Youth in Dialogue with Doctor Mo Ibrahim, 2013.08, Johannesburg: [Set of 101 Images]
- ZA COM NMFPC-AL2013-AL2013-2-AL2013-2-4
- subsubseries
- 2013.08
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Youth in Dialogue with Doctor Mo Ibrahim, 2013.08, Johannesburg: [Set of 101 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Yeoville workshop, 2009, Yeoville: [Set of 182 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Yeoville Community, 2010, Yeoville (South Africa): [Set of 19 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Yase Godlo, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 47 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Godlo, Yase
Yase Godlo, 2015.06.05, Klipspruit: [Set of 59 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Godlo, Yase
Women in Dialogue with Professor Mo Ibrahim, 2013.08, Tshwane: [Set of 139 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Women in Dialogue with Mo ibrahim, 2013.08, Johannesburg: [Set of 221 images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Blue Media
Wits, 1996, Johannesburg:[Set of Seven Images]
Wits University Archive
Wits Pogrund Collection, 1978.03.11, Graaff Reinet: [Set of 2 Still Images]
Wits Historical Papers
Wits Historical Papers 1970s, South Africa: [Set of 14 Images]
Wits Historical Papers
Western Cape Community dialogue, 2009.05.16: [Set of 54 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Visit to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2012.08.08, Houghton: [Set of 10 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Various photographers, 1950s-1970s, South Africa: [Set of 9 Still Images]
University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape: [Set of 2 Still Images]
United Nations, South Africa: [Set of 12 Images]
United Nations (UN)
United Nations, South Africa and USA: [Set of Five Images]
United Nations (UN)
Treatment Action Compaign, 2002.12.13, Cape Town: [Set of Two Images]
Treatment Action Compaign (TAC)
Training Workshop, 2009.04.30: [Set of 120 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Training of facilitators for Community Dialogues, 2010.04, Houghton: [Set of 147 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Tour of the NMF Archives, 2008.07.11, Houghton: [Set of 35 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Times Media, C2000, Houghton: [1 Still Image]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Blue Media
Thaba Nchu community conversation, 2008.06.26, Thaba Nchu: [Set of 80 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of Prison Collection
Student Protests/Shut Down/Commission of Enquiry
Part of Jakes Gerwel Collection
Story telling at Bertams primary school, 2010.07.30, Johannesburg: [Set of 78 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
State Commemoration Freedom Park, 2014.12.05, Pretoria: [Set of 96 Images]
van der Stoep, Yolanda
Start of building Menzi Home for disabled children, 2017.02.10, Tsakane:[Set of 92 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Hearfield, Rebecca
Star, First half 1990s, South Africa: [Set of Two Still Images]
Soshanguve Community, 2010, Soshanguve (South Africa): [Set of 64 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Soshanguve Community, 2008, Soshanguve: [Set of 132 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Ngwenya, Juda
Sello Hatang, 2016.03.31-2017.04.01, Cape Town: [Set of 44 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Hatang, Sello Koos
Screening of the documentary about Dorfman at NMF, 2010.07, Houghton: [Set of 86 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Sahm Venter, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 20 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Venter, Sahm
Sahm Venter, 1990s, Qunu: [Set of Four Images]
Venter, Sahm
Reuters, 1997.07, London: 1 [Still Image]
Stone, Dennis
Reference Group Meeting, 2009.07.16, Houghton: [Set of 29 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Razia Saleh, 2016.03.31-2017.04.01, Cape Town: [Set of 54 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Saleh, Razia
Ralph Ndawo, South Africa: [Set of 2 Still Images]
Ndawo, Ralph
"Purgatoria" reading in Baxter Theatre, 2010.07.24, Cape Town: [Set of 57 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
van Zyl, Anita
Part of Prison Collection
Pretoria news, 1963-1964, Tshwane: [Set of Two Still Images]
Press release of the movie " Long Walk to Freedom", 2013.11.01, Houghton: [Set of 343 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Lerole, Tumelo
Press Conference, 2008.07.09, Houghton: [Set of 21 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Press conference with Idris Elba, 2013.11.04, Houghton: [Set of 89 Images]
Part of 5.2 NMF - Functions and events
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Press Conference at the NMF, 2011.07.21, Houghton: [Set of 62 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Press Association, 1996.07.09, London: [1 Still Image]
Cheskin, David
PictureNet, 1995-2005, South Africa: [Set of 13 Images]
PictureNet Africa, 1995, South Africa: [Set of Two Still Images]
Velasco, Paul
photos of the exhibition "Poisoned Pasts", 2016.10.12, Houghton: [Set of 25 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Photographs provided by Robert Sobukwe's family, 1960s-1970s, South Africa: [Set of 9 Images]
Photographs of the exhibition "On the frontline", 2015.05.04, Houghton: [Set of Nine Images]
Davies, Lee
Peter McKenzie, Mqhekezweni: [1 Still Image]
McKenzie, Peter
Peter Magubane, South Africa: [Set of 8 Still Images]
Magubane, Peter
Peter Magubane, South Africa: [Set of 22 Images]
Magubane, Peter
Paul Weinberg, 1994.05.02, Johannesburg, [1 Still Image]
Weinberg, Paul
Paul Weinberg, 1994, South Africa: [Set of Two Still Images]
Weinberg, Paul
Oryx Media Production
Opening of the exhibition "Poinoned Pasts", 2016.10.06, Houghton: [Set of 112 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Opening of the exhibition at the Albany Museum, 2013.08.31, Grahamstown: [Set of Six Images]
Rhodes University
Opening of the exhibition ‘On the frontline’, 2015.05.07, Houghton: [Set of 132 Images]
Blue Media
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
North West Province Dialogue, 2002, North West: [Set of 54 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gool, Benny
North West Province community conversation , 2008: [Set of 49 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
NMF event, 2011.07, Houghton: [Set of 64 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Konyana, Snega
NMF and Soweto tour, 2008.07.12, Johannesburg: [Set of 150 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Ngwenya, Juda
Nkomazi Community, 2010, Nkomazi (South Africa): [Set of 8 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Nelson Mandela at Wits, 1943 and 1996, Johannesburg: [Set of Two Images]
Wits University Archive
Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, 2011.07.23, Johannesburg: [Set of 139 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Konyana, Snega
Nelson Mandela 20th Annual Lecture
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Old Mutual
National Consultative Forum, 2009, Houghton: [Set of 20 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Museum Africa, circa 1919-1970s, Johannesburg: [Set of Three Images]
Museum Africa
Mthatha community conversation, 2008.09.23, Mthatha: [Set of 126 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Mpumalanga Community dialogue, 2009, Mpumalanga: [Set of 52 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Mongezi Njaju, 2016.03.31-2017.04.01, Cape Town: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Njaju, Mongezi
Mhluzi community conversation, 2008, Mhluzi: [Set of 41 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
McGregor Museum, circa1930s, Eastern Cape: [Set of Five Images]
Duggan-Cronin, Alfred Martin
Mayibuye Archives, South Africa : [Set of 13 Still Images]
Mayibuye Archives
Mayibuye Archives, 1940-1970, Africa: [Set of 23 Images]
Mayibuye Archives
Matthew Willman, Robben Island: [1 Still Image]
Willman, Matthew
William, Matthew
Mandela Legacy Cup, 2014.12.05, Johannesburg: [Set of 78 Images]
van der Stoep, Yolanda
Mandela Day reading in Athlone, 2010.07.21, Athlone (South Africa): [Set of 93 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
van Zyl, Anita
Mandela Day activity at the NMF and meeting, 2009.07.08, Houghton: [Set of 100 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Magnum, South Africa, 1994-1996: [Set of Three Images]
Part of Jakes Gerwel Collection
Lucia Raadschelders, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Davies, Lee
Limpopo Province Dialogue, 2002, Limpopo: [Set of 96 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gool, Benny
Part of Prison Collection
Lerome Community Dialogue , 2008, Lerome: [Set of 139 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lee Davies, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 85 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Davies, Lee
Leandra Community, 2010, Leandra (South Africa): [Set of 15 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Launch of the Norton Rose Fullbright initiative, 2017.02.10, Houghton: [Set of 29 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Hearfield, Rebecca
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Launch of "Conversations with Myself by Talk Radio 702", 2010.09, Johannesburg: [Set of 39 Images]
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
KZN Community dialogue, 2009, KwaZulu Natal: [Set of 40 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
KwaMakhutha community conversation, 2008, KwaMakhutha: [Set of 22 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
KwaLanga community conversation, 2008.07.23, KwaLanga: [Set of 123 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme