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Northwestern University, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies United States
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African Poster Collection

Collection of Nelson Mandela posters, most of which were produced by international anti-apartheid organisations. The posters cover campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela and all South African political prisoners, Mandela birthday tributes, as well as profiles of the Rivonia Trialists. The collection also includes ANC election campaign posters.


Prexy Nesbitt : [Part 2]

Prexy Nesbitt is an activist and academic from Chicago who was active in the struggle to end apartheid and worked to end colonialism in Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Namibia. He founded the Antioch Committee for a Free South Africa, which succeeded after a ten-year campaign to achieve the divestment of Antioch College’s holdings from companies involved with apartheid. Nesbitt worked for the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) where he coordinated the National Committee to Oppose Bank Loans to South Africa from 1976-1979. From 1979-1983 he was Program Director for the Program to Combat Racism of the World Council of Churches in Geneva. He has also worked for the Institute for Policy Studies, the American Friends Service Committee and Africa Action.

Africana Video Collection

A number of video recordings relating to the life story of Nelson Mandela and thus mentioning the Rivonia Trial. Including:
-Mandela (968 M271Zma), vhs, 135 minutes; c1987; directed by Philip Saville. Contains a dramatic reenactment of his unjust trial for treason, lengthy imprisonment.
-Mandela: The First Accused (968 M271Zmandl), vhs, 109 minutes; 1999; director, Clifford Bestall; producers, Indra de Lanerolle, David Fanning.
