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Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
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Youth Rally

  • ZA COM MR-S-980
  • Item
  • 2008-06-01 - 2008-06-30
  • Part of Speeches

National Youth Festival 2008 ; Video recorded message

Worlds Aids Day: Nelson Mandela and Premier Winkie Direko, 2002.12.01, Bloemfontein: [Set of 60 Still Images]

Nelson Mandela attending the World Aids Day event with Premier Winkie Direko at Bloemfontein (South Africa). The images show: the building wrapped in aids ribbons, Opening ceremony, Mandela lighting candle, Mandela holding speech – huge ribbons as background and ‘good leaders lead’ banner, and Mandela greeting children.

Gool, Benny

Winnie Mandela

Winnie Mandela, wife of the jailed ANC leader and comments on what she stands for - Interview

When hope and history rhyme

The ninth of eleven children born to political activists Ebrahim and Fatima Asvat, Amina Cachalia's political activism and championing of women's rights was almost a preordained path with her father's connection with Mahatma Gandhi, a family tradition that started with her father's explanation of racial discrimination. When hope and history rhyme explores Amina's remarkable life from her early childhood to the women's march on the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 9 August 1956, to her banning, in 1962, for 15 years, and the trials and tribulations when her husband, Yusuf, was placed under house arrest for 25 years. The title includes details of Amina's close relationship with Nelson Mandela, from their first meeting to their poignant encounters after his release from prison in 1990.

Cachalia, Amina

What Nelson Mandela Taught Me: Timeless Lessons on Leadership and Life

When a thoughtless tweet by Zelda la Grange unleashed a storm, she was asked: ‘Have you learnt nothing from Nelson Mandela?’ This book is her answer. For years, she was the closest witness of Mandela’s interactions with people both famous and ordinary, and here she draws out his lessons on humility, respect, honesty, how to truly listen and what to do if you realise you have made a grave mistake, a lesson she herself had to learn the hard way.

la Grange, Zelda

Warrants of Committal - Nelson Mandela

  • NMAP 2010/07
  • Series
  • 1962-11-07 - 1964-06-12
Following Nelson Mandela’s sentencing on 7 November 1962, the Pretoria Magistrates Court issued a warrant committing him to prison for five years.
He had been convicted and sentenced that day to three years for on charges of “inciting to trespass laws” (to strike) and two for leaving South Africa without a passport. It was stipulated that the two sentences were to run consecutively.
The second Warrant of Committal was issued by the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa on June 12, 1964, the same day the judge handed down a sentence of life imprisonment for Mr Mandela and his colleagues, who was convicted on four counts of sabotage in the Rivonia Trial.
The first two counts were for contravening Section 21(1) of the General Laws Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No. 76 of 1962; the third in contravention of Section 11(a), read with Sections 1 and 12 of Act No. 44 of 1950; and the fourth was for contravening Section 3(1) (6), read with Section 2 of Act No. 8 of 1953 (as amended).

Supreme Court of South Africa

Unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue, 2007-2008, London: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela arriving at Parliament square in London for the unveiling of the statue crowds cheering. Speech by Richard Attenborough, speech by Wendy Woods remembers his late husband Donald Woods. Speech by Gordon Brown, Speech by Nelson Mandela informing the people about the 46664 concert in Hyde Park, dancing singing and applause when the statue is unveiled, Nelson Mandela departs.

Giant Media


The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focus of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Exhibition: South Africa

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” is the title of the virtual exhibition which was made for Mandela Day events in 2011. The title was taken from the children’s song which Nelson Mandela, in the early years after his release, would sing to and with groups of small children. This exhibition not only highlighted Nelson Mandela’s love of children; his own and the children all over the world but also their attraction to him.


The Walter Sisulu Paediatric Cardiac Centre, 2007-2008, Johannesburg: [Recorded Event]

Nelson Mandela, Albertina Sisulu, Graca Machel and Bill Clinton visits the Walter Sisulu Paediatric Cardiac Centre for Africa situated in Netcare Sunninghill Hospital in Johanessburg. The Netcare Sunninghill hospital doctors explain the ailments and procedures performed to young patients.

Giant Media

The Tanganyika Standard (Daily Newspaper in Tanzania )

Newspaper articles on South Africa 1963
Hard bargaining between western powers and South African States: Arms embargo on South Africa. Liberation a burden for all Africa, More arms support arms embargo to South Africa, End trading with South Africa Nyerere, South Africa urged to heed U.N. and strive for racial harmony: Uthant attacks apartheid, S.A. on brink of disaster, Four escape S.A. police, Escape trio on way, Cell guards coshed in escape - police: SA. Exits watched, Expel S. Africa call to U.N.: Arms blockade suggested, Mystery fire at airport delays Goldreich's arrival in Dar, Escapers due in second freedom flight, Airline doubts over safety: EAA recalls rescue plane: flight To Mbeya, Goldreich and Wolpe fly out: Stops in Federal territory avoided, ANC fearful of another kidnap plot, Beware of the avalanche South Africa told. The Hodgsons in Tanganyika and fighting on, Goldreich and Wolpe "evil traitors, Scandinavians give Verwoed a chance: Find alternative to apartheid. Daily Newspaper in Tanzania on South Africa.

Tanganyika Standard

The Nationalist (Tanzania newspaper) 1967

ANC gives its backing to UAR South African freedom day June 26; mentions defiance campaign - Nelson Mandela . South Africa expels Anglican priest , June 26, Millions mourn Luthuli , July 3. Luthuli's final failure is a tragedy of South Africa July 31. Freedom fighters, July 31. Luthuli funeral, July 31. Campaign against apartheid August 9 celebration. Albert Luthuli 's death a big blow, August 9.


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