South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
- Collection
- 1998-199
Part of Mandela Materials
Womens' National Coalition
62947 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
Part of Mandela Materials
Womens' National Coalition
South African Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
National Library of South Africa
South African Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
National Library of South Africa
British Library Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
Collections includes all UK national daily and Sunday newspapers from 1801 to the present, most UK and Irish regional and local newspapers, selected newspapers from around the world in European languages, a range of UK and Irish popular periodicals, mostly published weekly and fortnightly.
These would include coverage of the Rivonia Trial.
British Library
Road to democracy in South Africa [Vol. 6 ; part 1]
Part of Reference Books
South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET)
Road to democracy in South Africa [Vol. 6 ; part 2]
Part of Reference Books
South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET)
Part of Reference Books
Kally, Ranjith
Part of Reference Books
The Times – Late War Edition of 18 July 1918
The Times
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Moravian Archives
Nelson Mandela's Release Rally
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Radio South Africa report by Alet Joubert on the Soweto Day Rally held at Orlando stadium. ANC president Nelson Mandela refers to the anger of the Youth and Cosas Groups.
RECORD BC 19930617
SABC Sound Archives
Luyolo Stengile Collection, 1938, Healdtown: [8 Photographic Prints]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Stengile, Luyolo
Trevor Webster Collection Healdtown, 1930s: [Set of 16 still images]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Alfred Bitini Xuma, 1940s: [Still Image]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Bikitsha and Mandela, c1941: [1 photographic print]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
van Onselen, Charles
Nelson Mandela: In Celebration of a Great Life : [Bibliography]
Part of Bibliography
Smith, Charlene
Legal documents from Nelson Mandela and OR Tambo at the National Archives
Tambo, Oliver Reginald
Presidential Address at the Annual Conference of the African National Congress Youth League
Part of Speeches
Nelson Mandela’s Certificate of enrolment as an Attorney
Supreme Court of South Africa
We Defy : 10,000 volunteers protest against 'unjust laws'
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Kuny, Denis
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The Apartheid era:The defiance campaign
Part of Mandela Materials
Files of United Nations Secretary-General, U Thant
Part of Mandela Materials
U Thant
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court (Pretoria)
Part of Mandela Materials
Shore, Herbert
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Huddleston, Trevor
Part of Bibliography
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Central Black Appeal and Divorce Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Central Black Appeal and Divorce Court (Johannesburg)
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (Johannesburg)
Part of Mandela Materials
Department of Justice
Nelson Mandela visiting in Alexandra, 1950s, Johannesburg: [Set of 4 photographic prints]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Part of 1.1.4 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Other people
Egyptian Gazette
Bailey's African History Archives (BAHA), 1950s -1960s: [Set of 20 Images]
Baileys African History Archives (BAHA)
Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers
Part of Rivonia Trial
Donated by Annemarie Wolpe.
-Mostly newscuttings scrapbooks, albums and folders re Harold Wolpe's escape, Annemarie's arrest, Kantor's arrest and refused bail application, family reaction to arrests, Kantor's acquittal etc. Also cuttings re Rivonia Trial generally.
-Documents including escape story, pamphlets, articles, manuscript of Annemarie's book "The Long Way Home", documents re the Wolpe's becoming citizens of the UK, Harold Wolpe's academic papers, Annemarie Wolpe's prison file.
These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for James Kantor Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.
Part of Rivonia Trial
Strassburg, Toni
Part of Mandela Materials
Xuma, A.B.
South African Institute of Race Relations
Part of Mandela Materials
South African Institute of Race Relations
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
The Library collection of roughly 200,000 books, pamphlets, maps and microform units covers all areas and disciplines. There is an emphasis on the socio-economic development and history of sub-Saharan Africa, with special emphases (reflecting faculty interests) on Ethiopia/Eritrea, Zimbabwe, South Africa, the Sahel region of West Africa, and Nigeria (especially the Eastern Region).
Materials related to the Rivonia Trial include:
- A number of video recordings relating to the life story of Nelson Mandela and thus mentioning the Rivonia Trial in the Audio-Visual Materials on Africa
-Microform and photocopies of Kathrada Collection (originals at UWC-Robben Island Mayibuye Centre) in Special Collections. Over 100 fiche in 13 boxes. DT1949.K38A4 1996; also on film: SPEC COLL RARE BOOKS XX 27823 Microfilm. Guide (1995) available at DT1949.K38S35 1995
-The Voice of Nelson Mandela (SABC, 1999), which includes extracts from the Statement from the Dock. In general library holdings (MSU DIGITAL/MEDIA AUDIODISC, 4 WEST - PT1974 .M36 1999 Audio disc)
Extracts from Nelson Mandela's Testimony at the Treason Trial 1956-60
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Rivonia Trial
There are legal documents relating to the Rivonia Trial and to Kantor's law firm, personal papers, correspondence and notes from prison, and research and manuscripts for his book. The papers are not fully sorted or listed but some are in numbered folders. They do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection.
Legal papers from the Trial include cross examination of Makda in the Rivonia Trial, charges, request by defence for further particulars, replies to request for further particulars by accused #9 and 10, motion to quash the indictment (with ms notes) 26 October 1963, bail application for Kantor and Yutar's reply, Annexure A to the indictment, Annexure B to the indictment, extract of evidence of Kantor. Also Yutar's reply to application to quash, bail application for Kantor and for Bernstein, judgment on bail application (p.1-90 and p.140-144 missing), comments on the evidence by Sergeant C D van Rensburg and Lieutenant Victor, statements by Berman, Fine, Greef, Tlale, Van Niekerk, Williams.
Financial statements from Kantor, Zwarenstein and Partners Law Firm. Payments shown by Kathrada, Wolpe, Hodgson, Ezra. Shows deposit for Liliesleaf Farm. Also other legal documents including transfer of Liliesleaf Farm in November 1961 from D B Fyfe to Novian Pty Limited. Also, a copy of letter from Kantor to staff at his law firm that he had to close it due to the Trial
Personal documents of James Kantor: passport, Defence Force Card, handwritten statement entitled "Details of my trip to Liliesleaf Farm" (5 pages with diagram of farm), personal history and career summary, correspondence (including from prison while being tried), will and other personal papers. Handwritten biographies of Trialists apparently written for Kantor while they were in prison during the trial (laminated), notes written in prison during the trial some on scraps of a chocolate box. One note reads: "Welcome! If that's the right word. What the hell are you doing here? You should be out defending us. Here's a pencil. Guard it with your life. It's worth its weight in gold"
Original typed manuscript for book "A Healthy Grave", various versions of this book some with manuscript additions sometimes called "The Reluctant Revolutionary", research for the book.
Articles: "Introduction to demolition and theory of explosives", newspaper clippings about Wolpe and Goldreich's escape.
These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.
Citizens' All Black Tour Association
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Strassburg, Toni
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Demonstrations against proclamation of Republic : Answers to questions by Drum
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The struggle is my life : Press statement issued on 26 June 1961
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Mandela First Television Interview
Part of Mandela Materials
Naidoo, Neville
Application for Warrant of Arrest for Nelson Mandela, 1961
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
La Palm, Robert
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
General Strike: A report on the 3-day strike in South Africa (May 29, 30, 31, 1961) : [Bibliography]
Part of Bibliography
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Forman, Lionel
The Treason Trial and other Trials
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Black man in a white man's court : Letter and cross examnination
Part of Speeches
Magistrate's Court of South Africa
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Magistrate's Court of South Africa
Magistrate's Court of South Africa
Part of Mandela Materials
Turok, Ben
Part of Mandela Materials
African National Congress (ANC)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF)
Part of Mandela Materials
Supreme Court of South Africa
Nelson Mandela in Morocco with the Algerian Liberation Front, 1962, Morocco; [1 Photographic Print]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Michael Peto Collection, 1962, London; [Set of 19 Still Images]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Peto, Michael
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives (United Kingdom)
Part of Mandela Materials
Turok, Ben
Trial- State vs. Nelson Mandela
Part of Mandela Materials
Arrivals for the Mandela Trial
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
British Embassy, Pretoria
Part of Mandela Materials
Weinberg, Eli