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Awards, tributes and honours
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Statement on JM Coetzee receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2003
Statement on JM Coetzee receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2003
Civic honours and related
Civic honours and related
Freedom of select Cities and Boroughs in the United Kindom with 9 signatories in support of his resistance to Apartheid
Freedom of select Cities and Boroughs in the United Kindom with 9 signatories in support of his resistance to Apartheid
Freedom of the City of Heidelberg
Freedom of the City of Heidelberg
Honorary Freedom of the City of Howick from the Howick Transitional Council
Honorary Freedom of the City of Howick from the Howick Transitional Council
Freedom of the City of Bloemfontein
Freedom of the City of Bloemfontein
Freedom of the City of Cape Town
Freedom of the City of Cape Town
Freedom of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Freedom of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Freedom of the City of Ushuaia
Freedom of the City of Ushuaia
Honorary Freedom of the City of Omagh in Northern Ireland by the Omagh District Council
Honorary Freedom of the City of Omagh in Northern Ireland by the Omagh District Council
Freedom of the City of Liverpool
Freedom of the City of Liverpool
Honorary Freeman of the District of Midlothian, Glasgow
Honorary Freeman of the District of Midlothian, Glasgow
Freedom of the Borough of Islwyn, Wales
Freedom of the Borough of Islwyn, Wales
Freedom of the City of Bristol City Council
Freedom of the City of Bristol City Council
Free Burgess and Guild Brother of the City and Royal Burgh of Aberdeen
Free Burgess and Guild Brother of the City and Royal Burgh of Aberdeen
Key of the City of Enugu State, Nigeria
Key of the City of Enugu State, Nigeria
Citizen title of Zumbi dos Palmares from the Centre for the Study of Black Culture in Vitoria, Brazil
Citizen title of Zumbi dos Palmares from the Centre for the Study of Black Culture in Vitoria, Brazil
Mandela received the Key to the City of Chicago during his visit on 14 July 1993 as well as a resolution from the City Council paying tribute to the contributions of Nelson Mandela to freedom and racial harmony
Mandela received the Key to the City of Chicago during his visit on 14 July 1993 as well as a resolution from the City Council paying tribute to the contributions of Nelson Mandela to freedom and racial harmony
Freedom of the City of Boksburg
Freedom of the City of Boksburg
Honorary Citizenships
Honorary Citizenships
Honorary Citizenship of the State of Washington
Honorary Citizenship of the State of Washington
Honorary Citizen of Cesena
Honorary Citizen of Cesena
Honorary Citizen of the City of Macerata
Honorary Citizen of the City of Macerata
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Siano
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Siano
Honorary Citizenen of Bologna
Honorary Citizenen of Bologna
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Thionville
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Thionville
Honorary Citizenship of Maryland conferred by the Governor, Parris N
Honorary Citizenship of Maryland conferred by the Governor, Parris N
Honorary Citizenship from Sindaco Maurizio Fistarof
Honorary Citizenship from Sindaco Maurizio Fistarof
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Ivrea
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Ivrea
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Tromso
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Tromso
Resolution by the City of Saint Paul to award Nelson Mandela with a Honorary Citizenship
Resolution by the City of Saint Paul to award Nelson Mandela with a Honorary Citizenship
Civitas Europae of the City of Brussels
Civitas Europae of the City of Brussels
Honorary freedom of the City of Omagh, Northern Ireland
Honorary freedom of the City of Omagh, Northern Ireland
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Florence conferred by the Mayor of Florence
Honorary Citizenship of the City of Florence conferred by the Mayor of Florence
Honorary Citizenship of nine municipalities: Egaleo, Ellenikon, Glyfada, Ilioupolis, Daissariani, New Filadelfia, Nikaea, Preveza and Zogrofu
Honorary Citizenship of nine municipalities: Egaleo, Ellenikon, Glyfada, Ilioupolis, Daissariani, New Filadelfia, Nikaea, Preveza and Zogrofu
Honorary Citizen from the City of Windhoek local authority council
Honorary Citizen from the City of Windhoek local authority council
Order of the Aztec Eagle was presented to Mr Mandela by the Mexican Ambassador to South Africa on Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Mexico's Independence
Order of the Aztec Eagle was presented to Mr Mandela by the Mexican Ambassador to South Africa on Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Mexico's Independence
Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St John from Queen Elizabeth II
Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St John from Queen Elizabeth II
Order of Mapungubwe, Platinum
Order of Mapungubwe, Platinum
Order of the Starra Planini
Order of the Starra Planini
Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia, Canberra
Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia, Canberra
Knight of the Royal Order of the Seraphim from Sweden
Knight of the Royal Order of the Seraphim from Sweden
Highest order of Japan, the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum was presented to Mandela by Emperor Akihito at Akasaka Palace
Highest order of Japan, the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum was presented to Mandela by Emperor Akihito at Akasaka Palace
Order of the Liberator San Martin from the government of Argentina
Order of the Liberator San Martin from the government of Argentina
Grand Cross of the National Order of the Legion of Honour from the Republic of France
Grand Cross of the National Order of the Legion of Honour from the Republic of France
Dr Antonio Agostinho Neto Order, the highest honour of the People's Republic of Angola
Dr Antonio Agostinho Neto Order, the highest honour of the People's Republic of Angola
Order of the Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron ) awarded by President Fidel Castro
Order of the Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron ) awarded by President Fidel Castro
Order of Friendship and Peace - first grade from the Republic of Mozambique
Order of Friendship and Peace - first grade from the Republic of Mozambique
Soka University Award of Highest Honour
Soka University Award of Highest Honour
Order of Rio Branco in the grade of Master from the Republic of Brazil
Order of Rio Branco in the grade of Master from the Republic of Brazil
The Great Malavi Medal from the King of Morocco
The Great Malavi Medal from the King of Morocco
Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion from the Republic of Senegal
Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion from the Republic of Senegal
Receives a certificate appointing Mandela as Honorary Queen's Counsel from the British House of Lords, and signed by Queen Elizabeth II
Receives a certificate appointing Mandela as Honorary Queen's Counsel from the British House of Lords, and signed by Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal created to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the Throne and granted to Mr. Mandela by the Governor General of Canada for his dedicated service to his peers, his community and to Canada
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal created to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the Throne and granted to Mr. Mandela by the Governor General of Canada for his dedicated service to his peers, his community and to Canada
Award of recognition conferred to Mr Mandela by the Vice Foreign Minister for Africa of Venezuela, Dr Reinaldo Bolivar
Award of recognition conferred to Mr Mandela by the Vice Foreign Minister for Africa of Venezuela, Dr Reinaldo Bolivar
Award presented to Mr Mandela on the occasion of his visit to Trinidad and Tobago from the President of the Rebublic
Award presented to Mr Mandela on the occasion of his visit to Trinidad and Tobago from the President of the Rebublic
Perspex key on plastic and marble base
Perspex key on plastic and marble base
Merit of Gold for his service to Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) from the Minister of Defense
Merit of Gold for his service to Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) from the Minister of Defense
Certificate of a joint resolution to honour Nelson Mandela by the State of Maine
Certificate of a joint resolution to honour Nelson Mandela by the State of Maine
Certificate welcoming Mr Mandela to Louisiana and recognizing his contributions to the world from US Senator Mary L
Certificate welcoming Mr Mandela to Louisiana and recognizing his contributions to the world from US Senator Mary L
Campania Award for Peace and Human Rights
Campania Award for Peace and Human Rights
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas for Lifetime Achievements
Congressional Recognition of the Congress of Texas for Lifetime Achievements
Award recognising Mr Mandela's life contributions from the Afro-Anglo-Caribbean Community
Award recognising Mr Mandela's life contributions from the Afro-Anglo-Caribbean Community
City Council of Nairobi presented Mr Mandela with the Coat of Arms
City Council of Nairobi presented Mr Mandela with the Coat of Arms
Shield with Coat of Arms of the City of Gold Coast presented on the occasion of the World Life-Saving Championships
Shield with Coat of Arms of the City of Gold Coast presented on the occasion of the World Life-Saving Championships
Medal of the Church of the Virgin Mary from the City of Spilimbergo
Medal of the Church of the Virgin Mary from the City of Spilimbergo
Award from the City of Aulla for his commitment to peace
Award from the City of Aulla for his commitment to peace
Honorary Citation from the City of Macerata
Honorary Citation from the City of Macerata
Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders from Union County congratulating Mandela on being elected President and declaring May 22-29 1994 as "Nelson Mandela and Youth of South Africa week"
Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders from Union County congratulating Mandela on being elected President and declaring May 22-29 1994 as "Nelson Mandela and Youth of South Africa week"
Citation recognizing Mr Mandela's demonstration of leadership, courage and strenght from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusettets
Citation recognizing Mr Mandela's demonstration of leadership, courage and strenght from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusettets
Award of Appreciation from the People of the Cayman Islands
Award of Appreciation from the People of the Cayman Islands
Shield of Liberty from Liberia
Shield of Liberty from Liberia
Miguel Aleman Velasco Medal from the City of Veracruz
Miguel Aleman Velasco Medal from the City of Veracruz
Recognition and Appreciation Award from the Educational International Africa Region and All Africa Teachers Organisation
Recognition and Appreciation Award from the Educational International Africa Region and All Africa Teachers Organisation
Special Welcome and Appreciation from the South African Embassy in Bangkok for Ten years of Freedom
Special Welcome and Appreciation from the South African Embassy in Bangkok for Ten years of Freedom
California State University Los Angeles esteem and admiration citation
California State University Los Angeles esteem and admiration citation
Fleetwatch Friend of the Trucking Industry Award from Fleetwatch
Fleetwatch Friend of the Trucking Industry Award from Fleetwatch
Fivehunderd Years of Discovery of America 1492-1992
Fivehunderd Years of Discovery of America 1492-1992
Governor's Award from Lions International District 323-A1
Governor's Award from Lions International District 323-A1
The MESAB Service Award presented to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, whose courage, vision and generosity of spirit insprires the world
The MESAB Service Award presented to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, whose courage, vision and generosity of spirit insprires the world
Recognition from the State of Louisiana
Recognition from the State of Louisiana
Harvest Celebration 1659-2003 honour from KWV
Harvest Celebration 1659-2003 honour from KWV
India Leadership Conclave 2009
India Leadership Conclave 2009
One Million Dream Balls for Africa from Hyundai Motor Company and One Million Balls for Africa
One Million Dream Balls for Africa from Hyundai Motor Company and One Million Balls for Africa
Presented posthumously to Nelson Mandela: for his exemplary Leadership, Sacrifice and Committlemt to the dignity and respect for all Mankind by Congo Solidario
Presented posthumously to Nelson Mandela: for his exemplary Leadership, Sacrifice and Committlemt to the dignity and respect for all Mankind by Congo Solidario
Recognition from the Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church
Recognition from the Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church
Recognition of outstanding service and sacrifice from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Recognition of outstanding service and sacrifice from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Honorary Doctorate in Laws from the University of the Free State
Honorary Doctorate in Laws from the University of the Free State
Honorary Degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Honorary Degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Honorary Doctorate in Laws from Trinity College
Honorary Doctorate in Laws from Trinity College
Honorary doctorate from the University of Leiden
Honorary doctorate from the University of Leiden
Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Durban-Westville (now part of the University of KwaZulu Natal)
Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Durban-Westville (now part of the University of KwaZulu Natal)
Honorary Doctoral Degree from the University of South Australia, conferred by the former Chancellor the Honourable Dr Basil Hetzel Acat the University of Fort Hare
Honorary Doctoral Degree from the University of South Australia, conferred by the former Chancellor the Honourable Dr Basil Hetzel Acat the University of Fort Hare
Honorary degree from the De Montfort University presented during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary degree from the De Montfort University presented during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Degree from University of Warwick presented during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Degree from University of Warwick presented during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University from Glasgow Caledonian University during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University from Glasgow Caledonian University during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Doctor in Laws from the Morris Brown College
Honorary Doctor in Laws from the Morris Brown College
Honorary Doctor of Science (Economics) from the University of London during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Doctor of Science (Economics) from the University of London during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Nottingham during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Nottingham during a ceremony in the garden of Buckingham Palace along with other universities
Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Results 1 to 100 of 2201