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Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory Unknown
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Anonymous Photo Donation

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/75
  • Series
  • 1960s-1990s
This collection consists of 12 photographs taken over a period of time, created by several photographers and used by The Sowetan newspaper in South Africa.


Mozambican order of arrest

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/11
  • Series
  • 1961-10-27
Copies of documents of the Governor of Lourenço Marques, Mozambique, and one photo of Mandela, stuck on black cardboard.
In Portuguese. English translation available.


Afrapix Collective, 1980s, South Africa: [Set of 23 Still Images]

Afrapix was a documentary photographers' collective established by a small group of black and white photographers and political activists in 1982. It played a seminal role in the development of a socially informed school of documentary photography in apartheid South Africa. The group produced some of the most compelling photographic statements on apartheid and the popular uprising in the 1980s.Some nine photographers are represented in this small collection.

Cobbins, Julian

Mandela's visit to Gabon in 1991

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/42
  • Series
  • 1991-02-16
Series of photos of Mandela’s visit to Gabon and the Omar Bongo University.


Mandela: The Authorised Portrait

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/10
  • Series
  • 2005
Material collected in the course of preparing the book “Mandela: The Authorised Portrait”: 54 typed interview transcripts; 55 cassette tapes; 9 digital audio mini disks (with interviews); 7 3.5" floppy disks (transcripts), with data transferred to 1 CD. The interviews were carried out by Tim Couzens and Amina Frense in 2005.



The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focus of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.


Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) receives Mandela Portrait painting by Marlene Dumas, 2009, Houghton: [Set of 15 Still Images]

Dutch Ambassador Rob de Vos hands over a portrait painting of Nelson Mandela by the South African painter Marlene Dumas. The portrait is received by then Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Achmat Dangor. Also with Sello Hatang, Verne Harris and Boniswa Qabaka.


Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital site dedication

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/83
  • Series
  • 2009-07-31
Photos of the preferred site dedication ceremony for the establishment of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital on the occasion of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (NMCF) Annual Children’s Celebration.


Thurgood Marshall College Fund honours Nelson Mandela, 2009.09, Hougton: [Set of Seven Still Images]

Verne Harris receives the 2009 International Thurgood Marshall Breaking Barriers Award from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) on behalf of Nelson Mandela. The handover event was held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Houghton, Johannesburg. Mr Sello Hatang is also present. The award can be found in the Nelson Mandela Awards Collection under # A0070.

Unknown Interview of Achmat Dangor

  • Series
  • 2010
Interview of Achmat Dangor, the CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, for the e.TV program Inside Out on
1. The work of the Foundation
2. The Centre of Memory and Dialogue
3. The 7th Nelson Mandela Annual lecture
4. Nelson Mandela Day
5. 46664
6. Achmat Dangor's work as a writer.


Jamaica, 2013: [Set of Three Still Images]

First picture is an activity for Mandela Day organized by Scotia Bank, “Take a child to work” where students were addressed by Mrs. Shirley Hoyana on Mr Mandela’s work ethics.
The last two pictures are kids at the Middleton Primary school where the Mission celebrated the Nelson Mandela Day.


Japan, 2013: [Set of Two Still Images]

In celebration of ‘Mandela Day’ the Mission identified the disabled as a sector of the Japanese society that is disadvantaged. It learned about the concept of Swan bakeries and recognised the values as similar to those of the spirit of Nelson Mandela emphasising ‘social cohesion’. In this regard, embassy staff spent the morning of Saturday 18 July at the Swan bakery in Akasaka teaching the staff to cook famous South African dishes such as Bobotie, magwenya and milk tart. At the end of the cooking session, the embassy staff and their family members sat down with the employees of the bakery and had a marvellous lunch that had been jointly prepared.


Tshifudi Primary School Library Handover, 2015.04.22, Phaswana: [Set of 216 Still Images]

Happy Science, a Tokyo-based international religious organisation, handed over a Mandela Day Container Library to Tshifudi Primary School in Tshifudi Village, Vhembe Municipality, Limpopo, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF).
After the passing of Mr. Nelson Mandela, Happy Science established HS Nelson Mandela Fund as its internal fund in order to advance in the will of Mr. Mandela; aiming to nurture future leaders of the world and support people who cannot receive education due to poverty, or racial, gender and caste discrimination, people who are opposed by their government and people who cannot receive medical treatment.


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