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North America Awards, tributes and honours
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Freedom of the City of Atlanta, Georgia
Freedom of the City of Atlanta, Georgia
Freedom of the City of Baton Rouge in the USA
Freedom of the City of Baton Rouge in the USA
Golden Key of the City of Oakland presented by Mayor Lionel J Wilson
Golden Key of the City of Oakland presented by Mayor Lionel J Wilson
Mandela received the Key to the City of Chicago during his visit on 14 July 1993 as well as a resolution from the City Council paying tribute to the contributions of Nelson Mandela to freedom and racial harmony
Mandela received the Key to the City of Chicago during his visit on 14 July 1993 as well as a resolution from the City Council paying tribute to the contributions of Nelson Mandela to freedom and racial harmony
Presented the Liberty Bell, symbol of freedom by the Mayor, Edward G Rendell of Philadelphia
Presented the Liberty Bell, symbol of freedom by the Mayor, Edward G Rendell of Philadelphia
Freedom of the City of Lydenburg, South Africa
Freedom of the City of Lydenburg, South Africa
Honorary Citizenship of Toronto, Canada
Honorary Citizenship of Toronto, Canada
Honorary Citizenship of the State of Washington
Honorary Citizenship of the State of Washington
Honorary Citizenship of Maryland conferred by the Governor, Parris N
Honorary Citizenship of Maryland conferred by the Governor, Parris N
Honorary Citizenship of Illinois, USA
Honorary Citizenship of Illinois, USA
Resolution by the City of Saint Paul to award Nelson Mandela with a Honorary Citizenship
Resolution by the City of Saint Paul to award Nelson Mandela with a Honorary Citizenship
Honorary Citizenship of Canada by Prime Minister Jean Chretien during a ceremony at Ottawa's Museum of Civilization
Honorary Citizenship of Canada by Prime Minister Jean Chretien during a ceremony at Ottawa's Museum of Civilization
Order of the Aztec Eagle was presented to Mr Mandela by the Mexican Ambassador to South Africa on Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Mexico's Independence
Order of the Aztec Eagle was presented to Mr Mandela by the Mexican Ambassador to South Africa on Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Mexico's Independence
Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, by George W Bush, Washington
Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, by George W Bush, Washington
Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada by the Governor General of Canada on behalf of the Queen
Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada by the Governor General of Canada on behalf of the Queen
Award of Honour from the Dominican Republic
Award of Honour from the Dominican Republic
Medal of the Order of Francisco de Miranda First Class from the Government of Venezuela
Medal of the Order of Francisco de Miranda First Class from the Government of Venezuela
Order of the Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron ) awarded by President Fidel Castro
Order of the Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron ) awarded by President Fidel Castro
Jose Marti Medal, the highest order from Cuban President Fidel Castro
Jose Marti Medal, the highest order from Cuban President Fidel Castro
"Grand Cordon" decoration of 7 November awarded by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia
"Grand Cordon" decoration of 7 November awarded by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia
Order of Augusto Cesar Sandino Award bestowed by Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua
Order of Augusto Cesar Sandino Award bestowed by Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua
Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero, the highest order of Panama
Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero, the highest order of Panama
Award of recognition conferred to Mr Mandela by the Vice Foreign Minister for Africa of Venezuela, Dr Reinaldo Bolivar
Award of recognition conferred to Mr Mandela by the Vice Foreign Minister for Africa of Venezuela, Dr Reinaldo Bolivar
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania honoured Mr Mandela for his lifelong dedication to building a more equitable and united world, Resolution NO. 373
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania honoured Mr Mandela for his lifelong dedication to building a more equitable and united world, Resolution NO. 373
Resolution of the City Council of Baltimore offering its sincerest congratulations to NR Mandela
Resolution of the City Council of Baltimore offering its sincerest congratulations to NR Mandela
Commendation of the City of Bellevue, Washington for accomplishing what many long considered impossible, ushering the end of apartheid in South Africa from a prison cell and a president's desk, inspiring people of all stripes in Bellevue with his seemingly inexhaustible persistence and generosity of spirit
Commendation of the City of Bellevue, Washington for accomplishing what many long considered impossible, ushering the end of apartheid in South Africa from a prison cell and a president's desk, inspiring people of all stripes in Bellevue with his seemingly inexhaustible persistence and generosity of spirit
Resolution of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly recognizing the Life and Service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Resolution of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly recognizing the Life and Service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Certificate of a joint resolution to honour Nelson Mandela by the State of Maine
Certificate of a joint resolution to honour Nelson Mandela by the State of Maine
Certificate welcoming Mr Mandela to Louisiana and recognizing his contributions to the world from US Senator Mary L
Certificate welcoming Mr Mandela to Louisiana and recognizing his contributions to the world from US Senator Mary L
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas for Lifetime Achievements
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas for Lifetime Achievements
Award recognising Mr Mandela's life contributions from the Afro-Anglo-Caribbean Community
Award recognising Mr Mandela's life contributions from the Afro-Anglo-Caribbean Community
Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal from Canada
Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal from Canada
Award paying tribute to Mr Mandela's many achievements and also granting him Congressional Recognition from Member of Congress Sheila Jackson Lee
Award paying tribute to Mr Mandela's many achievements and also granting him Congressional Recognition from Member of Congress Sheila Jackson Lee
Medalla Veraruz 2003 for International Development from the City of Veracruz
Medalla Veraruz 2003 for International Development from the City of Veracruz
Certificate saluting Mr Mandela's outstanding liftime achievements from Miami-Dade County, Office of the Mayor
Certificate saluting Mr Mandela's outstanding liftime achievements from Miami-Dade County, Office of the Mayor
Proclomation from King County that 8-10 December 1999 are "Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel Days"
Proclomation from King County that 8-10 December 1999 are "Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel Days"
Proclamation declaring December 6 -12 1999 as Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel Week in Seattle "and urge everyone to celebrate the realseof this great human rights leader and continue working toward the day when every person - regardless of race, creed, sex or nationalisty - enjoys true freedom and dignity"
Proclamation declaring December 6 -12 1999 as Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel Week in Seattle "and urge everyone to celebrate the realseof this great human rights leader and continue working toward the day when every person - regardless of race, creed, sex or nationalisty - enjoys true freedom and dignity"
Award recognizing brotherhood and friendship on behalf of the Town of Hempstead
Award recognizing brotherhood and friendship on behalf of the Town of Hempstead
Lamp of Knowledge for outstanding commitment and leadership in the struggle for democray, presented by the City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on African Affairs
Lamp of Knowledge for outstanding commitment and leadership in the struggle for democray, presented by the City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on African Affairs
Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders from Union County congratulating Mandela on being elected President and declaring May 22-29 1994 as "Nelson Mandela and Youth of South Africa week"
Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders from Union County congratulating Mandela on being elected President and declaring May 22-29 1994 as "Nelson Mandela and Youth of South Africa week"
Resolution of the City Council of Chicago paying tribute to Nelson Mandela for his contributions to Freedom and Racial Harmony
Resolution of the City Council of Chicago paying tribute to Nelson Mandela for his contributions to Freedom and Racial Harmony
Flag of the State of Texas with an certificate was awarded to President Mandela
Flag of the State of Texas with an certificate was awarded to President Mandela
Medallion of Honour for courage and conviction from Miami Beach
Medallion of Honour for courage and conviction from Miami Beach
Award naming Mr Mandela a Guest of Honor of Mexico City
Award naming Mr Mandela a Guest of Honor of Mexico City
Award proclaiming the week of March 11 through 17 1990 as Nelson Mandela Week in San Francisco,
Award proclaiming the week of March 11 through 17 1990 as Nelson Mandela Week in San Francisco,
Award saluting Mr Mandela for his liftime commitment to peace and justice for the peoples of South Africa from the Chicago Housing Authority
Award saluting Mr Mandela for his liftime commitment to peace and justice for the peoples of South Africa from the Chicago Housing Authority
Glass award from the Mayor of New York City
Glass award from the Mayor of New York City
Citation recognizing Mr Mandela's demonstration of leadership, courage and strenght from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusettets
Citation recognizing Mr Mandela's demonstration of leadership, courage and strenght from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusettets
Award of Appreciation from the People of the Cayman Islands
Award of Appreciation from the People of the Cayman Islands
Certificate paying Tribute to Nelson and Winnie Mandela on the occasion of their visit and welcoming them to the State of Michigan from the Senate of the State of Michigan
Certificate paying Tribute to Nelson and Winnie Mandela on the occasion of their visit and welcoming them to the State of Michigan from the Senate of the State of Michigan
Massachusetts Black Legislative Caucus citation in recognition of Mandela’s struggle against Apartheid
Massachusetts Black Legislative Caucus citation in recognition of Mandela’s struggle against Apartheid
Mandela resolution: A liberal democrat has asked Congress to proclaim Nelson Mandela, the jailed leader of the ANC and his wife Winnie, honorary United States citizens
Mandela resolution: A liberal democrat has asked Congress to proclaim Nelson Mandela, the jailed leader of the ANC and his wife Winnie, honorary United States citizens
Heraldic shield with the Coat of Arms of Bermuda
Heraldic shield with the Coat of Arms of Bermuda
Resolution of the highest tribute to Nelson and Winnie Mandela from the State of Michigan Senate
Resolution of the highest tribute to Nelson and Winnie Mandela from the State of Michigan Senate
Award declaring 11 October 1985 "Nelson and Wilnnie Mandela Freedom Day" from the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Award declaring 11 October 1985 "Nelson and Wilnnie Mandela Freedom Day" from the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Resolution recognizing and commending Mr Mandela for his life-long and lasting contributions to South Africa and the World from the Louisiana Senate and Legaslative Black Caucus
Resolution recognizing and commending Mr Mandela for his life-long and lasting contributions to South Africa and the World from the Louisiana Senate and Legaslative Black Caucus
Miguel Aleman Velasco Medal from the City of Veracruz
Miguel Aleman Velasco Medal from the City of Veracruz
California State University Los Angeles esteem and admiration citation
California State University Los Angeles esteem and admiration citation
Honorary Guardian of Mandela Peace Pelgrim from the World Peace White Buffalo Foundation
Honorary Guardian of Mandela Peace Pelgrim from the World Peace White Buffalo Foundation
Appreciation award from the People of the Cayman Islands
Appreciation award from the People of the Cayman Islands
Recognition from the State of Louisiana
Recognition from the State of Louisiana
U Thant Peace Award from the Peace Meditation at the United Nations
U Thant Peace Award from the Peace Meditation at the United Nations
Distinguished International Visitor by the International House, New York City
Distinguished International Visitor by the International House, New York City
Manifesto from the Lance Armstrong Foundation Livestrong
Manifesto from the Lance Armstrong Foundation Livestrong
Flame of Distinction from New Nation and Engen
Flame of Distinction from New Nation and Engen
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas
Bicentenary Award from the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of the Andes in Merida, Venezuela
Bicentenary Award from the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of the Andes in Merida, Venezuela
Peace 1989 Award from the Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace Inc.
Peace 1989 Award from the Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace Inc.
Order of Francisco de Miranda First Class from the government of Venezuela
Order of Francisco de Miranda First Class from the government of Venezuela
Nelson Mandela Day proclamation of the City of Richmond
Nelson Mandela Day proclamation of the City of Richmond
Tribute from the State of Michigan to Nelson and Winnie Mandela
Tribute from the State of Michigan to Nelson and Winnie Mandela
Congratulations to Nelson Mandela from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Congratulations to Nelson Mandela from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Order of the Bay of Pigs from the Republic of Cuba
Order of the Bay of Pigs from the Republic of Cuba
Bicentenary Award from the University of the Andes in Merida, Venezuela
Bicentenary Award from the University of the Andes in Merida, Venezuela
Nelson Mandela Day in the City of San Pablo
Nelson Mandela Day in the City of San Pablo
Honorar title of Professional Human Being and Lifetime Membership from the International P.H.B. Registry
Honorar title of Professional Human Being and Lifetime Membership from the International P.H.B. Registry
Tribute to Nelson Mandela from the City of Chicago
Tribute to Nelson Mandela from the City of Chicago
EuroNatur Award for Environmental Excellence 2004 from the European Nature Heritage Fund (EuroNatur)
EuroNatur Award for Environmental Excellence 2004 from the European Nature Heritage Fund (EuroNatur)
Certificate from the County of Los Angeles to Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the ANC: "May our nations continue our friendship and strengthen our ties in peace and understanding"
Certificate from the County of Los Angeles to Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the ANC: "May our nations continue our friendship and strengthen our ties in peace and understanding"
Man of the Year Award from the American Biographical Institute
Man of the Year Award from the American Biographical Institute
The 2014 Spiritual Leadership Award from Humanity's Team
The 2014 Spiritual Leadership Award from Humanity's Team
Ultimate outcome of the World Commission on Dams (WCD) was published under the patronage of Nelson Mandela; formed in 1997 to research the environmental, social and economic impacts of the developments of large dams globally
Ultimate outcome of the World Commission on Dams (WCD) was published under the patronage of Nelson Mandela; formed in 1997 to research the environmental, social and economic impacts of the developments of large dams globally
Patron of the Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS
Patron of the Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS
Honorary Patron of a Fund For Animals event, USA
Honorary Patron of a Fund For Animals event, USA
Patron of the XVII International Congress of Vexillology
Patron of the XVII International Congress of Vexillology
Patron of the Commonwealth Association of Museums
Patron of the Commonwealth Association of Museums
Patron of the 10th World Conference on Cooperative Education of the World Association for Cooperative Education
Patron of the 10th World Conference on Cooperative Education of the World Association for Cooperative Education
Honorary President of WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) and as such presented with a print by Aleta Michaletos depicting three interwoven images: doves, hawk and Mandela's portrait
Honorary President of WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) and as such presented with a print by Aleta Michaletos depicting three interwoven images: doves, hawk and Mandela's portrait
Patron-in-Chief of the National Committee for the United Nations 50th Anniversary
Patron-in-Chief of the National Committee for the United Nations 50th Anniversary
Honorary President of the Simon Bolivar United World College of Agriculture in Barinas
Honorary President of the Simon Bolivar United World College of Agriculture in Barinas
Honorary Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society
Honorary Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society
Honorary President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers
Honorary President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers
Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Mr Mandela received the Lifetime membership into the National Afro-American Sports Hall of Fame and Gallery
Mr Mandela received the Lifetime membership into the National Afro-American Sports Hall of Fame and Gallery
Honorary Chairman of Africare, an NGO assisting Africa, Africare is also the oldest and largest African-American led organization in the field - and Africa is Africare's specialty
Honorary Chairman of Africare, an NGO assisting Africa, Africare is also the oldest and largest African-American led organization in the field - and Africa is Africare's specialty
Honorary Member of the Academy of Political Science in recognition of his distinguished service to the cause of democracy in South Africa
Honorary Member of the Academy of Political Science in recognition of his distinguished service to the cause of democracy in South Africa
Honorary Membership in the San Francisco Bay Area Longshoremen's Memorial Association
Honorary Membership in the San Francisco Bay Area Longshoremen's Memorial Association
Membership of the American Philosophical Society
Membership of the American Philosophical Society
Honorary Life Membership from the Southern University Alumni Federation
Honorary Life Membership from the Southern University Alumni Federation
Foreign Honorary Member of the Society of the American Academy of Arts And Sciences
Foreign Honorary Member of the Society of the American Academy of Arts And Sciences
Results 1 to 100 of 481