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Peter Magubane Collection I
Peter Magubane Collection I
Mr Nelson Mandela's speech at the launch of The Elders, Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Mr Nelson Mandela's speech at the launch of The Elders, Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Media release on Nkosi Johnson
Media release on Nkosi Johnson
Xhamela is no more : Tribute to Walter Sisulu
Xhamela is no more : Tribute to Walter Sisulu
Short message by Mr N R Mandela at the+C1001"Healing And Reconciliation Service - Dedicated ToHiv/Aids Sufferers and for The Healing Of Our Land"Johannesburg, 6 December 2000
Short message by Mr N R Mandela at the+C1001"Healing And Reconciliation Service - Dedicated ToHiv/Aids Sufferers and for The Healing Of Our Land"Johannesburg, 6 December 2000
NMCF Annual Children's Celebration Message 2008
NMCF Annual Children's Celebration Message 2008
90th Birthday Message
90th Birthday Message
Birthday message, Helen Suzman, November 2002
Birthday message, Helen Suzman, November 2002
Obituary on Mary Mxadana, 10 October 2002
Obituary on Mary Mxadana, 10 October 2002
Address at Heritage Day Celebration, 24 September 2002
Address at Heritage Day Celebration, 24 September 2002
Address at the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ), June 2002
Address at the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ), June 2002
Statement on death of Steve Tshwete, April 2002
Statement on death of Steve Tshwete, April 2002
Congratulatory Message to President Obama
Congratulatory Message to President Obama
Message to the University of the Western Cape at the Occasion of the Inauguration of Mr Brian O'Connell as Vice-Chancellor
Message to the University of the Western Cape at the Occasion of the Inauguration of Mr Brian O'Connell as Vice-Chancellor
Address at COSATU 8th National Congress, 15 September 2003
Address at COSATU 8th National Congress, 15 September 2003
Address to recipients of the Nelson Mandela Scholarship, August 2003
Address to recipients of the Nelson Mandela Scholarship, August 2003
Speech at the opening of the Zola Clinic, Soweto, 7 March 2002
Speech at the opening of the Zola Clinic, Soweto, 7 March 2002
Speech at dinner of "Women in Action for Development" celebrating Women's month
Speech at dinner of "Women in Action for Development" celebrating Women's month
Statement by Mr N Mandela at the passing away of the Queen Mother
Statement by Mr N Mandela at the passing away of the Queen Mother
Address at Youth Forum, September 2003
Address at Youth Forum, September 2003
Letter to Leah Tutu on her 70th Birthday
Letter to Leah Tutu on her 70th Birthday
Message of Condolence to Anton Rupert and family, October 2001
Message of Condolence to Anton Rupert and family, October 2001
Address at Gala Dinner, Johannesburg Press Club at receiving Newsmaker of the Decade" Award
Address at Gala Dinner, Johannesburg Press Club at receiving Newsmaker of the Decade" Award
Statement on death of Govan Mbeki, 30 August 2001
Statement on death of Govan Mbeki, 30 August 2001
Donald Woods Obituary, August 2001
Donald Woods Obituary, August 2001
Speech Delivered at MPD Dinner, 29 February 1992, Wits University
Speech Delivered at MPD Dinner, 29 February 1992, Wits University
Statement by Nelson Mandela President of the African National Congress to the Frankel Max Pollak Vinderine Investment Conference Carlton Centre : Frankel Max Pollak Vinderine Investment Conference
Statement by Nelson Mandela President of the African National Congress to the Frankel Max Pollak Vinderine Investment Conference Carlton Centre : Frankel Max Pollak Vinderine Investment Conference
Press Statement by Nelson R. Mandela, President, African National Congress, Summit Meeting, World Trade Centre
Press Statement by Nelson R. Mandela, President, African National Congress, Summit Meeting, World Trade Centre
Nelson Mandela address to ANC Rally, 2 August 2008
Nelson Mandela address to ANC Rally, 2 August 2008
Address by Former President Nelson Mandela at the New Economy Investment Conference Hosted by INVESTEC
Address by Former President Nelson Mandela at the New Economy Investment Conference Hosted by INVESTEC
Address by Mr Nelson Mandela at the International Independent Commission on Kosovo's Final Seminar
Address by Mr Nelson Mandela at the International Independent Commission on Kosovo's Final Seminar
Draft Statement by ANC President Nelson Mandela at the Endorsement Dinner
Draft Statement by ANC President Nelson Mandela at the Endorsement Dinner
Notes for President Nelson Mandela's Address at the Veterans' Banquet
Notes for President Nelson Mandela's Address at the Veterans' Banquet
Toespraak van President Mandela by geleentheid van 'n onthaal deur die Burgemeester van Pretoria
Toespraak van President Mandela by geleentheid van 'n onthaal deur die Burgemeester van Pretoria
Message from President Nelson Mandela to the Diamond Jubilee Banquet of the South African Institute of International Affairs
Message from President Nelson Mandela to the Diamond Jubilee Banquet of the South African Institute of International Affairs
Opening Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Defence Exposition of South Africa (DEXSA 94)
Opening Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Defence Exposition of South Africa (DEXSA 94)
Toespraak van President Mandela tydens'n besoek aan die Algemene Sinode van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk
Toespraak van President Mandela tydens'n besoek aan die Algemene Sinode van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk
Statement by President Nelson Mandela in the International Video Conference to Launch the 9th UNCTAD Conference
Statement by President Nelson Mandela in the International Video Conference to Launch the 9th UNCTAD Conference
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Opening Dinner of the 18th Annual Investment Conference
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Opening Dinner of the 18th Annual Investment Conference
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Launch of the National Economic Development and Labour Council
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Launch of the National Economic Development and Labour Council
Statement by President Nelson Mandela at the Media Conference on the Launch of the Youth Development Centre Initiative : by Nelson Mandela Children's Fund in partnership with the Private Sector Initiative; Joint Education Trust; Rand Afrikaans University; and Ministry of Correctional Services
Statement by President Nelson Mandela at the Media Conference on the Launch of the Youth Development Centre Initiative : by Nelson Mandela Children's Fund in partnership with the Private Sector Initiative; Joint Education Trust; Rand Afrikaans University; and Ministry of Correctional Services
Notes for a Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the ANC Rally in Greater Pretoria
Notes for a Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the ANC Rally in Greater Pretoria
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Local Government Elections Summit
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Local Government Elections Summit
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Ruiterwag Gathering of Young Afrikaner Leaders
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Ruiterwag Gathering of Young Afrikaner Leaders
Article by Nelson Mandela " Mandela Is But Human" : Don
Article by Nelson Mandela " Mandela Is But Human" : Don
Openingswoorde deur President Mandela tydens 'nontmoeting met Afrikaner- Organisasies
Openingswoorde deur President Mandela tydens 'nontmoeting met Afrikaner- Organisasies
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Special Inter- Governmental Forum on the Budget
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Special Inter- Governmental Forum on the Budget
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela Tydens 'n Ontmoeting met Afrikaanse Vroue Organisasies
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela Tydens 'n Ontmoeting met Afrikaanse Vroue Organisasies
Message by President Nelson Mandela on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Seventieth Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Message by President Nelson Mandela on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Seventieth Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a Luncheon in honour of Her Majesty Mamohato of Lesotho
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a Luncheon in honour of Her Majesty Mamohato of Lesotho
Keynote address by President Nelson Mandela to the Ninth Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD IX)
Keynote address by President Nelson Mandela to the Ninth Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD IX)
Speech at the victory celebration after the Local Government elections, 1995
Speech at the victory celebration after the Local Government elections, 1995
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Launch of the illustrated Long Walk To Freedom
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Launch of the illustrated Long Walk To Freedom
Dinner Speech on HIV/AIDS-Treatment
Dinner Speech on HIV/AIDS-Treatment
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at the ANC Organising Workshop
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at the ANC Organising Workshop
Speech to the community of Reiger Park
Speech to the community of Reiger Park
Nelson Mandela Speech at Press Conference: Announcing 46664 Concert
Nelson Mandela Speech at Press Conference: Announcing 46664 Concert
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at a Meeting with Religious Leaders
Notes for a speech by President Nelson Mandela at a Meeting with Religious Leaders
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Gala Night on the 90th Anniversary of the Transvaal United African Teachers Association
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Gala Night on the 90th Anniversary of the Transvaal United African Teachers Association
Welcome to Trustees by President Nelson Mandela at Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Guest House
Welcome to Trustees by President Nelson Mandela at Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Guest House
Address Delivered by the President of the ANC Comrade Nelson Mandela to the Special Congress of COSATU
Address Delivered by the President of the ANC Comrade Nelson Mandela to the Special Congress of COSATU
Johaanesburg Press Club's " Newsmaker of the Year" 1994 Award Ceremony
Johaanesburg Press Club's " Newsmaker of the Year" 1994 Award Ceremony
Notes for an address to the Department of Transport
Notes for an address to the Department of Transport
Address at the State funeral of Kate Zuma, December 2000
Address at the State funeral of Kate Zuma, December 2000
Address by Nelson Mandela at a banquet to honour the Newsmaker Award of the year by the Johannesburg Press Club
Address by Nelson Mandela at a banquet to honour the Newsmaker Award of the year by the Johannesburg Press Club
Address by Nelson Mandela at the Fourteenth International Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, 3 December 2000
Address by Nelson Mandela at the Fourteenth International Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, 3 December 2000
Joe Modise Obituary
Joe Modise Obituary
President Mandela's trip to Russia, Hungary, Pakistan and China
President Mandela's trip to Russia, Hungary, Pakistan and China
Meetings between President Arafat of Palestine with President Mandela and Deputy President Mbeki
Meetings between President Arafat of Palestine with President Mandela and Deputy President Mbeki
Black man in a white man's court : Letter and cross examnination
Black man in a white man's court : Letter and cross examnination
Mandela State visits to several countries
Mandela State visits to several countries
Statement on President Mandela's Schedule
Statement on President Mandela's Schedule
Final media arrangement: Signing of New Constitution : Final Programme: Monday 9 December 1996: Media arrangements- The Signing of the new Constitution by President Mandela at an event to mark International Human Rights Day at George Thabe Stadium, Sharpeville, on 10 December 1996
Final media arrangement: Signing of New Constitution : Final Programme: Monday 9 December 1996: Media arrangements- The Signing of the new Constitution by President Mandela at an event to mark International Human Rights Day at George Thabe Stadium, Sharpeville, on 10 December 1996
Joint Statement on State visit of President Bongo : State visit of President Bongo of Gabon to South Africa 20- 22 November 1996
Joint Statement on State visit of President Bongo : State visit of President Bongo of Gabon to South Africa 20- 22 November 1996
Message of support to the COSATU 9th National Congress
Message of support to the COSATU 9th National Congress
Message to ANC Siyanqoba Rally, Elections 2009, Sunday 19 April at Coca- Cola Park (Ellis Park) and Johannesburg Stadium
Message to ANC Siyanqoba Rally, Elections 2009, Sunday 19 April at Coca- Cola Park (Ellis Park) and Johannesburg Stadium
Message to the Dadoo Centenary Celebrations
Message to the Dadoo Centenary Celebrations
Address by Nelson Mandela on the Mandela House Opening in Soweto
Address by Nelson Mandela on the Mandela House Opening in Soweto
Message of condolence from Nelson Mandela to the Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the people of the Republic of India on the death of Kalpana Chawla
Message of condolence from Nelson Mandela to the Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the people of the Republic of India on the death of Kalpana Chawla
Introductory remarks by Nelson Mandela when he addressed a press conference for representatives of South Africa's alternative media at his Soweto Home
Introductory remarks by Nelson Mandela when he addressed a press conference for representatives of South Africa's alternative media at his Soweto Home
Letter from Nelson Mandela to Makhaya Ntini and the Proteas Cricket Team on Makhaya's hundredth cricket test
Letter from Nelson Mandela to Makhaya Ntini and the Proteas Cricket Team on Makhaya's hundredth cricket test
Speech delivered by Nelson Mandela on World Aids Day
Speech delivered by Nelson Mandela on World Aids Day
Speech by Mr N R Mandela at the banquet of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa at the Sheraton Hotel
Speech by Mr N R Mandela at the banquet of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa at the Sheraton Hotel
Speech by Nelson Mandela at Donor Recognition Dinner
Speech by Nelson Mandela at Donor Recognition Dinner
NMCF Donor Recognition
NMCF Donor Recognition
Honouring Isie Maisels
Honouring Isie Maisels
Mandela: An Audio History
Mandela: An Audio History
South African Institute of Race Relations Photograph Collection
South African Institute of Race Relations Photograph Collection
Prosecution Records
Prosecution Records
Rivonia Trial: Sentencing
Rivonia Trial: Sentencing
Records of the Rivonia Trial
Records of the Rivonia Trial
Joel Joffe Papers
Joel Joffe Papers
James Kantor Papers
James Kantor Papers
Nelson Mandela Papers
Nelson Mandela Papers
Rivonia Trial
Rivonia Trial
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Freedom Park Oral History Collection
Freedom Park Oral History Collection
Rivonia Trial Records
Rivonia Trial Records
South African Newspaper Collection
South African Newspaper Collection
Results 1 to 100 of 1348