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Kraemer, Peter
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Nelson Mandela Foundation: Press conference on the launch of A dream for Africa campaign

Proceedings of a press conference on A dream for Africa campaign launch. A partnership between the Nelson Mandela Foundation, UNICEF and the Humberg Society. The initiative is focusing on education and challenges that are faced by vulnerable children in a war torn areas, those affected by poverty and many other socilal ills that negatively impact on schooling and education. In the conference there is a recording of Nelson Mandela where Madiba mentions that no children in Africa or anywhere in the world should be denied education. The campaign will be in South Africa, Angola, Malawi,Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation, United Nations Children's Emergency Fund and Hamburg society announcement, 2004.12.06: [Recorded Event]

Part 1 of the proceedings of a press conference on 'A dream for Africa' a joint effort by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the United Nations of Children's Emergency Fund and the Humburg Society for the promotion of Democracy and international law on developing child friendly schools in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Mmakano Marojele programme manager of the Nelson Mandela Foundation directing programme for the day, addressed by Chief Executive Office of the Nelson Mandela Foundation of the time John Samuel, Per Engebok of the United Nation Children's Emergency Fund regional director and Peter Kraemer Humburg society for promotion of democracy and international law.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Nelson Mandela Foundation: A dream for African press launch, 2004.06.12 , Houghton: [Recorded event]

The proceedings of a press conference on ''A dream for Africa" a joint effort by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, United Nations Children's Emergency Fund and Humburg Society for the promotion of Democracy and international law on developing child friendly schools in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Mmakano Marojele programme manager of the NMF directing programme for the day, address by John Samuel CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation , Per Engebok UNICEF Regional director and Peter Kraemer Humburg society for promotion of democracy and international law.

Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF)

Signing MOU for Schools for Africa Phase III with UNICEF, 2005.07, Houghton: [Set of 10 Images]

Schools for Africa (SFA) initiative: inception in 2005. Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society (HS) are initiators together with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Started with the participation of 8 NatComs and Country offices and has increased to 26 in 11 countries.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)