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International Institute for Social History (IISG)
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South Africa/Namibia Association
South Africa/Namibia Association
Amnesty International Netherlands
Amnesty International Netherlands
European Confederation of Free Trade Unions
European Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Arrest of Nelson Mandela
Arrest of Nelson Mandela
Archives Committee South Africa ( Comite Zuid-Afrika- CZA)
Archives Committee South Africa ( Comite Zuid-Afrika- CZA)
NIZA Memorabilia Collection
NIZA Memorabilia Collection
ICFTU Archives
ICFTU Archives
Interview with Nelson Mandela
Interview with Nelson Mandela
We and Them Foundation [Stichting Wij en Zij]
We and Them Foundation [Stichting Wij en Zij]
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 1]
Women’s Union of the Dutch Labour Party [Vrouwenbond Partij van de Arbeid] : [Part 1]
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika Photograph Collection
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika Photograph Collection
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 1]
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 1]
Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands [Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland] : [Part 1]
Broadcasters for Radio Freedom [Omroep voor Radio Freedom]
Broadcasters for Radio Freedom [Omroep voor Radio Freedom]
Culture in Another South Africa
Culture in Another South Africa
General Dutch Youth Alliance [Algemeen Nederlands Jeugd Verbond]
General Dutch Youth Alliance [Algemeen Nederlands Jeugd Verbond]
Ma Thoko
Ma Thoko
Miners' International Federation
Miners' International Federation
Pieter Boersma
Pieter Boersma
State Archives, The Netherlands [Het Staatsarchief]
State Archives, The Netherlands [Het Staatsarchief]
Working Group Woman, Church, Twothirds World [Werkgroep Vrouw, Kerk, Tweederde Wereld]
Working Group Woman, Church, Twothirds World [Werkgroep Vrouw, Kerk, Tweederde Wereld]
Angola Comité
Angola Comité
Anti-imperialist Solidarity Committee - Frankfurt am Main [Antiimperialistiesche Solidaritätskomitee]
Anti-imperialist Solidarity Committee - Frankfurt am Main [Antiimperialistiesche Solidaritätskomitee]
Dutch Communist Party [Communistische Partij Nederland]
Dutch Communist Party [Communistische Partij Nederland]
Foundation X-Y Movement [Stichting X-Y Beweging]
Foundation X-Y Movement [Stichting X-Y Beweging]
General Students Association Amsterdam [Algemene Studenten Vereniging Amsterdam]
General Students Association Amsterdam [Algemene Studenten Vereniging Amsterdam]
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Karel Roskam : [Part 2]
Karel Roskam : [Part 2]
Archives Dutch AAM ( Anti- Apartheids Beweging Nederland- AABN) 1971-1994
Archives Dutch AAM ( Anti- Apartheids Beweging Nederland- AABN) 1971-1994
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Collectie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
Collectie Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika
Radio Freedom Broadcast
Radio Freedom Broadcast
Comite' Zuid-Afrika
Comite' Zuid-Afrika
Anti-Apartheid Bewegung Nederland
Anti-Apartheid Bewegung Nederland
NIZA Photograph Collection
NIZA Photograph Collection
Shipping Research Bureau : [Part 1]
Shipping Research Bureau : [Part 1]
Support Group Klaas de Jonge & Hélène Passtoors [Steungroep Klaas de Jonge & Hélène Passtoors]
Support Group Klaas de Jonge & Hélène Passtoors [Steungroep Klaas de Jonge & Hélène Passtoors]
War Resisters’ International
War Resisters’ International
Working Group Kairos [Werkgroep Kairos] (Kairos Study Group) : [Part 2]
Working Group Kairos [Werkgroep Kairos] (Kairos Study Group) : [Part 2]
Boycott Outspan Campaign [Boycot Outspan Aktie] : [Part 2]
Boycott Outspan Campaign [Boycot Outspan Aktie] : [Part 2]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 2]
Committee on South Africa [Comité Zuid-Afrika] : [Part 2]
Defence and Aid Fund Netherlands (DAF Nederland) : [Part 1]
Defence and Aid Fund Netherlands (DAF Nederland) : [Part 1]
Foundation Malibongwe [Stichting Malibongwe]
Foundation Malibongwe [Stichting Malibongwe]
Holland Committee on Southern Africa [Komitee Zuiderlijk Afrika] : [Part 1]
Holland Committee on Southern Africa [Komitee Zuiderlijk Afrika] : [Part 1]
Local authorities against Apartheid [Lagere overheden tegen Apartheid] : [Part 1]
Local authorities against Apartheid [Lagere overheden tegen Apartheid] : [Part 1]