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South Africa Awards, tributes and honours
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Nelson Mandela Monument in Mvezo, Eastern Cape

The monument forms part of the Nelson Mandela Museum, a development that also comprises the proposed Nelson Mandela Youth and Heritage Centre at Qunu, a few meters from Mandela's home, and a museum in Mthatha that houses gifts and awards.

Sea slug called Mandelia Micocornata named after Mandela by the marine biologists, Angel Vlades and Terry Gosliner who discovered it, as an honour to him

It is regarded as something of an honour to have a species of organism named after you. To have a genus named after you is even more of an honour because new genera are less often named than new species. However, an even greater honour is to have a family named after you because new families are rarely created. Valdés & Gosliner (1999) honoured Nelson Mandela by naming a genus and family of seaslug (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) after him. Mandelia mirocornata has only been recorded along the coast line of the Cape Peninsula.

Order of Mapungubwe, Platinum

One of South Africa's National Orders. Awarded to Mandela for his exceptional and unequalled contribution to the liberation struggle, national reconciliation and nation-building in South Africa, and for his unwavering commitment to peace and justice in the world. Presented by President Thabo Mbeki. Mandela was the first recipient of the order in the Platinum class.

The Great Malavi Medal from the King of Morocco

Certificate recognizing Mr Mandela as the recipient of the Great Alavi Medal from the King of Morocco in recognition of Mandela's standing with the King. Translation is included and well as a form for the recipient to sign, Morocco

King of Morocco

Perspex key on plastic and marble base

Plaque reads: This is the District Apartheid once destroyed. Mandela was the first foreigner to receive it. Mandela was the first foreigner to receive it. This is the District recaptured with sadness and joy. Honorary residency bestowed on Comrade Mandela on 11 February 2004.

Third Juliet Hollister Award was presented to Nelson Mandela during a plenary gathering in the Parliament of the World religions in Cape Town

This award is given annually to religious and secular leaders who actively promote interfaith values. The presentation of the award to Mr Mandela recognizes his struggle for freedom and tolerance in South Africa and lifts up his model of reconciliation with non-violence.
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