National Archives United Kingdom
- Collection
- 1962
Part of Mandela Materials
Report from the British embassy, Pretoria to the Foreign office, London.
British Embassy, Pretoria
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
British Embassy, Pretoria
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Astor, David
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records fall under: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence; Africa, West and Central (J): South Africa (JS) subseries.
-The escape of Bob Hepple (telegram, 28 November 1963)
-Prison conditions with affidavits from Bernstein, Goldberg, Motsoaledi, Mbeki, Kathrada and Sisulu (report, 21 November 1963)
-Newspaper articles on the Rivonia trial (November and December 1963)
-Note from Mitford to the British Consulate General requesting that political trials that might seriously impact the Rivonia Trial to be closely monitored (5 December 1963)
-Visit by John Arnold Q.C. a leading conservative barrister in London (includes a summary of proceedings, 13 December 1963)
-Arrest, assault and torture of Isaac Tlale of the ANC at the hands of security police who wanted him to testify against the Rivonia accused. Police claimed to him that Joe Slovo bought Mandela and Sisulu with money from the communists (report/affidavit, no date)
-Report of John Arnold Q.C. at the International Commission of Jurists on his visit to South Africa and includes a comment that he believed the Rivonia trial judge was fair and partial (16 December 1963)
-Nelson Mandela's life sentence: reactions (1963)
-Foreign reaction to the Rivonia trial judgment and sentences
-Statement in parliament by H.F. Verwoerd (16 June 1964)
-Rivonia trial judgment (correspondence and press cuttings)
-Rivonia trial sentence (summary from press articles 1964)
-Question whether the British government should ask the South African government to reduce the life sentences handed down in the Rivonia trial (Correspondence, 26 June 1964)
-Libyan embassy in London will ask the UK secretary of state to intervene and have the Rivonia trial life sentences reduced (report, 15 June 1964)
-The U.S. state department will not ask for a reduction in the Rivonia trial (correspondence Internal British foreign office, (27 June 1964)
-Secretary of the state talking about the Rivonia (speech house of Commons, July 1964)
-The Canadian Ambassador asks that the Rivonia trial sentences be reduced (report, 22 July 1964)
-Rivonia trial accused decide not to appeal (report, 27 July 1964)
-The German government approaches South Africa about the Rivonia trial sentences (report, 2 September 1964)
-Book on Rivonia trial by Judge De Villiers (Report 24 September 1964)
-Death sentence in Rivonia trial "unlikely" (note, 4 June 1964)
-Upcoming judgement and sentence in the Rivonia trial (note , 2 June 1964)
-The Australian representative to South Africa has been instructed to register his government's concern over the Rivonia trial (note, 9 June 1964)
-U.K. should abstain in the vote on the Rivonia resolution by Ivory Coast and Morocco unless is amended (America will also abstain) (note, 10 June 1964)
-Verdicts in Rivonia Trial (telegram, 11 June 1964)
-Analysis of evidence at the Rivonia Trial (report, 10 June 1964)
-Decision to defer any attempt by the U.S. to get a reduction in Rivonia Trial sentences until the defence has lodged an appeal (note, 14 June 1964)
-Unsigned copy of the Rivonia trial judgement (15 June 1964)
UK Foreign Office
Part of Rivonia Trial
UK Foreign Office
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records fall under: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence; Africa, West and Central (J): South Africa (JS) subseries.
Contains records on Rivonia Sabotage Trial of ANC leaders, including:
-The trial and sentencing of Constable Johannes Arnoldus Greef for his role on helping Arthur Goldreich to escape (newspaper article)
-Report on the substance of O.R. Tambo to the U.N. special committee about people accused of sabotage (9 October 1963)
-Report on the proceedings of the Rivonia trial (press reports)
-222 Acts of sabotage between 10 August 1961 and 1963 (article from the Star newspaper 9 October 1963)
-Moves to raise Pretoria trial issue at U.N. (article from the Star, 10 October 1963)
-Conversation with Bram Fischer about the Rivonia trial
-Letter from Durossil to the Foreign Office, London (19 October 1963)
-De Wet quashed indictment "The Rivonia trial collapses" (articles from the Rand Daily Mail, 30 October 1963)
UK Foreign Office
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records fall under: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence; African, West and Central (J): South Africa (JS) subseries.
Rivonia Trial judgement and sentences: Correspondence and telegrams and letter from various British citizens and organisations.
UK Foreign Office
Records of the Foreign Office: Rivonia Trial
Part of Rivonia Trial
UK Foreign Office
Records of the Foreign Office: Rivonia Trial of African National Congress Members
Part of Rivonia Trial
These form part of the records of Embassies, Legations, Consulates, etc: Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Embassy, South Africa: Registered Files
UK Foreign Office
Records of the Foreign Office: Rivonia Trial of African National Congress Members
Part of Rivonia Trial
These form part of the records of Embassies, Legations, Consulates, etc: Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Embassy, South Africa: Registered Files
UK Foreign Office
Records of the Foreign Office: Rivonia Trial
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records fall under: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence; African, West and Central (J): South Africa (JS) subseries.
Correspondence from the Nigerian diplomats on various British expatriates working at universities and hospitals who will resign from their positions if Nelson Mandela is sentenced to death (29 May 1963).
It was not possible to verify the existence of these records at the time of this audit.
UK Foreign Office
Records of the Foreign Office: Rivonia Trial
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records fall under: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence; African, West and Central (J): South Africa (JS) subseries.
Kantor has said the Nelson Mandela will be convicted and sentenced (internal note, 29 May 1964)
UK Foreign Office