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South Africa
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27 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Masekela, Barbara : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Cape Town : [Transcript]
Masekela, Barbara : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Cape Town : [Transcript]
Pahad, Aziz : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Pahad, Aziz : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Kathrada, Ahmed; Hogan, Barbara; Netshitenzhe, Joel : In conversation with Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Kathrada, Ahmed; Hogan, Barbara; Netshitenzhe, Joel : In conversation with Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Sisulu, Max : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Sisulu, Max : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Mufamadi,  Sydney : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Mufamadi, Sydney : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Nyanda, Siphiwe : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Nyanda, Siphiwe : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Dlamini-Zuma, Nkosazana : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2016, Durban : [Transcript]
Dlamini-Zuma, Nkosazana : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2016, Durban : [Transcript]
Fraser Moleketi, Geradine : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2016, Video conference : [Transcript]
Fraser Moleketi, Geradine : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2016, Video conference : [Transcript]
No Easy Walk to Freedom
No Easy Walk to Freedom
The struggle is my life : Press statement issued on 26 June 1961
The struggle is my life : Press statement issued on 26 June 1961
Nelson Mandela's address to rally in Bloemfontein
Nelson Mandela's address to rally in Bloemfontein
Speech of Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, at the University of Pretoria
Speech of Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, at the University of Pretoria
Speech of Comrade Nelson Mandela to Soccer City Rally 16 December 1990
Speech of Comrade Nelson Mandela to Soccer City Rally 16 December 1990
Address delivered by Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, at the graduation ceremony at MEDUNSA
Address delivered by Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, at the graduation ceremony at MEDUNSA
Speech by the Deputy President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, to May Day rally
Speech by the Deputy President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, to May Day rally
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the South African Freedom Day Celebrations
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the South African Freedom Day Celebrations
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell
Closing addressby Former President Nelson Mandela at the 13th International AIDS Conference : Aids: From Rhetoric to Action
Closing addressby Former President Nelson Mandela at the 13th International AIDS Conference : Aids: From Rhetoric to Action
Speech by Nelson Mandela at a farewell banquet in his honour hosted by President Thabo Mbeki
Speech by Nelson Mandela at a farewell banquet in his honour hosted by President Thabo Mbeki
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the National Awards Ceremony
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the National Awards Ceremony
Speech of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, at the funeral of Reggie Hadebe, Deputy Chairperson of the Natal Midlands Regional Committee of the ANC
Speech of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, at the funeral of Reggie Hadebe, Deputy Chairperson of the Natal Midlands Regional Committee of the ANC
Message by Nelson Mandela to the people of Gaphaahla
Message by Nelson Mandela to the people of Gaphaahla
Statement of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson R Mandela, on the 17th Anniversary of the 1976 student uprising
Statement of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson R Mandela, on the 17th Anniversary of the 1976 student uprising
Address by ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, at the opening of the 37th Congress of South African Jewish Board of Deputies
Address by ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, at the opening of the 37th Congress of South African Jewish Board of Deputies
Science and Technology in a democratic South Africa: An ANC perspective : Draft of speech to be delivered by Nelson Mandela, president of the African National Congress, to the Centenary Conference of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Science and Technology in a democratic South Africa: An ANC perspective : Draft of speech to be delivered by Nelson Mandela, president of the African National Congress, to the Centenary Conference of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Keynote address of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, to the Umkhonto we Sizwe National Conference
Keynote address of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, to the Umkhonto we Sizwe National Conference
Message from ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, on the occasion of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reducation
Message from ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, on the occasion of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reducation
Address by ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, to ANC Business Summit
Address by ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, to ANC Business Summit
Speech by Nelson Mandela at the Zionist Christian Church Easter Conference
Speech by Nelson Mandela at the Zionist Christian Church Easter Conference
Speech by Nelson Mandela at a cultural dinner in Midrand
Speech by Nelson Mandela at a cultural dinner in Midrand
Speech by Nelson Mandela announcing the ANC election victory
Speech by Nelson Mandela announcing the ANC election victory
Oath of Office as sworn by President Nelson Mandela at his inauguration
Oath of Office as sworn by President Nelson Mandela at his inauguration
Nelson Mandela's address to Bloemfontein Attorney's Association
Nelson Mandela's address to Bloemfontein Attorney's Association
Notes for speech at the Namaqualand Rally
Notes for speech at the Namaqualand Rally
Notes for speech at the Kimberly Rally
Notes for speech at the Kimberly Rally
Notes for address by President Nelson Mandela at a breakfast of the Raadzaal Rotary Club
Notes for address by President Nelson Mandela at a breakfast of the Raadzaal Rotary Club
Opening speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Euromoney Conference
Opening speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Euromoney Conference
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the banquet for the President's Award for Export Achievement
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the banquet for the President's Award for Export Achievement
New Year Message by President Nelson Mandela for 1995
New Year Message by President Nelson Mandela for 1995
Nelson Mandela' speech at the launch of the Masakhane Campaign
Nelson Mandela' speech at the launch of the Masakhane Campaign
Mandela: the 90th year : [Filmography]
Mandela: the 90th year : [Filmography]
In the Time of Nelson Mandela : [Filmography]
In the Time of Nelson Mandela : [Filmography]
Invictus : [Filmography]
Invictus : [Filmography]
Nelson Mandela - From Freedom To History : [Filmography]
Nelson Mandela - From Freedom To History : [Filmography]
Mrs Mandela : [Filmography]
Mrs Mandela : [Filmography]
Denis Goldberg Papers
Denis Goldberg Papers
Mandela: An Audio History
Mandela: An Audio History
Rivonia Trial: Sentencing
Rivonia Trial: Sentencing
Rivonia Trial
Rivonia Trial
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement (IAAM) Collection
Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement (IAAM) Collection
Govan Mbeki Papers
Govan Mbeki Papers
Toni Strassburg Papers
Toni Strassburg Papers
Denis Goldberg Collection
Denis Goldberg Collection
Percy Yutar Papers
Percy Yutar Papers
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: South African Political Prisoners: The life we led 1963-1966
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: South African Political Prisoners: The life we led 1963-1966
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: Trials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: Trials
Records of the Department of Home Affairs, Director of Publications, Cape Town (Complaints and Appeals)
Records of the Department of Home Affairs, Director of Publications, Cape Town (Complaints and Appeals)
Rivonia Trial: Quartus De Wet/Bram Fischer/Dr Percy Yutar
Rivonia Trial: Quartus De Wet/Bram Fischer/Dr Percy Yutar
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (The State versus N Mandela and Others)
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (The State versus N Mandela and Others)
Department of Correctional Services Political Prisoner Files
Department of Correctional Services Political Prisoner Files
South African History Archive Poster Collection
South African History Archive Poster Collection
Denis Goldberg Collection
Denis Goldberg Collection
Carter-Karis Collection of South African Materials
Carter-Karis Collection of South African Materials
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection
Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection
Denis Kuny Papers
Denis Kuny Papers
Records of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS)
Records of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS)
Records of the Students' Resource Centre, University of Witwatersrand
Records of the Students' Resource Centre, University of Witwatersrand
Records of the African National Congress (ANC)
Records of the African National Congress (ANC)
Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection
Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection
Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)
Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)
Nelson Mandela Collection
Nelson Mandela Collection
Cape Argus/Cape Times Clippings Collection
Cape Argus/Cape Times Clippings Collection
Records of ANC Australia Mission
Records of ANC Australia Mission
Sunday Times Heritage Project
Sunday Times Heritage Project
Freedom of the City of Heidelberg
Freedom of the City of Heidelberg
Honorary Freedom of the City of Howick from the Howick Transitional Council
Honorary Freedom of the City of Howick from the Howick Transitional Council
Freedom of the City of Bloemfontein
Freedom of the City of Bloemfontein
Freedom of the City of Cape Town
Freedom of the City of Cape Town
Freedom of the City of Boksburg
Freedom of the City of Boksburg
Honorary Citizinship of the City of Tromso, Norway
Honorary Citizinship of the City of Tromso, Norway
Order of Mapungubwe, Platinum
Order of Mapungubwe, Platinum
Results 1 to 100 of 4476