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Mandela: An Audio History

  • ZA SABC SA MR-RT-011
  • Collection
  • 1964 - 2004
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

SAFM documentary in two parts for The Inner Ear Programme. Details the role played by Nelson Mandela and the ANC in the struggle for freedom in South Africa. Compiled by Joe Richardson and Sue Johnson and presented by Will Bernard. Dated 9 May 2004.

Part 1 deals with the call for armed struggle, the creation of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the arrests at Rivonia. Mandela as the first witness in the Trial, four hour statement from the dock made at the Trial, sentencing to life imprisonment, meaning of Rivonia Trial.

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

Rivonia Trial: Sentencing

  • ZA SABC SA MR-RT-012
  • Collection
  • 1963 - 1990
  • Part of Rivonia Trial

SABC English Service broadcast. A short summary of the Rivonia Trial case, the verdict and the passing of sentence by Judge President Quartus De Wet. Dated 11 June 1963.

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers

Donated by Annemarie Wolpe.
-Mostly newscuttings scrapbooks, albums and folders re Harold Wolpe's escape, Annemarie's arrest, Kantor's arrest and refused bail application, family reaction to arrests, Kantor's acquittal etc. Also cuttings re Rivonia Trial generally.
-Documents including escape story, pamphlets, articles, manuscript of Annemarie's book "The Long Way Home", documents re the Wolpe's becoming citizens of the UK, Harold Wolpe's academic papers, Annemarie Wolpe's prison file.

These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for James Kantor Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.


Percy Yutar Papers

Acquired from the Yutar family.
-Eight scrapbooks labelled "The Rivonia Trial 11 July 1963-12 June 1964 as reported by the press from 28 August 1963 to 13 June 1999". They contain a timeline of events, clippings labelled with the date. Also seven scrapbooks labelled "Soweto Riots". It is unclear whether Yutar compiled the scrapbooks or only collected the clippings.
-One lever arch file containing a manuscript for a book by Percy Yutar entitled "The Rivonia Trial - The Facts (based in authentic documentary exhibits)". The manuscript contains a preface and a breakdown of chapters but the bulk does not read like a book but rather appears to be a reproduction of the State's trial records (indictment, State's opening address, evidence for the State, evidence for the Defence, judgement, evidence in mitigation of sentence etc).
-One volume: A factual analysis of the documentary exhibits handed in and other oral testimony given at the so-called Rivonia Trial. Inscribed: "With appreciation from B G Fourie, Secretary for Information"
-Scrapbook with clippings, photographs etc. Mostly of Yutar's career after the Rivonia Trial but a few clippings relate to the Trial from May 1964.
-Press clippings in folder in plastic sleeves re Yutar's legal career, Rivonia Trial, Excelsior case, Moodie case and others.

These papers do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, James Kantor Papers. There are also prosecution records from the Yutars in the personal collection of businessman Douw Steyn and in the National Archives (transferred from Brenthurst Library).


Rivonia Trial: Quartus De Wet/Bram Fischer/Dr Percy Yutar

SABC English Service broadcast. Recordings of the proceedings during the Rivonia Trial. Includes recordings of Judge President Quartus De Wet, the prosecutor Dr Percy Yutar and counsel for the defence Bram Fischer. Mandela appears as Accused number 1. Dated 3 December 1963.

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

South African History Archive Poster Collection

Forms part of Struggles for Justice Archival Collection at SAHA. In the formative years, SAHA was managed by non-archivists, who applied library techniques to their collection, arrangement and description activities. Materials were catalogued by subject and/or physical medium, with very little attention paid to preserving documentation in accordance with its original context or what is referred to as ‘provenance’ in archival discourse. This approach saw the emergence of six collections one of which was the Poster Collection. The collection dates mainly from the 1980s and 1990s. There are duplicate copies for a substantial proportion of the items. Posters acquired by Historical Papers are also included in this collection. All items are retrievable on a database. The book Images of Defiance: South African Resistance Posters of the 1980s (Raven Press, Johannesburg, 1991)
reproduced 327 items from the collection. Slides of the latter are also available
(see AL2432). A few individual posters relating to the Rivonia Trial are: Poster 181 (SN1096) "Release Mandela Campaign Remembers Rivonia Trial" from 1985 (?) from Release Mandela Campaign and Poster 1049 (SN599) "We remember Rivonia and life-serving prisoners: Release all political prisoners" from Release Mandela Campaign, UDF, COSATU, SAYCO from 1987 (?).

South African History Archive (SAHA)

Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection

-Books and other published material related to Rivonia Trial including "Rivonia Unmasked" by Lauritz Strydom (Voortrekker Pers, Johannesburg). Published in January 1965 immediately after the Rivonia Trial, this book puts across the State's view of the trial. It has a Foreword by B J Vorster and an Introduction by Percy Yutar.
-Archival documents, maps and photographs from other institutions used as research and/or for displays
-Documents re Liliesleaf Farm development.

These records do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection, James Kantor Papers, Percy Yutar Papers.


Denis Kuny Papers

Court records and other documents relating to trials in which Kuny (an advocate) was involved, including the Rivonia Trial where Denis Kuny was junior counsel. One box of Rivonia Trial material contains: A1.1 Indictments 1963 ; A1.2 Motion to quash the indictment 1963 ; A1.3 Defence requests for further particulars and the State's reply thereto; A1.4 Documents relating to Accused no 8 (James Kantor) including affidavit, request for particulars, petition, notes and a press cutting.

Records still in process.

Kuny, Denis

Records of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS)

Memoranda and other documents on political trials, conscientious objection, detentions, repression and the ANC Constitutional Committee. Section P1 Political Trials contains reports and documents concerning political trials in South Africa, including amongst others:
-Treason Trial (from: Political Science Quarterly)
-Mandela speech from the Dock (Rivonia Trial 1964)
-State vs. Dean of Johannesburg (1972)
-The trial of the 13 (Ngkungwana and others) By Shauna Westcott
-Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim vs. the Apartheid State. By Rudi Boon
-The Passtoors trial. By Willem C van Manen
-Political Trials, South Africa 1976-1979. By Glenn Moss
-Security and related Trials in SA July 1976-May 1977 (SAIRR)
-Security Trials 1978 by Linda Ensor
-Letter from Judge Didcott to John Dugard re Andrew Zondo
-Delmas Trial 1980s
-Upington (Paballelo) 1989
-‘The Sun Will Rise’ statements from the dock by SA political prisoners (Sobukwe, Mandela, Sisulu, Motsoaledi, Mlangeni, Mkwayi, Fischer, ja Toivo, Tuhadeleni, April, Lekota, Mokoape, Suttner, Sexwale, Tsiki, Ramokgadi, Seko, Nkosi, Mothlanthe) Ed Mary Benson, 1981
-Political trials seminar. 19-21 May 1989
-Political prisoner status: Namibia 1989/1990

Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS)

Records of the Students' Resource Centre, University of Witwatersrand

Reports, pamphlets, minutes, publications, statements and photographs relating to NUSAS and SASPU, as well as miscellaneous information on various anti-apartheid and other organisations. A19.3 Publications and Media contain two items on Rivonia: A19.3.4: Rivonia - Tweny Years: A Resource Pack (published by ADAC) and A19.3.7: An Overview: Rivonia Trial (pamphlet).

Students' Resource Centre, University of the Witwaterand

Records of the African National Congress (ANC)

Constitution, minutes, reports, resolutions, Treason Trial legal records, press statements, speeches, correspondence, press clippings, pamphlets, periodicals, notes, and items on the A.N.C. Youth League and the A.N.C. Women's League together with other organisations such as the All African Convention, All African People's Conference and the South African Congress of Democrats. Subjects are apartheid, African nationalism, passes, education, Freedom Charter and the activities of the ANC in exile. Forms part of the archives of the South African Institute of Race Relations. Two items relate to the Rivonia Trial under Fa: Policy statements by ANC and related organisations (1946-1973): Fa46 "Stand by our leaders" (1964, 1 p.Ts. Asking for a boycott for 12 June when Rivonia Trialists will be sentenced) and Fa47 "The message of Rivonia" (1964, 1p. Ts.).

African National Congress (ANC)

Liliesleaf Farm Artefact Collection

Artefacts and fragments from archaeological dig conducted at Liliesleaf Farm; artefacts in exhibits in the Museum; Hinterland truck used to smuggle arms into South Africa in 1980s and documentation on it; Awaiting Trial card from 1963 and notes passed between accused and lawyers during the Trial. For example, "Jimmy Kantor, Jolly Good Work. Denis"

These artefacts do not necessarily form a collection discrete from other Liliesleaf Farm collections but have been listed as such for ease of reference. Also see entries for Harold and Annemarie Wolpe Papers, Liliesleaf Farm Audio-Visual Collection, James Kantor Papers, Liliesleaf Farm/Rivonia Trial Research Collection, Percy Yutar Papers.


The Great Malavi Medal from the King of Morocco

Certificate recognizing Mr Mandela as the recipient of the Great Alavi Medal from the King of Morocco in recognition of Mandela's standing with the King. Translation is included and well as a form for the recipient to sign, Morocco

King of Morocco

Nelson Mandela Bridge in Braamfontein, Johannesburg

The largest cable-stayed bridge in South Africa (284m). Links the cultural precinct of Newtown and Braamfontein with other key areas identified in the inner city renewal project of the City of Johannesburg. The bridge was opened by Nelson Mandela in 2003. It won an award for outstanding civil engineering achievement by the South African Institute of Civil Engineers (SAICE).

African National Congress Video Unit

African National Congress
Footage on Nelson Mandela, s travels throughout the world after his release from prison -dates from 1990- 1997.

African National Congress (ANC) Video Unit

Ballinger Family Papers

Ballinger papers focussing on Anti- Apartheid and trade union struggles, in the collection there is correspondents Department of native Affairs Messrs Mandela and Tambo (Attorneys and the Native Commissioner (Zeerust) disputes between of the Bahurutse. Correspondence requesting help for Nelson Mandela Studying LLB at the University of the Witwatersrand.


Edwin Cameron

Correspondence to Nelson Mandela from Cameron 5 December re history of living with HIV & AIDS (accompanied by correspondence with Dr. Malegapuru Makgoba). Speech by Nelson Mandela during the centenary celebrations of the Rhodes Trust 02 July 2003 (accompanied by a BBC news internet article)

Cameron, Edwin

Centre for Applied Legal Studies 1980-1999

Report and correspondence of the commission of inquiry on the demonstration of May 21 1991 in relation to the suspension of Winnie Mandela and the members of the women's league.
ANC speeches, statements including the speech delivered by Nelson Mandela on his release on 11 February 1990.

Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS)

Ecumenical Monitoring

The Ecumenical Monitoring programme was established to monitor South African events up to the National elections in 1994. In the collection there is a Joint Statement by Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi at the Royal Hotel in March 1 1994.

Ecumenical monitoring

End Conscription Campaign

Material of the End Conscription Campaign, correspondence includes a letter to Nelson Mandela and lobbying letters to organisations.

End conscription campaign

Helen Joseph

Collection of papers built by Helen Joseph during her lifetime, these relate to her personal fight against
apartheid. The collection has papers on her involvement in politics, the Human rights Welfare Committee, the 1956 Treason trial, banning banishment, house arrests relationship with Nelson Mandela and his family - Nelson and Winnie Mandela - Release Mandela Campaign

Joseph, Helen

Lillian Ngoyi

Papers of Lillian Masediba Ngoyi the collection is made up of Lillian Ngoyi's biography, Newsclippings and lots of correspondence that Mrs Ngoyi wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Allan in Switzerland among the letters expressing there are two letters referring to Mr. Nelson Mandela. In one letter Mrs. Ngoyi expresses pleasure that the South African authorities granted her permission to visit Nelson Mandela. The other letter is written while travelling in the train to Cape Town to meet Nelson Mandela, Mrs Ngoyi describes the scenery in detail and expresses the joy of being able to travel without any restrictions and further explains that he expects to be see Madiba on the 25th August 1973.

Ngoyi, Lilian

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