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South Africa Arts and Culture named after/dedicated to Mandela
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Nelson Mandela Challenge Plate

The Nelson Mandela Challenge Plate named after South Africa's first democratically elected president is a rugby union trophy contested between Australia and South Africa.

To honour Nelson Mandela, the International T20 Double Header featuring the South African Women's Cricket Team and the South African Men's Cricket Team played against their Indian counterparts as part of the Mandela 100 celebrations

And a celebration of 20 years of diplomatic relations between India and South Africa, coinciding with the 125 anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi when he was thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg Railway station after he refused to move from a whites'only compartment

Mandela Poster Project Collective was initiated by a group of South Africa designers to celebrate Nelson Mandela's life by collecting 95 exceptional posters from around the world, honouring his lifelong contribution to humanity

The collection was curated and will be exhibited around the world and eventually be auctioned by the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital Trust to raise funds. Many more than 95 posters were received and plans are under way to produce a limited edition publication.

Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu window murals in Cape Town at the Civic Centre

The murals were illustrated by Artist Linsey Levendall. His illustrations were based on photographs of the great men by Matthew Willman (Mandela) and Andrew Zuckerman (Tutu). Levendal drew some of Cape Town’s most iconic features into the pattern of Madiba’s shirt, including Bo Kaap, penguins at Boulders Beach, Table Mountain, and a minstrel at the Kaapse Klopse, and the King Protea. Archbishop Tutu’s shirt contained imagery that invoked the anti-apartheid Struggle as well as the core political values of non-racialism, freedom, togetherness, and peace.

Levendall, Linsey

Nelson Mandela Monument in Mvezo, Eastern Cape

The monument forms part of the Nelson Mandela Museum, a development that also comprises the proposed Nelson Mandela Youth and Heritage Centre at Qunu, a few meters from Mandela's home, and a museum in Mthatha that houses gifts and awards.

Five-meter tall steel sculpture of Mandela on Gerald Sekoto Street in Newtown, Johannesburg

; the Shadow Boxer, by South African artist Marco Cianfanelli. Chancellor House, the former site of Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo’s law firm, is in the background.The sculpture portrays Nelson Mandela as a young amateur boxer, and is based on a famous picture by photographer Bob Gosani. The Shadow Boxer was commissioned by the Johannesburg Development Agency in partnership with the City of Jobannesburg.

President Ramaphosa unveils two Mandela statues in Eastern Cape

President Cyril Ramaphosa unveils the statues in Mthatha and Qunu as part of Nelson Mandela Day celebrations. The two monuments serve as a tribute to Madiba’s enduring impact on South Africa and the world and commemorate the 67 years he dedicated to the fight against apartheid.