South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
- Collection
- 1998-199
Part of Mandela Materials
Womens' National Coalition
27 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
Part of Mandela Materials
Womens' National Coalition
South African Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
National Library of South Africa
South African Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
National Library of South Africa
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Moravian Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Radio South Africa report by Alet Joubert on the Soweto Day Rally held at Orlando stadium. ANC president Nelson Mandela refers to the anger of the Youth and Cosas Groups.
RECORD BC 19930617
SABC Sound Archives
Luyolo Stengile Collection, 1938, Healdtown: [8 Photographic Prints]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Stengile, Luyolo
Trevor Webster Collection Healdtown, 1930s: [Set of 16 still images]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Presidential Address at the Annual Conference of the African National Congress Youth League
Part of Speeches
We Defy : 10,000 volunteers protest against 'unjust laws'
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Kuny, Denis
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The Apartheid era:The defiance campaign
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Shore, Herbert
Part of Mandela Materials
Huddleston, Trevor
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Central Black Appeal and Divorce Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Central Black Appeal and Divorce Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Department of Justice
Nelson Mandela visiting in Alexandra, 1950s, Johannesburg: [Set of 4 photographic prints]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Part of Rivonia Trial
Donated by Annemarie Wolpe.
-Mostly newscuttings scrapbooks, albums and folders re Harold Wolpe's escape, Annemarie's arrest, Kantor's arrest and refused bail application, family reaction to arrests, Kantor's acquittal etc. Also cuttings re Rivonia Trial generally.
-Documents including escape story, pamphlets, articles, manuscript of Annemarie's book "The Long Way Home", documents re the Wolpe's becoming citizens of the UK, Harold Wolpe's academic papers, Annemarie Wolpe's prison file.
These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for James Kantor Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.
Part of Rivonia Trial
Strassburg, Toni
Part of Mandela Materials
Xuma, A.B.
South African Institute of Race Relations
Part of Mandela Materials
South African Institute of Race Relations
Part of Mandela Materials
Extracts from Nelson Mandela's Testimony at the Treason Trial 1956-60
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Rivonia Trial
There are legal documents relating to the Rivonia Trial and to Kantor's law firm, personal papers, correspondence and notes from prison, and research and manuscripts for his book. The papers are not fully sorted or listed but some are in numbered folders. They do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection.
Legal papers from the Trial include cross examination of Makda in the Rivonia Trial, charges, request by defence for further particulars, replies to request for further particulars by accused #9 and 10, motion to quash the indictment (with ms notes) 26 October 1963, bail application for Kantor and Yutar's reply, Annexure A to the indictment, Annexure B to the indictment, extract of evidence of Kantor. Also Yutar's reply to application to quash, bail application for Kantor and for Bernstein, judgment on bail application (p.1-90 and p.140-144 missing), comments on the evidence by Sergeant C D van Rensburg and Lieutenant Victor, statements by Berman, Fine, Greef, Tlale, Van Niekerk, Williams.
Financial statements from Kantor, Zwarenstein and Partners Law Firm. Payments shown by Kathrada, Wolpe, Hodgson, Ezra. Shows deposit for Liliesleaf Farm. Also other legal documents including transfer of Liliesleaf Farm in November 1961 from D B Fyfe to Novian Pty Limited. Also, a copy of letter from Kantor to staff at his law firm that he had to close it due to the Trial
Personal documents of James Kantor: passport, Defence Force Card, handwritten statement entitled "Details of my trip to Liliesleaf Farm" (5 pages with diagram of farm), personal history and career summary, correspondence (including from prison while being tried), will and other personal papers. Handwritten biographies of Trialists apparently written for Kantor while they were in prison during the trial (laminated), notes written in prison during the trial some on scraps of a chocolate box. One note reads: "Welcome! If that's the right word. What the hell are you doing here? You should be out defending us. Here's a pencil. Guard it with your life. It's worth its weight in gold"
Original typed manuscript for book "A Healthy Grave", various versions of this book some with manuscript additions sometimes called "The Reluctant Revolutionary", research for the book.
Articles: "Introduction to demolition and theory of explosives", newspaper clippings about Wolpe and Goldreich's escape.
These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.
Part of Mandela Materials
Strassburg, Toni
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Demonstrations against proclamation of Republic : Answers to questions by Drum
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The struggle is my life : Press statement issued on 26 June 1961
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Forman, Lionel
The Treason Trial and other Trials
Part of Mandela Materials
Black man in a white man's court : Letter and cross examnination
Part of Speeches
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Turok, Ben
Part of Mandela Materials
African National Congress (ANC)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Supreme Court of South Africa
Part of Mandela Materials
Turok, Ben
Trial- State vs. Nelson Mandela
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
British Embassy, Pretoria
Part of Mandela Materials
Weinberg, Eli
Black man in a white man's court : Nelson Mandela's first court statement - 1962
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Rivonia Trial: Quartus De Wet/Bram Fischer/Dr Percy Yutar
Part of Rivonia Trial
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
Part of Mandela Materials
Masemola, Japhta
The Nationalist (Tanzanian newspaper)
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
English Service Actuality Rivonia Trial- Quartus De Wet/ Bram Fischer/Dr Percy Yutar
Recordings of the proceedings during the Rivonia trial sabotage Trial with actuality by the Judge president Quartus De Wet, the public prosecutor, Percy Yutar and counsel for defence, Bram Fischer. Mandela appears as accused no.1.
RECORDBC 19631203
South African Broadcasting Corporation [DO NOT USE]
Part of 1.1.5 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Political situation
National Archives and Record Service of South Africa (NARSSA)
Records of ANC Morogoro Office
Part of Rivonia Trial
African National Congress (ANC) Morogoro Office
Federation of South African Women (FSAW)
Part of Mandela Materials
National Intelligence Agency Archive
Part of Rivonia Trial
Inventory accessed contains one manuscript (bound photocopy in three parts) in Nelson Mandela's handwriting: "How to be a Good Communist; Dialectical Materialism; Political Economy". Preceding the manuscript are two pages from Mandela's Statement from the Dock (pages 45 and 46) and a photocopy of a sub-file indicating what the manuscript is about and that is was seizd at Rivonia.
There may be other records related to the Rivonia Trial in this archive
The Tanganyika Standard (Daily Newspaper in Tanzania )
Part of Mandela Materials
Tanganyika Standard
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
English Service Class Actuality Program Rivonia Trial - A short summary of the Rivonia Trial case the verdict and the passing of sentences by Judge president Quartus de Wet.
RECORD BC 19640611
South African Broadcasting Corporation [DO NOT USE]
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Lionel Shapiro Collection, 1964, Pretoria: [Set of 7 still images]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
The photos are taken on 12 June 1964, the day of the verdict in the Rivonia Trial. Lionel Shapiro took the photos whilst studying at Wits and taking pictures once a week for the student paper. Nelson Mandela leaving court in a prison van, protestors, Winnie Mandela and Mandela's mother.
The collection consists of 4 photographs - LS001: Winnie Mandela and Mandela's mother, Nosekeni leaving court; LS002: June Mlangeni leaving the court; LS003: The trialists leaving court after the sentencing in a prison van. Mandela is the first person on the left in the van; and LS004: A supporter outside the court with placard "We are proud of our leaders".
Shapiro, Lionel
Part of Rivonia Trial
UNISA bought the microfilm from CAMP (Cooperative Africana Microfilm Project). These were transferred from the Archives and Special Collections.
Reel FI4059:
-Starts on list of evidence and exhibits (incomplete)
-First indictment
-Annexure B to Indictment: The defence request for further particulars and State's reply thereto Part I and II
-Notice of application to quash indictment (27 October 1963)
-Heads of argument re application to quash by Bram Fischer and Percy Yutar's reply
-Second indictment
-Annexure A to indictment: Particulars to the counts set out in the indictment
-Annexure C
-Annexure B
-Notice to quash (22 November 1963)
-Heads of argument
-Bail applications of Bernstein and Kantor and judgment on application
-Opening address by Percy Yutar
-Index to state witnesses and exhibits
-Statements by witnesses including, amongst others, Makda, Mtolo, Davids, Mashiloane, Sulliman, Jaantjies, Jelliman. Card
-Notes on state witnesses evidence taken by defence (volumes 1-4 and extra piece in volume 5). Incomplete.
Reel FI4060:
-Continuation of witness statements including Mtolo,
-Notes on state witnesses evidence taken by defence
-Record of state witnesses in regard to James Kantor: Makda, Gibson, Kleynhans, Cox, First, Fenn, van Rensburg
-Analysis of state evidence by defence
-Defence opening address and Nelson Mandela's (sic) Statement from the Dock
-Walter Sisulu's evidence volume 1 (p.1-155), volume 2 (p. 156-296)
Reel FI4061:
-Walter Sisulu's evidence volume 3 (p. 297-356), volume 4 (p. 357-464)
-Ahmed Kathrada's evidence
-Raymond Mhlaba's evidence
-Lionel Bernstein's evidence (with notes)
-Denis Goldberg's evidence and cross examination by Mr Krog
-Govan Mbeki's evidence (includes notes passed between defence (?) team
-Elias Motsoaledi's statement (4 pages)
-Andrew Mlangeni's statement
-Analysis of defence evidence and notes on argument
-Evidence in mitigation of sentence and judgement on sentence
-Photographs of Rivonia
-Index of accused and co-conspirators and photographs
-Plans of Mountain view and Liliesleaf Farm
-List of documents found by police in raids
-Statement prepared by Nelson Mandela in his handwriting
-Evidence prepared by Sisulu in his handwriting
-Handwritten statement prepared by Sisulu in event of receiving the death sentence
It appears that these microfilms are a defence set and, according to the archivist, the originals came from Joel Joffe. However, they are not identical to the defence set of trial records at Wits (AD1844). That set contains some material that these microfilm do not and this set contains some material that Wits' does not (most notably, Sisulu's evidence and Goldberg's evidence are both complete in UNISA's and not at Wits). The reason for the differences are not known.
Part of Rivonia Trial
Manuscript of "South African Political Prisoners: The Life We Led 1963-1966" by Mahlubi L Mrwetyana. Reference to Robben Island prison conditions including for Rivonia Trialists. File on Race Relations with completed questionnaires and extensive notes on prison conditions in South Africa 1956-1961; file with material on families; biographical notes on some of the persons persecuted by the government of the Republic of South Africa for their opposition to the policies of apartheid, 30 May 1964. The list includes Nelson Mandela and other Rivonia Trialists. The list is fairly extensive. File re IRC visits to South African prisons 1964; copies of the letter and reports sent to B J Vorster (Minister of Justice) by the ICRC, June 18 1964 re: conditions in South African prisons (Robben Island, State farm prison, Victor Verster, various police stations in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Pretoria Prison, Leeuwkop, Prison Vooruitsig, Kroonstad, Pretoria Prison, T B Hospital Sonderwater).
Not available for inspection at time of this audit.
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (The State versus N Mandela and Others)
Part of Rivonia Trial
The records of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Transvaal Provincial Division) on the proceedings of the Rivonia Trial. Transferred to National Archives in 1994. Incomplete on transfer. Existent records are:
File cover with handwritten notes, including the sentences that were passed. The clerk of the court recorded the sentences that were passed together with the names of the accused on the cover of a file in blue ink.
Extracts of evidence by state witnesses (3 vols). These volumes include records by the attorney for the accused, Mr. B Fischer, applying for the postponement of the proceedings and the reply by Dr Yutar, the State’s main prosecutor. Further records include the verbatim transcriptions of evidence given by state witnesses.
Evidence for defence (1 vol.). Include verbatim transcriptions of evidence given by Ahmed Kathrada, Raymond Mhlaba, Lionel Bernstein and Govan Mbeki.
Rivonia Exhibits (1 vol.). The exhibits include documents seized by the police at Liliesleaf and deals with topics such as the Transkei; Operation Mayibuye; the new draft programme of the South African Communist Party (SACP); names and addresses of ANC and SACP members; a copy of Sibanye, a newsletter; documents discussing problems in the democratic movement, the Nationalists invasion scare, the general predictions for 1963; handwritten notes on freedom movements elsewhere in Africa; an article by E Rosenthal on General De Wet; a syllabus on the fundamental principles of Marxism; a pamphlet named 'A Call to the Youth'; a manual on rock blasting; the rules of the SACP; sketch of Tunisia; handwritten notes on the Kenya Youth Wing Organisations; SACP newsletter on the China/India border dispute; statement by the SACP on conditions in South Africa; document on the differences in the communist movement; invoices from Ace Auto electricians; press statement by Nelson Mandela on 26 June 1961.
State’s Concluding Address (4 vols). These volumes are divided into three parts. The first part deals with a factual analysis of documentary exhibits handed in, and of oral testimony given, by state witnesses. Part two deals with a factual analysis of the documentary exhibits handed in, and of the oral testimony given, by state witnesses (continued). The third part deals with the Rivonia exhibits.
Two volumes consisting of Judge’s remarks in passing sentence; the Attorney General for the Transvaal’s statement explaining which of the accused was found guilty of what offences; a part of the judgement and verbatim transcriptions of the court proceedings
Judgement (1 vol.).
Dictabelts covering the whole case (8 vols). These are digitised and accessible from NARSSA.
These records, together with the Prosecution Records received from Brenthurst Library, will at some stage become one group.
Department of Justice
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Paton, Alan
Part of Mandela Materials
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (State Versus N Mandela and Others)
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
Incomplete set of records of the State vs. Nelson Mandela and nine others. The collection includes charge sheets, the indictment, opening address, statements, evidence, evaluation of evidence and exhibits, including photographs, bail applications, sentencing. An important section of the collection relates to preparation of the defence. Also includes a VHS video (no soundtrack) of the cells and court room where the Rivonia Trial was held. This was filmed a long time after the trial. Its reference code is AD1844, D.
Missing volumes are: Volume 21: Walter Sisulu's Evidence (vol. 2); Volume 22: Walter Sisulu's Evidence (vol. 3); Volume 23: Walter Sisulu's Evidence (vol. 4); Volume 27: Denis Goldberg's Evidence; Volume 35: Exhibit: Plan of Liliesleaf and Rivonia. Incomplete: Volume 29: Elias Motsoaledi's Statement. It is not clear why these volumes are missing.
The records in this collection are the Defence set donated originally by Joel Joffe. They are part of the archives of the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR).
Joffe, Joel
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers: Conditions for political prisoners in 1960s
Part of Rivonia Trial
General strike: Report of the 3 day strike in South Africa (May 29, 30,31, 1961) by Nelson Mandela (Secretary, National Action Council of South Africa); prisoners of Apartheid a biographical list of political prisoners and banned persons in South Africa (IDAF in cooperation with UN Centre Against Apartheid); South African Prisons and the Red Cross Investigation and examination by the International Defence and Aid Fund with prisoners testimony. Includes general recommendations of the ICRC sent to the South African Government (18 June 1964), the SA government reply, conditions at Leeuwkop, Robben Island, Victor Verster, Vooruitsig Prison Kroonstad, and other prisons, Robert Sobukwe on Robben Island. Relates to Rivonia Trial in terms of conditions in prison for trialists once convicted.
Not available for inspection at time of this audit.
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Hilda and Rusty Bernstein Papers
Part of Rivonia Trial
Rusty (Lionel) Bernstein's Papers include personal correspondence to family and comrades, professional documentation relating to his career as an architect and inventor, and a large collection of writing, including drafts and material for his political biography "Memory Against Forgetting" as well as articles, essays and literature relating to prominent events in the liberation struggle (the 1946 Mine Workers Strike, The Freedom Charter and the Rivonia Trial). The collection also includes written material relating to his political career in the Communist Party and involvement with the ANC and as editor/contributor to journals like Fighting Talk and The African Communist and a lecture series given in Moscow to young militants of the ANC. Hilda Bernstein's papers include a series of journals dating from 1967 to 2001 and personal diaries written whilst in prison, and on travels throughout South Africa and Europe. A large part of the collection marks her involvement with women's rights and work for the ANC Women's League. There is also a considerable collection of art records documenting her career in London and Europe. The bulk of the collection is comprised of records relating to Hilda's extensive writings - books, articles and political literature. Of particular prominence is material collected for her most recent book "The Rift", which captures the experiences of South African exiles. There is also a large collection of correspondence both personal and professional and political brochures relating to her position as City Councillor for the Communist Party in Johannesburg from 1943 to 1946. The records kept by Hilda (viewed as 'evidence' of Hilda's activities) far outnumber those kept by Rusty. It would be misleading to presume that this is in any way a complete archive of the Bernstein's activities.
Records directly related to the Rivonia Trial are:
D1.2 Sketches, Rivonia Trial done by Hilda on scraps of paper in black pen during the trial. There are drawings of the judge, Special Branch policemen, court scenes and the back of the heads of the accused.
F2.18 Article by Hilda: "The Rivonia Trial" (1 December 1963), 4 pages of a reflection on the trial
F2.23 Article by Hilda: "The Men Who Many Die" (8 March 1964)
F2.25 Article by Hilda: "Rivonia" Landmark in SA Liberation Struggle" (24 June 1964) detailing what happened at Rivonia
F3.36 Article by Hilda: "The Trials of Nelson Mandela" (undated)
R3.1 Article in Sechaba 1989: "Rivonia: Telling it as it was"
V2.1 Transcript of Judge's remarks when passing sentence in the trial (photocopy)
V2.2 "Rivonia: The Story of Accused No. 11" by Bob Hepple. Memoirs (manuscript) with letters from Sisulu and Joffe as appendix.
Minor references to the Rivonia Trial are:
B2.1 Diary notes where Hilda refers visiting Rusty in jail, going to court and consulting with lawyers amongst other things
I11.1.2 Letter addressed to Rusty from Hilda in Pretoria Jail. Aside from address, not reference to trial or Rivonia events.
N4 Correspondence re his inventions and other business between Rusty and Hilda while he was in prison during the Rivonia Trial
Q1 Draft Novel by Rusty written in Pretoria Local Prison during the trial in 1963/4. Content not related to Trial in any way.
Bernstein, Robert L
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice
Part of Mandela Materials
National Office correspondence 1952-1959: Correspondence on Elections, funding, overseas press liaison, LPSA policies, meeting plus Nelson Mandela's article in Liberation criticising LPSA.
PC 2/4/6/4
Signed letter from Nelson Mandela as Hon. Secretary of the All in Africa National Council, 22.05.1961
PC 2/4/16/2
Rivonia trial June 1964. State vs. Nelson Mandela and others. Section SV6 of the trial. Evidence and
address in Mitigation of sentence by Alan Paton
Description of Alan Paton 's evidence and address( seems to be a typed chapter from a book)
Paton, Alan
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Rivonia Trial
Joffe, Joel
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice