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Till the time of the trial: The prison letters of Simon Nkoli
Till the time of the trial: The prison letters of Simon Nkoli
South Africa : The violence of apartheid
South Africa : The violence of apartheid
South Africa : The imprisoned society
South Africa : The imprisoned society
Children into exile : Refugees from Southern Africa
Children into exile : Refugees from Southern Africa
To honour women's day : Profiles of leading women in the South African and Namibian liberation struggles [Cover missing] [2 copies ; c01]
To honour women's day : Profiles of leading women in the South African and Namibian liberation struggles [Cover missing] [2 copies ; c01]
Nelson Mandela writes to India
Nelson Mandela writes to India
Lutuli speaks : Portrait of chief Lutuli (2 copies)
Lutuli speaks : Portrait of chief Lutuli (2 copies)
Island in chains : Ten years on Robben Island
Island in chains : Ten years on Robben Island
Walter Sisulu : Leader of the African National Congress and man of the people
Walter Sisulu : Leader of the African National Congress and man of the people
I have done my duty to my people and to South Africa : Statement from the dock, 7 November 1962
I have done my duty to my people and to South Africa : Statement from the dock, 7 November 1962
Apartheid : The real hurdle
Apartheid : The real hurdle
Fighting apartheid : A cartoon history
Fighting apartheid : A cartoon history
Oliver Tambo and the struggle against apartheid
Oliver Tambo and the struggle against apartheid
Beyond fear : Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim versus the apartheid state
Beyond fear : Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim versus the apartheid state
Gatsha Buthelezi : Chief with a double agenda
Gatsha Buthelezi : Chief with a double agenda
Never follow the wolf: The autobiography of a Namibia freedom fighter
Never follow the wolf: The autobiography of a Namibia freedom fighter
No lullaby for my country : A poem
No lullaby for my country : A poem
Prix Nobel / The Nobel Prizes : 1993
Prix Nobel / The Nobel Prizes : 1993
Mandela : An illustrated autobiography
Mandela : An illustrated autobiography
Nelson Mandela : Man of destiny
Nelson Mandela : Man of destiny
History of South Africa
History of South Africa
Icons reaching out : A collection of poetry and prose on some of our most intriguing people
Icons reaching out : A collection of poetry and prose on some of our most intriguing people
Mandela : A tribute
Mandela : A tribute
The World that made Mandela : A Heritage Trail [photocopy]
The World that made Mandela : A Heritage Trail [photocopy]
Race matters: with a preface by the author
Race matters: with a preface by the author
Mandela dead and alive : 1976-2001
Mandela dead and alive : 1976-2001
Reflections in prison
Reflections in prison
Mahube : The dawning of the dawn
Mahube : The dawning of the dawn
Nelson Mandela's favorite African folktales [Book]
Nelson Mandela's favorite African folktales [Book]
Being and nothingness: An essay on phenomenological ontology: Ttranslated by Hazel E. Barnes
Being and nothingness: An essay on phenomenological ontology: Ttranslated by Hazel E. Barnes
Abundant herds : A celebration of the cattle of the Zulu people
Abundant herds : A celebration of the cattle of the Zulu people
Every step of the way : The journey to freedom in South Africa
Every step of the way : The journey to freedom in South Africa
Witness : 52 years of pointing lenses at life
Witness : 52 years of pointing lenses at life
Report on the 12 cluster imbizo project
Report on the 12 cluster imbizo project
Justice, unfinished business and access to information
Justice, unfinished business and access to information
Directory of archival repositories in South Africa
Directory of archival repositories in South Africa
Mandela Rhodes Foundation 2003-2005 [2 copies ; c01]
Mandela Rhodes Foundation 2003-2005 [2 copies ; c01]
Why race matters in South Africa
Why race matters in South Africa
156 hands that built South Africa
156 hands that built South Africa
Halala Madiba : Nelson Mandela in poetry
Halala Madiba : Nelson Mandela in poetry
Mandela : A critical life
Mandela : A critical life
A gift for Madiba
A gift for Madiba
Black and white fifties
Black and white fifties
South Africa's Parliament since 1994 : Achievements and challenges
South Africa's Parliament since 1994 : Achievements and challenges
Mandela Rhodes Foundation 2006 [2 copies ; c02]
Mandela Rhodes Foundation 2006 [2 copies ; c02]
A Landmark Building: Reflections on the architectureof the Bibliotheca Alexadrina
A Landmark Building: Reflections on the architectureof the Bibliotheca Alexadrina
Political transition in Nigeria : 1993-2003 : Commentaries on selected themes
Political transition in Nigeria : 1993-2003 : Commentaries on selected themes
Mandela : A life
Mandela : A life
Tales from Jozi
Tales from Jozi
O'Mandingo! : Before Mandela was Mandela
O'Mandingo! : Before Mandela was Mandela
Archives at the crossroads 2007 [2 copies ; c01]
Archives at the crossroads 2007 [2 copies ; c01]
Much More than a Building: Reclaiming the legacy of Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Much More than a Building: Reclaiming the legacy of Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Road to democracy : South Africans telling their stories
Road to democracy : South Africans telling their stories
Introduction to Africana philosophy
Introduction to Africana philosophy
Political prisoner 466/64 : Nelson Mandela on Robben Island
Political prisoner 466/64 : Nelson Mandela on Robben Island
Anatomist : The autobiography of Anthony Sampson
Anatomist : The autobiography of Anthony Sampson
People's university : 150 years of the University of London and its external students
People's university : 150 years of the University of London and its external students
Nelson Mandela : A very short introduction
Nelson Mandela : A very short introduction
Mandela Rhodes foundation : Yearbook 2008 : 5th anniversary edition [2 copies ; c02]
Mandela Rhodes foundation : Yearbook 2008 : 5th anniversary edition [2 copies ; c02]
Speak truth to power : Human rights defenders who are changing our world : Based on the book by Kerry Kennedy
Speak truth to power : Human rights defenders who are changing our world : Based on the book by Kerry Kennedy
Different fight for freedom
Different fight for freedom
Mike Terry : 17 October 1947 - 2 December 2008
Mike Terry : 17 October 1947 - 2 December 2008
Life of Dr Yusuf Dadoo: Celebrating the 100th birthday of Dr. Yusuf Dadoo
Life of Dr Yusuf Dadoo: Celebrating the 100th birthday of Dr. Yusuf Dadoo
Promise of leadership
Promise of leadership
Promoting community dialogue to tackle HIV/AIDS
Promoting community dialogue to tackle HIV/AIDS
ANC's early years : Nation, class and place in South Africa before 1940 [2 copies ; c02]
ANC's early years : Nation, class and place in South Africa before 1940 [2 copies ; c02]
Laduma! Soccer, politics and society in South Africa, from its origins to 2010
Laduma! Soccer, politics and society in South Africa, from its origins to 2010
African soccerscapes : How a continent changed the world's game
African soccerscapes : How a continent changed the world's game
Nelson Mandela : The champion within
Nelson Mandela : The champion within
Heart of Nelson Mandela : His life in poetry
Heart of Nelson Mandela : His life in poetry
Nelson Mandela : The unconquerable soul
Nelson Mandela : The unconquerable soul
The darker side of Western modernity: Global futures, decolonial options
The darker side of Western modernity: Global futures, decolonial options
The Founders : The origins of the ANC and the struggle for democracy in South Africa
The Founders : The origins of the ANC and the struggle for democracy in South Africa
Ahmed Kathrada:Parliament's living history
Ahmed Kathrada:Parliament's living history
One hundred years of the ANC : Debating liberation histories today
One hundred years of the ANC : Debating liberation histories today
Mandela & Mbeki : The hero and the outsider
Mandela & Mbeki : The hero and the outsider
Notes to the future:words of wisdom Nelson Mandela
Notes to the future:words of wisdom Nelson Mandela
University of KwaZulu-Natal : 100 years of academic excellence in the province (1910-2010)
University of KwaZulu-Natal : 100 years of academic excellence in the province (1910-2010)
Mandela : Celebrating the legacy, 18 July 1918 - 5 December 2013
Mandela : Celebrating the legacy, 18 July 1918 - 5 December 2013
Revelation of numbers : The codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the power of 27
Revelation of numbers : The codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the power of 27
Prominent African leaders since independence
Prominent African leaders since independence
Let my people go
Let my people go
Madiba A to Z : The many faces of Nelson Mandela
Madiba A to Z : The many faces of Nelson Mandela
Mandela : The life of Nelson Mandela
Mandela : The life of Nelson Mandela
8115 : A prisoner's home
8115 : A prisoner's home
Nelson Mandela : A hero's journey [paperback]
Nelson Mandela : A hero's journey [paperback]
Nelson Mandela notes : Hope
Nelson Mandela notes : Hope
The Forgotten People Of Ulster:Stories of Orageism South of the border
The Forgotten People Of Ulster:Stories of Orageism South of the border
Nelson Mandela school year book 2013/2014:Nelson Mandela school on Berli" It always seems impossible until its done"
Nelson Mandela school year book 2013/2014:Nelson Mandela school on Berli" It always seems impossible until its done"
Civil rights in America : The road to equality and the dream today
Civil rights in America : The road to equality and the dream today
Goodnight Zuma
Goodnight Zuma
Dare not linger: The presidential years
Dare not linger: The presidential years
Cry the beloved country
Cry the beloved country
Biko Phiosophy Identity And Liberation
Biko Phiosophy Identity And Liberation
On the postcolony
On the postcolony
Borders of race in colonial SouthAfrica: The Kat river settlement, 1829-1856
Borders of race in colonial SouthAfrica: The Kat river settlement, 1829-1856
90 : The Nelson Mandela years
90 : The Nelson Mandela years
99 words / You have breath for no more than 99 words : What would they be? [cover title]
99 words / You have breath for no more than 99 words : What would they be? [cover title]
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award
Results 1 to 100 of 344