- Series
- 2024-08-22
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Marokane, Lekau
27 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Marokane, Lekau
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gumede, Mesia
Named after Nelson exhibition launch, 2024.04.25, Houghton: [Set of 265 Still images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
A team of design researchers at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom in collaboration with Celeste Mckenzie, creative industries practitioners and heritage specialists in South Africa used graphic heritage as a lens to find out how much or how little information there is about Madiba in six locations named after him in the Gauteng Province. Through graphic heritage, the exhibition reveals as much about absence as it does about presence. It straddles the established but contested domain of heritage interpretation, presentation, and representation.
The exhibition is designed to inspire public engagement with its content and encourage visitors to contribute their thoughts, feelings, and observations to eventually shape the exhibition's public image. The case study locations are colour-coded to match the unique colours of the South African national flag.
Sigenu, Athenkosi
Making Reading Fun, 2024.02.16
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Named after Nelson: Learning from places named after Nelson Mandela through Graphic Heritage
Part of Reference Books
Harland, Robert
Part of Reference Books
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation
Nelson Mandela Foundation Prospectus: Mobilising the legacy for 25 years
Part of Reference Books
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Comrade and Commander: The Life and Times of Joe Modise
Part of Reference Books
Kasrils, Ronnie
Born to Struggle: A Biography of Fatima Meer
Part of Reference Books
Wajid, Arjumand
'In Conversation' Convening with Malala, 2023.12.06, Houghton: [Set of still images]
Part of 21st Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture and events, 2023.12., Johannesburg: [Set of still images]
Post lecture donor dinner held at the NMF, 2023.12.06, Houghton: [Set of 209 still images]
Part of 21st Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture and events, 2023.12., Johannesburg: [Set of still images]
Malala’s tour of the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Part of 21st Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture and events, 2023.12., Johannesburg: [Set of still images]
Malala’s tour of the Apartheid Museum
Part of 21st Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture and events, 2023.12., Johannesburg: [Set of still images]
21st Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture and events, 2023.12., Johannesburg: [Set of still images]
'Mandela is Dead' exhibition launch, 2023.11.30, Houghton: [Set of Still images]
Making Reading Fun Christmas edition
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Staff modeling the new Mandela Day sweaters, 2023.07.28, Houghton: [Set of 56 Still images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
President Ramaphosa unveils two Mandela statues in Eastern Cape
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
The International Conference on Audio-Visual Archiving and Preservation - Africa
Part of 5.12 NMF > Other events
Molelekoa, Sophia
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Making Reading Fun Programme, 2023, Houghton: [Set of still images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Exploring Madiba's Graphic Heritage, 2023.03.03, Houghton: [Set of 149 Still images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
Molelekoa, Sophia
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Mandela: In Honor of an Extraordinary Life
Part of Reference Books
Mandela, Makaziwe
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day: The Knitting and Crochet Revolution
Part of Reference Books
Steyn, Carolyn
Causing The Ruin of Mandela: Perspectives on Corruption in Acts 5:1-11
Part of Reference Books
Speckman, McGlory
Township Politics: Civic Struggles for a new South Africa
Part of Reference Books
Mayekiso, Mzwanele
Part of 5.12 NMF > Other events
Mokgopa, Kneo
Abrahams, Earl
Opening of the Jukskei Park in Riverlea in honour of Nelson Mandela
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
20th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture by Mia Mottley, 2022.11.12, eThekwini: [Set of 1059 Still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Nelson Mandela 20th Annual Lecture
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Old Mutual
Flow Communications, 2022-11-12: [Set of 43 Still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Old Mutual Madiba, 2022.11.12, Durban: [255 Still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Old Mutual
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Old Mutual
Mandlenkosi Dakada, 2022.11.11-12: [Set of 155 Still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Nelson Mandela Legacy Ride4Hope annual charity bike ride from Soweto to Pietermaritzburg
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Florence Garishe’s Retirement Party, 2022.09.14, Houghton: [Set of 299 Still images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Molelekoa, Sophia
Gandhi and Mandela: Born in the R.S.A
Part of Bibliography
An original, well researched and illustrated book, which sheds new light on the influence which Mahatma Gandhi may have had on Nelson Mandela – entitled Gandhi and Mandela: Born in the R.S.A.
Based on some thirty years of research, Haswell puts forward three propositions:
Firstly, that both Gandhi and Mandela, suit-wearing attorneys, were transformed and reborn as political leaders, by life changing experiences in the city of Pietermaritzburg – hence the title Born in the R.S.A.;
Secondly, that as a youthful leader Mandela certainly adopted the nonviolent campaign strategies developed by Gandhi; and,
Thirdly, that in the treason trials which Mandela had to endure, his courtroom demeanour, legal tactics, and even phrases such as “ if needs be I am prepared to die”, so closely resemble those used by Gandhi, in South African courts, some fifty years earlier, that the author contends that Mandela can be considered to be a legal disciple of Gandhi.
Haswell, Robert
ECD meeting held at the NMF Makhado boardroom, 2022.08.31, Houghton: [Set of 26 Still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Arends, Ethel
installation of the exhibition Infinity TTPOW, 2022.08.17, Houghton: (Set of 27 Still images)
Saleh, Razia
Infinity to the Power of Women exhibition, 2022.08.17, Houghton: (Set of 208 Still images)
Launch of Infinity to the Power of Women exhibition, 2022.08.17, Houghton: (Set of 183 Still images)
Molelekoa, Sophia
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Saleh, Razia
Chris Eeubank visits the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2022.07.05, Houghton: [Set of 77 Still images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Jappie, Khashifa
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Abrahams, Earl
Lourens and Lorato Labuschagne visits the NMF, 2022.06.22, Houghton: [Set of 14 Still images]
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Each One Feed One food parcels distribution at Khazimula childrens home in Howick
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Tree planting at Cosmo City Primary School
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Askew, Ross
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Askew, Ross
NMF vault photos, 2022.05.27, Houghton: [Set of 7 Still images]
Part of 5.7 NMF > NMF Office building
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Saleh, Razia
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Mandela Day launch 2022, 2022.05.4, Zandspruit: [Set of 147 Still images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Distilled Photography
Nelson Mandela Foundation Invitational Golf Day, 2022.04.29: [Set of 424 Still images]
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
The Chinese Association in Gauteng cheque handover, 2022.04.22, Houghton: [Set of 45 Still images]
Askew, Ross
Jappie, Khashifa
Rotary honors the Nelson Mandela Foundation as a Champion of Inclusion 2022-2023
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Rotary International
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Trek4Mandela 10 Anniversary, 2022.04.08, Houghton: [Set of 587 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Reality Check exhibition walkabout, 2022.04.05, Houghton: [Set of 104 Still images]
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Nhlapo, Nkosana
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Steven Lukey visits to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2022.03.08, Houghton: [Set of 5 Still images]
Arends, Ethel
Molelekoa, Sophia
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Yase Godlo's farewell event, 2022.02.23, NMF: [Set of 156 still images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Sishuba, Buyi
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Stevenson, John F
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Molelekoa, Sophia
Photoshoot for ZA Rights website, 2020.02.11: [Set of 151 Still images]
Part of 5.12 NMF > Other events
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Nelson Mandela Foundation Strategic Plan 2022 - 2024: Making a difference sustainably
Part of Reference Books
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Archives of Times Past: Conversations about South Africa's Deep History
Part of Reference Books
Kros, Cynthia
Thembi and Themba at the Aquarium
Part of Reference Books
Beharilal, Manichand
History of South Africa: From 1902 to the Present
Part of Bibliography
South Africa was born in war, has been cursed by crises and ruptures, and today stands on a precipice once again. This book explores the country's tumultuous journey from the Second Anglo-Boer War to 2021. Drawing on diaries, letters, oral testimony and diplomatic reports, Thula Simpson follows the South African people through the battles, elections, repression, resistance, strikes, insurrections, massacres, crashes and epidemics that have shaped the nation.
Tracking South Africa's path from colony to Union and from apartheid to democracy, Simpson documents the influence of key figures including Jan Smuts, Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, P.W. Botha, Thabo Mbeki and Cyril Ramaphosa. He offers detailed accounts of watershed events like the 1922 Rand Revolt, the Defiance Campaign, Sharpeville, the Soweto uprising and the Marikana massacre. He sheds light on the roles of Gandhi, Churchill, Castro and Thatcher, and explores the impact of the World Wars, the armed struggle and the Border War. Simpson's history charts the post-apartheid transition and the phases of ANC rule, from Rainbow Nation to transformation; state capture to 'New Dawn'. Along the way, it reveals the divisions and solidarities of sport; the nation's economic travails; and painful pandemics, from the Spanish flu to AIDS and Covid-19.
Simpson, Thula
Dear Comrade President: Oliver Tambo and the Foundations of South Africa’s Constitution
Part of Bibliography
In his annual presidential address on 8 January 1986, ANC president Oliver Tambo called on South Africans to make apartheid ungovernable through armed action and militant struggle. But unknown to the world, on that very day, the quiet-spoken mathematics teacher and aspirant priest turned reluctant revolutionary had also set up a secret think tank in Lusaka, which he named the Constitution Committee, giving it an ‘ad hoc unique exercise’ that had ‘no precedent in the history of the movement’.
Knowing that all wars end at a negotiating table, and judging the balance of forces to be moving in favour of the liberation movement, Tambo wanted the
ANC to hold the initiative after the fall of apartheid. Assisted by Pallo Jordan, he instructed his new think tank to formulate the principles and draft the outlines of a constitution that could unite South Africa when the time came to talk in the fledgling days of freedom and democracy. The seven-member team, including Albie Sachs, Kader Asmal and Zola Skweyiya, started deliberating and reporting to Tambo. In correspondence, they typically addressed him as ‘Dear Comrade President’.
Drawing on the personal archives of participants, Dear Comrade President explains how the purposeful first steps were taken in the making of South Africa’s Constitution. Why and how did this process happen? What were the first written words? When and where were they put on paper? By whom? What values did they espouse? And how did the committee’s work fit into the broader struggle? This book answers these questions in new, paradigm-shifting ways.
Odendaal, Andre
Nelson Mandela Foundation Prospectus
Part of Reference Books
Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Wahome, Noreen
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of 5.11 NMF > Visitors
Arends, Ethel
Sanctuary Mandela interior and exterior photos
Part of 5.7 NMF > NMF Office building
The Chinese Association Blanket Donation, 2021.08.11, Houghton: [Set of 42 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Samson, Trevor