials from Ahmed Kathrada's imprisonment (1964- 1989), as well as records from his release reflecting a number of the positions he held in public office and his various interests (1989-2002). Few items from the period prior to his imprisonment. Records related to Nelson Mandela from the prison years include letters to prison officials or Government signed by a number of prisoners protesting on bad condition. Requests to prison officials to spend time with Mandela once transferred from Pollsmoor. Lists of purchases requested by prisoners, signed copy of the Rivonia trial record. References to Nelson Mandela in letters to friends and family, document re Marxism and the ANC introduction by Nelson Mandela in letters to friends and family; documents re Marxism.
Records related to Nelson Mandela after their release includes the ANC (especially from conferences, NEC and NWC meetings from 1990's) records on honours and awards received by Mandela including the Nobel peace prize in 1993); records from Kathrada's role as Parliamentary counsellor in the office of the President (especially Mandela' state visit to India in1995) invitations for various events to Mandela or those held for him; newspaper clippings and publications on Mandela

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)

Ex parte application of the Incorporated Law Society of the Transvaal versus Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, for the removal of Mandela's name from the list of attorneys, based on his involvement in the Defiance Campaign and other political activities.

Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)

Herbert Shore Collection

Collection of colour photographs of the African National Congress / Congress Alliance leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Ahmed Kathrada, Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo and Dan Tloome, gathered on the roof of Kathrada's flat at Kholvad House in Johannesburg during the 1950s.

Shore, Herbert

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Oral History and Sound Archive

  • Collection
  • 1955 - 1995
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

Collection of audio recordings, some of which were recorded by the London-based International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) for their documentary film productions. Rivonia Trial related material includes:
-Mandela Statement (excerpts): Reading of excerpts from Nelson Mandela's Statement from the Dock at the Rivonia Trail used in the film Isitwalandwe (IDAF, 1980). Open-reel tape only. (MCA5-105).
-Denis Goldberg Interview: Oral history interview with Denis Goldberg conducted by Wolfie Kodesh on 6/8/93. Includes detailed description of Rivonia Trial and experiences in prison over 22 years. 6 tapes and transcript. (MCA6-279).
-Hazel Anne Goldreich Interview: Oral history interview with Hazel Anne Goldreich (owner of farm in Rivonia) conducted by Wolfie Kodesh on 24/8/93. 2 tapes. (MCA6-281).
-Joel Joffe Interview: Oral history interview with Joel Joffe, lawyer for defence in Rivonia Trial, conducted by Wolfie Kodesh on 18/9/93. 2 tapes. (MCA6-292).
-Walter Sisulu Interviews: Three series of interviews with Walter Sisulu conducted by Herbert Shore in September 1995, January 1996 and January 1997. Topics include the Defiance Campaign, Freedom Charter conference, split with the PAC, Rivonia Trial and Robben Island. 26 cassette tapes. (MCA18-098).

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Black Sash

Black Sash material has Black Sash activities includes Nelson Mandela Speaks', Mandela's speech on his release from prison :includes a tribute to the Black SASH. Treason trial, sanctions, Mandela, Tambo.

Black Sash Movement

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Film Archive

  • Collection
  • 1955 - 1995
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

In the mid-1970s, an appeal by IDAF to the exiled community in the United Kingdom led to the gradual retrieval of outstanding amateur film footage - largely unedited 8mm and 16mm material of key events of South African political history. Most of these films and videos were banned in South Africa before 1990. A few relate to the Rivonia Trialists, after their release from prison:
-Generations of resistance I: 1980, produced by United Nations, directed by Peter Davis, 56 min 16mm film. Contains section on the armed struggle and the Rivonia Trial (000766)
-Mandela 70th birthday event, London: 1991, produced by IDAF, 20 min, 13/5 Betacam, 13/8 umatic low band time coded. Contains O R Tambo thanking Anti-Apartheid Movement on behalf of Rivonia prisoners. (000758)
-Free Mandela: produced by IDAF, directed by Barry Feinberg, 20 min, 7/34 umatic BVU. Contains section on adoption of armed struggle and the Rivonia Trial. (000218).

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Archbishop Trevor Huddleston

Engraved Freedom Charter - original presented to Archbishop Huddleston at the Congress of the
People in Kliptown.

Huddleston, Trevor

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: South African Political Prisoners: The life we led 1963-1966

  • Collection
  • 1956 - 1964
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

Manuscript of "South African Political Prisoners: The Life We Led 1963-1966" by Mahlubi L Mrwetyana. Reference to Robben Island prison conditions including for Rivonia Trialists. File on Race Relations with completed questionnaires and extensive notes on prison conditions in South Africa 1956-1961; file with material on families; biographical notes on some of the persons persecuted by the government of the Republic of South Africa for their opposition to the policies of apartheid, 30 May 1964. The list includes Nelson Mandela and other Rivonia Trialists. The list is fairly extensive. File re IRC visits to South African prisons 1964; copies of the letter and reports sent to B J Vorster (Minister of Justice) by the ICRC, June 18 1964 re: conditions in South African prisons (Robben Island, State farm prison, Victor Verster, various police stations in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Pretoria Prison, Leeuwkop, Prison Vooruitsig, Kroonstad, Pretoria Prison, T B Hospital Sonderwater).

Not available for inspection at time of this audit.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: Trials

  • Collection
  • 1956 - 1989
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

Drafts, memos, Treason Trial Defence Fund correspondence, various Treason Trial documents. Apparently also includes Rivonia Trial brief, Rivonia Trial extracts of records.

Not available for inspection at time of this audit.

International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)

Results 1 to 100 of 4476