Proceedings of the launch of the roll out of the antiretrovirals at the Siyaphilala community centre in Lusikisiki. Community members congregate at the hall with CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation John Samuel, Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV programme Dr Connie Kganaga,Medicin Sans Frontier head of mission Dr Eric Goemaere, Eastern Cape Health MEC Dr Monwabisi Goqwana opening and praying in the hall.
The proceedings of the Nelson Mandela Foundation associated with TAC and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the fight against HIV/AIDS at the Mantlaneni district in Lusikisiki. The program focuses on people coming to test and receiving counseling and getting education and the use anti- retrovirals. Community members speak about how they got tested and know about their HIV/AIDS status and about the staff shortage challenge in their local clinic.
Proceedings of the launch of anti retroviral medicine roll out by the Siyaphila la programme in Lusikisiki. Community being educated on the advantages of HIV/AIDS testing, use of condoms, people getting HIV/AIDS tested, receiving HIV/AIDS education and counselling. People educated on how to care for the infected and the affected people getting and being educated on how to take care of people who use anti-retroviral medication.
The series consists of 31 photographs with Madiba and great-grandson Ziyanda Manaway taken on 10 September 2009 for the launch of the children's version of Nelson Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom.
The authorised portrait book launch includes footage of Nelson Mandela in conversation with Mac Maharaj, Ahmed Kathy Kathrada, Ruth Hobday, and Geoff Blackwell of PQ Blackwell interviewing the three stalwarts. (PQ Blackwell are the publishers from New Zealand). Professor Jakes Gerwel welcomes all visitors, with President Thabo Mbeki in attendance.
Formal proceedings at the community hall in Lusikisiki with Contralesa Chief Pathekile Holomisa as the Master of Ceremony, John Samuel CEO Nelson Mandela Foundation and Dr Eric Goemaere MSF Coordinator in South Africa.
The proceedings of the Siyaphila la programme in Lusikisiki clinic with community members being informed about the advantages of HIV/AIDS testing, use of condoms, nurses conducting HIV/AIDS tests, community members receiving HIV/AIDS education and counselling from people who are ling with HIV/AIDS. Education of community memberson how to care for the infected and the infected people receiving education on how to use anti-retroviral medication.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation HIV/AIDS programme visit one of the sites in Lusikisiki the programme manager Dr Connie Kganakga, CEO John Samuel and Dr Heiko Roel visit the village clinic in Lusikisiki and are taken on a tour of the clinic. The sister shares experiences with the Foundation staff and tells them of the programmes successes and challenges. In the clinic there are several activities such as the importance of support groups, there is know your status campaign with people disclosing their HIV/AIDS statuses and the talks that discourage stigma towards the people who have the HIV virus.
The Launch of Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run 2018 at the Nelson Mandela Foundation. An audience and participants, a presentation on the history of the Mandela remembrance walk and run and speakers for launch.
Launch of the ''Mandalas for Mandela'' exhibition. A collaboration between the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Arts Alive and Imbali Visual Arts and the Constitution Hill. The exhibition comprises Mandalas from students from 26 Gauteng schools. It was launched at Constitution Hill on 6 September 2011 to coincide with the Arts Alive festival.
Launch of the trailer of the movie and two press conferences with the director and members of the cast of the movie "Long Walk to Freedom"at the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Launch of the multi-year partnership between the NMF and PepsiCo, concentrating on girls and women. Including a visit to Mandela's office, a tour of the archive and viewing of the temporary exhibition 'Unthreading Mandela'.
Footage on the proceedings of the launch of the exhibition and book Reflections in prison. In the same event Nelson Mandela receives the notebooks that mysteriously went missing after a raid in prison. Donald Card an official in prison returns them to Nelson Mandela at the Nelson Mandela Foundation offices in Houghton, Johannesburg.
Video on proceedings on the launch of the exhibition Parenting a Nation with Nelson Mandela, Frene Ginwala, Gertrude Shope,Rica Hodgson, Desmond Tutu, Max Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Mrs Mennel, and Achmat Dangor.
Lusikisiki community in dialogue and participation with the Eastern Cape t who attended the launch of the HIV /AIDS roll in response to previous speakers, address by Dr Monwabisi Goqwana Eastern Cape MEC for Health and by Dr Connie Kganakga HIV/AIDS Programme from the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Siyaphila la programme proceedings during the launch HIV/AIDS roll out in Lusikisiki. The clinic conducts HIV/AIDS education with the people sharing their HIV/AIDS status and advise people on how to deal with their HIV virus. Infected people share information on the type of HIV medication they use to deal with the various opportunistic diseases caused by the HIV virus. People in the community ask questions about the stage that they are entitled to get the grant.
More than 80 communications Directors from companies, associations, government institutions, NGOs and universities gathered at the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) to found the African Association of Communication Directors (AACD), Houghton, Johannesburg.
The launch of the coffee table book ‘Mandela: The Authorised Portrait’ with Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Albie Sachs, Ahmed Kathrada, Trevor Manuel, Jakes Gerwel, Graça Machel and others. Some nice photos of Mandela and others with the book cover behind them.
Photos of the launch of the 2014 International Nelson Mandela Day at the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Group photo and portraits of the NMF trustees taken by Flow. Shots of the Nelson Mandela Foundation exhibition.
Interview of a community member Sthembiso who affected by and living with the HIV/AIDS virus. Sthembiso is a volunteer for Medecins Sans Frontieres now involved with counseling other community members who are positive, involved with arrangement of home visits for the people who are ill.
Proceeding of a book launch Tracing the unbreakable thread, held at Constitutional Hill, by South African History Archive in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Hanns Seidel Foundation. People Julie Fredrickse, panellists Ms Obenewa Amponsah (CEO, Steve Biko Foundation), Mr Neeshan Balton (CEO, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation), and Mr Sello Hatang (CEO, Nelson Mandela Foundation).