Launch of the "Archival Platform", 2009.11.16, Cape Town: [Still of One Image] Add to clipboard ZA COM NMFPC-0219-1 Series 2009.11.16 Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events Sello Hatang delivering his speech at the opening of the Archival Platform. Pienaar, Darryl
Human Rights Conference in Maldonado, Uruguay , 2011.09.27-28: [Set of Two Images] Add to clipboard ZA COM NMFPC-0219-2 Series 2011.09.27-28 Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events Verne Harris and Mr Sello Hatang attending the Human Rights conference in Maldonado, Uruguay on the topic "Coming to Terms with the Past". Unknown
A South African pilgrimage Add to clipboard ZA COM RCB-1199-1358 Item 1977 Part of Reference Books Autobiography Brookes, Edgar