Memorial service, 2013.12.08, Houghton: [Set of 119 Still Images] Add to clipboard ZA COM NMFPC-0211-0211-1 Subseries 2013.12.08 Part of 5.10 NMF > Nelson Mandela Tributes and Thanks Nelson Mandela's memorial service at the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Poets and visitors, 2013.12.13, Houghton: [Set of 19 Images] Add to clipboard ZA COM NMFPC-0211-0211-7 Subseries 2013.12.13 Part of 5.10 NMF > Nelson Mandela Tributes and Thanks Poets pay tribute to Nelson Mandela at the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd