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6 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Mells Park Talks - ANC Notes

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/21-1
  • Series
  • 1987 to 1990
Copies of notes taken by Tony Trew of the secret meetings which took place between the ANC and the apartheid government at Mells Park, United Kingdom.

Trew, Tony

When Mr Mandela Came To Town

The book was inspired by President Mandela’s visit to Brixton as the newly elected President of South Africa, 25 years ago on July 12th. The book, was written for children aged 6-7 years and upwards and alongside the creative retelling of the author’s experience, comprises a comprehension quiz, creative activities and glossary to aid children’s learning making it a great resource for schools.

Garda, Yusuf Chubb

International Solidarity - London 1988

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/52
  • Series
  • 1988
Pamphlet of a protest by the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group and a pamphlet from Embargo/AAM 'Stop Apartheid - Boycott Shell'.

Thurley, Keith

Honorary Freeman of the London Borough of Greenwich

Honorary Freemanship presented to Mr Mandela in appreciation of his service to Greenwich and his contribution to world peace, UK. A Resolution to Reaffirm the Honorary Freedom of Greenwich was passed on 13 March 2012

London Borough of Greenwich

Order of the Starra Planini

Received by Achmat Dangor, CEO of Nelson Mandela Foundation from Ambassador Volodya Neykov on behalf of Nelson Mandela for his contribution to freedom and human rights, the fight against the regime of apartheid
Results 1 to 100 of 1199