Mandela received the Key to the City of Chicago during his visit on 14 July 1993 as well as a resolution from the City Council paying tribute to the contributions of Nelson Mandela to freedom and racial harmony
Order of the Aztec Eagle was presented to Mr Mandela by the Mexican Ambassador to South Africa on Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Mexico's Independence
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania honoured Mr Mandela for his lifelong dedication to building a more equitable and united world, Resolution NO. 373
Commendation of the City of Bellevue, Washington for accomplishing what many long considered impossible, ushering the end of apartheid in South Africa from a prison cell and a president's desk, inspiring people of all stripes in Bellevue with his seemingly inexhaustible persistence and generosity of spirit
Proclamation declaring December 6 -12 1999 as Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel Week in Seattle "and urge everyone to celebrate the realseof this great human rights leader and continue working toward the day when every person - regardless of race, creed, sex or nationalisty - enjoys true freedom and dignity"
Lamp of Knowledge for outstanding commitment and leadership in the struggle for democray, presented by the City of Chicago, Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on African Affairs
Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders from Union County congratulating Mandela on being elected President and declaring May 22-29 1994 as "Nelson Mandela and Youth of South Africa week"
Citation recognizing Mr Mandela's demonstration of leadership, courage and strenght from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusettets
Certificate paying Tribute to Nelson and Winnie Mandela on the occasion of their visit and welcoming them to the State of Michigan from the Senate of the State of Michigan
Mandela resolution: A liberal democrat has asked Congress to proclaim Nelson Mandela, the jailed leader of the ANC and his wife Winnie, honorary United States citizens
Resolution recognizing and commending Mr Mandela for his life-long and lasting contributions to South Africa and the World from the Louisiana Senate and Legaslative Black Caucus
Certificate from the County of Los Angeles to Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the ANC: "May our nations continue our friendship and strengthen our ties in peace and understanding"
Ultimate outcome of the World Commission on Dams (WCD) was published under the patronage of Nelson Mandela; formed in 1997 to research the environmental, social and economic impacts of the developments of large dams globally
Honorary President of WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) and as such presented with a print by Aleta Michaletos depicting three interwoven images: doves, hawk and Mandela's portrait
Honorary Chairman of Africare, an NGO assisting Africa, Africare is also the oldest and largest African-American led organization in the field - and Africa is Africare's specialty