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6 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

The Guardian and the Observer Digital Archive
The Guardian and the Observer Digital Archive
British Library Newspaper Collection
British Library Newspaper Collection
Trades Union Congress : [Part 1]
Trades Union Congress : [Part 1]
Trades Union Congress : [Part 2]
Trades Union Congress : [Part 2]
Miners' International Federation
Miners' International Federation
Papers of Sir Patrick Wall
Papers of Sir Patrick Wall
Swedish Labour Movement Archives and Library [Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek]
Swedish Labour Movement Archives and Library [Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek]
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 2]
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 2]
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 3]
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 3]
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 1]
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 1]
Papers of Stephen Clingman Relating to Bram Fischer
Papers of Stephen Clingman Relating to Bram Fischer
Richard Albert Etheridge
Richard Albert Etheridge
John de Courcy Ireland
John de Courcy Ireland
Hannah Stanton
Hannah Stanton
Archbishop Trevor Huddleston
Archbishop Trevor Huddleston
International Labour Organisation
International Labour Organisation
African National Congress Papers
African National Congress Papers
War Resisters’ International
War Resisters’ International
Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, University of Oxford (Rhodes House Library)
Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, University of Oxford (Rhodes House Library)
Ruth First Papers
Ruth First Papers
Nelson Mandela's Release Rally
Nelson Mandela's Release Rally
Karel Roskam : [Part 1]
Karel Roskam : [Part 1]
Karel Roskam : [Part 2]
Karel Roskam : [Part 2]
International Institute for Social History [Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis]
International Institute for Social History [Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis]
Dutch Communist Party [Communistische Partij Nederland]
Dutch Communist Party [Communistische Partij Nederland]
Norwegian People’s Aid [Norsk Folkehjelp]
Norwegian People’s Aid [Norsk Folkehjelp]
Anthony Sampson
Anthony Sampson
General Dutch Youth Alliance [Algemeen Nederlands Jeugd Verbond]
General Dutch Youth Alliance [Algemeen Nederlands Jeugd Verbond]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : [Part 2]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : [Part 2]
General Students Association Amsterdam [Algemene Studenten Vereniging Amsterdam]
General Students Association Amsterdam [Algemene Studenten Vereniging Amsterdam]
Norwegian Church Aid [Kirkens Nødhjelp]
Norwegian Church Aid [Kirkens Nødhjelp]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : [Part 1]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : [Part 1]
Ruth First Papers
Ruth First Papers
Mary Benson Papers
Mary Benson Papers
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs - World Council of Churches
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs - World Council of Churches
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 2]
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 2]
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 1]
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 1]
Church of Sweden Aid : Swedish National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation [Lutherhjälpen]
Church of Sweden Aid : Swedish National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation [Lutherhjälpen]
Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, Church of Norway [Mellomkirkelig råd] : [Part 1]
Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, Church of Norway [Mellomkirkelig råd] : [Part 1]
Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, Church of Norway [Mellomkirkelig råd] : [Part 2]
Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, Church of Norway [Mellomkirkelig råd] : [Part 2]
Mary Benson Papers
Mary Benson Papers
ICFTU Archives
ICFTU Archives
Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples [Mouvement Contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples]
Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples [Mouvement Contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples]
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Papers of Justice ( British Section of the International Commission of Jurists)
Papers of Justice ( British Section of the International Commission of Jurists)
Bernie Grant
Bernie Grant
Norwegian Labour Movement: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Press Clippings Collection
Africa Bureau : [Part 1]
Africa Bureau : [Part 1]
Africa Bureau : [Part 2]
Africa Bureau : [Part 2]
South African Trials
South African Trials
Archive of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)
Archive of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
European Economic Community
European Economic Community
Africa Educational Trust
Africa Educational Trust
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 1]
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 1]
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 2]
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 2]
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (State Versus N Mandela and Others)
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (State Versus N Mandela and Others)
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 3]
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 3]
South African Political Papers of His Honour Judge Kellock
South African Political Papers of His Honour Judge Kellock
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 4]
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 4]
Collectie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
Collectie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 2]
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 2]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 1]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 1]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 2]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 2]
Comite' Zuid-Afrika
Comite' Zuid-Afrika
Arrest of Nelson Mandela
Arrest of Nelson Mandela
Archives Committee South Africa ( Comite Zuid-Afrika- CZA)
Archives Committee South Africa ( Comite Zuid-Afrika- CZA)
Commonwealth Pressure Groups, Trade Unions and Political Parties Materials
Commonwealth Pressure Groups, Trade Unions and Political Parties Materials
Mandela First Television Interview
Mandela First Television Interview
Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund [Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond] : [Part 1]
Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund [Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond] : [Part 1]
Swedish South Africa Committee [Svenska Sydafrikakommittén]
Swedish South Africa Committee [Svenska Sydafrikakommittén]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 1]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 1]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 3]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 3]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 4]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 4]
Angola Comité
Angola Comité
Non-Aligned Movement
Non-Aligned Movement
Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 2]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 2]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 2]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 2]
Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund
Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
Mandela Trials Papers
Mandela Trials Papers
Michael Peto Collection, 1962, London; [Set of 19 Still Images]
Michael Peto Collection, 1962, London; [Set of 19 Still Images]
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
Arrivals for the Mandela Trial
Arrivals for the Mandela Trial
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Mandela Trials Papers
Mandela Trials Papers
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
Mary Benson Papers
Mary Benson Papers
National Archives United Kingdom
National Archives United Kingdom
Papers of John Mendelson, M P
Papers of John Mendelson, M P
Results 1 to 100 of 1198