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Norwegian Labour Movement: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Press Clippings Collection
Norwegian Action Against Apartheid
Norwegian Action Against Apartheid
Norwegian Action Against Apartheid
Norwegian Action Against Apartheid
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement
International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement
Statement of the Deputy President of the African National Congress comrade Nelson Mandela to the International Conference on 'The Anatomy of Hate' Oslo 26th August,1990
Statement of the Deputy President of the African National Congress comrade Nelson Mandela to the International Conference on 'The Anatomy of Hate' Oslo 26th August,1990
Common Council for Southern Africa
Common Council for Southern Africa
Acceptance speech of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony
Acceptance speech of the President of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Photographic Collection
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: Photographic Collection
Nobel peace prize 1993: Nelson Mandela, FW de Klerk
Nobel peace prize 1993: Nelson Mandela, FW de Klerk
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
Landsorganisasjonens Internasjonale Avdeling
President Nelson Mandela's message to the 1994 Nobel Peace Laureates
President Nelson Mandela's message to the 1994 Nobel Peace Laureates
Mahatma M.K. Gandhi Prize for Non-Violent Peace from the Mahatma M.K. Gandhi Foundation for Non-Violent Peace
Mahatma M.K. Gandhi Prize for Non-Violent Peace from the Mahatma M.K. Gandhi Foundation for Non-Violent Peace