Collection of Nelson Mandela posters, most of which were produced by international anti-apartheid organisations. The posters cover campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela and all South African political prisoners, Nelson Mandela birthday tributes, as well as profiles of the Rivonia Trialists. The collection also includes ANC election campaign posters.
Collection of gifts and awards presented to Nelson Mandela during his tenure as the first democratically elected President of South Africa. The collection includes gifts from Heads of State, well-known personalities, and ordinary citizens from across the world. There are gifts from former US President Bill Clinton, current US President George W. Bush, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and the late Yasser Arafat. There are gifts from children ranging between the ages of 3 and 18 from across the world, as well from former anti-apartheid activists. The awards include honorary fellowships, Freedom of the City awards, honorary citizenships, honorary degrees, peace and human rights awards, literary awards, media awards and orders of merit from more than 50 countries around the world. Amongst these are the Nobel Peace Prize, one of thirteen existing facsimiles of the Salisbury Magna Carta, and the Official Presidential Medallion commemorating President Nelson Mandela’s inauguration in 1994.
Records of the Nelson Mandela Children's fund and its predecessor the Canadian Friends of the Nelson Mandela Children's fund (NMCF) The record date from 1998 to the closure of the office in 2011. The documents consists of textual record s,photographs, sound and images and electronic records documenting the work of the NMCF.
The collection includes correspondence, addresses/ statements, Appeal for Action Against Apartheid, Arrest of Nelson Mandela, Mandela -Wembley Concert, Nelson Mandela - Freedom at Seventy, Nelson Mandela 70thth Birthday Tribute to Nelson Mandela, Release of Nelson Mandela and the unbanning of the ANC, Nelson and Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s visits, tributes, prizes and awards to Nelson Mandela. Winnie Mandela footage and interviews, Winnie Mandela, Footage, interview s for BBC TV News affair
African National Congress Swedish Mission consists of the records of the ANC mission office in Sweden collection is made up of correspondence, speeches, etc. Political prisoners 1987, "Nelson Mandela : His life in the struggle - A pictorial history" 1988- (Publications).Noble Peace laureates: F.W. De Klerk and Nelson Mandela. Profile of Nelson Mandela. Seventy -fifth birthday of Nelson Mandela 1993. Nelson Mandela Speeches 1962-1992. Nelson Mandela’s visit to Sweden ANC mission material and activities in Sweden.
Colourful 1994 ANC elections poster with the title A better life for All signed by Nelson Mandela for Dota of Limkokwing University. The poster the depicts Nelson Mandela with children has handwritten message and inscription by Nelson Mandela: To Dato Limkokwing, compliments and best wishes to an impressive friend. Signed by Nelson Mandela 5. 9.94