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Speech By Nelson Mandela, delivered by Nandi Mandela at the Rotary District 3830 Annual Conference in Manila, Philippines on 27 March 2004
Speech By Nelson Mandela, delivered by Nandi Mandela at the Rotary District 3830 Annual Conference in Manila, Philippines on 27 March 2004
Speech by President Mandela at the state Banquet hosted by President Ramos of the Philippines
Speech by President Mandela at the state Banquet hosted by President Ramos of the Philippines
Legal Legacy Award from the National Bar Association
Legal Legacy Award from the National Bar Association
Nelson Mandela centenary celebration by the South African H.E. Marthinus Nicolaas Slabber Ambassador in Manila, Philippines
Nelson Mandela centenary celebration by the South African H.E. Marthinus Nicolaas Slabber Ambassador in Manila, Philippines
Thirteenth Annual Equal Justice Award from the National Bar Association
Thirteenth Annual Equal Justice Award from the National Bar Association
Honorary Membership of the National Centre for Development Cooperation in Belgium
Honorary Membership of the National Centre for Development Cooperation in Belgium