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Concerts, 2003-2009

This item consists of a series of the 46664 HIV/AIDS campaigns and concerts held from 2003 up to 2008. The first concert was held in Cape Town, followed by the one in George, the next was held Tromso, Spain, then Hyde Park, London, this was followed by the Johannesburg one and then the last one was held in New York. The performance was by the South African and the international artists from all performing from the year 2003 up to 2008.


46664 Sound and Film Collection

This collection is made up of all the videos, audio and photographic material from the 46664 campaigns, concerts and birthday messages to Nelson Mandela. The first concert was held at Green Point Stadium in Cape Town, South Africa on the 23 of November 2003. The second concert was held at Fancourt country club and golf estate in George, Western Cape, South Africa in 2005. The third was a two day Festival in Spain Madrid. The fourth one was held in London Hyde Park in 2008. The fifth one was held in Johannesburg, Ellis Park as a 46664 HIV and AIDS awareness campaign on the 1st of December2007. In 2009 the concert was held at the Radio city hall in New York, the celebration included Nelson Mandela's birthday celebration and the launch of the international Mandela day as July 18th was recognised as a day dedicated to serve others in ones community.


Nelson Mandela at London Airport, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela body guards driving back to the airport and talking about the trip likely being the last of Nelson Mandela, and talking about crime in London preparing and checking seating on the plane and being joined by another group of body guards and Nelson Mandela, Graca Machel and Zelda La Grange.

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela leaving London and going to Heathrow airport, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on cars driving on the London hi-way approaching Heathrow airport and stopping at Heathrow tarmac, security guards on two sections of the airport Nelson Mandela Graca Machel, Zelda La Grange and security guards board the plane. Ground crew looks on.

Giant Media

Press Conference on Goal for Africa held at the Metropolitan London 27 June 2008: [Recorded event]

Video on press conference annoucingthe gloabl kick off the Goal for Africa, the event was held at the Metropolitan, London. Goal for africa campaign is a global scoring goals for educating social development in Africa. Chris Vermeeren the creator of Goal for Africa Achmat Dangor CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation with Ali Campell and, Clarence Seedorf calling for support and to raise funds for Goal for Africa. Achmat presented with the Goal for Africa t.shirt for Madiba.

Giant Media

Press Conference on Goal for Africa held at the Metropolitan, London on the 27th June 2008. Recorded event]

Video on Press conference on the Goal 4 Africa global campaign on scoring goals for education and social development. The press conference was held at the Metropolitan in London. Achmat Dangor chatting to Ali Campbell prior the press conference.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Achmat still organising, interview explaining the 46664 programme and the organisations that will benefit from the proceeds of the concerts. Artists/ Musicians introduced to Achmat Dangor and Shaun Johnson. Nelson Mandela arrives with Zelda La Grange to meet and greet the artists. Nelson Mandela and the artists group photo opportunity. Photo with individual artists. Nelson Mandela leaves with Zelda and Sean the security guard.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on focusing on behind scenes work for the London concert, team of Nelson Mandela body guards waiting at the hotel, Achmat Dangor securing of tickets for the Nelson Mandela Foundation board members. Ticket collection by the prospective attendees of the conference.

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on 46664 London Concert- Achmat Dangor in London working on finding accommodation for the Mandela grandchildren who will be attending the concert. Securing tickets for dignitaries the Mayor of London including the Kinnocks. Behind the scenes work with Tim Massey and artists who will be performing, planning and organising for the London concert

Giant Media

46664 Dinner, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on 46664 Dinner in a marquee, Champaign served and music entertains the guests arrival Nelson Mandela arrives with Graca Machel, crowd standing up clapping of hands and cheering. Gordon Brown speech, then welcomes Bill Clinton. Clinton Speech, Nelson Mandela speech thanks the people for the continued support on the fight against AIDS, poverty and’s in your hands…

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela meeting with 46664 team in London, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Holding tent- preparations of and serving of drinks, VIP guests Guest arrive and walk on the red carpet. Exhibition of paintings. Nelson Mandela arrives with Graca Machel and is met by Zelda and VIP guests. Denzel Wasington shares his views on Nelson Mandela. The who’s who of the world bill Clinton and family, Gordon Brown and family, Forrest Whittacker and family Prof Jakes Gerwel, Tim Massey, Sol Kerzner , Oprah Winfrey chatting

Giant Media

46664 London Concert, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Aerial view of the 46664 London concert venue. Crowd waits outside, barriers removed crowd starts moving inside the venue. Crowd moving in and being scanned. Inside the venue crowd running towards the stage. Cops around installations. Press room with journalists reporting on the concert, signed messages for Nelson Mandela, VIP’s coming in. Nelson Mandela’s car coming in.

Giant Media

Halala Madiba : Nelson Mandela in poetry

A broad spectrum of poets—including Tupac Shakur, Ntozake Shange, and Seamus Heaney—pay tribute to Nelson Mandela in this collection that stretches from Mandela’s imprisonment in 1963 to his 87th birthday in 2005. Nearly 100 poems from 25 countries reflect Mandela’s widespread influence, recognizing the passion he inspires and celebrating his legacy of antiapartheid actions.

Bartlett, Richard

Patron of Round Square

Round Square is a world-wide association of more than 70 schools on five continents sharing unique and ambitious goals. Students attending Round Square schools make a strong commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development and responsibility

Planning and preparations for Nelson Mandela statue unveiling.2007.08.23: [Recorded Event]

Planning and preparations for Nelson Mandela statue unveiling. Bobby Heaney , Richard Attenborough and Wendy Woods, prepare and produce a documentary named the return of Mandela. Achmat Dangor and Zelda la Grange meet and discuss with them at Parliament square, London before for the unveiling of the statue. The return of Mandela documentary is shown before the arrival of Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel who share the stage Richard Atteborough, Gordon Brown, Wendy Woods and Ken Livingstone.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela speech at the unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue in Parliament square, London and a recorded message for the Banquet, 2007.09.29, London: [Recorded Event]

Proceedings of Nelson Mandela speech at the unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue in Parliament square London. Nelson Mandela addresses the crowd and there is a recorded message that is played.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

British Library Newspaper Collection

Collections includes all UK national daily and Sunday newspapers from 1801 to the present, most UK and Irish regional and local newspapers, selected newspapers from around the world in European languages, a range of UK and Irish popular periodicals, mostly published weekly and fortnightly.

These would include coverage of the Rivonia Trial.

British Library

Autograph Hunters [slLztDkrh5I]

As this story reveals, honour is very important to Nelson Mandela. He was not well on a trip to London and put off meeting a group of youngsters waiting outside his hotel. He was forced to bow to their demands, particularly since he had promised to give them autographs. The youngsters waited for hours in the rain for his return from a visit to the British Prime Minister. They played to his honourable side and they got what they wanted.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-4-56
  • page
  • 1980-12-28 - 1981-01-03
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1980. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

When Mr Mandela Came To Town

The book was inspired by President Mandela’s visit to Brixton as the newly elected President of South Africa, 25 years ago on July 12th. The book, was written for children aged 6-7 years and upwards and alongside the creative retelling of the author’s experience, comprises a comprehension quiz, creative activities and glossary to aid children’s learning making it a great resource for schools.

Garda, Yusuf Chubb


  • ZA COM NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-11-26
  • page
  • 1988-06-06 - 1988-06-12
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1988. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-8-50
  • page
  • 1984-11-25 - 1984-12-01
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1984. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-8-35
  • page
  • 1984-08-12 - 1984-08-18
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1984. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-8-18
  • page
  • 1984-04-15 - 1984-04-21
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1984. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-7-53
  • page
  • 1983-12-11 - 1983-12-17
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1983. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-7-16
  • page
  • 1983-03-27 - 1983-04-02
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1983. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-5-35
  • page
  • 1981-08-02 - 1981-08-08
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1981. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


  • NMPP-PC-NMPP-PC-2009/5.1-5-32
  • page
  • 1981-07-12 - 1981-07-18
  • Part of Prison Collection

1 page of a printed desk calendar with handwritten notes covering the year of 1981. The calendar was used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contains entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Commemoration of the naming of Nelson Mandela Place in Glasgow by the Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation

A tribute video produced by the Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation to commemorate the events of the Soweto Uprising and the naming anniversary of Nelson Mandela Place in Glasgow. 16 June 2021 is the 45th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising and also the 35th anniversary of the naming of Nelson Mandela Place in Glasgow.

Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation

Brent Council awarded Nelson Mandela the Freedom of the Borough in recognition of his lifelong connection with the borough

Mandela addressed the Willesden Trades Council in 1962. The honour was supposed to have been conferred in April 1990 when Mandela visited Brent but it failed to get the necessary support. Hence this was only done in 2013.

It's In Your Hands

This item consists of a speech by Nelson Mandela recorded in 2008 in London, England during a 46664 concert.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

"My cardboard Mandela statue" created by Darrell Wakelam

"My cardboard Mandela statue" is a statue created by Darrell Wakelam for Mandela day in honour of Nelson Mandela. The project was meant to educate and motivate children in schools about the values of Nelson Mandela. Following the hashtag, #AStatueToBeProudOf on twitter, the schools nominated themselves to win the sculpture and the winner was Kelsall Primary School.

Wakelam, Darrell

Nelson Mandela the 90 year, 2007-2008: [Compile]

Footage of Nelson Mandela 46664 London press conference with the musicians who will be performing the 46664 concert in London. Musicians a general photo opportunity with Nelson Mandela and later each have individual photo opportunity with Nelson Mandela. Annie Lennox and Peter Gabriel addresses the musicians. Fundraising dinner attended by Nelson Mandela with Graca Machel, an auction takes place.

Giant Media

Remarks of Honorable Nelson Mandela, Former South African President, at the launch of final report of World Commission on Dams : Beyond Freedom: Transforming "Ngalamadami" into "Sithi Sonke"

  • ZA COM MR-S-082
  • Item
  • 2000-11-16
  • Part of Speeches

The transcript on page one of the Transcript section comes from the South African Government Information Website. The transcript on page two of the transcript section is from the ANC website. It is assumed that page one was the version actually presented but this has not been confirmed.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Mandela Trials Papers

Photocopies of papers collected by Joel Joffe, lawyer acting for Nelson Mandela, relating to Nelson Mandela's trial in Pretoria 1962 and the Rivonia Trial (1963-1964) The collection includes Nelson Mandela's application to have the Pretoria trial postponed, October 1962; Nelson Mandela's address to the court in mitigation of the sentence of five years imprisonment detailing his political commitment and activities in the African National Congress (ANC), November1962; copy of the indictment in the Rivonia trial, initial statement made by Nelson Mandela to his lawyers, giving details of his early life, notes by Nelson Mandela on his life and his association; copy of Nelson Mandela's statement from the dock, signed by Nelson Mandela referring to an Imbizo.

Joffe, Joel

Ruth First Papers

The personal papers of Ruth First
The collection is made up of background material, correspondence and reviews concerning "No Easy Walk to Freedom" edited by Ruth First. Printed copies of Nelson Mandela’s speech at the Rivonia Trial. Drafts of sections of the book, and a typescript of Mary Benson’s statement before the UN Special Committee on Apartheid in 1964, with handwritten alterations. Correspondence, mainly between Ruth First and Heinemann Publishers, as well as clippings of newspaper reviews.
Material on political detention between 1963 and 1970, including a copy of the 1963 Detention Act, a radio script by Mary Benson entitled "Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia Trial," and notes produced by Ruth First. Press releases and conference papers concerning the Symposium on the exploitation of Blacks in South Africa and Namibia, organized by the United Nations in 1978, with observances of the 60th birthday of Nelson Mandela.
Transcripts of interviews with Robben Island political prisoners. Correspondence from friends and acquaintances, and materials from South African newspapers concerning the Rivonia Trial.

First, Ruth

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